(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

re nursing room:
yup, vivo nursing room so so only and i surprised that it cant be locked... and i think hygiene is another issue here...

re hubby helping:
i think my hubby also do a better job than me... he clean bb's poo poo, bath him, coax him to sleep and wake up for all midnight feeds before bb sleep thru... and they loves to play wi each other, my boy will really talk and laugh loud when playing wi daddy... make me jealous...

re solid food:
which brand of cereal recommended? my boy recently on milk strike... make me so angry coz i had poured away lots n lots of my BM! aarrgghh...

Ok...I think then I have to wait till CNY over to bring him to jab. In case he is cranky or getting fever.....

Just saw the meetup in facebook? when izzit? cause it stated 31/1/08. Isn't that today?
ecookie, keke.. can la.. according to my mum, i rejected milk when i was reaching 3 mths! n my mum had to start me on semi-solids too else i wun be eating anything.. so far i have my younger brother & 7 cousins who went thru' e same thing.. No problem leh.. keke

gingerleaf, hope lyn enjoys e cereal!

dodo, i dunno wat to recommend cos mine is homemade goodie! my mum actually started to 'sun-dry' e brown rice + some herbs like wolfberries and then grind it to powder form and she cook it for adri..
btw, i saw ur blog.. i burst into laughter when i saw e video lor.. my younger cousins & hubby were with me.. ur son is a real entertainer lor! they were laughing so hard along with anderson!

re hubby helping: my hubby does a better job than me too! haha.. *sheepish*.. he is e well-known 奶爸!
dodo, so nice of your husband...

Mine will ask me in the morning. "Did boy boy wake up for milk" Then I will answer him "of course lar". I think I have to start training him. Sometimes I might just be too reluctant to leave him alone with Raphael worried that he cannot handle.

I also start giving my boy some brown rice powder. Maybe it is too little so seems like not doing much changes.

Yesterday bought some Heinz products like rice cereal and some bottle food for 4mth to 6mth one to let Raphael try.
hi all

perlicia... same same, my nanny alr told me 2 mths back she's going holiday w her hubby (visit relatives in china), their trip is recently set for the good friday week (about 10days), so i'll hv to go on leave (lucki i left 2 wks maternity to play with)... no choice, hv to let your MIL go for 'good order sake'... may b arrange w your hubby each one take half day...

my hubby too cant handle bb alone for too long.. jus dun understand y, but lucki now he can handle my gal (may b bigger easier to cope ba)...

re cny..me no time to really go shopping, oni do it during lunch time, v rushing, mostly buying goodies... the kids clothing more or less settle cos my MIL/SIL buy for them...

re jab... mine also hvnt tk pneumococcal cos if gv v young will b abt 4 jabs rite? v pain one leh... will bring him after all the basic jab done.. but will bring him for rota as soon as he recovered fm recent bronchitis... will bring my gal for pneumoccocal too after cny.

haa! anderson's laughter sure very contagious hor.. :p duno what he so happy about... and now he can really talk loud! must be inherited that from me.. haa

aiyoyo.. we so shameful right.. hubby can take care baby better than us :p esp now that i stay at home and take care of bb, sometimes still need to dial "helpline" when i duno what to do, he will then give instruction and suggestion over the phone... he even suggested that he dun mind to be a stay at home daddy, and i told him CANNOT! coz wi only my pay, 3 of us will starve to death :p
dodo, my hubby loves anderson's size also lor! hahaha.. he said so cute!!! tink we must reali meet up la.. then can play with each other's baby.. hohoho! adri also very loud like mummy.. jialat.. think our babies' daddies will go deaf very soon listening to us.. hahaha

aiya, i wun let my hb be stay-at-home dad too.. cos i still want to be able to spend!! keke..

ya, shd have confidence in your hubby that he can do a great job taking care of bb too!
even if he dun really do it well initially, ur encouragement will definately motivate him to improve further.. and we really need a break, so it's good that daddy can take over sometimes lo..
mine the opposite, the 1st ques i ask when i wake up is "what time bb drink his milk? got finish all?"...


agree that pneumococcal jab very painful.. my boy always cried very loud wi that jab.. he gotta take a total of 4 jabs for that, already had 2.. think i will space the jabs out, his 3rd dose of 6-in-1 at his 5th mth and 3rd dose of pneu on his 6th mth... very heartpain.. and my mum keep asking me not to give him so many jabs at once.. she said very cruel leh.. oh...

the meet-up date is not confimred yet ... I just created the event and hence the date was today .. will change it once we confimed the date !!

Injection :
My girl having 6 in 1 --- 1.5mths /3mths/5mths
Rotavirus - 3mths (1st dose) , 2nd does shld be 4mths... forgot liao so need to call tomorrow so that she can have her dose maybe sat
pneunococcal - was recommended to start when she is 6mths so she would need only 3 injection instead of 4. (anyway, my girl already kana the bateria before and will check with pd again since she has taken the antibiotics so as to recover the last time)

new clothes
My girl has so many new clothes and mummy manage to buy a few set during G2000 sales for office wear only. Hmm ... even when I go aussino sale, i only bought her cot sheet and stuff ... hiaz priority all change liao ....

ya lah! must really meet up... cham, think they will tear the whole place down wi their shoutings! haa... then both daddies will start to share their experience of taking care of bb + complain abt us :p

gal, think i saw earlier post that ur mum using cloth nappies for ur girl right? i have 3 boxes of nappy liner leh.. i can pass to u if u dun mind
dodo, hahaha! ya ya.. tink they will take e chance to "pour out their woes" and complain big time cos dun tink his single frenz or frenz without kids will understand lor.. =P

wah! hw come u have 3 boxes of nappy liner? of cos i dun mind la dear!
My hb is the one that will bath bb since day 1 actually ... till today,I think I have bath her last than 10 times.
But I'll be the one waking up at night as he when he sleep, he get frustrated when being waken by her cries hiaz .... but bb seems to like him more cos when see daddy ....sure will smile one automatically ... when see mummy ...still depend on her mood ... so sad right ....

hb want to be stay at home dad as well and I also objected cos with the high cost of living .. where got enough to spend unless .. he win Big toto or big sweep 1st prize loh ...

precisely!!! and my hubby is the 1st daddy among his group of frens.. he sure will complain abt me, his super childish wife.. haa! nvm loh, it's truth anyway :p

on! see when our gathering then i pass to u, or when i go jurong point next time can meet u there and pass to u
aiyo, coz before bb is borned my mum asked me wana let bb use cloth diaper or not, i said ok since can save quite alot of $, then my mum went and bought lots of cloth nappies and nappy liners for me.. but im such a lazy bum to keep changing and washing so now 100% rely on disposable diapers :p
re: hubby
ha so envious to hear all those whose hubbys can take care of baby by themselves one! must tell my hubby and ask him to practice till i can leave the baby alone with him for a day!

re: pnuemococcal jabs
my baby took his 1st jab when he's 3 mths old. this means he got to take 4 in total ? wah so many, thought only 3.. heard this jab is more painful than the normal 6-in-1..

re: SAHM
i wish i can be a SAHM! but dun think its possible since if we rely on hubby's salary alone.. we'll get by but not enough to splurge on certain things like baby's clothes etc! ha. so its better that i continue working.. perhaps when we have our 2nd baby i will consider this option again!

ya.. i think my babies also like that, smile so readily to daddy... my sis said maybe baby see my face till very sian...

if ur baby had his 1st pneumococcal jab in his 3rd mth then i think total jabs for him will be 3. coz my boy had his 1st jab on his 6th week... it's really painful i think, my boy cried till his whole face red and i was teary as well...

im a temp SAHM... dun think can be a permanent one for the time being.. coz need to save lots for his education and contingency... better play safe loh.. and when my MIL knows that im gonna be a temp SAHM, she find it strange coz she feels that a graduate should work since pay is not bad and not stay home and look after bb loh.. but my FIL is very supportive.. i dun care abt their views actually, it's my baby and my life, so im the only one who can decide what i wan!
bb has her 1st bus-ride today ... she was so guai all the way ( abt 45mins) from my parent's place to my place ( 2 bus ride with a pit-stop at Compasspoint so that I can deposit a check). I used the sling ... I'm sure it's the wrong way but as long as she don't fall and she actually fall asleep at the bus-interchange while waiting for the feeder bus .. so sweet and cute ..
dodo, okie dokie! onz.. maybe after CNY? how's dat?? =D u signed anderson up 4 e studioloft package rite? enjoy ah!! agree with u on who shd decide wat for baby.. itz ur life n ur baby! who cares? hahaha...

totoro, bus ride? so guai! i also waiting to strike it big at e lottery leh! huat ah!!
so far she's always travelling in daddy's car .... twice on a taxi (including the one that I brought her to the warehouse sale hee hee) and now once on a bus ride .. next will be MRT liao ...
wow so many posts!! thanks for the advice mummies yeah i think matty is having a growth spurt. he's really insatiable loh. maid keep asking "baby keep wanting more milk, how, mum?!"

but the silly jigglypuff belches up milk whenever he's drank a lot. This afternoon I latched him directly and one side was not enough!! he demanded the other side also...usually he'd be satisfied with just one side leh. and then he bllleehhhhhh milk on me when i burped him. made me smell like a stinky cheesecake walking around AMK hub...eeyerrr.

about being a SAHM...dodo i really envy u. coz i was missing bb SO MUCH at work, didn't manage to play with him at all yesterday, today finally saw him awake...and he didn't respond to me at first but responded to the maid!!! I was sooooo sad.....this just strengthens my resolve to finish my stupid bond and then take NPL loh.
wow... today so many posts after my last msg!

i also share the same feeling as you abt bb n maid. though i now on NPL but my maid more expert in entertaining n making the bb smile than me, so although i spend most of my time with bb but he still respond to my maid first. when i try to play with him,etc, i somehow dun get the happy, laughing out loud response from him. feel sad.... but opposite from you, as i know my NPL can only take till end of term 2, i console myself that with each day that i spend with him, though i may not be his best playmate (Coz my maid will try to interfere when i wanna play with him alone n i got to tell her to do housework instead and that i can handle bb alone), but i tried my best to do whatever i can n be there for him.

how long u intend to take NPL? been having a nice time so far on NPL, taking him out for walks, strolls, shopping centres once in a while, getting him to ride in public transport,etc, all of which i think is a good sense of exposure for him.

dodo/gingerleaf/hippo/unice/totoro and all mummies whose hubbies are v.capable in taking care of ur babies... so so LUCKY of you all, better sayang ur hubbies more hor... for the rest of us, guess we got to TRY to motivate our hubby to take on a more pro-active role but at the end of the day, its up to them, whether they wanna do it. coz if they dun wan, we kick them also they won't budge! :D

my boy also dun smile at me sometimes! mayb like what u say, see my face everyday until sian, dun wanna smile at me alr!

the sling is very useful. try to practise using it more n u will get better in it.

its gd to let ur gal travel in various modes of transport, let her get used to it. n i personally think its fun coz they can see around n check out things around them. for my boy, he sit bus ok, coz bus always moving or he can see vehicles moving outside, so he's happily occupied. but if MRT he can get bored, esp. when its underground, nothing to see, so i will turn his pram to face the entrance, so he can see people coming in or move the pram to n fro. until he cry then carry.
wow , mummy are starting to feed semi solid so early ? I'm instructed by my GP (she have 4 kids) to start only at 6 mths.

karrie, same here ... miss baby ...especially now I'm in Japan ...baby in Singapore
... can't wait for saturday to come .... but SAHM mum also have their 'sacrifies' ...
gardendreams and karrie...

i also on NPL...really enjoying my self w bb...took extra 2 mths after ML...but now really wanna take more...its been really nice going out with bb...and my girl also likes going out to look at people!! hee...i find that she's better behaved outside as there are more things to look at...and thus she is better entertained...rather than at home...only be jiggling around trying to be her full time clown! :p

totoro...yeah i agree with gardendreamz...sling very useful! in fact, when i go out alone w bb...it's the best! better than pram...dun have to worry about carry up and down stairs,etc...and bb falls asleep pretty well if comfy in sling! just that after a few hours...my back will start to ache la...:p oh there have been LOVELY ppl on the mrt tho! so far...people always have given up their seat for me! am very appreciative of the nice ppl i've encountered on the mrt so far!

karrie...my bb's growth spurt still seems to be ON...very tiring...she's still screaming for feed every hour or so...3 days liao! and she recently rejected the bottle...so i'm the only person who can feed her thru direct latch....sob.
anyone here whose bb drinks very little milk? My girl has been like this since 3 weeks ago..drinking only 30ml each time...hardly can get her to finish 90 ml at all....sometimes after like 4 hours, we tot she will be hungry, but still, only 30 ml nia....

so am a bit worried abt her intake....should she go for a check at the PD?

one more thing, is it normal to have seedy poo? or does seedy poo = indigestion?
Hi Jovial,

I'm trying to stick to giving bb solids only at 6mths also. As I have allergic reaction for my nose and used to have ashmatic cough, I'll rather play safe then risk her being allergic as well.

Jeddie, 30ml I personally feel is a bit too little. Is she gaining on her weight and pee at least 6 times a day? If not, I'll suggest to check with PD.
When my girl having her turn on rejecting milk for 2 weeks when she is ard 3mths plus, she still drinks ard 500ml and above. Now, she is getting back to normal and drinking abt 800ml - 1000ml per day. BTW, she weights 7kg plus as their weights play a part as well. She on FM as well.

It might be the taste of the milk as well. Not sure whether is it true or not but some milk are sweeter then the rest. If she is used to sweeter milk, she might reject the rest of the milk brand initially.
I'm concerned that your gal drinks so little. Think beta check with PD.

Btw, does she drink well on Similac? Maybe doesn't like the taste of Nans?

My boy was on Nans1 and at one stage he seems to drink less of the milk and I tot he's sick of the taste. So tried Friso but realised phlegm developed and had seedy poo. Immediately back to Nans and he's ok.
totoro_bb: I agree. My GP once had to send a less than 6 mth old baby to A & E due the elders gave baby something to 'test test' on the lip and the baby is allergic to it.

If you cannot tahan baby waking you up at night ... think again ... got this from www.Drgreene.com
Baby Waking at Night?
A SIDS Silver Lining

Breastfed babies have longer sleep cycles than formula-fed babies, according to a study in the January 2004 Archives of Diseases in Childhood, but the breastfed babies are also more easily awakened. This might help to prevent SIDS. In the study, researchers used nasal air jets of varying force in an attempt to awaken the sleeping babies (something exhausted parents might shudder even to consider!). Formula-fed babies are tougher to wake up mid sleep cycle – much like babies who sleep on their tummies or who are exposed to second-hand smoke. The authors recommend breastfeeding babies at least through the peak time of SIDS, between 2 and 4 months of age, so that babies won’t sleep as soundly. To me, this also suggests a word of encouragement to parents whose babies wake up so easily at night. Perhaps the very trait that is exasperating you now, is also thanklessly protecting the baby you love, so that you will be able to enjoy that precious little treasure when you’ve caught up on your sleep!
so envy you to have such thoughtful mum...take so much trouble to make home cooked cereal. So filled with love....

Being a SAHM really pays off when I get to see most of my son's little growth each day. Warm my heart to see him smile every morning when I say good morning to him.

RE:semi food
So tempted to feed my bb when I see him staring at us when we makan. But will try to endure till the 6th mth.

Re: training husbands
These boys have to grow up to be a man and now to be a father! Sometimes we mummies have to let go...trust they will do a good job and surely they will survive.

Thank God I didn't have any helper since Day 1, so my hubi had alot of hands-on. Antenatal cls also helps...they learn how to bath and care for the bb.
Hi mummies, as usual logging late in the nite!

Wow, so many posts since i went off to vivo! lotsa people and managed to spend $$ on clothes for myself! As usual, also had to spend $$ on bb karine too! the mini clothes are just so cute and adorable, can't help but BUY! But could only visit 1 store and not more since I'm on tight schedule of only about 2.5hrs to shop!

Re drinking little - actually my gal is also drinking quite little, averaging between 90-120ml per feed, and 3hrly too. total feeds 4 x bottle and 2 x direct. think she total intake per day around 600 bah.

Actually, think that's why my pd gave multi-vits, but hor, when she on the multi-vits, didn't poo at all for like 2-3 days! So scary leh, considering her usual pattern of poo! So took her off multi vits and pooing back to normal liao.

Re seedy poo - apparently it's normal, according to my pd lah. but that's when she was on FM during the first month. now tbf, her poo not so seedy liao.

My hubby is my "backstage" crew, tha'ts what he calls himself. he will help me to wash my pump parts and bottles, pass me tissue, adjust fan and pillows etc, when bb wakes up early morn, he will carry her to me to feed so that i can sleep slightly longer. when preparing to go to work, he will help me to wash the stuff and sterilise, heat up the chicken essence and ready my supplements and water to drink down, so that i can concentrate on dressing up and making up. he will also ensure that my bags are packed and by the door so that i can just push the pram out the door. heh. actually, he was also the first one to bathe bb and change her.
totoro and dodo - my bb also smile more readily at her daddy than at me leh. i think she like doesn't really recognise me in my make up and work outfits leh. when i change out of my contacts and back to specs, she will smile at me and gurgle and kick! sigh...
totoro and jovial - i also intend to start on solids when the 6th mth milestone arrives. actually, my pd said that can start introducing solids from 4th mth onwards lah. but if milk ss is good, then can wait till 6mths is best.
fitty nut, i agree with you the we gotta let go. in the beginning i was also kinda kan cheong about the way hubby handled bb. although the reading i did have always lectured how we shd not interfere etc cos it will just lead into a negative spiral, i stll wanted to add my 2 cents worth. then the negative spiral really happened, and i decided to stop myself from interfering otherwise it'll be worse lah. so just prefer to act blur or not be around so that hubby can sink or swim! so that turned out well liao!
hi mummies, found this off the resource page from Gymboree. http://www.gymboreeclasses.com/b2c/customer/resource.jsp?type=1#1

Play And Learn With Your Baby

Sights, Sounds, And Smells Of Autumn
With baby seated in her stroller or on a blanket under your favorite tree, watch and wait as the wind gently blows the leaves to the ground. Or, go for a walk and push your stroller through fallen leaves. Let baby enjoy the crackling sound underfoot and let her look at them from the safety of her stroller. Add a song to your autumn playtime:

All the Leaves Are Falling Down (Tune: London Bridges)
All the leaves are falling down, falling down, falling down
All the leaves are falling down
My sweet baby!

A New View Of The World
To help your baby build neck, shoulders, and forearm strength, play with bolsters. Roll up a towel or blanket jellyroll style and secure the ends to make a bolster. Slip the bolster under your baby's arms and chest while she lies on her tummy.

Mirror Play
Hold your baby in your arms in front of the mirror. Talk about and point to her body parts--eyes, nose, mouth, arms, etc. Then step away from the mirror and ask "Where did baby go?" Move back in front of the mirror and say, "There's the baby!" This game enhances your baby's growing sense of body awareness, and the understanding that she is a separate person from you.

Splash In The Tub
You can enhance your baby's awareness of cause and effect by giving her things to shake and splash while in the tub. Soon she will learn that by dropping her toy, she can make a big splash in the water! You can make different kinds of splashes for her to listen to as well--from tiny splashes to big ones.

Puppet Play
Have a puppet talk to your baby and sing him a song. Use a funny voice, or a series of funny voices (low and high), that are interesting to hear. This develops your baby's auditory and language skills, and may also result in your baby's reaching and grasping for this silly creature with the silly voice.

Play Hide-And-Go-Seek
To build on your baby's growing understanding of object permanence, lie down on the floor with him and hide your face behind a pillow. Sing (to the tune of Where is Thumbkin?) "Where is Mommy? Where is Mommy?" Then come out from behind the pillow and finish by singing "Here I am, Here I am!" Singing enriches this activity as your baby hears words, tones, and sounds, which supports his language development.

It's Raining
Sing "It's Raining, It's Pouring" to your baby and at the end of the song, drop a handful or two of soft, colorful pompoms or cotton balls over her belly and chest. How does she like this game? If she shows you she is interested (i.e., widens her eyes or smiles), try it again. If she cries, wait until she's a little bigger and try again. Babies' preferences can change as they grow.

"Paint" The Itsy Bitsy Spider
As you sing Itsy Bitsy Spider to your baby, "paint" the song on your baby's body with a soft paintbrush. As the spider goes "up the waterspout", move the paintbrush up your baby's body. "Down comes the rain"--move the paintbrush down like raindrops. Make a big sun (circle) on your baby's belly for "out comes the sun". Use your imagination and try "painting" other songs. Activities like this enhance your baby's body awareness and help her learn through touch.

Be A Teeter Totter
Lay your baby over your shins, belly side down. Hold her securely by the hands. Gently move your legs up and down and say, "Up and Down, Teeter Totter." This game helps baby learn trust, which contributes to a healthy emotional development.

Moo. Oink. Baaa.
For your older baby, make your own farm as you line up your child's stuffed animals and make the right sound for each of them. While playing, sing, "Oh my baby had a farm, e-i-e-i-o, and on that farm, she had a…" Singing helps your baby learn new words. Your baby is also developing muscle strength and motor planning skills in this activity as she: listens to the animals snort, honk, and sputter; spots the one she wants to grab; moves toward that animal; and reaches for it
ur backstage crew beri good leh .... like everything prepared nicely for you ... so envious leh ... mine will do such things (for me) once in a blue moon ...other than bathing bb!!
hi mummies!

it's been a long time since i last logged on. been trying to clear my work before tomorrow - my last day as a full-timer. after that, i'll be taking a break for 2 months, before going back to teach part-time. can't wait to spend more time with my princess!

re: going out
those mummies who bring bb out alone, i really admire you! i still haven't dared to venture out alone with my daughter. but after reading your adventures, i think i should try. otherwise, will go bonkers being at home 24/7.

re: solid food
will be waiting to around 6 mths too, as my husband has some allergies. don't want to risk it. although my daughter is already looking very longingly at the food we eat. will look until lao nua... :p
Hi Mommies,

My girl already 4mths and PD advise us to start fruit on her and cereal to wait for another month.

I'm so excited to start feeding her using the spoon. I got the Organic Fruit Puree from the supermarket and started feeding her yesterday. It was so amusing, her face clutch together at the 1st spoon. After that, she enjoys eating it. She managed to finish half a bottle of it. Today, she finished the other half... I'm so proud of her!
jeddie, datz quite little milk ur bb drinks. have u seen a pd? and is bb gaining weight?

totoro, ur bb also rejected milk ard 3 mths plus? my girl has been rejecting milk for the past few days.. seen a doc but found nothing wrong. her weight is quite ok leh.. abt 7kg.. will it go off?

fitty_nut, i m glad my mum is taking care of my girl cos at least i dun hv to worry when i m at work.. =) and abt semi-solids, curb ur temptation to feed baby those food outside ah! keke.. cos got salt, sugar, msg etc.. not good for them..

velvet, my girl same like urs.. already drink so little and now? rejecting milk.. grrr...

sure! we will meet after CNY oh, cant wait to see ur "da yan mei"

hippo, jeddie & velvet,
my boy also! drink very little these few days... abt 40-50% less of what he usually drinks..
im so worried and still contemplating whether to see pd coz heard that it's normal, but hubby insist to see pd on this loh.. wonder when will he resume his normal drinking habit..
yah i agree with you guys. think i ll only start introducing semi-solids ard 6th mth since i have eczema + asthma myself and my hubby has mild allergy to seafood. dont wish my baby to develope the same probs. also he s still drinking well so hopefully can wait till then before introducing solids.

jeddie: i feel your baby is drinking quite little for a 3 mths+ baby. mine is drinking ard 800-900 ml for his 7kg weight. taking into consideration of your baby's weight, is he drinking enough? think you should better check with the PD for his advice.

also seedy poo may be a sign of constipation. but so long the overall poo is stil soft think should be okie still..

re: going out
i wanted to try bringing my baby out alone too. perhaps short trip to nearby shopping centre but my hubby doesnt allow cos he feels not confident of me doing so.. and what a joke! cos hes the one who cant take care of baby at home whole day but i can.. :p

velvet: thanks for the games! will try playing with baby tonight!
dodo, onz onz! i wana hear anderson's giggles too.. keke.. do let me know after u hv seen e pd ya? cos also wana know when will tis go away..

sure.. but im stil contemplating leh coz my sis and some mummy colleagues told me it's normal... just that hubby insist loh.. maybe i will monitor his drinking today and decide further..
Hi Hippo and dodo,

my girl dropped her milk intake when she is 106 days onwards, it's ard 30% - 40% and sometimes she can skipped like 2/3 intake per day :170ml per feed. I think this goes on for abt 10 - 12 days and she starts to feed every 3/4 hrly again. Ever since the dropped, her intake now is ard 900ml range which I'm quite comfortable. Only problem is she is having difficulty pooing.
hi, need help.

my boy has been rejecting milk recently. He used to take 200ml EBM or 180ml FM each feed. I had cut down to 180ml EBM since last week. Despite 180ml for EBM or FM (Similac), he is rejecting both. I try ways to pacify him to finish and it took me @ times about an hour to do that. since this case, should I start him on semi-solids?

Yesterday, I use the Pigeon soft-tip spoon n scrap some apple (only juice) and feed him when he rejected his milk, he kinda like it.

My boy is turning 4+mths. He is @ 7.2kg, 65cm early Jan08 when he did his follow-up with PD. Next follow-up in March08.
From what I have went thru, during the period that she is rejecting milk ... she seems to preferred to sleep than eat ....
I'll give her the pacifier ( normally she'll have that before she sleep) and she will be so contented and wanted to fall asleep. There are times when she is half asleep, I try to feed her milk and she actually finished all .... So I'm thinking she is actually hungry but not sure why rejecting milk at that time ... I have asked around and it seems a norm for some babies to do that during 3+mths .... I'm always amazed with babies.. they seem to have went thru some baby academy and we were taught to do certain thing at certain time loh ... :)
seems like there are quite a babies decreasing their milk intake....

but wanna ask, what color is the poo for those on total FM? My girl's poo is green in color...and she poo once every 5-7 days only. But her poo is still nicely formed though...so i presume should be ok.
FYI, mothercare having 20% sale for its sleep/body suits & 15% on new spring collection if you have UOB card...

im dropping by vivo during lunch time to see if can get anything nice.
jeddie: my boy poos on alternate days n will sometimes cry when doing so but as u said, so long the poo is soft , should be okie bah..

my bb on FM also.
Her poo poo is normally yellow/mustard colour and she usually does it once a day .... but since last week, she having difficulty in pooing cos it's very hard ... and I can see that the hard ones are a bit greenish in colour and it's the size of the marble type that is blocking the rest from coming out .... I have successfully ask her to push real hard for a few times after the marble hard shit .. it will follow by the yellow snake type ... but yesterday and today, she only managed to push out one marble type each ... so her stomach is super big and bloated now ...
(hee excuse me for using all the funny terms to describe)
