(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

I might be taking half day leave tomorrow to bring my girl to the zoo in the morning if the weather is good! So may not be able to join you gals for the lunch!
If there is any changes to my plan, I'll give one of you a call okie!

WOW.. you moving to Bandung liao... will miss you.... Good also, can enjoy "tai tai" life there loh. I am not familiar there, so cant advise anything. Only message to you is ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY as much as you can....
tiffany: yup i can make it!! 1230 will be good! i dun mind anywhere, you guys decide?

any more mummies want to join us at raffles city?
CM, Happy Birthday in adv!!

Sorri, no clue on those things that you mentioned about the relocation. Maybe you try searching the net for the answers?
cm: wah u are relocating! what a big move. hope everything will settle in nicely for u!
and happy bday to u in advance too!
GREAT To hear that. hmm.... can you suggest? Both Doobom & me have no preference. I know basement have quite a few eateries, but not sure which you all prefer. Please give me suggestion. Thanks.

Anymore mommies wana join? 1230pm lunch at Raffles City tomorrow.

RE: Lunch on 19/5 (Tuesday) at Raffles City - 1230pm (Exact venue to be confirmed)

1) Doobom
2) Ecookie
3) Tiffany_seah

I dont mind taking Out of the Pan, near the mini water fountain. But not sure if you all are keen.
twinkle star, gingerleaf, hope your girls recover quickly!

CM, happy birthday in advance!

ecookie, my girl's favourite word is also NO. everything also reply with a "NO!", unless we offer her food then her reply is "more...". and the other day, i asked her to "come here" so that i could comb her hair. that naughty girl told me to "come here" and even give hand signal to ask me to come over. BTH!
zhen zhen: glad to hear of the good test result!
and hannah so cheeky! now they really learn fast.
sometimes i also dun know where to laugh or be mad over yz's words/actions!
RE: Lunch on 19/5 (Tuesday) at Raffles City - 1230pm (Exact venue to be confirmed)

1) Doobom
2) Ecookie
3) Tiffany_seah
4) chris

hi, the raffles city is the one that is near to the city hall MRT station right? I can join in but only at abt one. I work in Clark Quay now... can walk there. Any one can PM me yr number? Just worry i may have some last min inspection then cannot join in.. hee hee
SMS you to check where you want to lunch only.
Can you suggest the venue? If you have no preference, shall we eat at Out of the Pan?

Great to have you joining us. I will pm you my contact. Let me know if you dont it.
hi all

chris.. lance likes to touch/press it whenever i change for him...aggrrrr... i'll try to distract him whenver possible, sometime he'll 4get, sometime he contd do it, i tink is a growing phase for boys.... dun tink brig's is talkative la, he's v interactive =)

ecookie.. yz another smartie...can say so many words esp in mandarin! lance 'kou tou chan' also 'bu yao bu yao'!! read ur blog recently, sorry to hear abt ur gramps... hope ur mum has overcomed it & nvr skip her meal le..

twinklestar, garina got admitted arh? i thot u said her fever better le? hope ur hb can book-out over the weekend to help you... lucky she's better & can b discharge tml,.... u take care ya.

gingerleaf.. u too, take care.. wonder if lyn's fever is due to the lump, hope the doc can find out the cause soon.

karrie... is chris's boy - ah brig who can say he dislike the teacher la.. lance hvnt go to cc yet, still @ nanny hse.. hehe..

cm... ya man, time really flies!! last year me&zann get to eat ur BD icecream during our gathering @HRC, now is your nxt BD again!! hope u hv a great time w the family on tis year BD!! u another mummy getting relocating w hb?? sure many stuff to fllw-up cos u have two. may b u chk w carissa's schl abt the notification/trf? or get some assistance w hb's contact in bandung for new schl/good plcs to hangout? make sure u get enuff medication for carlson b4 the move. hope to hear fm u/meet up b4 u leave SIN.

dodo.... how how? got eat all ur favorite bo?? hahaha... the toy u posted is cooool... i'm sure zq wud luv it!!

totoro.. enjoy ur zoo trip w kelly tml! may b u can bring her go toy'R'us lookout for those kitchen toys, they shd hv more varities.

san, ponponta.. hope clarisse & anders recovers soonest too!

im back from gynae checkup + savouring sinful foods + buying zq toys!

ok for my gynae checkup, very funny leh, bb seems to "shrink"? doc said bb abt 3.1kg now, last week was 3.2kg.. not that worrying since it's only an estimation loh.. just hope to deliver a bb at least 3kg (coz zq borned at 3.3kg), think more huggable.. hee.. bb still not engage yet and HC seems bigger than last week... will admit myself to TMC this sat at 1pm and waiting to be "cut"! :p

re the cleaning toys:
thanks all mummies for the positive feedbacks!

yes yes, it's from ELC! we went to the Forum branch and was told that whole spore was OOS for this! so disappointed!

then i "sot tio" the kitchen set selling at $200, hubby rather discouraging loh, coz of the price and the bulkiness if we were to bring it back to BJ... sigh.. so we got a kitchen set from toy r us, gingerleaf i think what i got similar to urs.. also from Just Like Home.. definately dun look as impressive as the ELC one but cheap so chin chai lah.. :p

zhen zhen,
congrats for the good result!

i also very relieved when i received the DS result for yan an..
zq same as hannah! he also "command" me "come come" wi his hand signal.. BTH leh.. already so heavy now still gonna go to him!!!

hope lyn's fever subside soon and nothing serious at all.. dun worry much k, u must take care too!

twinkle star,
u are welcome.. hope garina recover soon! yes, the nebulizer sure "sound" and "seems" daunting to our little ones.. u can sing song and hug her tight and kiss to distract her? hope she will be able to discharge soon... hugs...
wow! this will be a big change for ur family!
enjoy planning out and look forward to the "adventure" ya, sure it will be an exciting one!
Happy Birthday to u in advance! ^-^
Evening mummies!

twinkle stars: hope garina gets well soon. really tough on you to be taking care of her alone. hugs hugs!

gingerleaf, hopefully there's nothing serious to lyn's fever ya.

zhenzhen, that's a piece of good news!

dodo, u take care and enjoy the counting down too!

cm, happy birthday in advance to you! sorry can't help much to ur indonesia enquiry

my hb is out of town, and i miss him like crazy!!
wow CM u can be taitai liao!! will miss u tho!

Gingerleaf and Twinkle_stars, hope lyn and garina recover fast...poor things...

chris, matty also sometimes pulls his privates when we change/bathe him. he thinks it's funny too. i just pull his hands aside and say 'chou chou/smelly' kakakaka...

oops junnie i think i really blur liao...meant to type chris but type ur nick instead...

zhen_zhen, congrats on the test results!

dodo, thanks to u today i went to ELC at United Sq and so tempted to get the bosch workshop/kitchen set for matty...gonna spend money again.... :p u must be excited abt yan an's arrival this sat!!
Hi mummies,

Lyn was burning at 39-39.7 today, and she almost had to be warded in KK for observations.
Anyway, she is home and after taking ibrufen, her fever went down drastically to 37.5 within 2 hours. However, she retches out her last milk feed like last night, so will have to keep our finger crossed that she will not start burning again.
don't worry. think won't go up anymore. that time when sherry was in kk, also given ibrufen and we stay there for also ard 2hr aft her fever went down to 37.6 deg. Then that nite i also fear will go up again but lucky no lor. hope it will be ok for lyn.
gingerleaf... oh dear.. so did the doc @kkh said where lyn's hving infection? tonite will b sleepless nite 4u & hb le... got to monitor & sponge her if fever shoot up..hope the ibrufen helps.

zhenzhen, dodo... glad both ur chk-up goes smoothly & bb is doing fine =) dodo... happy counting down!

karrie.. no prblm, sometime our mind & hand dont 'co-ordinate'.. haha...

chintz.. so left u & chole, when ur hb coming back? try not to carry her so much cos u said u got back prblm rite? tk care. when is ur maid arriving to help out?
tiffy....orh. oic... lucky u SAHM no need work can play v late lah (can tk a nap together w sherry tml)... i jus pop-in to chk some eml aft tucked them to slp, my mind v much wanna go explore fb game, but my eyelid so heavy le... hiaz... u contd enjoy manning ur restaurant, me going to 'play chess w zhou gong' le... hehe... gd nite =)
Morning mummies!

Didn't know got so many night owls here hehe.. I also slept very late last nite, rushing work.

gingerleaf, hope lyn is feeling better now.

junniez, luckily hb just go for a short trip, coming back thurs nite. chloe is more guai recently, won't force me to carry her :p and thankfully i have IL's great help.
maid should be arriving in another 3-4weeks
usually when sherry nap i nv nap with her. i will go n bath n eat my lunch. by the time i finish doing all these, it's her time to wake up liao.

u v early.

good morning all mummies
Morning Mummies...

Happy Birthday to CM! All the Best and enjoy yourselves with your love ones on your special day.

How does the lump come about? From the fall? If so, you may want to boil hard-boiled egg and roll on the area. Perhaps once to twice a day.
For the fever, giving Lyn lotsa of water or barley water is good.
Take good care.

RE: Lunch on 19/5 (Tuesday) at Raffles City - 1230pm (Exact venue to be confirmed)
1) Doobom
2) Ecookie
3) Tiffany_seah
Anymore mummies? Working mums in town? Come join us...
morning mummies!

junnie: thanks for ur concern, i think she is better now.

doobom/tiffany: any ideas where to eat? im fine with tiffany's suggestion. unless its very crowded, we can go try our luck elsewhere. i need to leave ard 130pm though cos got meeting later...pai seh.
normally i wake up on my pc n mend my restaurant and let it run. then i will go back to bed n lay till sherry wake up. hahaha but sometime i will sleep back till she make some sound to wake me up lor.hehehe
i just put down sherry name in cc in 2011 at the next blk. If i want her in 2010 will b in waiting list.can't imagine it is just a neighbourhood cc and not branded cc still have waiting list too. then the fees for non-working mum is ard $360 aft sub
morning mummies...

junnie, really salute you leh.. so late have not sleep next day still need to work..

gingerleaf, how is lyn's fever? subside already? her lump subside already?

karrie, dodo.. you all make me tempted to go down ELC.. do they have sales during GSS? heehee.. the bosch workshop sounds so fun!!

dodo, very excited for you.. in a few days time can see yan an already!! enjoy your makan session...
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Happy Birthday CM!!</font></font>

hope you have an enjoyable day today and many happy returns!!
Good morning Mommies,

RE: Lunch on 19/5 (Tuesday) TODAY at Raffles City - 1230pm (Out of the Pan)

Note: Whoever arrives, just go in to have a seat. There are 4 of us, I did not make any reservations.

1) Doobom
2) Ecookie
3) Tiffany_seah
4) Chris (renziz)

Anyone wana join us??

It must be worrying and tiring. Please take care.
Great to have our birthday girl, CM joining us too....

RE: Lunch on 19/5 (Tuesday) TODAY at Raffles City - 1230pm (Out of the Pan)

Note: Whoever arrives, just go in to have a seat. There are 5 of us, I did not make any reservations.

1) Doobom
2) Ecookie
3) Tiffany_seah
4) Chris (renziz)
5) CM
hi all THANKS &amp; hugs &amp; Kisses for all ... :D

am joining the mummies for lunch leaving soon

Gingerleaf if Lyn dun want milk can you ask for the medi to put into Lyn bum... cos the ibrufen will cos gastic and she need to eat be4 taking the medi
hi all

mummies hving lunch now - enjoy!! (esp cm, happy BD!!)

tiffy, yahor, u got to tk lunch/do ur stuff when sherry is napping =) ur cc also v 'hot' need waitlist for so long.

chintz.. lucky ur hb rtn-ing tis thurs.. mine will b leaving for a wk fm tis sunday.. me got to b 'octopus' again!
tiffy, u going back to work or preparing #2? heehee..

tiffany, my kid can drink from cup.. he was trained in school.. but beginning very messy.. we give him a small cup and pour very little water in it, so he always stick the cup to his face to drink it..see already very funny...

junniez, aiyo.. u going to be real busy with 2 active kids.. where is your hb going?
gingerleaf, glad that lyn's fever subsided. hope stays that way. do try get some rest urself girl, must be tiring for u.

ponponta, the salesgirl at ELC told me got 5% discount if u use Nets to pay...but not sure if got GSS discounts tho...hmmm. i was so tempted to reserve the kitchen set or the workshop or the sand/water pit set...everything looks so fun there. I think i'd be the one who would end up playing with the stuff hiakhiakhiak. the only thing that held me back is lack of storage space...

Tiffany, matty can drink from cup but he likes to pour the water all over the floor and even on his head when he is done...it wasn't v difficult to train...we started by giving him small sips from the cup and then when he got more confident let him hold the cup by the handles loh. but my maid still likes to hold the cup for him.


Mummies have a wonderful lunch...

regarding zrytec drops, you definitely can get that from Guardian, but only with a prescription. I normally stock up whenever I visit the paed.

Brig is definitely a bright baby! Cos he makes it a point to communicate with you.
Marcus will only give me a cheeky look and smile whenever I teach him a new word. My paed even asked me to force him to speak up and ask for something, b4 giving in to his requests... however, he only knows how to smile with a CHEEKy look loh... haiz.

regarding touching of penis, marcus also do that. whenever I say weewee or while changing his diaper, he will point at his penis and go smile. at times, he would also pull his penis... OUCH... painful rite? how to stop that?

Hugs &amp; kisses to Lyn... it must be real painful with that lump... take care

I saw that cleaning set in ELC (united square), both my kids love it... just that we have too many bulky toys at home, and hubby is grumbling the house look at a playhouse to him.... toys everywhere. This mummy loves to buy toys... a big kid myself...keke.
