(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

ha, i got stopped a couple of times by mummies asking me where to get it.

You can attached the attachments to both of your strollers so that you can use the board on either one anytime.

Both my kids are those cannot sit still. At dining place, they are all over! When I see Carlson just now sitting thru about 1.5 hrs, I am impressed.

Lucas dont want to sit stroller anymore. Andrea also cant sit very long, after some time, she will fuss to get down and wana runaround too. Both my kids are monkey. Monkey see monkey do type! Andrea is behaving like a boy, she is a absolute Tom-boy. So, I am like having 2 active "boys" hahahah

Oh, there is trial class for JG... dint know they allow such. So, which slot are you going for the trial?
but i think no hurry to buy la.. seriously. hey, I remembered last year's motherhood fair got a booth selling it slightly cheaper and a few more designs.
haa.. coz it's very useful and fun!
u got it at mothercare also?
haa!!! but i really cant imagine andrea is a tomboy leh, she looks so girlish.. maybe becoz of her thick black hair

i scared i will not be here at spore on next motherhood fair leh.. aiya, im really tempted to buy one now!
don't worry, can buy next yr (prob got new models) otherwise too early, you will be cold storage it anyway... 1 1/2 year toddlers aren't suitable yet...

got to log off... bringing chloe to the playground.. talk to you again
hi all am back ... enjoyed the lunch too but a little too short right ... spend abt 150+ for birthday gife for some kids but good buy as they are at least 30%-50% off clap clap
but the carpark cost me S$9.10 sobsob keke

Carlson like to sit on high chair so keke ...
he love to sit on pram too
every time whe nwe got out of the car he will go to the pram immd ....

relocte to Indo ... ya asked the school liao ...but lots of thing have not been confirm yet so ... everything penging penging penging

MM yr gal is P1 or K2 ??? she is 23kg ... very good size my gal is only 18kg andn she eat very little

drinking for the cup .. yes my boy can do it ... hmmm nvr train too he just do it ...

as for Toilet train I still think that 2.5yrs old is the best to do so if not sure vomit blood one ...

so many kids taking Zrytec too keke my kids and myself are taking this too and YES DD yr gal can take it ...

How is Lyn now ??? hope she is better
petit_gars...yah the trampoline set looks fun too...i didn't know ELC sells sterilized sand!! will definitely check it out. think i'll wait till GSS see they got sale not...

dodo, yes yes yes. matty can also identify colours but if i ask him what colour this pen or umbrella is his answer is always "GWEEN". recently he has started to say "owange" as well tho...
gingerleaf, how’s lyn now? praying that fever doesn’t come back again.

tiffany, hannah can drink from a cup on her own, but every now and then still have some accidents. actually, it’s not difficult to train, but it just takes a while for them to master the skill. start with just a little bit of water, so that it’s more manageable for them, and less messy for you.

re: cleaning set
Hannah loves to mimic me when I’m cleaning the house too. What I do now is give her a magic wipe to dust my coffee table and cabinets, while I wipe the floor. I’m now thinking of getting an extra magic wipe mop for her. Figured it costs less than some toy brooms, and I get some help cleaning the house as well. How’s that for lazy! Haha…

Dodo, my girl and zq same gang! She also can identify the different colours, but when I ask her to name the colour, her default colour is red. Only after I say “are you sure?”, then she will name the right colour. Funny right?
must share! my girl sang the first few lines of "twinkle twinkle little star" in chinese yesterday! it's not complete, but you can make out what she's trying to say. sounds like this "yi shan... liang ding ding, man... dou shi xiao xing xing". she sang to herself while i was driving. and she repeated it when i asked her to sing again. amazing!
zhen zhen.. wow.. hannah so clever can sing in chinese le! *clap clap*...

dodo, zhen zhen, karrie.. mine still 'color blind' duno knw how to differentiate.. ur todds r fast learners!

mummies hving lunch today, ur short gathering sounds fun =D

cm... when r u all leaving for bundung? u letting carissa stopped P1 half way & con't there?

ponponta.. my hb leaving for port klang malaysia 4 abt a wk's job.

tiffany,doobom.. how much is JG per term huh? lucky u both drives, more feasible sending the kids to schl, unlike me..hiaz..

gingerleaf... is lyn's better le?
Good morning all!

junnie, u r funny leh.. still colour blind.

mine also! mine can point out red colour, but she always say red as PAPA! cos she started recognising our car some time back, she recognised from the colour RED. ever since that, all red cars on the road belong to her Papa.. hehe

zhenzhen, hannah very clever!

haven't seen gingerleaf online also, hope lyn has recovered!
zhen_zhen, hannah is soooo cute...this shows early exposure to the language does wonders!! im just waiting for matty's cough to go away before sending him for the JG mandarin playgrp trial.
morning mummies!

hippo: saw ur studio loft photos! adri so smart in her pants! and her hair long enuff to tie up liao!

doobom: im interested in JG too but most prob will be to the forum one cos its much nearer to our hse. ran by the idea with hb but he not so keen leh. he said so young why go for enrichment. somemore he s gg cc too. like lessons non stop.
i think i will assess too, if he s learnign something from cc maybe i wont send him for enrichment lessons 1st.
took leave yesterday to go for my detailed scan.. hehe..confirm aria is expecting a mei2! hehe....quite excited abt the news
now, aria has a sister to share toys, clothes and accessories with..hehe..

dodo, ZQ is smart! aria also doens't know colors yet i think no matter how often i repeat it to her.. everything is green to her..

zhen zhen,
wah, hannah can sing quite well.. that's a lot of words.. aria only managed "baa baa woo... yaser, yaser or something...." (baa baa black sheep song)..after i asked her to sing again, she dun want liao..only caught her twice doing that only..

mummies, i'm also interested.. the weekend lesson is the bilingual one is it? how do they alternate the language during lesson?

i want to see adri's new studio loft pictures!
zhenzhen: i think yz only know how to sing the 客人来" song.
he ll goes, ke ren lai, kan papa, papa bu zai...then stop liao haha
wah! zhen zhen, ecookie & aria: the little ones are so smart! can sing liao.. somemore in chinese?? keke.. adri only lalalalala nia.. hahaha.. well done! they must be so cute while singing..

ecookie, eh eh.. must read my comments to u and chintz lor.. u girls never see upclose nia.. got alot of 5 cents 10 cents wor..
and those are my fav pants for her.. haha! tink her little tummy is outgrowing the pants though still bery long.. so must quickly utilise before she outgrows man..

aria, congrats on mei mei!! woohoo! somemore aria's got so many pretty dresses.. can share already! esp those heels which were getting too small for aria by the time u discovered them? can be put to good use le.. yeah!
zhen zhen & karrie,
these 3 really mischievous! dun wana say the correct colours purposely!

zhen zhen, ecookie & aria,
clap clap! zq duno how to sing at all.. not even a single simple tune from his mouth leh.. to think that his mama loves to sing so much and even took part in many singing competition since young! sigh.. think he inherited this trait from my hubby.. cant sing at all! :p

CONGRATS! wow, u will have a pretty pair of "jie mei hua"! so nice can dress them up in same design/ patterns of clothings & accessories..

i LOVE the photos so so much! u shd consider sign up adri as kid model.. she got eyes that "speaks"... very pretty
hahah..yeah, the zebra heels! i definately put them on her though in laws will definately disapproved! but of course, put them on during their absense lah..keke...

oh FB.. aiyah, can only check during lunch time then..
re counting & alphabets:
any mummies teaching ur little ones this?
i have been doing counting wi zq from 1 to 5.. he can recognise the numbers again and point to me correctly but he when i asked him "how many balls are there?" (there are 3), he always point "1" to me.. argh.. duno he does this purposely again or he really duno... argh...

as for alphabets, he can recognise from A to M, and whenever our t-shirts got those alphabets, he will point to it and try to pronounce the letters though many a times only sounds alike :p
got once when we went shopping, he saw a baby's shirt got "M", then he ran to him and pointed very hard on his chest kept shouting "M"! and made the baby cried.. so malu.. i will make sure didi's clothings dun have any alphabets.. if not sure kena his "yi zhi shen gong"!
dodo, u got take part in many singing competitions ar! *envies*.. must hv been so cool.. dun worie abt zq man.. he never sings doesnt mean he cnt sing.. maybe a campus superstar in future leh! plus his lovely character.. i can imagine the loads of girls who will swoon over him.. hahaha

and erm.. adri as model? pui! haha.. paiseh ar.. but she is super uncooperative leh! she's got something against the studio or something.. the 6mths old shoot, she cry like mad.. this time round, she is soooooo fussy.. kept tell me 不要不要 and kept walking away from set.. if not, then it will be her infamous ah lian face staring at the cam.. hahaha.. how to??
haa! ya i love singing so much that i took part in singing competition since i was P1 to S4! haaa.. but my singing so so only la, just love to sing :p
i seriously think he dun have the music genes.. coz his dance steps very awful also.. haa!

wah! adri already behave like "da ming xing", got those "attitude" liao! but despite her uncooperativeness, still managed to capture lots of pretty photos of her.. so u shd consider la, u can be "xing ma" leh!
dodo, ha! adri does dat actually.. even with the colour thingy.. she can recognise the colours and figures and she can repeat after u.. but when u ask the all-impt question like "wat is this?".. she will say "B" when we point to "A", say "1" for all numbers and depending on her mood dat day, say some funny colour dat doesnt match with wat we point to.. i simply think she's trying to be funny.. haha
zq is so cute lor.. i tink he will be gentle with his didi one!
Hi mummies,
Regarding our little one's development progress...

Just update my boy's achievement at 19 mths..He is able to recognise alphabet A-Z and read them out correctly (of course the pronounciation not so accurate..is it consider fast? but he can't sing ler
dodo, hahaha! i tink they all dance like robots now.. machiam they have stiff limbs.. keke..
i m just praying adri has her daddy's voice.. keke..
wow! u also like to perform! so interesting and happening.. i did performances (acting in school plays la..) only in pri school.. cldnt be bothered in sec.. so lazy then.. keke
so i think we can conclude that they just trying to be "funny" right.. shang nao jing.. sometimes really make me wonder he understand or not :p
i hope he will be gentle to didi also, but nowadays when i ask him "how u burp didi after his milk?" he will pat the back of his piglet real hard! didi sure vomit milk if he pat at that strength! so hmm.. i think i will not let him burp didi that soon.. :p

wah! that's fast! my boy also duno how to sing... i look forward to that also!

ZQ so cute... He going to be v bright when he grow up.

Dun think brig can recognize any of that. He is more of audio learner then visual learner. He can count 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ( cos he on the puffer and also have to do 8 counts) but dun think he know how they look like... haha

He can sings the ABC songs but only the singing part.

He likes to sings.. Now is favourite is 'Happy Birthday to You', "ABC" and sometime depend on his mood, .. sings "i love you, you love me"

He favourite words now is "motorcylce" and "playground" sign...
morning all

ecookie.. hahaha.. yz 'papa bu zai' so cute! like wat karrie said, early exposure to language does wonders!

karrie.. thks for JG info. i'll need look into re-scheduling zann's class over the weekend in order let lance attend.. hmmm..got to so some homework myself 1st...

hippo.. hahaha.. then adri is 'shui wang wang ah lian'!!! i like her big & pretty eyes!

ariajo.. congrats! now u can recycle ur bb stuff! wonder will mei mei b like aria, mi mi yan & gentle gentle =)
ya! machiam being "dian1 xue4" on certain parts of their bodies.. but my niece can dance very well! abt 22 mths now, her hands and legs can dance different patterns and sway her butt so well! amazing.. zq machiam vampire on the move.. very ugly.. haa :p
yup! i was with sch band & choir in pri & sec.. i was also in drama club and even performed on my sis's graduation ceremony leh, i acted an ah lian in "west side story", couldnt imagine i behaved like an ah lian right?! wahaha

any of your kids refused to go into the car seat now. Brig refused... will keep his body so stiff that i cant do anything to him..

He sat on the passenger seat at the back and i try to get hin into the care seat... he protested .. "No... NO.. No.. Pointed at the seatbealt and try to pull it over himself.

He trying to tell me he dun need the car seat, he can sit behind alone with the seat belt... sign..

He still too small for the booster seat leh...
i observe they develop rather differently now hor, some are more audio and some are more visual, some are more talkative and some are more artistic.. think we just make sure they expose to all these different aspects then let them "grow" at their own paces..

i find that kids who know how to sing very cute leh!!! i really waiting for the day for zq to open his golden mouth and sing his 1st tune for me.. :p
dodo: wow zq so smart, i only teach him on off so yz can identify and pronounce up to G now only hahaha. after that i never teach cos feel like alot to him.
and he likes to go 2,3 ,4 ,5 skipping 1!! dun know why. i also teach until 5 cos like alot to learn though i think from u guys can see that babies can indeed absord alot.

he can identify the numbers but dun know how to count. maybe up to 2 bah cos he loves to see the mrt from our place and when 2 trains come, he will say 2 RTT (his version for MRT).
chris: did brig has a prob with sitting alone last time. yz used to wail for attention when i drive with him alone. now he got accustomed and will look and admire scenery liao haha.

but he will still sneakily inch his hands out of the straps which i will scold lah cos like so dangerous.

weaning: any mummies wean their babies off pacifier liao?
ive managed to wean yz when he s ard 18m. it happened by chance cos he v notti and i told him he shall not have his pacifier for his nap time. then cos i scolded him previously he cried and he napped very fast w/o pacifier cos hes tired. then that night we tried again but he tossed n turned for almost 1hr before sleeping!~

but he never cried so we continued and got our mums to co-operate too. so his tossing slowing decrease till back to normal after 2 weeks of work. so now he s pacifier free.
ya same here.. i stopped at M for very long time liao coz find that it's alot to him.. he starts to show signs of confusion, esp btw E & F.. so im not sure whether to continue or not leh..

haa! yz still knows how to count to 2, zq can only recognise the numbers.. not sure whether he knows what i wana teach him is the "counting" itself and not the "numbers".. haa
dodo, haha! they will be gentle to "real" babies one la.. dun worie dun worie! but u are so funny lor.. say didi will sure vomit milk.. hahaha!
oh! school choir.. and ah lian? not hard to imagine leh! wkakaka.. *kidding*

chris, agree with dodo.. they are all so different now! all growing up at their own pace.. some are more physical etc.. i m just happy she is vocal cos like me! wkakaka.. m talkative so cnt imagine if my girl is quiet.. itz ok for her not to be physical cos i m a klutz so most likely she might have my genes.. haha!

junnie, "shui wang wang ah lian"?? wkakaka! i like the description!..

aria, dun care.. buy already must wear.. just bring aria out more often.. so ur inlaws wun see.. hiaks hiaks..

ecookie, can teach can teach.. just rem dun force.. they sure can absorb one.. only a matter of time b4 they throw it back at us.. wkakaka.. yz is so advanced in his speech sure can one! and RTT?? heeheee..
congrats that yz weaned off pacifier!
think it will be good for him coz he starts sch soon right?
i haven wean zq off leh, coz i afraid when he see didi on pacifier he will wan also.. so i give myself till this oct.. hope i can make it!
ecookie, so good! wean off pacifier liao.. *clap clap* my mum wanted to but i stopped her leh.. keke.. i was telling her nvm la. can take her time leh.. piangz.. toilet-train early.. now pacifier weaning also want early? haha.. paiseh.. i m just soft-hearted towards adri la..

he has been sitting alone at the back since new born.. no issue with that till recently... sign..

He thought he is a growth up, just want to sit like us without the car seat... sign..

I weaned Brig off his pacifier at abt 1yr old too.. now i like to tease him with his pacifier (which i still keep till now)...
wah, dodo you're really hard working mother leh...I only occasionally repeat numbers, letters to aria as when i remember..haha..i dun think aria knows the numbers or letters by looking at it.. but i think she recognize sound.. can say 1-4 correctly..sometimes till 6 and then 9, 10 because mummy had been repeating these to her..

She only recognize pictures only but not letters.. can do spelling because i think she remember them through sound.. when i read the letters, a-p-p-l-e, she will say apple, b-a-l-l will say ball, c-a-t will say cat, etc until G (G-r-a-p-e).. she cannot get g-i-r-l though.. always say frog..haha.. so, i change girl to grape and she got it..

mmm, may be i should teach her proper letters instead of spelling..haha.. but i'm soooo lazy and no patience to sit her down.. also, she will run away also..haha.. the spelling thingy is just something we do while playing and when interacting with her..

oh, one thing she's quite good though is that she can name close to 20 animals, even yak! may be because it sounds like "yuck"..haha... hehe..when i point to kangaroo, she will say jump jump and occasionally only say "roo"..haha..now, we realise she no patient for "lessons" but like to walk around the house!

bringing her out is nightmare! like ZQ she doesn't like to sit in her pram anymore.. go to popular, she will play chasing with you and laugh and giggle so loud! made me feel so giddy running after her cos she will run around those racks of books.. go to supermarket, she will do "stock taking"! if she's not happy because you reprimand her, she will mopped the floor immediately..headache ah... meal time is also nightmare.. eat a bit want to "zhou zhou".. no more quiet time.. hubby said, whatever i wanted my child to be turned out to be the complete opposite..hahaha.... really terrible twos hor?

hubby borrowed some parenting books from the library and the book said if we noticed any bad behaviour, we have to start correcting them..if always give in to that behaviour, next time it will take harder for us to make them kick it off! so, now we have a hard time disciplining her because we want her to be a good example to her mei2! cannot imagine 2 rascal running around the house mann..mummy and daddy will faint..
dodo & hippo,

all r individual. Most importantly, brig must be happy and contented... no use knowing so much but be a unhappy child.

Well, but hor.. how to teach moral values har??
*abish*! im so demure.. sure difficult to link me wi ah lian mah.. haa! pukes!

roughly how old can our little ones on booster seat huh?
haa! i lookng forward to the day that he sing non-stop! i wana bring him to karaoke next time, my hubby dun sing at all, must "train" zq and didi to be my singing "kaki".. wahaha
chris: wah still tease him . i very scare he ll see pacifier on other babies or on display in shops. scare he want again. that time i carried him past a pigeon shelf and he saw the pacifier and i said "oh no!" and he tot its very funny. so i asked him wat is that, and he said du du! i quickly ran away with him haha.

hippo: my mum like u kept on chiding me for weaning so early cos she said i had till 4yo! but my hb said better w/o before cc in case over there drop on floor he still pick up and eat and teacher may not see. so just do it. lucky his is w/o much fuss. i think depend on the babies one. if yours will get very upset n dependent on pacifier better to do it later and slowly..
dun want! i wan big big eyes like adri..hohoho..but then i think will be mi mi yan lah cos both of us dun have big eyes..hahaha...aria no longer gentle lor..she's a monster to both hubby and I! i see hubby taking care or her until so stress like that..hehe..

hahaha..yeah, aria is audio learner..was trying to put a word to it..keke..

aria jo: i agree with you i think its better to correct bad behaviour early once u detect them and the correction must be done consistently. this is the difficult part for me. i scold him but the grandparents allow him so sometimes wrong messages sent to him for the same behaviour. harder to teach lor. think this is a common prob for those with more than 1 caretaker..
