(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

dodo, i'm e one who told my mum no need to go c doc.. but she insisted.. ha! seems like many of our babies are going thru e same thing so i m more relieved.

totoro, thanks for the assurance! will do just that today.. hopefully she can feed better.. u are right! think i learn more from them than anything... =D

jeddie, my girl's poo is green..

hi, will drinking water helps to aid the passing of motion for babies? my mIL n mum said so but when i checked with PD, he said baby dont need water for the 1st 6 mths...

ecookie, well it did help my baby! i know abt recommendations from PD abt water but apparently there are 2 schools of thought among different PDs as well (one says can give water, e other one says no need to give water). i gave my girl water since she's born and it does help the passing of motion n urine.. if her water intake for that day is lesser, we can see that e urine is more yellowish an poo is more solid.. of cos not to feed so much cos too much water has an adverse effect..
mummies who are keen on feeding baby solids, pls do read up on what are suitable for 1st feeds okay? Certain food cannot feed at such early stage. I will start on rice cereal tmr, juz for fun only, not replacing her milk feeds. Read its good to start on bland stuffs 1st, b4 moving to sweeter stuffs.

my sweetie poos once in every 3-4 days! She seems to be alright. No hard poo or what leh. She is on 70% BM and 30% FM. She got no prob pooing oso, no cry or what, and each time is ALOT! Im always hoping that hubby will be ard when she poo, so that he can clear it. Its really alot! Hehehe. I hate wiping poo. If 'poopoo' day is on a weekday, I will keep telling her not to poo until daddy come home.
lol, my baby poos alternate day and i think alot already.. ur baby 3-4 days then 1 shot poo must be ALOT.. can imagine. haha

hippo: thanks for advice, we do try to give him water now n then. my MIL+mum more diligent wheras i sometimes lazy/forgot to do so. somemore he always wail wafter sucking awhile when he realise its not milk.. so dun dare to give before he zzz at night in case agitate him
I went to the library and this is what I found :

" Your baby is more likely to be prone to allergies if they already exist in the family, so it's best to be cautious. Waiting until your baby is at least 6mths old before introducing solids can help prevent allergies occuring.

How are allergies caused?
While your baby is young, her gut is more porous, so proteins (the parts of food that cause allergies) can leak into the bloodstream. Your baby's immune system reacts to these proteins in the way it reacts to germs. Then, whenever she eats that particular food, her immune system reacts as if it is an infection. She has what is called an "allergic reaction".

Why does it help to wait until six mths before introducing solids?
the older your baby is when she first tastes real food, the more mature her digestive systems has become. The protein are less likely to leak into the bloodstream and your baby can handle different foods without having an allergic reaction. Also, her immune system is more mature and better at recognizing the difference between food protein and bacteria. In babies who have no solids before 6 mths, allergies appear later, tend to be milder and the children grow out of them earlier."
hello mummies...been a long time since i last logged in...

looks like its the common trend that once they hit the 3rd mth..most decrease in milk intake...mine also decreased her feeds already...but she abit on the big side...3.2 mths at 7kg....so maybe help her diet abit..haha

anyone still tbf? do your babies stick to you like super glue? mine dun want anyone else to put her to bed...only want me....macham very cham...

re: feeding of solids....ya..i think for those with allergies..try not to start too early..coz was told that if too early...they tend to have higher chance of getting allergies too.... if can wait...think better to wait alittle while longer...

btw...are ur little babies still sucking their thumbs?? i was told to try and wean her off..coz its a bad habit that is quite hard to break next time...but hor...what else for them to do?? isint it natural instinct for them to suck?

I agreed with you on the sucking instinct. I'm still giving her pacifier when she wants to sleep cos I prefer that then she sucking the rest of the things like her fingers, fist, pillows, blanket and whatever she can get hold of. If we carry her, she will suck the t-shirt and even our shoulder or hand sometimes. So I rather her sucking something that I have cleaned rather than the rest of the stuff.
But with the above going on, how to wean off pacifier and as for fingers ( almost difficult right if its always there for them ....)
totoro, i agree with u.. i'd rather my girl suck on e pacifier.. easier habit to break..

bbunny, tink u can try e pacifier ba.. they suck for comfort. like wat totoro said, e thumb is always there leh.. whereas u can always hide e pacifier.. =D
ya, i also like bringing bb out coz there's so many things for bb to see, n plus, he likes looking at people/children,etc, so i need not have to entertain him or try to find ways to entertain him. only thing is to watch for times when he's cranky due to sleepy/hungry,etc.

re: milk intake
babies are really erratic creatures. one moment they can drink a lot, next moment, they drink v.little. my boy also drank v. little some days back, can tahan 4 hrs then drink ard 90ml. then suddenly yesterday nite for 2 feeds, he drank 240ml, then 260ml. morning another 210ml, next feed 120ml! so so hard to predict how much he drinks. so nowadays, dun dare to make so much milk. not enough then run to make more. at least dun have to throw so much milk away when he doesn't want to drink. but got to run to n fro to make milk like siao char bor. sigh...

re: giving water
PD also told me dun give, but i noticed that when i give, the poo is lots softer. but i only give 30ml max per day, so that he can still have enough space for his feeds.

thanks for sharing the games. very useful!

re: feeding semi-solid foods
when to give bb solid food, it depends on PD's advice n how ready ur bb is. if some of u try n bb is receptive, then go ahead coz food tasting is an adventure for them - letting them learn new senses as well. but if bb rejects then try again another time, dun rush ur bb for something he/she is not ready for.

my bb also like to suck thumb/hand/bolster/cloth, anything that reaches his mouth. and when sleep, must always give paci or else v.hard to sleep. not sure how to wean him off that, but i rather he suck tat than his fingers. guess when he's older than i just do 'cold turkey' on him - chuck his paci! n prepare to have him holler for tat b4 deciding that enough is enough, not having a paci is not the end of the world! :D
Hi mummies,

It's been mths ever since I last posted my message. I've been having a hard time taking care of Javier and so haven't had time to post anything in the forum.

Re: Milk intake & refuses bottle
I guess no one else's bb is taking less than my Javier. I was forced to do TBF as he refused bottle when he was 2 mths old (it just happened overnight)...well, he's now 3 mths 2 wks. So he has in fact been refusing bottle for at least a mth now. He's not heavy..only 5.9kg last checked at 2 wks ago. Oh yes, brought Jav to PD and he said nothing is wrong. I've tried different teats including changing to a special bottle with milk flow that resembles the breast but still can't bluff him off.

He will wail and wail for very long. When try to calm him down and insert the bottle again, he'll wail even louder and longer. I've tried to miss a feed and feed him with bottle when he's hungry again but he'll only drink 30ml after much effort used to make him drink. I've been trying to feed him bottle once or twice a day but the same episode has been occurring. I'm really exhausted.
I don't have much milk ss so he has been latching on almost every 1 or 2 hrs...I can feel that I'm drained. I don't even have time to eat or drink....

Re: Sleeping habit
I envious mummies whose babies can sleep unassisted or with a pacifier. Jav refuses pacifer and wants to be latched on. He can only fall asleep on my breast. Sometimes I try to break his suckle when he has closed his eyes and put him either onto the rocker or his cot, he will immediately open his eyes and wail again.

Help, help, I need help!

Re: Bringing bb out
I can't possibly bring him out alone as he refuses to be in my ergo carrier. Well, Jav can only stay in the pram for a while but will wail again when bored or sleepy or hungry. My hb and I have hard time bringing him out to shop or eat. We'll end up coaxing him and nothing is done. So to date, we still haven't bought any new clothes, shoes and cny goodies.

Re: Semi-solids
My PD told us that we can start introducing cereal when Jav turns 4 mths but I don't think I'll do so due to I have many allergies on food. Wonder if it's because I was being introduced semi-solids when I was 4 mths old.

Re: Sleeping through
Hmmmm...I wonder how you mummies did it. I try very hard to stick to GF method but Jav still wakes up 2-3 times a night. Wonder when this will be over.....

I'm sorry I've been too long winded but I think I have a difficult baby. He's too obstinate! No baby refuses bottle for so long ! Sigh....
thanks totoro for your advice, im now more convinced that i should wait till baby is at least in his 6th mth before inttoducing solids.

bb bunny: think your baby weight is okie. my baby is 7kg when he's 3 mths old. heh.
my one now take pacifier to sleep but will suck his fingers when he "discovered" them like when his hand happen to be in his sight he wil very fast shove it in his mouth..lol
dont worry abt the thumb sucking think most baby will stop once they hit 1 year old..
i understand how a difficult baby can drain u. i was on TBF when my baby is 1-2 mths old but lack of support from my MIL rendered me unable to express out and get others to help out with the feeding. so i was 100% DIRECT feeding and with 1-2 hrs interval between feeds for the 1st 2 mth made me VERY tired.

worse, baby fell sick when the husband passed his cough to him and i was tending to baby ALONE in the hospital for 3N. after going back home, daddy cant help cos still abit sick and after this episode i was tired out by everything and i switched to FM soon.

though it was a choice of me to switch to FM before i go back to work but i made the switch earlier for i was just so tired from the latching on + lack of support.

till today, im still abit resentful towards my MIL for not allowing me to express back then.

for the feeding, if your supply has run so low till u need to switch to FM, be persistent with feeding the bottle. it'll take time for baby to accept but he should still be able to accept since he's only 3 mths + now.. my nephew has direct BF for 4-5mths before switching n he refused the bottle aswell. so my poor sis-in-law has to feed milk to him by the spoon but she s very patient and once he turned older, they switch to cups for him.

as for sleeping, u really should ask your husband or mother/MIL to help out. im sure carrying the baby and rocking him will slowly put him to sleep. perhaps it ll take longer but practice will make it easier.

routine needs time to be established so u must perservere to set one.
i stayed up 2 nights in a row just to pat my baby back to sleep for him to let him understand nighttime is meant for sleeping. and the next day when i was very tired (since i never sleep at night) , i stil insist on keeping him awake during the day so he will be tired n ready for sleep at night.

this cycle took me like nearly a week before he settled into his routine of sleeping at 9+pm to next day 5+am with a dream feed in between at 11+pm.

so dont despair. it may be hard to take care of your baby now but sooner he';ll grow up and be more manageable along the way. ")
wah, this thread is so active!

actually what is dreamfeed? my baby if sleep early say 9pm+ will cry for milk around 12+ and she will goes back to sleep until 5 or 6 in the morning. Is this consider to be dream feed? I'm still TBF by the way.
Hi Mummies,

So many posts had a hard time catching up.

Re: Feeding/Sleepin
My bb schedule went hay-wired since Mon
Used to feed every 3-4 hrs on both breasts but now every couple hour wakes up & drinks 1 side sigh... have to sacrifice sleep again. Also he has been cryin in his sleep these 2 days & I wonder why. Any mummies experience this? He'll wail out for a short while then go back to sleep again & then smile. Is he dreaming???

*sayang* ok dun feel so stress cos BB will sense it. I've thrown GF method out the window liao. I was very determined to follow & even drew out time-table before BB was born but now can't follow at all. Sigh. BTW, if BB is latching on milk SS will juz increase naturally. Can make fenugreek drink for yourself also. Buy the seeds - Alba in Malay. Hu2 Lu2 Ba1 in Chinese. Can buy from those spice shops or some Chinese medical hall. It works for me when I was tryin to TBF. Actually I dun really let my BB sleep through cos will engorge very painful so I rather feed him at night also.

Re: Soilds
Went to PD. Was advised to start only after 6 mths cos BB seems to have sensitive skin cos always have rashes on his face think due to his saliva even though I wipe hisface very often. But his naughty daddy always sneak fruits to him to lick when I'm not looking that's why BB always very happy when he sees his daddy. Even though cannot start solid I'm giving BB water using spoon to let him get use to 'eatin' & also to intro a bit of water cos he refuses to drink using bottle.

Re: CNY shopping
Have any mummies regain back their figure liao? I dun feel like buyin clothes for myself cos feeling fat think still got a couple kg to lose but seems that the hips area cannot shrink back leh
but BB got lots of clothes to do fashion show. Anyway, the limelight will be on him this yr not me.
hi all

waaaaah...less than a day alr sooooo many post!! hv to find time 'digest' again!! hehe..

btw, any mummies knw where to get 'Angel Wipes'? i used to get it fm CK Dept. store, but out-of-stock now. i find it quite ok, $1.90/pack - 80pcs, unscented, comparable to those branded one. i normally used wipe to clean bb poo poo b4 bring him to wash up.

gingerleaf, i meant to tell u but keep forgetting leh.. u knw, fm FB, then i realise u r 'alice chua', then gimme a 'shock', i thot howcom sap's mum (my SIL) also also how to surf net/FB!! so much "co-incident" w u, kekeke... btw, if i didnt remember wrongly, u got extra destin creamy rite? can sell me 1 tube by post or not? PM me your bank dtls. cos my egozite finishing, i thot of trying destin, but too lazy (shd say 'scare') to browse the "evil BP"!! hahaha...
u poor thing... so sorry to hear u having a v.tough time with ur boy. did u get someone else to try bottle-feeding him? coz babies can smell us n could refuse the bottle when we try to offer the bottle. also, for bottle-feeding, sometimes it could be due to the way we hold our baby. try feeding baby with him sitting on ur lap, support his lower back and face outwards so that as he drink, he can look around. but keep the place peaceful/quiet so he can see but not get so distracted until refuse to feed.

my baby needs the paci to sleep but wakes up when he discovers that his paci has dropped off n scream his head off. so when that starts, its another round of coaxing n patting him back to sleep again.

sleeping thru
my boy hasn't sleep thru yet. he wakes up at erratic hours n its due to hunger, not habit coz he takes full feed. this is despite him taking his fill during the day. asked PD when bb will sleep thru, he said depend on bb. its v.tiring to wake up in the nites, so try to grab short naps whenever bb sleep. that's the only way to stay sane.

bringing bb out
my boy also initially didn't like the pram. put him inside only will scream n shout. but i constantly practice putting him in everyday at home, pretend that bringing him out. push around the house. gradually he ok. as for the carrier, also constantly try n try until bb get used. babies are creatures of habit. if they do somethin they r not used to, they will make their frustration b known LOUD but once they r used to it, they will be fine. most importantly, have support from ur hubby/family when bring him out, try to enjoy the process coz bb can sense our anxiety. if we relax n just pay attention to bb's needs, bb may also not b so tensed up n be more calm. so dun give up bringing bb out k?

if things get too tough for you, try to get ur family to help out n u take some time off fr bb. can also pour ur sorrows onto the forum, i'm sure mummies here will emphathise with you, give u a listening ear n support.
yah dreamfeed is like a feed where your baby drink and fall back to sleep after wards..

cin: on slimming down
ive slimmed down but the last 2 kg very hard to lose..

but still didnt stop me from buying new clothes for CNY :p
I got extra, but Im keeping it for future use leh. hehehe =p This one is from spree section, not bp. =p

Baby is 4mths today! Just came back from PD and she is 6.87kg n 63cm long. Her growth is pretty stable now. She drinks 140ml or more depending on how hungry she is but luckily, her weight still okie, tho her looks shows that she is chubby.
As usual, today did 5-in-1, pneum and rotavirus. Poor gal cry so pitifully as usual. Seems like she knows we are jabbing her today coz on teh way to the pd office, she look so sad. lol

Hop over to gynae office next door to buy some pills and use their weighing scales, I have gone down another 2kg! Yay! Now at 51kg and 3-4kg more to go to pre peg weight. sigh.
re:slimming down
the hip area will take a slightly longer time to slim down or somtimes mayb even be slightly wider than b4 pregnancy, coz our hips widen during the birthing process thus alterning the pelvic area.
ur baby 4mths old already! so fast! she's borne early oct right? mine end oct so still got few weeks before turning 4 mths.hehe.

and that's alot of vaccines to take for ur baby. no wonder she sad.. :p
im currently 56+kg.. prepregnancy ard 54-55kg.. the last 2 kg VERY HARD.. though i ve been lazy to go exercise and not really watching diet too. sigh
sansbebe, poor gal.. hugs.. eccokie is right. u might have to be "hard-hearted" and try to establish a routine even though bb might cry his lungs out. else it wun work..

gingerleaf! my girl turning 4 mths during CNY.. keke.. can't wait.. abt e vaccines, so heartpain hor?? and i have 5 mre kg to go to pre-pregnancy! n i hate my hips!!! grr...
re feeding:
my boy's drinking seems okay today, finished up his usual 160ml 4hourly... shall monitor few more days

re losing weight:
alamak.. i still have 7kg leh!!! coz i gained 21kg throughout my pregnancy.. sigh~ actually dun mind to remain another 3-4kg coz my BMI before preggie is slightly below avg.. but it's just so hard to shed off the fat! aarrgh.. i din really diet also, coz i worry it will affect my BM quality leh.. is it really so? or can i just go ahead and diet? will it affect the quality and quantity? any mummies can advise on this?
spree section loh. see who ordering from which webby, then you can join them and buy in from overseas together.

dodo, I oso dun dare to diet. Scare release dunno what toxin into the BM, infact, i have been eating more than I used to b4 preg.
My girl also leh!!! she 3 mths plus liao...TBF...i intro bottle to her at 4 weeks...no prob...then suddenly at 2mths she simply REFUSED to drink from bottle! have tried, avent, nuk, nuk premium,..all she refused! everytime hor its "splutter splutter gag gag aaargh..wailllllllllll boohoo.!!!" scream fest man. sigh. i'm starting to give up.

recently bot avent 3mth+ sippy cup but havent not tried it yet! sigh. the last 4 days have been hell coz my kiddo going thru growth spurt...so EVERY hour has been demanding feed. so i just spend the whole day and nite feeding her in bed! (go toilet to sh*t also no time man! hee) I'm the only one looking after her...so no choice la..:p despite all this...enjoying motherhood still tho...coz after 'torturing' me..my girl will give me the sweetest smile..hee

Cin...about losing weight...i actually have not weighed myself yet..but am quite blessed i think...managed to fit into all my old clothes when bb was 2 mths! i might not have lost all the weight yet tho! :p

gardendreamz...yeah...the kiddoes do seem to like goin out to kaypoh kaypoh hor! hee.
oh oh sanbebe...i agree with ecookie about the routine. my girl has bedtime routine...from 6pm..bath, feed, burp, put in cot by about 7pm (still awake)...initially she would scream and scream. but now she knows and would go to sleep herself! ;) worth establishing routine i think...might ease your stress a bit..coz then after 7pm you can relax...watch tv or wadever when bb asleep!

"sayang sayang" ..I fully understand what you mean when we don;t even have time to eat and shit. I have gone through that initially as well.
My baby cries alot initially and I figured that she is actually hungry cos not enough bm from me. So I introduce FM and I'll try to stick to Milk / Play / sleep routine for her. There are times that she will cry for no reason but I believe the phase will passed. Now my bb is 4mths liao, she seems to understand more but also become more stubborn and starts to choose pple liao. Sometimes she don't want mummy to feed her and cry so hard when I touch her while she is drinking milk !! So .. stay positive and try "talking" to bb, for me it works as she like really understand when I tell her things. Try to listen to what bb wants , I realized if I got the wrong cue, she would be very angry and will cry even though u managed to figure out what she want at the end. Another point is be happy. I was stressed and hence must not be smiling alot during the 1st few mths hence bb don't like to interact with me. Now I will constantly remind myself to smile whenever I'm near her and I'm glad that I'm finally getting some respond from her. Having her smiling back to you just melts every frustration and hard work away .......
help! my baby has been getting into a screaming fest just before bedtime for the past few days. he would scream/cry for as long as 2 hrs before getting himself very tired n finally willing to sleep. i tried giving him the pacifier but when he's angry he refuses it and it couldnt be hunger as he';ll start crying again after a feed.

anyone has any idea why is this so? hubby + i suspected he may be overstimulated during the day and thus when bedtime come he got cranky cos he's too overtired to fall asleep?

sigh. i hope this phrase will pass soon. if not come weekday when my MIL comes up to my place to stayovernight for 2 nights to take care of baby during the day, she surely got alot to say one when she heard baby crying.

she feels that baby cry = hunger only and i m always v stressed that baby fuss when she's ard cos often resulted in overfeeding.
totoro_bb: i agree with u that baby seems to be more stubborne now that they are older. they seems to get real angry if you mis-read their cues and will cry n scream (sometimes no tears... just v angry) for a long period till they over-tire themselves. sigh.

when my baby scream, i cant talk to him cos his voice is SO LOUD! ha
Hi all,

I was looking at bb yesterday and she seems to be trying to do something with her mouth and then .... the "muck" sound came out ..... we're are so delighted as apprently she trying to figure out how we made that sound when we kiss her ... and she has successfully did it.. so proud of her .... :)
Yah I think over-tired. My boy also same case
sigh. Sayang him also cannot, carry him also cannot, pacifier also cannot only give him my breast to suckle then can. I'm a human pacifier liao. What's worse these 2 days he will wake up in the middle of the night for a few times even though it's not time to eat to just suckle for less than 5 min then go back sleep. Made me so pek-chek. Ask his Papa carry also no use cos he'll cry the house down till I'm afraid the police come knock at my door for child abuse. My boy really showing his temper liao.

By the way, may I ask other mummies how you all clean BB toys? Now that he puts everything in his mouth I'm washing his toys every day but since some cannot sterilise I jus use the BB acessories soap to wash in warm water is it sufficient? What abt those fluffy toys huh?
fluffy stuffs i wash in machine like how i wash her clothes.
other toys, only use water rinse, wipe dry then let her bite loh.
hi mummies, wah been so swamped at work!!!! I'm drowning!!! but i get energized when i see bb after work.

sanbebe, you poor thing..really dunno what to suggest also...it seems your baby just wants you...sometimes when mine gets like that i remind myself to cherish this time because when he grows up, i wouldn't get the chance even if i wanted him to stick to me. in fact, my baby is already showing signs of getting closer to my maid or his grandparents than to me. It's a sad fact that I have to accept coz I can't afford not to work now.

Matty seems to be still having his growth spurt. Just downed 190ml at his 1.30pm feed today, and he's been waking up at 3-4am for an extra feed at nite still.

re: slimming down...I'm at my pre-pregnancy weight already. quite amazed i can fit into all my pre-preg clothes. but still cannot resist the temptation to buy new clothes hehehehe...yesterday my students said i look prettier after giving birth...hahahahah make me so happy wahahaha....wonder if they trying to score points hmmmmmm
ecookie, does your baby nap enough during the day? I realised that if mine doesn't nap enough in the day, he gets super cranky around bedtime. weird but true. he usually takes a morning nap (abt 45min), early afternoon nap (about 2 hours) and late afternoon nap (about 15min-30min). if any one has been cut short (sometimes my fil likes to play with him and dun wanna let him sleep grrrr...) he becomes a bedtime monster..
karrie: ur matty nap time alot like what the gina ford's book suggested. hee.. i think babies at 3-4 mths old need ard 3-4hrs nap at most during day time. too little they got cranky come bedtime, too much they dun wanna sleep.. sigh.. thin line to tread..

today i let him nap ard 3hours + and settled him to zzz just now ard 845pm. he wailed abit but soon fall asleep in 10 mins time.. guess i ve been playing with him too much till past his bedtime (sometimes near to 10+ pm!) thats y he's cranky..

shall monitor for next few days. hopefully he wont be as fussy.. *fingers crossed*
ecookie, yah im using gina ford's routine...with some variations of coz :p it helped my lil piggy sleep thru the nite.

you may wanna put bb to bed a bit earlier say 7.30-8pm...mine goes to bed at 7pm and he knows the drill. his bedtime routine is feed at 6pm, wipe down, hugs n kisses all round or read a story if he's still active, then zzz by 7pm. usually after his wipe down he will get sleepy oredi...he just needs a pacifier and he'd be out like a light.
wow, my baby sleeps at 10-11pm. Very hard to make her sleep so early, tho she does take a little nap sometimes around that time.
gingerleaf, my baby used to sleep at around 10-11pm also before i put him on this routine. he would wail n wail n wail if we tried to let him sleep any earlier. he also demanded to be brought downstairs so he could play with grandma n grandpa! took me about a week (and a lot of persuading my in laws) to put him on the routine but SO worth it coz after he goes to bed i can even pop out to nearby ntuc with hubby to get groceries, or do my marking.
wow .. I know mine can sleep after her 6pm feed as well but if we are working and bb sleep so early .. then we don't even have the chance to interact with them when we come back from work !!! Normally reached home ard 7pm plus ...:-( so I'll rather her to sleep ard 9plus or 10, at least have some daddy & mummy time ....so sad hor
karrie and mummies whos babies slept through the night..so good leh ur bb can sleep through.. I tried to let Jerric sleep by 7 or 8pm but he will wakes up 3 hrs later refusing to sleep after his feed.. duno how man.. nowadays he sleep ard 11plus.. He still wakes up for 1 feed in the middle of the night.. Jerric hates pacifier.. he will scream if i force him to eat.. difficult to put him back to zz man..

re: milk intake
seems like alot of babies milk intake decrease hor.. Mine also.. last time can drink 120ml.. nowadays can drink 100ml sometimes even lesser.. duno is it milk strike anot.. Now have alot of excess milk.. very sayang to throw away man..
hmmm.. like all ur babies milk intake is abt 160ml to 200ml.. Think my Jerric is drinking too little?
karrie: yah ive read abit abt Gina Ford routines , thinking of sticking to it soon at least for his sleep routine. yest, managed to put him sleep at 845 but perhaps thats too late also ? he got cranky but so much better than last few nights when we settled him at 10/11pm! he can scream for an hr b4 zzzzing... *sweat* yest he fell asleep in 10 mins with help of pacifier of cos.. heh.

he woke up ard 10pm due to noises created by naughty papa and he got v angry! scream n i ve to rock him back to zzz. lucky he fell back asleep soon too. we woke him up for his dream feed ard 1130pm which he promptly fall back asleep till 4am this morning.. which is weird cos he normally wake up ar ard 5+am. perhaps he sleep too early yest? we managed to give him pacifier so he fell back asleep till nearly 7 am this morn. oops! so long no drink milk milk...

but read from the book its okie for baby to zzz from 7-7 with just 1 feed in between right?
think will continue settling him before830 pm from now on and stretching his morn milk intake to 5-6am..

Re: feeding
i find it hard to stick to the recommended 5 times feeding as per gina ford book. baby is still drinking 6 times a day (1st feed 5-6am, last feed before midnight).
any of you managing 5 feeds now? how much intake per feed?

Jojer: u got take down the daily intake of jerric think ard 700-800ml should be fine.
totoro_bb, yah i know what u mean! the other day i came home at 7pm and totally had no chance to play with him. not even to say nitenite
but I think i'd rather let him get enough sleep...sometimes he very sweet, would wake up for a while at 5plus or 6am to smile at me before i leave for school.

ecookie, yah i'm only sticking to the GF routine about 80% of the time. Matty still needs to feed about 6 times a day. If I make him drink only 5 times he'd complain to no end. Good thing is he gets most of his feeds in the day so that at nite he sleeps. His first feed is at 7am and last feed at 10-10.30pm...yah the book says it's ok to let them sleep from 7-7, with a night time feed at about 10-11pm. The night time feed can be dropped at about 4-6mths i think...but i don't think my greedy piggy can do without it yet. haha.

Jojer, Matty also went through that phase of drinking very little...like ecookie said, if his total daily intake is within normal range i think it should be fine...babies they all got mood one...hahahah
u really have a fantastic sense of humour at the extent of ur cutie Matty! :D

yesterday brought him out to dinner with in-laws n they booked a place which didn't have changing station in the toilet n it was a horrific time trying to change him as me n my helper had to take turns to hold his top/bottom so that we can change his diaper n his romper. thankfully, he didn't do a poo job, just a full wet diaper only. worse part was that the dinner was past his bed time n he kept fussing the whole nite, super cranky. my MIL asked me y he kept crying, was so pissed coz obviously bb is tired n everyone still wanna play/carry him so he can't sleep n he's overstimulated, tired, cranky, angry, all in one! came back home also didn't drink milk properly coz too exhausted alr, cried the house down for a while b4 finally sleeping.

all the efforts that i made in trying to put him to sleep by 7pm n wake up at 6am,etc, have been blown to the wind coz of ILs who dun understand bb's needs. today he's super tired, slept for the most part of the day, i dunno if i can tune him back to his usual 7pm bedtime routine. anyone had this experience of bb's bedtime routine totally screwed up n how long b4 he settles back into routine again?

dun dare to bring bb out today as a result, that poor boy had way too much yesterday. CNY eve will be another challenge- again- dinner wif ILs n the usual qn of y bb cry, then i've to parade outside the restaurant so that they can eat in peace n i need not have to face their qn of y bb cry, better make sure i eat something fillling b4 i go, else, if go, mayn't be able to eat. sigh...
karrie: your matty's photos crack me uP! lol. n he got lots of hair... mine only like 10% of your matty.*sobz*

yah think i will try to settle him by 8pm everynight hopefully but thatas like an hour after i come back from work... sobz.no time to play with him. sigh.. but he sleeping well is good for all of us, i suppose.. my ideal would be for him to zzz from 8pm to 6am with a night feed in between. hopefully he'll settle in this routine for these few mths..

garden_dreamz: i totally agree with you... sometimes others just cant read baby cues to feed/sleep and yet keep on asking the wrong qn. when my baby fuss to zzz, my MIL will ask if its feeding time.. *sigh*

dont worry.. u stick to your routine for few more days, baby sure will adapt back for they are creatures of habit. hee.
and yah, CNY is a challenge. i can foresee baby be ovcer-stimulated then!

hi all

karrie...your pix soooo cute! esp the 'pao' one!!

garden_dreamz... bo bian.. some ppl jus dun understand our 'ku xin'... they thot v easy to handle bb...

jeddie & sanbebe... hope your bb drinking pattern has improved....
