(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

morning mummies!

weight loss: i still have 4kg more to go.. sianz... somemore Zoe Tay's on 8 days front cover.. *whistle* she looks so hot!! jealous.. hahaha

finger licking: adri dun only lick fingers man.. i tink watever is in her sight is meant for licking lor.. aiyo.. i pull her up to a sitting position, she licks my fingers.. i carry her over my shoulder, she licks my shoulders.. wakaoz!

baby flipping: adri has been flipping quite some time back.. now her newfound skills is crawling.. or erm, trying to crawl?? haha!

my baby started to flip when 3 months and with two arms supporting her body, she can hold her head high for quite sometime...now that she's 4 months, she's attempting to crawl!

also never underestimate your baby! once they shows signs of flipping, they will try until they succeed and it's a matter of days! yes, they're quick learner

hahah...your baby so cute.. can't let go his fingers...
baby flipping: Sean oso kena stuck all the time...but he doesnt seem to mind being stuck lei...never cry out some more, just lie on his side n start talking to his toy lying abovev his head haha...

he doenst like to suck his fingers, he will even make the " yuck' face expression when he sucks his fingers..mb his fingers too smelly n dirty liao haha...
got one time when i latch him on but he is too full liao, he also made the "yucks" expression, followed by wanting to vomit expression......weirddddddd...my nipple so yucky meh??? haha...
baby sucking:
yah my baby will try to stuff his fingers into his mouth even when hes having his pacifier..
in the end, pacifier drops off and he got frustrated again.. lol
my doc is Dr Yap Soo Keong. Docs there are all senior,so unlike other clinic, got to pay extra for senior surgeon.

Rem not to wear contact lens 5days before your surgery. Yia, you can do your op on the same day.
That time met this lady, her degree >500. Doc suggested her to go for wavefront, if not at nite will have double vision, dangerous to drive.

Be prepared not to wash hair and face for 1st 3days. You will be given a pair of plastic shield to be worn at nite to avoid scratching.

Hidden cost: You will be given a anti-botic eyedrop to be used for 10days (more than enough) and a pack of refreshing eye solution to be dripped every 2hrly for (recommended) 3mths. The counter girl may ask you to buy more refreshing eye solution which is cheaper than outside (think abt $20) a pack.

They will say the eye soln aids in healing process. Personally I don't think so lor. I did not buy any extra cos the soln is used mainly for ppl out there who have dry and sensitive eyes. Since I don't experienced any dryness and not working in air-con environment, i don't want my eyes to be 'conditioned' to the soln. You get what I mean?

No swimming and contact sports for a mth. Complete healing will take abt 3mths. Mummies, if you plan to go pool dip with bb at 6mth, better do it now.

In fact now 1.5mth after op, my eyes will be sore when contact with sweat.

re: finger licking
Isaac will stick out his tongue when we put anything near his mouth. Favorite pastime is sucking his thumb, fingers and even fist! saliva everywhere...change 3-4 big napkins everyday *faint*. Keep observing if any little tooth emerge...no leh.

Think going thru another growth spurt. Up his intake form 150 to 180ml. But still hungry before the 4th hr. Will monitor...if continue, will start semi-solids liao.
unice: haha yah my baby likes to talk to those hanging toys above his cot.. whenever he wakes up in the morning or before sleeping at night.. can coo to them for a long time ! lol..
sometimes at night sleepy can get frustrated and "scold" them for 10 mins before drifting off to zzz.. haha so funny.

weight loss:
i still got 2 kg but weight stuck for the past 1 mths liao.. wonder if it will ever return back...
wow fitty_nut,
thanks so much for such a detailed explanation!!! will rem not to rub my eyes for the first week too..u r right, at this clinic, no difference in fees for senior surgeons

u mean now, ur eyes will feel a little 'biting' when kena sweat...still raw hor...

Re growth spurt: Sean is drinking 180ml for all his feeds but my hubby told me tt can only last him 3hrs plus only...he even fed sean 200ml for 2 feeds yesterday.....how m i going to upkeep his demands!!my bm suppply oso must increase lei...
so most of your babies going thru growth spurts at 4 mths +?
currently my baby drinking a mixture of 130ml & 160ml feeds.. thinking of upping them to 160 & 200 ml feeds to cut down current 6 times feeds to 5 times feeds....

most of babies here on 5 or 6 feeds per day?
wah, fitty_but, thanks for the info. I also keen on lasik but wait for unice to go and ask the doc if the cornea will break during natural birth is true or not... =P

re: losing weight
I am back to pre-preg liao. but scared after stop bf will gain back the weight.

re:finger licking
baby xavier not only lick but suck his hand. he love his hands so much that you can hear the "ju ju" sound when he is sucking his fingers. as if so nice and delicious like that. hahaha.. I think if he can fit his hand into his mouth, he will just put the whole hand in man. Anyway, he dun like pacifier, only like fingers.

i think he is going to teeth soon cos his saliva keep drooling out now. is it har?
myra is taking 4 to 5 feeds a day including night feed, estimate about 180 to 190 ml now. its almost like she's having breakfast, lunch, dinner and midnight meal. recently she's quite happy with 4 feeds. when BM is not enough i supplement with FM during her night feed. realize also when the weather is hotter she tends to drink more as well.

she also licks and sucks alot liao. put everything into her mouth. esp when bathing her, her hands covered with soapy water and must watch out or else she will put her soapy hands in her mouth.

think its a good deal to lasik, since i very vain and like to spend $$ on expensive glasses. last week just ordered two more. but i too scared. haha!
so many babies going thru growth spurts.. so good.. my girl still drinks only 130ml max.. grrr....

frostyfiona, i have been wondering if she's teething for e longest ime also leh.. but then no signs besides drooling leh.. haiyo...
madlynette: thanks,think can start to shift him to 5 feeds per day.. 6 feeds abit tiring haha. but will up his feed to ard 160-200ml per feed to maintain same daily intake of milk!
is 3 very fast compared to 2? my boy still will leak abit (though quite minimal nowadays) from teat 2... think not time to upgrade him yet..
ecookie, Sean is on 7 feeds per day ...
nowadays when he is drinking halfway, he will smile n laugh at me,sometimes milk just flows out n dirtied himself...
or when i latch him on, he will suddenly unlatch himself n smile or look around....then make me 'run light'...sigh..
yes, i have to test the teat on the baby first, if she's not ready she will reject and i will delay. i realize that when baby is ready to drink more milk, she is perhaps ready for a teat change. so when i see that she has increase her intake and takes very long time to finish her milk with the current teat, i will try to test with a new teat. she takes a while to adjust as well. but soon she will settle with the new change.
unice, haha! true true.. thanks gal.. just dat when i c other babies drinking so much hor, abit funny la.. ha! imagine she has yet to graduate from her small Avent bottle?? ha!
frosty, my girl has been drooling since very long ago. everyone keep saying she's teething. but until now, still no sign of any teeth. guess some babies are droolers and some are not.

ecookie, think my dd went through growth spurt at 3+ months. now, she's not drinking as much. usual is 120-150 ml.

re: weight loss
I still have 6kg more, which doesn't seem to want to come off. sigh...
Hmmm teething....

I think Jav is teething ever since 2 mths as I can see 2 white teeth on his lower gum. I thought perhaps it isn't it as I've never heard of anyone has teeth coming out at 2 mths but the other day when my mum visited me, she saw it and exclaimed to me excitedly it's teeth that's cutting out the gum ! Heehee...

But sadly to say, he is very slow in his motor skills as compared to the rest of your darlings. He is still practicing his tummy time. Just gets better recently but neck still not very steady yet. Still a long way to go for flipping.
madlynette, my goodness... 4 feeds is great! hannah's still taking 6-7 feeds. trying to up the amt she takes, but she just doesn't want to take more. will just accumulate all the milk in her mouth, then spit out. so i dun force.

and unice, my girl is like sean. get quite distracted when feeding. halfway through, will latch off and look around, smile at me. so feeding time ends up being longer. aiyoh...
zhen zhen, i guess my bb is an easy feeder. when her milk is not enough she will cry out for more when she finish her bottle, like she very angry that its not enough. so the next feed i will add 10ml more and see if she can finish that. so i continue like that.
sansbebe, dun worie abt Jav's motor skills! all babies develop at different stages. they will eventually all catch up! and oh, please continue to enjoy this stage cos once they learn flipping and many other skills, u will wish that they are still lying on their backs listening to u talk to them and "manipulating" them! hahaha.. now once my girl opens her eyes after a nap, she will be on her tummy liao! and right after her meal too.. and we dun wan her to do dat cos she'll regurgitate but she'll just flip n flip n flip each n every time we flip her back! grr.... =D
sanbebe: yah my baby still not v steady with his neck haha coming 4 mths in 4 days time n still wobbly head .. hehe.. never mind think they will get better in due time!
madlynette: yah suddenly the small avent bottle seems cute hor? i use it to let him drink plain water now.. but he dun like to drink lah!
hi mummies!

so so tired these few days... been looking after bb 24hours coz hubby busy over spore airshow and back home very late.. around 12am... im like zombie now..

re flipping:
my boy flipped at 3.5mth.. ya sanbebe, no worry abt bb's motor skill, they will get better in no time! initially i was worried abt my boy's motor skill as well, but he just decided to learn to flip one fine day and after a week of practice, he can turn easily... totally agree wi hippo! my boy also cant stop flipping... i got to flip him back so often.. esp when i expressing milk, he keeps flipping and flipping till i very frustrated coz very troublesome for me to stop expressing and flip him back, so i just let him on tummy till he very very tired.. and his head will drop and start to enjoy his fingers.. aarrgghh.. and he only knows how to flip towards his left.. though he cant flip back yet, but he will kick and kick and shift himself 90 degree to left or right.. very funny loh :p

re feeding:
my boy drinks abt 170ml and 5 feeds a day.. but i notice his interval getting shorter these few days, shall monitor again and may up abit.. unice, sean boi really have good appetites leh! 7 feeds of 180ml each is alot! my bm definately not enough for this.. jia you k!

re weight loss:
maybe im too tired these few days and i just realised i lost another 2kg this morning.. so still another 5kg to go!

my boy also dun like to drink water.. sigh~ PD suggested i use spoon/ syringe feeding... but i haven try that yet...
dodo: yah me thinking of doing that soon.. cos not enough water, his pee yellowish leh.. then if he got drink , pee clearer and poo more regularly too
ya.. im thinking of spoon feeding when his neck more stable and he can sit well.. but syringe feeding doesn't sounds good to me leh.. like feeding med hor... hmm..
madlynette & ecookie, haha! i know.. so all e more i'm "angry"! cos she's still using dat tiny bottle.. ha!

dodo, poor gal.. sayang sayang.. nvm, get him to massage u and sayang u more when e airshow is over! anderson flips to e left? adri flips to e rite!! hahaha..

ya loh... he said he wana bring us go gai gai if his thing over earlier today... so waiting for his "activation" so i can pack for gai gai! haa.. so funny right, why they only flip to one side huh?
my FIL very funny, he called yesterday ard 9pm and asked me what's anderson doing? had he slept already? i told him not yet, and he said he wanted to talk to baby.. haa! so i put the phone at bb's ear and my FIL talked so loud so i shift the phone and keep a distance away from bb's ear... too bad baby was not in good mood then so din "talk" to his grandpa.. his grandpa was so disappointed and told me he will call again... alamak..
Hi dodo, hippo, unice, garden_dreamz, gingerleaf and other mummies...

MiA for quite sometime...busy at work after came back from CNY holiday..


my boy also.. he lick his fingers like soo delicious .. Lick everywhere if i carry him.. ..hahahaaaaaa(Mayb they like the taste.@@)

Re:baby flippin
When my boy ard 3.5mths, i tot he goin to flip but no wor.. till nw I din c him flip over b4...only turn to his left/right, so gettin worry..but colleague told me some BB will skip the stage ..


Wow.. sean can drink up to 7 feeds... my boy only drink 130ml 5-6 feeds a day.. PD said he is at the smaller size... hvnt reach 6kg even at 4+mths... =<

Re: breastfeeding

R u all still bf... me stopped when my boy at 4mths... so tiring.. hv to express out b4 work ..me lazy bah...

Re: weight

I still hv 3.5kg..but since mid jan till nw still same weight..so sianz..but for mummies is still bf, weight can b loss faster...

Re: water

i tried to use spoon, he also dun like.. use syringe he will cry..but bottle feed he just bite the teat.. grr...

Re: Wrist pain

Do any mummies here encounter wrist pain after gvin birth?

Back to work 1st...catch up with u all again..=)
dodo: hehe so funny.. i always "talk" to my boy this way when im at work.. will call back n ask my mum put the phone besides his ear.. also let me mum talk to him this way when he s back home with me hehe.

n yah, sometimes they talk sometimes they no mood. then will just look suspicious like wondering where the voice coming from lol
hi pinky,
i dun have wrist pain, but my feet hurts. it started when i got preggy and didn't went away after birth. every morning i wake up still walk like pengiun
Hi Pinky!
So long no see.

re weight loss,
My frd who stopped bfing lose alot of weight! Now her stomach is almost flat. She was the slim type to begin with, but she seems to lost it all ater she stopped bfing. What she cited was true, she was hungry all the time during bfing, so she kept eating. Now not bfing anymore, she dun eat so much also.

Another frd of mine, who been bfing for a year now, she didnt seems to lost any weight, infact, she was bigger than her pre preg self.

For me, stll stuck with that 4kg, still bf and I get hungry often too.

re flipping,
lyn flipped sometime back but now she didnt flip anymore leh. So weird. Alway lie down there and eat fingers. Dunno what she up to oso.

Who is bringing their baby for a swim? Thinking when to bring lyn for a swim, since I've oreadi got the thermal suit and neck float.
pinky!!!! glad to hear from u...

Sean drinks 180ml from bottle 4 times a day..when i m home, i will latch on, so dunno how much he drinks when latched on..but i make sure he empties both sides each time lo..
sometimes he will sleep at 9pm and wake up only at 4am, so only 6 feeds for tt day ..

i will try to bf as long as i can, but max will be a yr...cos dun wan him to run after my breasts when he gets bigger haha...

weight: i still have 4kg....mb some weight goes to the 2 neh nehs la..but the rest r still at my thighs..

ecookie: haha, sometimes i will talk to Sean over the phone but dunno if he can recognise my voice..but i feel like a clown talking baby-ish over the phone lei...quite paisei in office sometimes...
hi pinky!! missed u much.. =D my fingers ache quite a bit after giving birth.. feels like rheumatism..

i m very sure my 4kgs are at my tummy and butt! they are huge! yucks..
gingerleaf, you very funny leh! hahahaha!

pinky, i also have wrist pain which started after my delivery... my hubby say becos i carry the baby, that's why pain. now my arms and wrist will ache every now and then... sighz... and my hubby tell me that's muscle growing...... he say very good cos when 2nd 1 come, my muscle are trained to carry him/her liao... *faint*
frostyfiona: seeems like ur hubby really want the 2nd one soon! heez.

gingerleaf: yah u very funny haha... 4kg all too boobs will make u have backache!!
fiona, ur hubby very cheeky sia. lol
I get ankles n wrist pains only if im in a very cold enviroment, or prolong contact with water.
I guess thats common after bath?

hahahaha...! Yah, he keep pestering me for 2nd one... but i tell him cannot... at least let me rest 2 yrs first and enjoy baby xavier growing up first.. and i cant go on maternity leave so soon!!
