(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Astig...can. My Lt side 100 astig,Rt 50. Doc more concern for those degree >500. More ex. I did it at the lasik centre at paragon. DBS card has promo. $2400 only. installment also. but not sure still on. you may consider.

Jacq, my eye doc contact is :
Parkway Eye Centre
tel: 6470 3366
Dr Lee Hung Ming

Fitty_nut, can you give us ur contact?I will call n enquire...still got 2 yrs FOC readjustment ah...
which doc is yours? website got a few docs for your clinic lei...
my degree is 800 each eye ah...blind liao..

Although TBF, I have been taking half boiled eggs too...didnt know got any prob wif that...
i even ate sashimi...hope no prob too...
mb Sean will fart more....hmmmmm
I have not ate hald boiled eggs, but I have consume tons of sashimi! So far so good leh...

my degree is 200 on left n 100 on right. Can do or not? I still need to wear contacts if I wanna go out, else I cant see too far away.
gingerleaf, can do!! ur degree so low, correction will be more accurate than mine lo...
my degree so high...oso scared cannot correct 100%...
hmm... wanted to do lasik too but scared to take the plunge too.
but baby is starting to reach out to pull at my hair/specs etc..
so mayb a good idea to do it..
hi mummies,
i also started to eat half boiled egg liao.. now i attempt to eat a bit of spicy food and also drink a bit of coffee.. think my baby can tolerate this food already now that she's a bit older.

my girl so far only pull her own hair and not mine!! silly girl..
Good morning mummies!

It's really a long long time since i last posted. I'm so busy taking care of Kaelyn and now tat she's teething.

I've been thinking of doing lasik long time ago, but didn't really enquire abt it leh. How much r the charges har? Maybe can consider doing it the next trip back to Spore.

This is Kaelyn's pics and she's turning 5 mths today...:p

hi oct mummies,

been following this thread for awhile, just want to say hi to all oct mummies. i am a SAHM to my 4 month old boy. my boy needs alot of attention when he is awake, cannot do my own stuff one. so must try to finish up all the housework when he is napping. and he is putting anything he can grab into his mouth!! are your babies like tat too? normal or not at this age?
me also wan to do lasik!! but i heard do lasik liao, if go thru natural birth will be quite dangerous cos there is risk that the cornea will break when you are pushing. is it true? Been pushing back the op cos scared of this leh... anyone heard before?

unice, yeah yeah, my boy also, start pulling my hair when he is unhappy! and dun let go! I also losing alot of hair and he still keep pulling... sobsob...

re:half boiled eggs
I have been taking it since confinment time leh.. MIL say is good to "bu". Actually i didnt really avoid food leh.. been taking chilli, curry, sushi all that... =P
me too nvr even really care drinking wine too haha ... am really sick today so on unpaid leave today ... just call Dr Wong to check on all the medican to see if still can BF sll clear yay .... the PG say cannot peng ... dun care Dr wong say can mean can
just called up the Lasik Centre at Paragon,
the doc there said tt as long as we have delivered more than 2 months, we are eligible for lasik liao...
i will be going for the eye checkup on monday morning...and the nurse told me if everything permits (means if doc says i can be operated on), i can do the operation on the same day at 530pm...woah so fast man....abit scary suddenly haha...
unice, i dunno leh... i think i heard from somewhere.. but all along i got this impression.. yeah yeah, ask the doc and let me know true or not? If not i also wan to do lasik!!
Hi mummies,

long time no post as I'm pretty busy lately.

Wow, everyone is talking about lasik..I had mine done 3-4 yrs ago at National Eye Centre. I was extremely happy after the lasik as I'm able to see things so clearly when I open my eyes every morning.

I still remembered the day after I just had my surgery, I tended to do the action of pushing my specs up my nose bridge. Haha...of course there's nothing there.

Regarding the tearing of the cornea when pushing, hmmm...I'm not aware of that at all. My gynae has never asked me regarding that. But anyway, I had c-section.
welcome, sugerbelle!

Yes, it's normal for your child to seek for more attention from you at this age. My baby is just like that. I just can't leave his sight. He'll wail n wail.

Babies at this stage also tend to put everything in their mouth as they are exploring the things around them. So 1st thing they do is to put them in their mouth. Don't worry, it's perfectly normal.
the lasik surgery centre that i m going to at Paragon has promotion for DBS/POSB credit card holders for the month of February ..
normal lasik package is $2400.
wavefront lasik package is $3500.
the doc is Dr Mark Tay, the nurse told me he is the most senior there...
wow sanbebe, u oso did lasik liao ah..
didnt realise its so common lei...at least i feel not so scared now,....heehee
ya, hope so....
hmm, i called up and they told me that the package price is inclusive of pre-op checkup,3 post-op checkups and eyedrop ....
dunno if anymore hidden costs....hhmmm
gingerleaf: yah actually ur degree is still okie.. think no need go for lasik unless u really dun like to wear specs...

any mummies experience change in degree after delivery.. mine seems to decrease by abt 75 degrees on each eye after i went to checkup for a new pair of specs 3 mths aft delievry
sanbebe, thanx for the assurance. was abit worried coz my frens' babies are very independent can play on their own most of the time and they are not sucking fingers etc...

i did my LASIK in 2005 at SNEC. i went back in jan to see the consultant coz my vision was blurred so i thought my vision regressed liao. in the end the doctor said it was the changing hormones. after 2 days i saw her i ok liao. waste $$. and both my facial and massage ladies say it may take up to 6 months for our hormones to go back to prepreg.
sugarbelle: is there any babies who dont suck their fingers.. very amazing.. cos almost all babies (inclusing my own one)i know SUCK their fingers/fists till very delicious! lol
ecookie: ya, my boy enjoys his fingers so much!!! i tried pacifier, but he just removed it and continue sucking fingers. there are really babies i know who dun lor. anyway, i just hope he will kick the habit when he gets older.
sugarbelle: yah sometimes my boy will push away pacifier n poke fingers in to suck.. my mum told me pacifier is better than sucking fingers cos if become habit then fingers next time will become small small.. :p

hope that they will kick away all the sucking habit when they older be it fingers sucking or pacifier!
Hello mummies,

I also did Lasik before in 2000.. So don't think delivery will have any effect since it was such a long time back.

My doctor is the same as Unice! But was done at Tan Tock Seng.. think he has gone private recently. Anyway, he is the one who always appear on TV to talk about Lasik treatment.

So exciting for all of you who are going!
Yes, I did it. Hahaha...don't feel scared of doing it. I'm much happier after that as I don't have anymore dry eyes after long hours of wearing contact lens. What a relief!

Well, it seems that the charges of the clinic at Paragon is so much cheaper than I paid for. I actually paid more, almost $5000 for my lasik. Besides, the pre-opt eye test and after opt checkups were charged separately.
sugaar_nut, yeah, glad to hear from u tt ur doc is also Mark Tay...

sanbebe, i wanted to do lasik cos i m really lazy to wash wif daily cleaner, protein tablets etc.,..haha
plus mine is 800degrees per eye, when wear the thick glasses, i look like an old woman...haha...

Sean doesn't really lick n suck his fingers lei...but he loves to put his toys or hanky into his mouth, which makes me paranoid over dust mites....recently, he likes to open his mouth and run it against my shoulder, making my shoulder wet..think his gums are itchy???
I am also keen in doing!!! hehe...
Unice, if you go and do let us know how is Mark Tay's skills ok?
If he is good ( ie, no halo-effect or blurred vision after the op) I will do it. Its my 30th bday pressie for this year hehe. Mine is 450 on the right and 550 on the left.
Anders also like suck his fingers but my elder son don't.

I think its because they are teething, thats why they are sucking their fingers to relief the pressue from the gums
oh sugarnut, haha ya LHM was recommended by my frens too.. he is now wif Gleneagles...

GGG, i have a colleague oso went thru op beginning the yr..so far sill very good as her astig is > 250
wah... seems like so many mummies wanna do lasik. i wanna do too cos baby keeps grabbing my specs, it's starting to get out of shape. but my hubby's very against it. he's worried it doesn't go well.

I'm amazed that some babies aren't sucking their fingers. Hannah LOVES her fingers. She loves them so much, she tries to put as many them into her mouth as possible. So un-ladylike. Hehe...
how many mummies have lose all their weight already?

I initially lost all my weight but after stopping BF, I gain another 4kg plus still have flappy tummy.. Very sad!

Anyone tried any weight loss program or suggestion??
Morning mummies!

re: food restriction
I've eaten half-boiled eggs during confinement, start my coffee after 40 days and enjoy my favourite laksa not so long after that! No restriction, except alcohol..

re: finger-lickin good
My chloe will put in her fingers whenever we never notice. When we made the EHM-HM sound, she got scared and pull them out! haha She even tries to suck her fingers when she's already having her pacifier on!
Talking abt weight loss. I still have a long way to go....am stuck with 12kg!! Wonder why I didn't lose much as I'm doing TBF.
haha! myra has started flipping, she's 4 mths 2 wks old! except sometimes she can't flip back and will call out for help!
any other oct babies already started flipping?

You start drinking coffee already? I tried to drink bubble tea the other day (only 1/4 of it) and my baby Jav woke up at 2am, wanted to play till 4am!! I'm not sure if it's due to the tea or just coincidence.

re:finger licking
Hey Jav also puts in his fingers when he's having his pacifier on, and worst still, he also manage to squeeze in his fingers together with my nipple while bfing!
baby flippin:
yest baby made his first attempt to flip.. but he got stuck with one hand under his body lol..
he tried twice during his bedtime.. then got tired n fell asleep ..hee.
he's coming 4 mths this monday.. but think still got long way to go
