(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Marcus can drink from a small cup... however, we only put very little water in it each time, cos he can be real messy with all his playing at times.

regarding the ELC water/sand playset, I've got one for my kids too... both love playing with it. I will normally let them play before their bath in the bathroom... as for the sand, though I have bought their sterilized sand, I haven't let Marcus tried with it. I'm so afraid he will eat it up. He's too Cheeky. A good buy I think.
I've got the ELC trampoline too... you can see it on display... a good buy too.
Thanks Mummies for sharing drinking from cup. I am a lazy mummy, have not attempted to train Andrea yet. On 2nd thot, wonder when time comes when she is older, will it be easier to train rather than train early... Hmmmmm.. I hate the mess. I realised that when the kid reach a certain point, they will know how to do it.... this lazy mummy here is plain lazy!

Btw, we had great lunch. A pity that Chris could not join us last minute.

CM brought Carlson along, wow... he is such a handsome and big boy now. He is so well-behaved sitting almost through 1.5hrs in his high chair.
hi mummies,

the lunch was great! nice meeting up with tiffany, doobom & cm. and carlson is really a big boy! really envious his hair. so many and so fine.
Hi Mummies...

Yes, I enjoyed myself very much during the lunch catch-up. Lots to catch up, of coz admiring Carlson.
*Cun imagine if I brought J along, sure disastrous. Haiz...*
Carlson is indeed handsome & well-behaved. You know what, mummies? He loves Ice Tea. Keke...

Hopefully we can lunch more often.

J is yet trained in anything yet, he is only interested in exploring around the house. Moving kitchen stools, try out cleaning tools (brooms, rags, etc.), climbing up stairs, turning door knobs, trying out the controllers, riding on his tricycle, jumping here and there as he walks, etc. In fact, he is very 'champ' in his physical & motoring skills.
His favourite tagline is 'vroom... vroom'.
He can manoveure a small pail in the kitchen/washing area like as if it's a steering wheel and there goes his 'vroom vroom'. I will sit beside him and give the 'OMG' look.

Not much progress on his speech though I am like a chatterbox, talking and nagging non-stop whenever I am with him. I am very much like a tape recorder...
tiffany: i think im more like you, i think its easier to train them when they are older, when they give signs that they are ready. hence for drinking from cup and toilet train i think i let yz give me the cue then i'll start training.
haha lazy mummy here too!
me too... trying my very little effort to make Marcus speak up... not much progress too. I am a chatterbox too. But I'm not really worried, cos my elder one is also a late speaker at 2 yrs old... but she's so verbal since... I can say she is the MP of my block... she knows more neighbours than me...keke
Eccokie/ Doobom,
Yeah, we should do this more often as and when we have time. Can feel that the time is so short, and that we seemed to have so much to catch up, but no time.

I adopt this approach coz come to #2, I am quite bo chiap alrdy. I let her explore and learn from brother... For Lucas, I did not toilet trained him too, when he was about 2yrs 4 mths, he automatically tell us he wants to pee and poo... it didnt take long or painful for him to be toilet trained actually. When I see my SAHM friend started training from 18th mths, it was painful and tiring lor, and lots of accidents and end up alot of cleaning up. I am too lazy for these. So, I am gonna relax.... wahahhaha

Understand your fustration when when there is not much stimulations at home. Why dont buy some educational DVD and let J watch? I was like you, very panick for 1st child. btw, is J still attending any enrichment on weekend?

Yeah, we mummies are always kanchiong and worried when our kiddos cannot perform. This is the KS syndrome.... hahaha.... I also get panick when my kid is so slow in certain development.

Agree. Heard some kids starts later, but later become "machine gun"!
Mine too.... He talks non-stop! The only quiet time is when he sleeps or drink milk. Faintz. Imagine our #2 gonna start soon......
wow! u mummies sure had a good time at lunch yah!

re ELC toys:
im tempted wi the water & sand set too! since the cleaning set is OOS in spore, im pondering to order from their UK website and ship to my BJ place.. but not sure will the shipping fee be exp..

zq's fav is also "vroom vroom" now, to him anythg can be a steering wheel!
Help! My boy is not 'machine gun' in terms of speech, but in terms of his screams & laughter. I dun even need to understand his screams & laughter, I will just laugh along and shake my head when the screams 'shock' my eardrums. Oops...

Yes, Tiffany. He is watching Sesame Street. He has stop Little Neuro Tree since Jan for the fact that I switched job.
Planned to put him on weekend enrichmt again, looking @ Julia Gabriel. The coming term is Jul09. Still considering.
Recalled that yours are on weekend Julia Gabriel?

re: training
I am not stressful abt the trainings, feel that it's ok to let nature takes its course. When he is ready, he will show signs. On and off, I ask him if he wants the potty to poo, he shake his head and ran off. *I shake head oso lor*
any little ones behave like this?

zq can recognise many colours (black, white, orange, purple, green, red, yellow, blue, brown etc..), he can pick up the correct colours of pen and balls when i ask him to do so.. but when i casually point to an item such as a car or his shirt and ask him "what's the colour of the xxx?", his answer is always BLUE... then i told him "no, it's not blue colour, it's xxx colour", he just bochap and run away...
Wahaha... ZQ & J are so alike. Remember what we said during Lyn's birthday? Hmmm... somehow they are kinda alike. Keke...
How's everything for u? Planning to welcome Yan an soon ya?

Enjoyed the lunch meetup. So motivated to get one gathering soon. Hmm... When's the next holiday/weekend that's possible for us to meetup?
regarding the water & sand playset, i remember paying around $110 for it... not sure whether it will be more ex to ship from UK, cos if it's only for 1 item, i bet it will be ex.
re potty train:
i tried when he was abt 10mth old and it was a big mess! so i stopped shortly after that.. but recently whenever he wana pee or poo, he will come to me and put his hands at his private part... my mama said he's ready for potty train coz he's signalling me.. but im afraid if i potty train now at my parent's place, will he get used to the potty & env here and reluctant to cooperate when we back to BJ? shang nao jing...
yup yup! they got those "similar" look! and v cheeky :p
yes, finally bought Yan an's stroller yesterday, all prepared for his arrival this sat.. now savouring on ice cream.. i told my mama i must have one a day till this fri.. haa

so envy u all! can always meet up! i will be back to BJ after bb's full month.. think the soonest i will be back is nov (my sis's wedding)...

petit gars,
ya, i think now selling ard the pricing also.. i wana get this and the cleaning toys also! if order from UK, then i think i will order a few more items since i duno where can get these toys from BJ... sigh
Dont worry about machine gun! He will become one very soon. It can be so sudden that you will be really surprised. Trust me! By then, you hope he will SHUT-UP....

Good that J is watching and learning. We have high expectation, always think they are under-stimulated, but in fact, they are learning and discovering alot everyday. They are absorbing lots of things everyday without you realising.

Yeah, just started Andrea on her 1st JG class last sat. Hmm.... feel that its not exciting as when I attended previously with Lucas. Basically, is about the same thing. But Andrea enjoyed lah, dancing and cheering loudly when singing and music time. Which timeslot and centre are you looking at? Hope to be able to meet you in class.

You are such hardworking mama. ZQ is progressing fast. Haha.. so cute. I believe he knows his colours already, he is just playing with you and seeking attention. Lucas is also like this, at times love to show off, but at times when I want some serious answers from him he will be so cheeky to tell you the wrong answer, making you so pei chey sometimes. More to come.... Keep up the good teaching, he is progressing very well.
do let me know if you find the shipping charges are reasonable... I may need to get some items from ELC too... I love the toys there. Can we ship together if it's so much cheaper?

Ay, I can get zrytec from the guardian pharmacy without prescription lei. Must say it works well on my older girl and myself. There was a period of time every morning I woke up with a 'sinus' (or should be rhinitis) all of a sudden. I mentioned it to my doc when I went to see her and she precribed it. After 1 whole bottle.. the nose cleared and the problem went away.


Maybe you can try assembling your own cleaning set for ZQ since the ELC one is out of stock... sometimes they prefer real equipment than toy version.
yes precisely! make me wondering does he knows his colours or not.. coz when i ask "can give mama the yellow pen?" then he can get it right.. when i ask him "what's the colour of the pen", then it becomes yellow! argh..
haa, im not hardworking leh.. been very lazy recently.. i think i will have less time teaching and playing wi him after didi's arrival.. hope can settle down wi the new changes soon, then will be able to plan out my time better..

petit gars,
i just browsed ELC UK website, sad to know that they dun have shop at China and they dont't do international shipping.. sob sob..
ya! i looked ard many places for the mini version of broom and mop but cant find leh.. mini pail and containers are easy to find though.. and he got the vacuum cleaner already.. the most attractive part of the toy to me is actually the trolley! haa.. coz can put everythg in and push ard to clean, looks so pro and organized!
is that so? okie, will try the next round my zrytec runs out, cos i experience fussy pharmacists b4.

wat a pity...sob sob...do you know of any card promotions coming up for the june holidays?
Dont worry. He is just playful. Lucas was like this too... If not wrong, Lucas everything also RED! Just being Mischievous.

Just curious, how come you are getting another stroller? Will you be getting a helper after Yan An is born? So, you will go out with 2 strollers?
tiffany: hi, can check with you? so JG has weekend enrichment classes? if so im interested, cos i always tot they only have weekdays slots.
Oh, Zrytec can be used on sinus? Can Andrea take it? In fact, I told PD on sunday when I brought Andrea for jab, PD prescribed me with another medicine for sensitive nose. Dint take note of the name of medicine. Do you think Andrea can take Zrytec?
regarding ELC toys:
Just to share my experience when I want to get the trampoline for my kids 2 mths back. I went down to united square branch, and they told me it's OOS for all branches and their singapore warehouse. Feeling disappointed... cos I want it so badly for my kids, so I call up the branches myself the very next day, and guess wat ??? There's one left in the forum branch, and i went to pick up on the very same day. Good news, the system charged me lower at $120+ instead of the actual retail price of $160... sales gal blame on system error...I was overjoyed !!!
Yes. They offer Playclub billigual on weekends. Sat slots are at Evans only, while sundays are offered at both Forum and Evans. They have 4 time slots

1) 9am to 11am
2) 11.30am to 1.30pm
3) 2pm - 4pm
4) 4.30pm - 6.30pm (Andrea's slot at Evans)

Think have to register fast, as some timeslots are popular and vacancies run out fast.

anyone keep to send yr kids for drum class. Brig is v interested in drums (those using hands type). I managed to get someone who is willing to teach him afracia drums... going for a 1st trial soon...

Hopefully he like it..

It's for allergy, It shouldn't be a problem for Andrea since my PD presribed it for chloe too when she had running nose once. My older girl like petit gars's girl takes it all the time whenever she has running nose.

But since your PD prescribe for Andrea another medication, you should try it first

yr boi so cute.... he learning real fast.. a few more months he will be holding a book and teach YA abt colours...
petit gars,
not sure abt the card promotion leh..
u are so LUCKY!!! then i gonna call them on n off to check on the toy availability! im gonna be a bugging bee... hee

ya, really mischievous right! shang nao jing..
yes, we will engage a nanny to help me out, the current ayi wll stay put mainly do housework.. but both of them not staying overnight, will work from 8am to 7pm.. then hubby will back home to help out. if hubby outstation, then will request one of them to stay overnight to help out..

coz zq's current one is maclaren volo (cant recline one) so not suitable for newborn.. so i bought mac techno xt for didi.. if going out huh, hmm.. haven really think abt that yet, i guess for the time being i dare not go out alone wi the boys, so either hubby or ayi will be joining me so can handle 2 strollers..
actually i wana buy a buggy board! can be attached to maclaren strollers.. so zq can stand on it while i strolling didi ard, looks fun!
buggy board is good! My older girl loves it but problem is she is getting a little heavy for me... every morning its a good workout for me to bring her to cc.
the drum class sounds fun!
haa.. he's very mischievous.. if he able to do so i will jump wi joy! then less work on me :p
u got the buggyboard too?! is it from Lascal? the mothercare staff recommend this to me.. u know the max weight it can hold? i think it looks cool & fun leh!
Thats sounds good with so many helpers. I am not sure how is ZQ, I definitely cant cope alone with 2 kids. Both have their demands and wants, so, I need that extra pair of hands.

Ok, but i think its hard to bring 2 strollers out, have bags and baby some more. Well, but perhaps there are some superwomen around, but I am sure I cant make it.
wah! 23kg.. then i think it's worth to invest one coz longer "mileage" for zq.. hee..
ya, must be very taxing to push ard.. but good la, we can train up our muscles also.. :p

that's the reason i get extra helping hands. coz zq is really a handful now, imagine when we bring him out, my hubby + me + my parents have to take turn to run after him, coz 99% of time he dun wan to sit in his stroller and hold our hands.. v v tiring..

im not superwoman either.. can already visualise the chaotic scene if i bring 2 of them out.. agree wi u, both kids sure have different needs and wants, very challenging to handle both all by myself.. maybe mainly bcoz the age gap of our kids v close...
I find Little Neuro Tree fairly good, among the better ones (includ. those that done with trial class). Both my hb and I prefer Little Neuro Tree.
Din manage to continue as I switched job. As I have settled down, tot of starting it again. Considering Julia Gabriel bilingual playclub over the weekends.
Will try out for a term and if we still prefer Little Neuro Tree, then may go back then.
U can call up and arrange for trial class with them.
Its fun for the kids but can be tiring on the mums cos now pushing 2 kids instead of one and it helps if you have long arms or a stroller with extended handles(XT has!). But its pretty useful at crowded pl cos you can keep your bigger kid safe and close by.

But don't think suitable for ZQ yet... maybe about 3 yrs old? Cos we tried chloe on it... she stays on it for a few min, she wants to get off suddenly.
I am going for a trial class with JG this weekend. Will then sign up and register for the upcoming term in Jul. They somehow follows the school terms, month of June is 'off' with only holiday programmes running.
I will decide which slot to go for this sat, but for sure, it will be Evans Rd outlet.

is it? hmm... maybe i try him on 1st, if not i will just buy and standby.. i fall in love wi it the 1st time i saw it.. :p
