(2007/10) October 2007 MTB


garden dreamz
the dr said not to feed bb when he wakes up middle of the night. but difficult, he wont sleep if not fed.

I tried ntuc near my place , punggol. mayb shld try giant. is the frisocream placed together with those bb food?

YL frisocream is normally put next to the formula milk powder. if they have the friso rack , its on it together with the milk powder
haha...that sounds like Jav!
He'll push the bottle away angrily and scream but I don't care as long as he already down some water

I think one of the mummies bought friso cream from giant. You may find your luck there.
thx for the advice on solid foods.
haha, v.blur when comes to this leh...

ur boy's character n mine also same - very fierce. so when i bring him to my MIL n he shows his temper, my MIL has lots to comment, n my boy's like that what can i do? sigh...

mine is fierce n temperamental, little bit only, cannot already, then will scold n complain long time after that. then plus, coz he no teeth yet, so when he wanna cry, his mouth turn downwards, v.cute lor. wanna laugh sometimes when i see him about to cry, give a 'ehmmm' angry sound, his mouth quiver n saliva drop n drop! :D

ya, my boy also still wakes up for night feeds which he still demands v.v.loudly... at the moment, he feeds around 11pm, then 3-4am. dunno when then can he sleep thru the night...
garden_dreamz: yah my MIL also has lotsa comments when it comes to reading my boy ..but most of the times she s wrong in interpreting his mood.. like when sometimes he cries, i can see that he is bored and wants to be carried, my MIL wil say things like its hot, should take off his shorts etc

anyway, what do you normally let your babies wear at home? top +shorts? or just top & diapers?

i like to let my baby at least wear shorts,. diapers like wearing underwear only. ha
kekek... ecookie, i also let my boy wear shorts + diaper. if sometimes very hot, i let him just wear diaper nia.. hahahah! sexy leh...

i also use nappy cloth so i got use the cover...

I can empathize with you. I have horrible neighbours too. They have 2 kids - one boy & one gal. imagine early morning 6am they already start dragging the chairs and jumping around. Once, my hubby cannot take it and went up to talk to them, imagine 11pm the kids still jumping up and down leh...Worse is when my hubby went up, the father was watching tv while the kids were jumping like nobody's business.

End up my baby can't sleep cause of all the noise.
We told them many times but no improvement. We can't do anything with such neighbours so what do we do? We just hope the ppl above them give them more noise. hahahah...

I only let my boy wear diapers at home...hehehe

cause very hot ma... no point wear shorts. Changing also troublesome...
Oh btw, mummies,
Jav is having heat rash(I think it's heat rash)all over his body. Any recommendation on any gel or medicine to apply?

I once read that some mummies are using Physiogel. May I know what's that? What is it for? Can cure heat rash? Is it edible? I dun dare to apply anything on Jav hands and face as I'm afraid he might accidentally eat it. He likes to put his fists into his mouth and rub his face.
Hi Oct mummies, my baby Aidan is 4mth old and still wakes up once a night to drink. Currently on 6 feeds a day. Any suggs to let him sleep through the night w/o needing to wake up? He is on full breast milk and weighs 9.1kg.
hello aidan,
i think for 4 mth old bbs is normal to still wake up once a night to feed. my bb was also feeding once a night at that age, only the last two days she was able to sleep through, she is turning 5 months in 6 days time.
hahahah~ yah.. wear diaper nia when very hot la... sometimes the diaper high cut then sexy baby lor... hahaha!

wah, bbwow, irritating right? these ppl hor... really as if their grandfather own the whole block like that! somemore hor, that moron man still can tell us to move leh!!!! ARGH~! I really wanna slap him! I tell him so clever he move above me lor!
sanbebe: physiogel is a cream for dry skin, i applied it to wormy's knees n claves areas for his dry patches of skin..

not edible n dun think its meant for heat rash.. think better see GP/PD to get something for the heat rash

aidan9978: wow 4 mths old n 9.1kg n on TBF! cos TBF babies normally on the leaner side..hee..

perhaps you want to schedule the 6 feeds so that the last feed is before midnight then if he wakes up at night just feed him water..or sooth him back to sleep? overtime, he ll know no milk during the night.. so long the 6 feeds during the day is enough for him , he should be able to sleep thru w/o waking up for milk
actually i like to let my bb wear diapers only at home, then everyone else in the house see and get like shock! i like the feel of my bb skinlah! like very shiok! so soft and smooth and chubby.
ha realise alot of mummies like their babies to be in diapers only.. (madlynette: myra in diapers only! girl girl cannot anyhow topless! haha)

i like to let wormy wear top+shorts n at night surely long sleeve long trousers.. is this too extreme? but my house at night v cold when the wind blow n i got this unexplained fear of baby catching cold lol...

jayden just had his 2nd dose yesterday. Luckily no fever so far.
He's weighing 6.39kg at 4 months and 1 week. doc say between 25-50% percentile leh...abit low hor...
re: physiogel
any idea if the gel can b used on bb's scalp? coz my boy has dry skin on his scalp, its not cradle cap though, its just flaky skin, so not sure how to get rid of it...

haha... i v.v.agree with you, bb's skin really v.smooth n soft. i also like to touch/cuddle/smell my bb lots. love his baby smell, so yummy! :D
ha good to hear that im not the only one cos my MIL always commented 1st thing in the morning : "oh long pants again?" like i ill treat my baby by making him hot n stuffy... :|
ecookie, my MIL is on the contrary, she's very afraid that my bb will catch cold. Always 'wrap' my baby with long sleeve long pants, even in the daytime!! Then I'd tell her, "bb sweat sweat, so hot lar..."
yah daytime i will let baby wear shorts n short sleeve top.. but cos my house noon quite hot so she thought night also hot.

even when she stay overnight she doesnt think at night cold.. but for myself i pull my comforter all the way to my chin even only fan is on! thats y i ll wrap baby up..

sometimes before i reach home from work, she already help to change my baby's night wear and she let him wear shorts! then i dun know if i should change to long pants in front of her (like so rude) .. so in the end i will cover him with blanket.. which i dun really like cos scare he kick in middle of night n it cover his face..

so now i will rush home from work to change himself myself..

ya...no wonder! I can feel the 'heaviness' when I carried Chloe. kakaka

btw, any mommies having problem with your bb flipping? My bb seems to enjoy flipping so much, every other moment also flip. Even sleeping want to flip so end up cannot sleep. Last time he can just sleep on his own with his pillow. now he flip here and there, cannot sleep.

Worse, for the past few days, he got new found hobby, he likes to reach for his toes. When he's lying down, his legs will lift up to his head and he'll grab both feet WHILE SLEEPING. is that a new stunt? I always ask my son "You doing yoga is it?"

I'd always prefer my baby to be warm than cold. Sometimes I let my baby wear polo tee my MIL also comment lor... She'd say SO HOT. :|
haha yoga! lol, very funny, my bb now like to suck her toes, even with socks on at night, i will tickle her toes and find it is all wet already.
bbwow: so cute!! you should take photos of him reaching for his toes.. babies are amazing always surprising us with new "stunts" hee
bbwow, ya, nowadays more difficult to settle bb to sleep cos she will keep on wanting to turn!

Last time can just put her sideway and hug her bolster to sleep. Now she pushes away the bolster and turn, then pacifier drops, then 'air air air..'

I assume once babies start reaching for their toes, they will start biting them too. :p

We're getting busier, aren't we?
hahaha! bbwow, you very funny leh, yoga~ hahaha... i think that's common, last time my nephew also do so. and you know what? my mum say must be got new additional to the family. cos chinese hand and leg is call "shou zu". dunno true or not, my nephew keep doing that when i am preg! hahahaha... but i think is qiao he lah...

my baby flip inside the sarong! more power... he will flip and face down inside the sarong to slp somemore.. ah yo... lucky my sarong got holes holes one...
ask ur neighbour shut up and move out if he is not happy. If he dowan ppl to sway him with undies hanging out, ask him go get landed property. I say, why not go wash ALL ur undies and one shot all hang out on a good sunny day. Sure irks him to bits. Best, hang it all out on weekends, probably will drive him up the wall, coz weekends are 4D days.
gingerleaf, hahaha! i almost spit out my water when i saw your post! hahahah! yaya, good idea! I will aim everyday once he put clothes out only, I will make sure I hang my undies, my maid's and my mil undies all together. Make sure he sway head to toe, weekdays to weekends all yr round!! hahaha~ I also told him that. I ask him why ask me move condo, why dun he move out since he feel so "sway" living below me. Then what about I am so called "stepping on his head" cos I stay above him mah. Then not sway meh?

the next time he come up, i will sure call the police and say he harrass me!
this thread is moving so fast.

garden dreamz
my boy wakes up same timing as your bb.
how i wish he can sleep thru the night.

my bb is also v excited with her new found skill of flipping.. been flipping non stop..
even flip when she's damn tired and will then get v flustered.. btw, ur bb so cute .. reaching for toes
why dun u video ur bb reaching the toes. such moments are best captured via video since they outgrow each phases v fast .

but these days she likes to sleep on her tummy, am a bit worried cos she doesnt know how to flip back yet. (caught her sleep faced down for a short while and turned her head) anyone of ur bbies also sleeping on tummy?

this sleeping on tummy has caused my husband to have v interrupted sleep as he would keep waking up hourly to chk on her as we put her to sleep with us for the past few nites.
hi all,
looks like my bb also on the smaller side.. oni abt 6.5kg but she's reaching 5 mths in 10days time. but aldy "complaining" she's heavy to carry lol

just visited a fren yesterday whose bb just turned 2 mths today, bb weighing 6kg! when i carried her bb, e feel reallee different. really feel damn SOlID ! ha
hey unice,

Congrats on your newfound eyesight!!! u reallee super efficient leh! me so envy. is it reallee no fear and pain?

me still a bit hesitant on lasik. No guts leh.. hhehe
Hi mummies,

Need your advise urgently. My ds of 4months plus has been crying non stop for two consecutive nights. He wants to sleep but he seems to have difficulties. Have fever since this afternoon. Refuse all milk, water and pacifier. Tried all ways to pacify him. Went to see doc...doc say nothing..give me a bottle of fever medicine.

Till now, he is still crying very pitifully. Has anyone experience this before? Any remedies? Really pain my heart he seems to be in pain but can't tell me what it is.

Mummies, please help!
Hi Jacq, my baby has been sleeping on his tummy since he was around 1+mth, no problem. I guess he is more comfortable in that sleeping position, rather than on his tummy.
Btw, I realized that some mummies here feed their babies with water. Is it necessary at 4mths as my baby is still on exclusive breast milk?
Hi Jas, did you find out the cause of his fever? Does he have other symptoms? Is it colic (though unlikely cos he's 4m already)? Any changes to his environment in the past few days? Too much stimulation in the day? Perhaps you shld seek a second opinion, if his condition doesn't get better. Better be safe than sorry. All the best!

chintz: i think chloe looks like u leh!

aidan9978: think ur baby should not need water for the 1st 6 mths if ob TBF cos breast milk is very high in water content.

jas: it may be colic though coupled with fever abit unusual.. or is it teething? u may wish to seek 2nd opinion from another PD?
