(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Junnie, oh my, poor Lance...hope he will get better fast...heart pain after reading what u wrote

oh no, so many babies fell off last few days..hope they will not get too much a shock...

Just want to know, do babies experience growth spurt during 4.5months? I called home today and my godmum told me Sean has been drinking 180ml EBM and he is still angry after that today...
or mb its a one day thing...?

hi unice, yah my bb got growth spurt during that time, i will add 10ml the following feed when bb cries not enough the feed before, it lasted a few days but now she's almost 5 mths and she drinks between 180 to 210ml per feed.
i had to start to supplement one feed of FM per day when not enough EBM, which i usually give for night feeds.
hi everyone,

Finally managed to read all the post.
Just "retured" my maid after 2 mths and now am back to doing all the housework liao. Hope that I can cope, if not would look for part time maid.

Hope all mummies and babies are doing well.
On my way back home now, hiaz looks like today have no time with bb as she would likely be very tired when I fetch her from my mum's place since its so late already. sob sob
thanks madlynette...
i oso supplement 1 morning feed with FM each day...wan Sean to get use to FM taste..
will increase his feed alittle tom n see how..

Sean has small pimple-like reddish dots on his neck, hidden under the folds of his skin...i applied a thin layer of aloe vera gel , and also some powder after tt..hope next few days will get better....
any mummies experienced it? worried tt the pimple-like dots itch and Sean may feel uncomfortable...but i no time to bring him to PD just now...sigh..
Hi mummies,
let me release some frustrations here.

I recently bought some bblegs from one of the mummies in WTS. She agreed to keep one particular design for me and prompt me to give her an answer and make payment, but think she sold it to someone else after I made the payment, to which she replied that she had sent me an email abt it, just that the mail 'probaly didnt reach me'. After some emails back n forth, I decided to buy the other bblegs and asked for the refund of one pair, but she kept delaying her payment and even suggested sending it in conceal cash. I told her, I'd like it to be transfer to me instead. Then I waited for almost a week, (thruout i have sent emails n smses)but she didnt reply till today. She told me that she totally forgot abt the money, and now that she is back in her country, she can send me conceal cash if I want. I told her, if thats the case, pls register the mail, so I'd be sure to recieved it. Put it this way, if the unregistered mail is really lost in postage, its only human to suspect that the other party didnt send out the mail at all right? i didnt wanna doubt her integrity, and also to play on the safe side.
Think she didnt wanna sent it out by registered post, so she replied that she will get her mum to make a transfer back to me when her mum is back from hols next week. SO, I asked her, 'When can i be expecting the transfer, so I know when to email you again, shld I not recieved it."
Thats when a fury of emails began.
She started saying how can I expect her to tell me exactly when her mum will be back as she dun control her whereabouts, then say Im threatening her, when I told her that, shld I not get the money, I will make a report, as its only fair for me, coz I cant possibly sit home and cry if she decides not to return it. Somemore I did a search on her, and found out that she was also a biz partner of another person in this forum, who seemed to have alot of probs with mummies in this forum over a bblegs saga last year. Then she threaten with "if I wanna go all the way, so will she." Then she mention she will return by end of next week when her mum is back.
Then emails from her were all so angsty! Come on! Im the one who is seeking a refund, and she defaulted on it, shldnt she be making an effort on it? On the last email, she told me she dun care now even if I dun get my refund back, which is only $10, and told me not to email her anymore.
What shld I do? Shld I be making a police report? I know its only $10, but she is really rude and all, with her saying stuffs like "I dun gave a sh*t!". I have her acct number and the emails. Im wondering if I shld wait it out till end of next week then make a report or what if I still dun get anything.
Really fuming manz, so polite in the emails, but yet all i get from her is a wholeload of rudeness.
poor ger, now I know what were u so angry with...
who is this woman? we must be wary of her!! seems tt she is trying to delay her refund to u..
so does it mean tt she is not going to pass the money to her mum to pay u back also?
I think she have the intention of not returning it anymore. Spoke to my frd, and he said this is a civil suit, meaning, report police oso no point. I guess I'll juz wait and see if she returns the money, if she doesnt do so, nuthing much I can do oso, but maybe juz warn other mummmies out there. I wun be disclosing her nick in case she does do a refund. So, guess shall just wait out till mth end then see how.
oh dear gingerleaf, that's so sad to have such ppl in the forum. even she is overseas, why cant she do a trf? i tot as long as you have IB token stuff, you can do trf anywhere right? she just making excuses. come on lah, it's just 10 bucks as what you mention, then she also wan to cheat, then really dunno what to say.

this kind of ppl, sighz, nothing to say. Just let go and forget it. She will get retribution one day.

ya, if she dun return, you must pm us her nick and name and email! so we can be on guard!

I know how you feel. I got my fair share of bad experience with internet purchase recently.

This mummy put on the forum that she had 3 cans of milk to sell. Just 15 mins after her post, I asked if I could buy. If buy all 3 cans cheaper but 1 can more ex. So I said I wanted to buy all 3 cans. Then she replied saying 2 already sold (so fast?) only left one, ask me want or not. I still accept. Then later in the afternoon, she msg me and say her sil also have 1 can to sell and I accept too. Then in the evening, she msg me AGAIN and said her colleague got 1 can to sell.

That's when I find something fishy. You got so many friends using the same brand of milk?? Cannot be right. And because they are seperate ppl, I have to pay the 1 can price instead of the 3 cans bulk price. So at that point, I already told her off. And usually, if someone 'yuan wang' you, you will get angry one right? But she didn't! She still say she didn't bluff me and ask me if I still want but at the higher price.

I guess with regards to internet purchase, there's still the risk factor. It's really base on mutual trust. Furthermore, we're all mommies trying to buy things for our little ones. So for those who's trying to earn a quick buck from us, they're really 'chek ark'.
oh my, gingerleaf, this is very frustrating, I know. I ever paid for my items on a bp but didn't manage to get it.

Well, I think it's better for you make a police report should you not getting your refund. Show the police the emails and sms. Though you can't do anything to her but it's best to leave a police record. In the meantime, I suggest you let the moderator knows as well as show them the evidences you've got.

Do post it in the forum to warn all the mummies, not only Oct mummies, so other mummies can be on guard.

Though I'm sure she will change her nick if she really want to carry on to cheat us, but just hope that she'll get her retribution one day.

By the way, she's been giving you the excuses of not refunding you the money. Money transfer can be done anywhere. I did many internet transfers when I was in Canada to Singapore. Besides, she can also refund you via money order which I think it's a better way than to send you cash via mail.
gingerleaf, oh my.. poor dear.. this is absurd!! i can totally understand ur frustrations.. such a super idiot, bitch @*$^@*(^$() u "ren" for awhile more n see if she refund u e $ okie? sayang.. her excuses are super duper dumb lor.. when u paid for e bblegs, u trf $ to her right? so i m sure she has e token to check lo.. n if she can chk means she got IB ma.. dumb idiot.. then cannot transfer meh? i tink i know y.. she has spent all her $$$ and there is not even $10 in her a/c to return to u..

i can't believe that these pple are all out there waiting to pounce on some buyers.. haiz.. nvm la.. wat goes around comes around. if this is e way they wana teach their kids, then too bad lor..

can understand ur frustration... had similar encounter as sanbebe, paid for an item on bp but didn't manage to get the item... i emailed her a few times and she just gave stupid excuses, playing the waiting game wi me...

meanwhile, give her a week time to see she has any action on this or not.. if not, publisize her every details on all the forum thread and let her repuatation goes down the drain!
hi dodo! yup yup!!! can't wait to meet u and for them to meet as well.. haha... tink itz gotta be next weekend if itz okie with u? cos adrienne is down with flu.. oh! and we can go walk walk at taka baby fair too!

i have 2 ques here, anyone can advise on these?

1) where to buy those plastic backing bibs with side closure? my boy has a high usage of bibs, i have a dozen but not enough for him!

2) where can we try on leapfrog learn and groove activity station/ exersaucer? wana test it on before deciding whether to buy for him


oh dear.. is adrienne better now? is her flu due to the cold weather these few days? have more warm clothings for her.. aunty hugs hugs..

hee.. this weekend i need to attend fren's wedding and next weekend also busy leh, coz my parents going over to australia to visit my sis so we gonna help them preparing their luggages... how abt next next week? 22/23 mar? most probably i will go taka bb fair either this thurs or fri.. wana join me?

1) I'm not sure of the plastic bibs you're referring to but I've seen Toy'r'us baby section retailing a few types of plastic bibs.

I know some mummies go for disposable bibs. You just dump into the bin after each meal. No fuss!

2) I suggest you rent it for a wk or mth to see if you bb likes it. You may rent it from:

c)the toy rental club
d)babytown (limited choice)
dodo, sorie can't answer ur 2 qns.. cos dun use bibs for adri.. keke..

tink she's got a mild fever coupled with cough & cold.. (m at work now so mummy brought her to doc). i tink itz more like my bro, my hubby and my mum passed some of their germs to her cos they came back from hkg with flu lor.. grrr...

hmm.. see if baby is better.. if she is, will join u tis weekend! aiya.. m so blur.. itz not next weekend.. haha! if not week can go to the baby care expo on 22/23!
Thanks everyone for sharing my woes. Really pek chek manZ.
I was thinking hard abt it last nite, I shld juzt let it go loh, if I dun get back the money. Dun wanna waste my time to hound her anymore. might juz open up a thread and warn ppl against her loh.

hope adrienne recover soon... yes! we can meet up at the fairs

sanbebe, hippo & sharon,

thanks for the suggestions! will source it out at taka bb fair for good deals, if no then will go toy'r us, mothercare and other places to check it out...

my mum is looking after for me…
U will start work on Jul08 rite? So good.. I cnnt, company nt enough man power.. Haizzzz
Re: bibs
my boy using both type … one is the one with plastic at the back another is all cloth… Ermmm but for the plastic normally I gt it free from magz etc


Matty soo cute in his tiger suit…hehezzz… durin CNY, I also let my boy wear spiderman suit too..will upload the pic..=)


Hugzzzz gal,,, Yr bb will be well .. U hv to take care too..


where got ppl conceal cash, dn't know what is transfer meh ??? If cnt reach u they can said lost in mail… Muz be v careful whenever we r buying things from BP ..


Are you all mitting this week/mth? Hehez

Re: Teething
Anyone of your BB start teethin?

finally see ur post again

ya.. will back to office this july, and i dun wana think of that day.. sure very she bu de my boy.. sob sob.. wah! u bought so many magazines huh?! hee..

wana join us? i wana see handsome jayden leh..

no lah,, din buy soo mani, jus tt I got it free when i purchase magz and some r from the mails like Enfa/friso etc..


where u gals mittin, c i can pop by.. =)
mayb u can sms me ..
wow seems like a lot of mummies meeting up during the fair.. hm.. can i join in too? i never join the previous meet-ups ler..
pinky, we arrange liao then confirm with u ya!

dodo, i also hope she does recover soon!! then we can all meet up together! yippie!

chintz, sure!!
gingerleaf: so angry when i hear your story.. i hate pple who are in the wrong yet so rude n all..
yah like what sanbebe says if she didnt transfer u the $10 by end of this mth, should go open new thread to expose her..

unice: my boy also has similar small pimple like dots ard his neck.. jsut last week then got. trying to keep his neck dry n wipe once more at night before he zzz.. hopefully the situation will improve soon
hi mummies,

one more week to march hols!! can't wait to spend more time with bb. have to go back to school for CCA trainings but at least can have a bit more time for the lil munchkin.

pinky, hee thanks! haha can't wait to see your bb in spiderman suit must be real cute...

gingerleaf, how unreasonable of that woman! yah i think good to warn ppl against her.

When is the Taka baby fair huh? I found more buys there than at the baby fair at the Expo last year. so thinking of going again

My milk supply has been decreasing these 2 days. Feel like a lot of lumps and blockage but even when I pump at the strongest setting, only half the output compared to previously. dunno what's wrong, could be the be pump motor, or is it just me??? hai....
dodo, pinky, hippo.... me n Sean wanna meet u all too...just keep me informed when n where k....will try to make it....

ecookie, aiyo, my mum n godmum made so much noise over the pimple-like dots so i m bringing sean to the PD tonight... will keep u informed on what the PD says...
unice: okie keep me updated!

mummies, im going to the baby fair this thurs late noon (took leave). w/o my boy cos thought will be hard to shop with him along..
so if any of u guys will be there , let me know!
gingerleaf: oh no.. is it? shoot, but taken leave liao hmm.. shall have to brave the crowd then. lucky baby not going..
ecookie, ya, the last baby fair was like that on the 1st day, which was a friday, if im not wrong. Coz i remember someone posted that next day, which was a saturday, no much Q as compared to the 1st day on friday.,
hey gingerleaf/dodo/unice/pinky/chintz,
am on leave this thurs! so if u mummies are free, we can meet up then! =D
ya right man.. we last saw each other @ TMC stil da du po.. now bb 5mths liao.. but im still xiao du po loh.. hee :p

guess what, hubby said he wana take leave this thurs! then i tell him i wana go bb fair.. hee.. jie mei men, wana meet up?!
