(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

thanks irene!

hi mummies, so long never log in already. Been busy taking care of my bb. How have all you been? Consumed all my ML and now back at work already.

Hi totoro, can add me to facebook as well.. my email is [email protected] thanks...

Anybody using friendster?
Any mummies using Friso 1 Gold? I've a tin 900g, use only 1/4 cos not suitable for Isaac. Giving away free...throw away sayang.

vivo is a nice place to go to if u are doing cny shopping! Not to mention its big and spacious there n lotsa baby rooms everywhere! I love bringing her to vivo!
Aralyn turned last nite with my help! I had to tilt her on her side abit, then she turned! This morning she turn by herside but had her hand caught under her! Hehehe. She is 4mths in 2days time.
morning all

no time to read post.. so many arrrr... will hv to find time read liao..
so now talking abt FB?? totoro, add me ok? [email protected]
btw, jus 1 silly qtn, after joining means wat? we chat @FB no chat here alr?? sori, my IT v bad one..
<font color="0000ff">
Hi Mummies!

Sorry to intrude into this thread.

Just like to share with you all...
if you are planning to get insurance for your newborn, children or yourself,
I have a good recommendation! (I'm not an agent)
Understand you all may already have an agent but if you are looking for <font color="ff0000">Value-added Life Policy</font>,
please PM or email me at [email protected] No obligations. Thanks!
hi fitty_nut, my wormy is drinking friso 1, can i get from you?
PM/email me to let me know how to collect from you? THANKS!
can't PM you leh. Why don't you PM me then I reply you from there. Tell me your timing. Or your contact no..easier communication.
i veto gingerleaf! vivio really v.v.nice to shop, coz its super big, so even though crowded still got space to stroll around n the nursing rooms though sparsely furnished but at least plenty available. then have Toys R Us somemore, alot of toys can show bb or test drive their toys! must go!!! i today brought bb to toa payoh central walk walk. pretty fun coz first time carry bb sit bus. when first boarded the bus, his eyes big big, keep looking left n right, saliva drop n drop. haha, so cute! he nowadays also pretty ok to stay in the pram until get bored then scream, otherwise, ok. guess bringing bb out is a matter of practice....

this weekend, my ex-students organizing a BBQ, thinking of bringing bb there myself for a while, let my bb make more friends. heehee...

congrats! now that ur bb found her turning skills means got to watch out for her more carefully alr loh. did u take video? try to take hor... coz all these moments r best captured on film if can, next time can show them when they grow up! :D

re: FB
er...FB is not some online chat thing right? its just a place to share photos/blogs n give virtual gifts is it? anything else we can do with FB? am trying to explore....
hi mummies, first day back at work...pumping milk right now :p

just wanna ask, is it normal for bb to demand to be fed every 2-2.5 hours ah? lately matty has been especially hungry, he takes 140-150ml every 2-2.5hours! even after 'bluffing' him with water, he still demands milk!!! so weird...in the past he could last 3-4 hrs between feeds. thought babies are supposed to reduce their intake after 3 mths? but at nite he only takes his full feed at 10 plus and then sleeps till 6-7am...
yeah garden, vivo is nice isnt it? Like its spaciousness to stroll bb around.

Fb is more like sharing photos n playing games. Thats abt it.

Is matty gg thru a growth sprout?

my kiddo going thru the same thing! wads worse, at nite she's been feeding almost every hour for the last 2 nites! normally she only wakes at 2am and 6am for feeds...:p think gingerleaf might be rite...growth spurt?

velvet...the nursing rms in vivo quite nice! private...and quite comfy! but cant remember whether got plug or not leh.

hey gals...sollie i have been erratic in posting la...dun really get online regularly! :p hey shall we org a gathering for oct mummies??? then can meet up with our bbs! ;)

It says awaiting your confirmation.
I'm Serene Ng ... u might want to run thru your list of request again ... hee hee
karrie, GGG, i believe they are going through growth spurts. my boy demanded 1 extra feed at night 2+ am to a total of 900ml of fm for a week b4 the growth spurt ended. b4 and after this, he sleeps through from 8+pm to 8+am with feeds at 9+pm and 6+am. =D
Hiya, can I join the Facebook group too ? I'd sent a request to join. But, mummies please don't get angry if I ignor the 'invitations' a bit lazy to join the games sometime. But I like the idea of sharing the photos
ben mum...WAH one week ah...dunno whether i can survive man...mine has been demanding for feed every hour at nite! till i gave up and just took her to bed with me..so easier to jus plug her in! gee hope the growth spurt ends soon..:p next week i going KL for cny man...if still demanding feeds every hour...how to survive trip to KL!?!
last 2 - 3 weeks... I find myself producing less milk then usualy when I express... I wonder if it had to do with me rushing for my reports...plus anxious to store enough milk for this week's oversea meeting.

Then now in Japan, when I want to 'drag' longer period inbetween pumping ... I keep feeling engore very fast, more milk... I wonder if it has to do with the cold weather. At least now I don't have to buy milk for my breakfast ...
recycle the nutrients ...heheheh...waste to throw away mah ... cannot bring as handcarry on to flight back.

Re: Gathering ...
Do keep me informed [email protected] ... I'll hope I'm able to attend.. (p.s. Try not to arrange during the Singapore Air Show ... cos I definately not able to join due need to entertain our oversea guest
Can mummies give me some comments.

I highly thinks that my MIL will actually keep her words and give up her enjoyments to take care of the grandson for at least until Raphael is 1 year old but she throws me a bomb yesterday saying that she intends to go overseas for 7 days in April.

I am intending to change job and not many leaves to spare. my mum needs to send my little sister (K1) to school and art class. Should I tell my MIL that I prefer her not to go or should I let her go and find my own way out.

Please give me some advice

is it possible to take turns taking leave with your hubby to take care of ur baby? ur hubby can take care of baby alone? i know mine still not confident of doing so ..

for myself, i would be glad to let my MIL go on hols so i can have the excuse to take care of baby..but ur situation with limited leaves to take may not allow u to do so.

if u prefer her not to go, better let ur hubby talk to his own mum so not to strain relations..
morning! finally manage to add some mummies as friends yday.. so busy at work n can't log in.. grrr...

totoro, i requested to join group but dunno if request successful? keke...

perlicia, hmm.. i tink u shd let ur MIL go.. itz just a short holiday right? i know u dun hv much leave.. maybe work it out with ur hubby and see if u can alternate?

re Gathering: yippie! let's do it man... Jovial, when's e Air Show? so we can avoid the period..
Just came back from Isaac's 4mth jab. He's 8kg, 67cm liao...

Beta let her go for her break (in case she brings up this topic as an issue next time). Believe she had thought abt it, that's why give you ample notice to find a solution. Moreover cooping at home for a year quite shiong for oldfolks lor. Her 7 days sure kena 2weekends rite? That leave you with 5 days. Maybe your hubi 3days and you 2 days leave?

If you are worried if your hubi can cope or not...sometimes need to throw them alone with bb, then they know how 'wei da' we mothers are :>>
If not, consider half day leave each...

Toroto, I accepted your invite liao. So this facebk thingy is like individuals inviting individuals to join...so scattered leh?!

Is there a way to pool in everything into ONE GROUP account like this thread so that we can view all photos at one go?

yiap, yiap! time to gather...anyone want to open house? Can't be meeting at shopping mall rite...then we'll break the guinnees record man...so many mummies with bbs...and all the stares!! haha...can't imagine.
Perlicia, think you should let her go for break, she also need a break for taking care mah, is it the Good Fri hols? If so, only 4 days to take leave. My parents also give me advance notice to "go on leave" during that period. heh. Need to understand that they also need to live their own lives lor.

Fitty - that's why the network was created so that all can view at one go lah.

Gathering - anyone got condo can use their mph lor. That's what my SIL june mummies group did. and did it at the 6th mth period. heh, maybe the bbs were easier to handle!
Thanks for all the suggestions...

Ya, just in case she will bring up next time, better let her go....

I don't think my husband can make it...when Raphael pooed, he will sure call for me one....

Actually, it is my MIL insisting that she want to take care of the grandson(althought she never take care much of her 2 sons when young). cause at first I wanted my mother to take care of him.

Before I give birth,she told me that she must go holiday cause next time when baby is born, she won't be able to go....But now, she wanted to go when her friends ask her to...Since it is a big gang of them going, It is hard for her to change the date. I have some maternity leave to spare but can only be used till start of april. Haizzz

I am just feeling not good cause she can promise me with lots of things in order to take care of the grandson but now change her words already.
Gd morning mommies!!
Heheheh. So nice rite, this year not only give angbao, but still can collect some back. Hahahah.
All Oct Mummies are welcome to join the Group network.

Okie, this is how it works briefing
- 1st, we need to be friends first so if you want to join the group, please search for my email [email protected] and request to be friend. You might want to add remarks with your nick so I know who is who.
- 2nd, ensure that you are in the "singapore" network
- 3rd, once we are friends, I'll sent out the invite to you to join the group and wah lahhhh you will see the rest of the oct mummies and the lovely photos and blog and discussion if any ...
gingerleaf.. normally i would hv loads of new clothes by now, waiting for "opening ceremony" on CNY.. but tis year?? only 2 sets!! argh.. hahahaha.. jialat.. later become 'yellow-skin-woman'.. keke
Mummies, wondering you all read the My paper for today that bring out the awarness in pneunococcal meningitis?

Can the vaccine be injected as early as 4 mths? and will fever developed? Now, have the urge to bring my boy for a jab before he need to go visiting during CNY
hi perlicia,
My gal had her 1st jab at 3mth, and will be going for her 2nd jab at 4th mth.
She got fever on the 1st jab, but she also had her 5-in-1 too, so not sure if its the 5-in-1 or the pneunococcal.
She needs to take 3 jabs in all.
hi my wormy just took his 1st jab for pnuemococcal when he turned 3 mths old last week. doc asked me to give him some paracetamol in case develope fever..
so i gave him just once before fever developed (dun know like that correct or not..) . he never developed fever (dun know from the medicine dose ?).

me too, i only got 2 new set. normally i willhave new clothes all the way from CNY eve to CNY day 3/4...
but somehow wormy got all his CNY clothes covered.. lol.
perlicia, i hvnt given my girl e jab yet.. will schedule e jab after her last 6-in-1 jab on her 5th mth.. cos i dun wan her to kena jab twice in a day la.. keke... heartpain...

ecookie, gingerleaf.. ya lor.. her clothes are all settled lor.. grr...
hullo, at least u gals got new clothes. i only managed to get a dress during lunchtime. hope to score some new clothes later at vivo!!! even hubby's clothes covered liao. needless to say abt bb karine lah! got hat even!

perlicia - my gal got her jab ard 3 mths also. not really fever, think inc temp by abt 0.5 deg but still below 37deg. bb can get abit crankier than usual but other than that, nothing much.

ecookie - i asked my pd whether can give before fever starts she said NO! cos not all bbs will develop fever anyway and said best to give only when have.

i read somewhere that paracetemol stays in our bodies for 7 years. not sure whats the impact on that.

perlicia, understand how u feel. i suppose it's normal to feel this way cos ur expectations were different. i think u shd take it positively, ur mil give u ample notice so tat u and hubby can plan ahead. i think u shd arrange wif ur hubby. he has to learn how to clean bb's dirty bottom, dun be a lazy bum! my hubby used to need me to help him whenever bb poos, but i told him to stop being so needy. if i cld do it alone, so can he. if my mum and younger sis can do it alone, he can too! and just basically become busier, or eating or in toilet when those times occur! he bopian but gotta do. soon, he become expert and even better than me in doing up the diapers even!
hippo, my gal's jabs are spaced out into mthly. so no 2 jabs a day but gotta jab mthly lor. actually the vaccine is compulsory in the states and india.
velvet, ur girl taking e 6-in-1? cos mine is and her jabs are during 1.5/ 3 / 5 mths.. so not much time in between.. keke.. but will definitely give her e jab.. cos i feel dat e stupid viruses nowadays are so scary lor.. drug-resistant somemore.. datz y i gave her e rotavirus also.. how much u paying for pneumoccocal jab?
velvet.. thanks for the info. think going forward, wont give unless fever really sets in..
for his 1st 6-in-1 jab, he developed fever for over a day but subsided by day 2..

he will be going for his last 2 6-in-1 jabs in 4/6 mths. for pneunococcal one, last 2 jabs in 5/7 mths. which means 1 jab every mth! till 7mths at least.

anyone has any idea how many doses for rotavirus? my wormy has 1 dose in mth2 already..
hello mummies!!!
had to go back work a while this morning, so couldn't log in until now. left my boy at my MIL's place for a while, think he not used to the place/environment, couldn't sleep much while morning. brought him back just now, he cry n cry until so sad. so gave him milk n he peng san v.v.fast. that poor poor boy...tired, hungry,angry = v.v.pek chek bb!

re: nursing room at vivo
as mentioned, nursing rooms at vivo v.sparsely furnished. only have tap, changing table n a small sofa. err... door cannot lock also, its sliding door, so if u use, muz be careful tat someone dun accidentally open the door. no hot water/plug, i think, at least for the one that i went. raffles city one v.v.nice though. its a special baby room on the third floor n its v.spacious inside.

re: hubby helping
agree with fitty/velvet, my hubby also like tat. once bb does a minor/major job, will yell for my maid/me to settle. sigh... really should put bb under hubby's total care a while, let them sink b4 they learn to swim!!! :D

re: CNY clothes
same here... this mummy go out only is go straight to children section admire toys/clothes/books for bb, come to herself - no time nor can find anything that catches her fancy! :D somehow children stuff r like so much more fun n interesting than adult stuff lor. n it also gives me a chance to b a kid n admire kiddy stuff!!! heehee...

best not to stop ur MIL coz she might think u r restricting her,etc. v.hard to mend r'ship in future. can raise ur concerns to hubby n let him talk to his own mother. coz IL r still IL, just to be honest. sometimes can only take what they say with a pinch of salt.

re: nursing rooms
personally i find the one at isetan scotts &amp; great world city nice.. taka one not too bad just that its like always very crowded..
i agree that vivo one not v nice.. very sparsely furnished n the door cant lock...

re: hubby taking care of bb
my hubby still not confident to take care of baby whole day...
now he at most can take care alone for 4-5 hrs.. any longer he ll want to ask my MIL to come up and help out..
feel that he should at least try it out once.. since i can do it.. so should he be able to do it right?

anyway, any of ur babies will tend to fuss at night before sleeping? my wormy has no problem napping in the day. i just give him pacifier, put him down pat abit he'll zzz soon. but come night, he must cry then need to be carried abit before able to settle down to zzz.. why is this so huh?
karrie, think u may have to increase amt of milk for matty liao... Sean is drinking 180ml now to last him 3.5hr max...if i feed him 150ml, can only last him 2.5hrs too...

re CNY: so excited tt its drawing near...too bad I cant buy cute dresses for Sean :p hahaha, I only got him new jeans, polo shirts.... i walked past shops and they have such cute dresses for girls....*envy*

re Hubby helping: Sean's daddy can look after him the whole day....He can even bring him out for a car ride to NTUC that day without me around
am so jealous looking at e way ur baby boys n girls feed.. my girl is still taking only 90 -110ml per feed lor.. and it can last her 2.5hrs or more.. but she's putting on weight la so am not so worried yet.. plus my mum also started her on semi-solids (chor-bee-gor).. how i wish she can drink more than can be even more chubby.. keke!
hippo: ur baby so fast start semi-solids already? tot at least 4 mths old to start? anyway read somewhere thats its better to start at 6mths to minimize allergies...

unice: how i envy u! if my hubby can take care of baby alone whole day.. i will have some precious time to myself already!
and yes, i agree with you! girls' clothings are so much nicer! i found myself "drifting" to look at baby girls' clothes when i should be shopping for my wormy.. lol.
i also got him jeans + t-shirts for CNY!
Im gg to start lyn on cereal too! In fact, gg to try out this weekend.

re hubby helping,
Mine oso can. He can handle a wide spectrum of chores, from wash bottle, wash clothes to change nappies bathe bb and look after. Lucky got him helpign out at times. Maybe you all can try to make hubby learn, else they'll never do it.

gingerleaf &amp; garden,

i went to vivo yesterday! din get myself anything but bought somethg from pumpkin patch for my boy again... hubby said he can "fashion show" during CNY already... :p
