(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

eccokie & nervov,
I dun know is it teething cos he keeps putting his fist into his hands seems to search for something. I did ask doc is it teething...but she says it will not lead to fever and uncomfortable??? is it true?

ds finally fall asleep at 4am and wakes up at 10am. Drink his first milk since 24 hours ago. Hope he will gets better..if 2nd feed he dun drink milk, i better bring him see a doc again.

What is the symptons for teething?

Jas: some time, teething symptons is fever/diahorrea though this is not caused by teething itself.. its more of babies' gum itchy need to bite things and when they bite unclean things then will lead to those illness...

but definitely more drooling and wanting to bite things and some babies do get cranky.
garden_dreamz, I feed my boy with cereal via spoon feed. If I m not wrong, semi-solids should be introduced n given to bb when their neck is strong enough to hold their head. I think feeding via spoon is safer as compared to bottle feed. I started my boy with Heinz Rice Cereal n he is taking 160ml FM with 7 teaspoon of Rice Cereal. Yesterday, I introduce Healthy Times Brown Rice Cereal. (Rice Cereal - RC)

Heinz RC n HT Brown RC somehow different. 7 teaspoon is juz right for Heinz, but for HT 8-9 teaspoon is required for 160ml FM to get porridge similar mixture.

My boy is taking two RC feeds a day, 10+am n 6+pm.

Planning to start on other food such as carrots, potatoes after 6mths. Now, juz purely on RC.
frostyfiona, my boy is 5+mths (20sep bb) now. I started him on RC since he is 4+mths coz he refuse milk.

Initially when I started him, I tried him out on few mouthfuls of water spoonfeed for 3 days to get him used to spoonfeed. Thereafter, I gave him few spoonfuls of RC try-out a day. Then gradually I start him.

I was told to fix the RC feed the same time everyday. So normally, my boy took his RC feed around 3+pm everyday. Since he started 2 feeds of RC early this week, timing is fixed @ 10+am, 6+pm.
ecookie n bbwow.. thanks! so happy to hear that.. cos about 95% of family n relatives say she's a PAPA clone.. doesn't look like mama at all
thanks for email contact. How much you got the float for?

very nice collage and your girl is so sweet looking..you use photoshop to do the collage?
hi jas,

i did a read-up on teething coz i thought my boy was teething. i hope the following would help you.

symptoms of teething:-

1) drooling
2) chin or face rash
3) a little cough
4) biting
5) irritability
6) refusal to feed
7) diarrhoea
8) low grade fever
9) wakefulness
chintz: yah.. actually i also abit sad when friends+ relatives gush how wormy look like his papa.. i seriously think he looks like me leh! ha
hi aidan
my son is also on total breastfeeding, i have not give him water too. like what ecookie said our breastmilk have water content for the baby. but i will probably start giving at 5 mths plus when i want to wean him.

BB is also like yrs for 2 nights. I just hold and carry him around for about half hours and he will be fine. sometimw they just need the comfort... holding bb close to you, talk comforting to them will help...

I tot chloe looks like papa. =p

dun be sad la, sometimes some ppl do say that bb look like papa, is to make the papa feel better, so that papa wun think that the child isnt his. U know what I mean, olden days ppl think lidat, if the child dun look like papa, means infidelity.
My nanny told me my bb looks like papa, when its very obvious my bb is a clone of me. Hahaha.
I got stronger genes. Heee.

the float is 19.90, not inclusive of postage.
Aralyn went for her last jab today(Gosh! Time flies!). The pd was juz rubbing alcohol on her thigh, and she started crying. Pd commented that she's got a really good memory, coz she knows that after rubbing alcohol, would be the injection. Hehehe. So proud of her.
She weighs 7.32kg and is 65cm long at 5mths.

So many infants in the clinic today. Really reminds me of the days when she was just born. I miss those days when she was so tiny, but dun miss the feeding schedule tho.
Thanks mummies! it really helps alot for your advise. His health condition seems to be improving. Fever subsided. Still monitoring. He loses weight. Heartpain.

1st time my ds fall sick. I realise i am not well prepared. Running like a wild chicken in search for a PD around my area but to no avail. Was so frustrated and troubled. Guess this is a learning phrase.

Thanks for your tips!
hi all

chintz..v nice 'art work'..yr chloe got v pretty eyes..

wow jovial..your caelen sooooo cute leh, ya like wat gingerleaf said - like my little sumo hehee... but mine today weight 8.9kg @5mth 4 days!! last week chk 8.8.. v scare leh...hope he'll start growing vertically & not horizontally!!

aidan..welcome... waaaah.. your bb lagi 'sumo'?? 9.1kg at 4mths?? hmmm... didnt knw TBF bb can hv sooo good wt??? may b u try last feed gv more see if can drag longer hour..

ecookie... u so cute.. wearing diaper = underwear...hahaha... i tink mine day time also got wear short/romper ba cos duno wat nanny let him wear, but when i pick him in the evening, he already changed to nite gear, ie, long pant & sometime long sleeve if on raining days.. for myself, if i take over sat/sun, i also do the same.

anyway, today is a v stressful & tire day. 8am admit bb @nuh, didnt get back home abt 7+pm. bb went thru 'nightmares' cos kanna insert tube via his 'ku ku bird' (twice somemore cos 1st insertion not successful as drop out during Mcu test, then PD got to come down to X-tray dept. to do it again, bb was screaming like hell already). by right they shd also insert plug after he admitted, but unfortunately, due to his 'chubbiness' cannot find his vein on both hands & feets despite they off the light & use special light to shine.. end up the plug was done only noon time... poor bb kanna poke twice also on the arm (where we usually drawn blood)my hubby insist doctor let me in tis time as really can see bb v scare.. when i was inside i cudnt help him much feel so sad, can only keep talking to him telling him mummy w u b brave doctor going to finish their job soon, he cry on/off at least he feel secure w me around... by the time finised, bb already v shak, worst still, he need to fast fm 10.20 (last feed)!!! as his DMSA test was 4pm (at 1st was told 2pm but bcos of the plug not done sucessfully early morning they hv to postpone the test to pm)!!! bb starve like hell, he so angry & keep yelling, screaming... hv to keep pacify him walking around carrying him. once put on the bed he'll cry cos he thot going to 'torture' him again, so poor thing. then finally they put him on drip in order not to get dehydrated & sedate him about 3.30pm b4 the test @4pm. then push back to ward, he slept till abt 6pm then wake up, immediately cry for milk. the preliminary result shows he has got reflux on left kidney & the scar grade about 4/5 (my gal last time was both side reflux with grade 3/5 & 4/5 then given 3.5 years anti-biotic). hopefully tml see doctor for detailed report bb wont need tk so long term medication. think bb got frightened w the daytime events cos cant sleep long eversince come back, hv to swing him on/off in sarong... now waiting 4 him to wake up for last feed...hopefully later on he can sleep thru..

jas, so did doctor find out wat infection your bb has? cos whenver there's a fever, it mean somewhere got infection. hope your bb okie now.

bbwow.. ya, my MIL also said like wat frosty said, bb hold & bite toes mean new additional to family - but duno how true. but your bb really v cute, sleep already also can hold the toes???
junnie: must be a tough day for you.. i remember when my little one came down with fever few days b4 he turns 1 mth old & we had to admit him to hospital.. and they made him take blood/urine test and also draw mucus out of nose.. he was screaming his head off in the room and they didnt allow me in

very very sad to hear him screamed outside the room then...

hopefully the results will come back okie, and he doesnt have to take medication for too long..
meanwhile rest well when bb sleeps ok!
Poor Lance gg thru all this. The part where they insert the tube thru his penis must be so so so painful Poor boy, hope he gets well soon.

last time my CL oso let my gal wear onli diaper! All the cute little bottoms I bought from Mothercare all cannot wear oreadi after she left! Waste money.
Morning mummies,

I was done with flu and engorgement that I have difficulty sleeping.

Ever since I sleep training Jav, I'm suffering from engorgement throughout the night...really painful. And, the worst thing is I feel very warm so no blankets, ended up having flu.

Chintz, Jovial,
Both your babies are sooooooooooooo cute and chubby!!!
Jav is very small, only 6.5kg in 4 mths, not chubby at all.

Hope to see more posts of yours as you're going to start solids on Caelen, that would be so much fun. Please share your experience with us.

For TBF, it's not necessary to feed water before 6 mths but I would think it's a good idea to start training your baby drink water long before that as most babies hate water. You may have a hard time feeding him water when comes to 6 mths. He needs loads of water when he's on solids.

oh, Jav is crying for milk now.
Will continue later....

u good at photoshop? can teach me how u cut up the pictures like that with jagged lines and thick white line. the wordings is freely drawn or a existing fonts?

ur baby so cute, got double chin.
hihi mummies

long time no post in here...how's everyone doing
? saw the photos....goodness..they are all sooooo cute...all got chubby cheeks..feel like pinching them...

just came back from my gal's 2nd 5-1 jab...her weight is 7.7kg at 4mths....dunno about height tho...

but wanted to share this that i saw at the clinic...apparently, they advised feeding solids at 6mths and over...and the food least allergenic would be rice, pear, banana, pork and 1 more i cannot remember...so think if wanna start your kids on solids...think stick to these few would be better...
madlynette, ecookie, frosty, junnie,

ya...so amusing to see him doing his 'yoga' everything he sleeps. but I think we got new addition to the family cause both sides of our siblings still not married. hahaha...


my baby is only 6.39kg at 4 months 1 week lor...doc say he belong to 25th percentile


so painful to hear your baby have to go thru all the test. hope he's feeling better now...
Pray that your baby is better now. Must be hard on you. Do take care of yourself, so then u can be there for your baby.
Lance auntie hug you ok good boy brave boy ...

Esther i started the solid liao lor ... hmm anyone going to do the bronw rice yourself ??? i am going to hmm wash dry sun the rice and barley etc etc den after that go and make to powder ...

Miss all those time that we share so much and MSN ... now so busy with work ...

WHen is the Meet Up???
so sorry to hear your bb have to go through this. hope he get well soon and dont have to go through this again. must sayang him more extra special ok.
Junnie, poor little Lance! hope he is better now and that he doesn't need to take antibiotics for too long. I think you're really strong, that time when matty had to stay back in hospital for phototherapy i oredi so heartpain, can't imagine havin to go thru what u did. jia you ok?

chintz, chloe looks so sweet

jovial, ur bb really so chubby i wanna squish his cheeks heheheheheheh.
Dear mummies, I've been following this thread but seldom post. May I know if everybody here has started to put their babies on walker already?? My son is coming to 5 mths in the next few days. And since last 2 weeks, my husband has been putting him in his walker. Can anyone advise if it is too early to start him on walker?? BTW he can hold his head quite steadily before we put him on his walker.
yest my baby fell off from his baby bouncer! (its my fault,never put on the safety belt..
i was so scared when i heard him shriek, when i rushed to the bouncer, he was lying face up on the floor, crying v hard!!

i was so distrught and 1st tot was to rush him to hospital but hubby calmed me down and to assess the situation 1st..

after a while, when he calmed down, notice a red mark on his forehead..
but the red mark fade off by night.. so we think he more of roll off the bouncer and hit the floor rather than fall straight head 1st from the bouncer..

but he seemed fine, smiling after awhile.. and i continued to monitor him.. so far till now, he didnt reject milk, no viomit/fever + seems to be his normal self..

really give me a BIG scare..so mummies, must always tend after ur babies and dun leave them alone in bed or bouncer with no safety belts..
my baby fell off the bed last week. me heartpain. my mistake of letting him on the bed while i went out the rm for a while.
hi mummies, i m back.. so many posts liao!

junnie, ecookie & YL, poor dears.. hope babies are fine & better now.. big hugs..
Hi all mummies!

Junnie: Hope ur bb get well soon! You have been really brave!

Sanbebe, Karrie: Thanks!

Aria jo: I use polygonal lasso tool at photoshop to cut the pictures freely. The white strokes are added in layer styles, this way you can control the thickness better and save time too! Happy exploring

what time did chloe slept on sat night? jayden was so tired, he woke up at 7am for milk...hahaha

again they didn't get to meet cause both were sleeping!!!
bbwow: chloe woke up at 6am~ recently she seems to wake up on time, 6am sharp! I must have forgotten to tell her that it's weekend, no need to wake up so early one... . hehee
gingerleaf: Double click on ur layer, then a pop-up window named 'Layer Style' will appear. There u can apply many effects onto each different layer


im going to grind the brown rice myself but got no idea which type of grinder is more suitable. Do you know? Going to mix with some chinese herb and brewer yeast when he is slightly older. BB is 5 mths now..

Dear all,

BB can flip/roll ?? over now at last .. at 5mth+1week... But now he flip over nonstop... sign

chris, yah mine just flipped last week too and flip non stop n cant put him down after a feed cos he ll flip n "er ni" .. sigh..

Just dropping by to say baby Chloe is cute!
Chintz.. would u be going to the bbq party this coming sat? Would love to meet baby Chloe and u!
Rachel: Thanks! Yeah probably will drop by. Not sure how long i will stay until though.. So long haven't seen u and bb Charlene

me would go too... bringing charlene along cos no one babysit her so she got to go whereever mummy n daddy go haha! Yes me would leave if charlene is cranky but would not be too fast lor.. got to give my hubby some face ma hee..hee.. no la he long time no go rseries meet up liao so time for him to catch up alittle
