(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

chintz: yes i read ur blog! clap clap for chloe to co-operate so well too!
ZQ is boy lor..i would want my boy to be manly than to do girlie dance..hehehe...you can start by buying karaoke set and sing along with him..sekali, 20 years down the road, he is the next singapore idol!! woohoo...
hehe...yeah, sometimes it's diff when the grandparents involve! aria has a habit of running over to another person when she got scolding.. very annoying..
aria_jo: yah yz also like that. fly like a bullet to my mum whenever i just raise my voice at him and will pretend pretend to cry one. very irritating.
aria is very advanced! she even knows spellings! amazing!!!
i think zq and aria totally opposite n terms of their learning patterns, he will not respond to me when i said "1,2,3..." he will only show me the numbers and their sequences.. overall, he's very quiet in terms of learning and responding these to me, he only very vocal and noisy when he demands somethg, can scream till my neighbours also know what happening! faint...

i face the same concern as u.. trying hard to discipline him so didi will have good example to follow..

ya, my sis told me the same thing on discipline. and she told me if they cant behave outside, the best discipline approach is not to bring them out! haa
thanks for the info on the ELC toys.. are their toys expensive ha? hubby disapprove of that janitor toys leh because he thinks holdring a stick while walking is dangerous..scared if aria fall down and it poke her..so we're thinking of getting the kitchen set..

if it's not too troublesome, can post a picture lyn's kitchen set? $129 sounds affordable..yeah, tikes toys is sturdy and good but i think expensive lah..
totally agree wi u all! discipline is hard when grandparents involved... im very strict to him when we were at BJ, esp on the moral aspects..

now i back to spore/ msia, i notice zq getting noti coz he knows he got "kao4 shan1", i had talked to my parents not to give in to him when he's over demanding.. so they now quite cooperative.. i hope he will not turn into a spoil brat which i dislike most...
ecookie, ya things go smoother when we don't try too hard. clap clap to yz too!

most of the oct kids are so advanced liao. speech, songs, alphabets, colours and even spellings! wow!

chloe only can recognize A. whenever she see alpahabets, she will go, "aik, aik, aik" or "yat, yat, yat" only :p
buy the Sizzling kitchen set from ELC! abt $200 after discount.. i LOVE it so much! ELC toy's pricing is reasonable for its quality.. and everythg seems fun! (to me la :p)

congrats on hvg a girl.. envy envy!!
I still dunno mine yet, tho my HB is v convinced that he can tell it's a boy through one of the scans. My gynae dun want to commit, ask me to wait till my detailed scan end of the month. But last night I dreamt I had a boy leh!
Two boys also ok lah.. can share things and next time they can share room too.. then I dun hv to dismantle my study room to make 2 rooms for them. haha.. self consolation..

Anyway, all you mummies are so hardworking, and your kids can know so many things now, numbers, alphabets and colours! I only teach mine objects, animals most of the time.. I thk 1,2,3 or A,B,C dun make much sense to him now and I din bother teaching.. just sometimes count the number of ducks or animals in the book.. nvr ask him to recognise.

haha.. i leave it to the teachers at CC to teach him then. I'm the lazy mummy..
sugar_nut, hi-5! glad to see got other mummy as lazy as me too! hehe

as for me, i dreamt of my 2 pregnancies before i tested positive. and i dreamt of a boy too before went for the detailed scan!
hi mummies

aria jo:
congrats on hvg a gal again. Can dress them in similar clothes & share things together :D

Hi-5! I'm oso another lazy mum. I only teach her animals which we always see but she juz wldn't open her golden mouth at times. I teached her Good Nite Mama yday & she can follow me. Hope she will continue to learn & speak up.
aria, aria is so smart! *clap clap* spelling.. woah! and ya.. like ecookie, i agree dat they have to be rid of their bad habits the earlier the better.. =) we just hv to work hard at it ba..

ecookie, heehee.. i will try to do it asap ba i guess cos my mum's concern is dat she'll be attending N1 later half of next year.. so she hopes adri can be weaned off by then...
u r so cute.. still can run away with YZ when u see the pacifier.. haha!

sugar_nut, lleyton is in CC so am sure he can learn lots! u just be ur happy & blissful pregnant mummy and guai guai take care of urself k? same goes for u chintz! =P
sugar_nut: dun worry too much abt the gender, so long small baby growing fine inside u!
rest well ok!

chintz: wah u like a prophet! i dreamt that i have a girl when im having yz, think i want a girl alot then. then my mum dreamt i got a boy and she was very sure she was right and for awhile we both quite sianz ahah cos she also wanted a granddaughter..
congrats !!! I wanted another girl so badly too... but decided 2 is really enough...keke. re ELC toys, I personally feel that the toys are slightly more ex, but more definitely cheaper than little tikes to me. They are durable, high quality and well made... most imptly, they are very safe to me, compared to most brands. The janitor set looks safe to me... after all, my kids will be eyeing at my real life size static or 3M mop.
Hello Mummies,

Hippo, your studio pictures are great. Very lively and natural.

Wow, all the mummies here are so hardworking, make me feel so guilty for being such lazy mum.

btw, regarding drinking from cup, yesterday when I let Andrea tried, she can actually do it without spilling... haiz.. what a lousy mum, when I was so happy telling my MIL that Andrea could do it, MIL said she has let Andrea tried before and confirmed Andrea can drink from cup. See how bo chiap I am..
boy boy also good lah.. i think it's cute 2 have boys with close age gap just like my 2 girls
they can share secrets and toys..hehe..actually like dodo i believe in exposing them to pictures and letters.. if they can pick up good lah, if cannot it's ok.. that's why i dun have a schedule for things for aria.. if i remember i'll do the spelling thing with her.. hubby is the one teaching her the animals.. he said he just point and tell her the animal names for a few days to expose her to them.. so after a few days she pick up the names naturally..the trick is everytime she say correctly we will cheer (making fake whistling sound) and clap hands and that motivates her to go on..haha... i think babies like to be praised..that's how i got her to remember the spelling too..

ooh..i must check out ELC then...
tiffany, thanks =)
dun say dat abt urself la.. i tink most of us, esp working mums will find themselves in such situations.. ha.. i always go home and teach adri something "new" only to realise that some1 in the family already teach her liao.. haha..

aiyo.. aria.. and all other mummies, stop tempting with the ELC toys!! hahaa.. else i will fly down to united sq tis weekend and clear store man..
Regarding kitchen set,
Not sure if they still selling this Tefal set in metro or BHG where the pots n pans are silver plastic but look like real sets... Comes with a handheld blender too.

CM, my girl is in k2... she is quite tall ... Looks like P1 or 2.
does it come with the kitchen top? i wanted something like a kitchen top and comes with cooker..so cute..
junnie we have to be there latest by Nov 09 so hmmm i think my gal still having her exam ...
so dun no how too and also my hb going to Jak on Aug den to bundung( dun no when ) so hmmm and also they are going to bundung in mid Jun to find a place to stay but again ... we will be in China ...so again...????? and know what the school in bundung start in Aug - Jun not Jan -Dec hmmm peng

MM i see ... ok wow you are tall too la

Wow so many smart kids here ... Carlson only point point point and action only still dun want to uise his mouth ...

Talking abt school Zoo Phonics is not bad ,... you all can try but there are only like 2 or 3 outlets Bt Timah Beauty World & Jurong West you can go to the website and check out too ... they have both Eng & Ch or Eng only www.zoo-phonics.com.sg
Karrie, I really think that sending hannah to JG is a good idea. After just 1 term, she already knows quite a number of Chinese words. My husband thinks her mandarin will be better than his in no time!

Ariajo, for the bilingual class, they conduct 1 hr in English, 1 hr in Mandarin. So the kids are exposed to both languages each week. And congrats on having another princess! All of aria’s pretty clothes can pass to her mei mei now.

Dodo, I haven’t started teaching Hannah the alphabet yet. Trying to teach her how to count, but currently she’ll count “one, two, three, five, six, eight, nine, ten”. Don’t know why she keeps missing out four and seven. But I personally think it’s more important that they know the meaning of the number/alphabet, rather than being able to match the number/alphabet to the sound.

Re: dancing
Hannah’s idea of dancing is turning round in circles. Dunno where she learn that from. Either that or she will clap along to the song. Gone are her line dancing days. Haha

Ecookie, Hannah still using pacifier. Wanted to wean her off a few weeks ago, but then she fell sick and I had no heart to take away her 1 source of comfort at night. Perhaps I should try now….

Re: discipline
Agree that should correct from an early age. It’s a lot easier than trying to undo later on. But hard when there’s more than 1 caregiver. My ILs especially give in to Hannah a lot. But they now know better than to interfere when we are disciplining her. If they cannot tahan, they will leave the room. In this way, Hannah knows she cannot get away with naughty behaviour.
hihi mummies! wow! its been almost 2 weeks since i last posted. Cannot read thru all the achives. will vomit. haha!

I have been staying at my mum's place for more than a week. Cos both of them takes turn to fall sick. Dayan pass to Danson. Danson not happy pass back to Dayan. Pass here pass there. Wah piangz!! Whole week sick! But good thing, both recovered well. I must make my sons to become PD or doctor. Very good $. Just that week, i visited 3X doctor, 1x KKH, 2 chinese sinseh. Dun ask me why so many times. haha! in the end, i also dun know what am i doing too.

Now planning to go back to workforce doing part-time. I must sort out a way to settle my kids. Hopefully there is a solution for me.
How times flies! Now Danson (5mths old)can flip to and back, eating cereals, laughing really loud (runs in mum's genes), more demand (jealous when i hug his brother.), attempt to crawl. Oh god! He was just a tiny lil one a few mths back.
Really cherish every day with them. Though there are always moments of fury.
Talk about teaching. Faintz. I am the worst. I just let Dayan and his bro watch Barney in the morning for an hour. That's it! end of so called education. Sometimes he will ask me to play Barney in the afternoon, i have to tell him: "Barney goes to sleep liao, orh orh. He will see you tmr." haha! he believe and imitate the sleeping pattern. What a mummy!

btw, need to seek your opinions. Dayan just complete his 1 term enrichment class. Thinking of trying other places:
1) Gymboree
2) Lil Neuro Tree
3) Grace Kids ( to con't?)
4) or any other suggestions...

What's your take?
aria jo,
Ya, it's a kitchen top with burners, oven and sink. The pots will sizzle when u put it over the burners. The oven will 'ding' when u bake . It's much smaller than the ELC set so takes up less space. It's quite fun but I am not sure if still selling.

No la think I fairly average height. My girl quite a good eater so taller than her peers.
Good morning mummies!

Jas, glad to hear both Ds have recovered well. Really not easy to take care of themselves on your own ya.. and wow, Danson is 5mths big liao?? he's catching up real fast!!! i think he's bucking up in order to have fun together with his gor gor

maisymouse, the kitchen set u're talking about sounds fun too! how much was it selling? only can be found at BHG?
i remembered u offered to send me maid's timetable. wanted to reply u but it kept on slipping off my mind. YES! Please send me a copy ya. Thanks a lot!
morning ladies!

hi hi jas!! long time no see dearie.. i hope the boys are ok now.. aiyo.. poor dears..
join me in gymboree music la.. haha! then ur dil can have my sil to be her dancing partner.. keke
Danson such a big boy liao wor.. how time flies!
yeah, time flies...good...danson is growing up and i'm sure your days will be easier to manage
*clap clap* a few more months, it's gonna be our turn! *shudder* hahaha...

ooh..really! sounds good... how much ah? hubby said the ELC kitchen set is soo ex but then i think if the quality is better (non toxic plastic use, etc) i think it's worth to pay a little more because my girl will really put the fork and spoon into her mouth!

woo...hannah can really count? i doubt aria knows..she only recite them, 1, 2, 3 , 4 and soometimes till 6.. Dun think she knows the alphabet. At this age, babies knows logic? Anyway, i think whatever got registered in their brain is good lah. hopefully when they really learn these from CC it'll be easier for them...
jas, good to hear that your boys have recovered.

aria jo, hannah can only count meaningfully till 3. cos after that she will skip 4, then 7. so her counting and the actual number won't tally. but don't doubt the rational abilities of our kids. they can start to put concepts together already. really quite amazing!
hehe..think hannah is going to be a math whiz?? hehe.. i think rational and logic is different right? :p dun know leh, hubby claim that at this age our kids dunno logic yet, so no point teaching them counting...i was actually doing the counting with aria for sometime already but i doubt she really understand.. i count 1 duck, 2 ducks, up to six for so quite sometime but i dun think she gets it..you know the 3 little piglets story. i ask her how many pigs? she always say 2! haha...
morning mummies!!

zhen zhen: haha hannah so smartie! can count so many numbers! and yah u may want to try weaning now but have to be firm lah. but as i said earlier, if hannah is very attached to her pacifier will have to be patient and take it slow

jas: good to know that the boys have recovered! u are really doing great taking care of the 2 boys! hope u can find a PT job soon !
Wow ! so many todds can sing liao, count and spell. Caelen Big kor kor still only 'Ma Ma' & Baby sounds.

Zhen zhen,
The JG Bilingual class (Chiltern house East Coast) that Caelen went, they do not distinctly separate as 1 hr English, 1 hr Chinese. They just have 2 teacher speaks only English and 2 speaks only Chinese. They take turn to carry out the activities. So it's like English, Chinese, English, Chinese ....

Caelen have no problem seating in his car seat, he just keep himself entertained with the scenery, occasionally kick his feet to the rhythm of his nursery songs.

I want to sew some new covers for Caelen's bedding. Anyone know where to get nice cartoon / cute fabrics ? Went to textile centre yesterday, found they only sells those shirt / suit fabric.

Talk about that, I SUPER angry. Parked my car at one of those URA carpark and my car kenna a 5 - 6 cm long scratch on the car door. It looks like those made by key, vandalism. %$#$#@$$%$. Went down to a workshop recommended by my car service centre and lucky they can reduce the damage by polishing and bluffing ($30). Now left only a very tiny one which can really see from far. OTherwise, it would have cost me $200+ to spray the door.
zhen zhen, hannah can count le.. smart girl! the fact dat she can master till 3 very good liao! the rest of the numbers will follow soon.. woah!

pissed pissed pissed.. adam lambert lost to kris allen for american idol! tis is the only season of AI dat i follow closely cos of adam lambert.. he is such a star.. yet can lose to kris allen.. sigh...
Good Morning Mommies,

JG Bilingual playclub. Yeah, JG has apparently change the way they deliver the English and Mandarin classes. Like what Jovial said, both the English and Mandarin teachers are there and take turn to speak. Last year when my elder boy attended the JG bilingual, it was conducted like what Hannah described, 1 hr of English and 1 hr of Mandarin and also the class size was smaller, they break it up like 10 per class for English and 10 per class for Mandarin. They will combine when singing and music time. Now all 20 kids in 1 class. I dont really like this, find it too big!

Jovial, how come you choose East Coast huh? isnt that quite far from where you stay?
Weaning from Pacifier,
Don't intend to do so until Caelen have all his teeth. My mum says she rather give him the pacifier to chew rather than he put toys into his mouth when gum itchy. So far it worked as it's more than 7 months since he last had anything close to a diarrhoea.
Yeah, what an idiot. Must be those green eyed old man! btw, is your car Black colour? I noticed that Black car tend to get scratched!
morning mummies,

hubby and me wana bring zq out for a playday tomorrow!
any suggestions? indoor and outdoor are both welcome! TIA!
morning mummies...

ecookie, clap clap, successfully wean YZ off pacifier..for anders, he will be stuck to it for a quite a long while...

ariajo, congrats on having a princess..must be so fun...i wanted a gal, but haiz..

jovial, can try spotlight at plaza sing..these pple very idiotic leh, will kanna retribution...

jas, must be very tiring to look after 2 sick boys.. glad to hear that they have recovered...u take care too..

adri, i saw your studio loft photos.. wheet wheet.. those sexy legs can go on and on.. adri is super adorable with the suit and 2 pony tails..see already wan to hug and squeeze her!!!

wow.. clap clap for all the toddlers..all them so advance in their speech...
If not wrong, Jurong Safra only open end of May09 right? Thought I read was 31st May.

So nice..... but today does look quite cloudy (In Town).
hippo & tiffany,
ya, i surfed the web, think it will open on 30 may.. aiya..

is it? then i gonna think of alternative plan, 1 indoor and 1 outdoor.. haa

dodo & tiffany, keke.. think they are opened liao le.. 29 & 30 may is the open house.. woohoo!
the food outlets are opened already.. dodo, give them a call to check if the playground is opened already.. =)

ponponta, hee... thanks thanks! go squeeze her ba.. =P
