(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Jovial, thanks very much!

Karrie, ya ya, i come back to work, ppl start, wah, so good hor... so long leave, enjoy life.. wah lao... i also feel the same like you. i told them, you go and have a baby yourself lor, then you can "enjoy life" for 3 months also! wahahaha...

karrie, frostyfiona: i totally agree with u! the 1st 3 mths with baby not exactly honerymoon, not enough sleep, body ache all over, dealing with engorgement etc..

then when everything settles into sort of a routine and when baby starts to be responsive, its time to go back to work! bah!

to all the SAHMs: think you guys v wei da! much as i want to be one myself but dun think its for me.. think after awhile, i ll be thinking abt going back to work..

gingerleaf! your baby hair is purposely styled one? so cute!
gingerleaf, i love her HAIR!!! wahahaha...

all mummies, GONG HEI FATT CHOY!!

here's my girl wishing all a prosperous new year!
I also have that book
I bought it when I was still in confinement. Heehee...ya, I sneaked out during confinement.

lyn looks so adorable! Did u take the picture yourself or at studio? It looks so professional.

oh cny cny, my house is still so messy. No time to clean and pack. Most probably I have to spend the night cleaning the house.
sanbebe: hows the book? i ve no time to read it properly leh.. taking care of baby after work has sapped all my time + energy!

hippo: ur girl smile is v radiant!
haha ecookie, I've no time to read the book too. Still at the 3rd month.I read month by month.

By the way, I also have her 1st contented baby book and The complete sleeping guide. I finished contented baby book during pregnancy. It entails very detailed sleeping and feeding routine like a time-table. The complete sleeping guide is based on different cases reviews which I find quite helpful.
Yia, get what you mean. It's like a snowball. Initially tot of having another after a yr since SAHM..might as well raise 2 together...but now still havn't get over the 'nitemare'..hahaha...or maybe will stop at one as age catching up. C how...can't think so far now.

Now if you want to go shopping, how to handle if one in the pram and one running ard??

Now I can see what you mean the hair like 'layang'. But very cute!! At least not a few strand...

yia..it looks so pro. How come can take until so "fu(4) gu(3)"/ancient look huh? Did you touch up the background color?

I really LOL abt your mask and hubi tingy. I told my hubi, he also LOL. He said if he plays comp game wif bb crying, I sure 'throw darts at him'!

Happy reunion dinner tonite to all Oct mummies!!!
ur gal in her CNY outfit n everything is so so cute, really sets the festive mood hor... how do u insert photos onto forum ah? everything i try to load photo, i always got the error msg that that i need to resize to 800x600. then when i finally got it attached, its so so so tiny, cannot see photo properly!

karrie, frostyfiona, ecookie
re: envy from colleages
my colleagues also say that to me when i went back to work briefly to settle some stuff. they think i everyday stay at home shake leg n enjoy myself when in fact, even with maid, its super occupied with either bb or also help out with housework. only once or twice a week bring bb out look see but by the time come back also v.tired. so where got time to shake leg??!!

re: maid abuse
sigh... looking at the clip, i also shudder coz i was actually thinking of leaving bb with maid alone at home when i return back work. coz really buay tahan my MIL's behaviour, eat into my nerves. always ask y bb cry, y bb cranky. she didn't look after her own children till they were 3 yrs old n dunno how young babies r like n yet so critical towards my boy. n offer advice which make things worse - ask me to give him water when he crying - is she mad?!! i give him water, he will yell even more, which is normal of babies coz they r used to taste of milk.

then later when weaning him n putting him on highchair, he won't be trained overnight, sure take some time to settle down n b fussy thru out. so have b firm n cannot cave in to bb's fussiness. by that time i going back work liao, i dunno how to tahan her coz she will surely complain y this y that. in the end, undo all my best intentions to train my bb. my mother working, if not i would have put my bb with her long ago.

so now i really dunno if i shd put maid at home alone or just leave to an not understanding MIL - who doesn't carry her own grandchild at all since day 1! only carry him for photo taking a while on his full mth. other than that, its hands off my boy unless boh bian.

so sorry for blabbering on this forum but this issue of childcare is one of my main worry... sigh. okie, i better not say on, dun spoil the mood of u mummies.

ur gal so so cute, sure collect lots n lots of any baos one with her big BIG grin like that! :D

re: SAHM
i seriously think that's a v.gd option if financially viable. nothing beats taking care of ur own child alone.

i read the complete sleeping guide n tried the PU/PD method since he coming 4 mths but dun work on him leh. dunno why...
fitty nut
re: hubby
u won't believe it but my hubby can still surf net/play computer games n better still, SLEEP while bb is screaming. i wonder how he can sleep thru the din or do other activities when bb is crying. for me, if bb cry, my heart n mind automatically on him n to try to calm him down whereas he can shut himself out of things until i tell him to help out or complain to him. damn lazy! :D
gingerleaf, lyn looks so happy and ready to collect angpows liao

Hippo, Adri is so happy too...
this is our baby's first yr to collect ang pows..guess I m as excited as them

Just so excited to dress them in traditional costume and let them try to grab the 2 oranges
sanbebe: yah i contemplated buying the complete sleeping guide but decided against it cos my baby got many caretakers: my MIL/my mum + me so hard to follow a routine.. so im doomed to have cranky baby ! *wail*

the only lucky thing is baby manged to sleep thru the night from 9+pm till 5am next day so far.. just the falling asleep part.. he still hasnt learn to do so himself.. need our help (ie: rocking n carrying him round the house..) sigh...no choice.. his grandparents all dote on him. once he wails, up he go being carried away...
ur part time maid is those kind whereby u pay her hourly is it? Those who comes for half a day each week?
i looking for someone to do housework for me too...so tired when i see a pile of clothes waiting to be washed and hanged and IRONED...sigh..still must mop the floor etc..
HIlo mummies!!

gingerleaf, absolutely LOVE the pic!!! very well taken!!

and to all mummies, GONG XI FA CAI! HUAT AH! time to recoup ang baos!!! wahahaha!
garden dreamz, after watching the clip, think put with ur mil still better than maid alone. cos even wif the naggy stuff, at least u are rest assured that ur bb will still have tender loving care and bb won't be abused behind ur back, whether intentionally or not. Whereas maid u are really taking a gamble, even if install webcam, it can only serve as evidence but the damage wld already hv been done.
unice - i oso thinking of getting pt maid. working ft already got v ltd time wif bb on weekdays and the weekends are really precious. but my hubby against the idea, saying he prefer to do the chores himself.

actually, i can only hv me time now while pumping! for tat 30mins i will be able to surf net and forum. otherwise, v ltd time also to even watch tv!! dun talk abt masks!!!
garden_dreamz: i can totally understand ur feelings.. ive probs with my own MIL too.. she s helping out to take care of my baby during the day when we are at work from mon-wed...

though she s not hands off like ur MIl, but she will insist on doing her way, ignoring whatever we told her. sometimes damn pek chek!
i mean, i take care of baby 24/7 for 3 mths b4 coming back to work and i think i know his temper well so will try to explain to her but she ll still ask why why why.. and insist on her method despite us telling her the standards on how to take care of baby..

will send baby to childcare once he turns 1 1/2 years old...
garden dreamz,
I dunno how others resize, but i set the size of the pic, then i copy n paste and scale to size. resolution depends on the size of the file oso.
and yah, my hubby can sleep thru baby wailing when baby happens to wake up in middle of night.. i will wake him up to ask him go make milk while i try to pacify baby, and he ll move in slow-motion till i feel like screaming at him.. lol

think guys are not engineered to be as responsive to baby's needs to us.. thats why ma ma zhui wei da! ha
unice: my hubby + i just hire a part-time cleaner for our house. she ll come up once every week for few hours for $10 p/hr.. if u interested can pass u her phone.. but she s from china (her 2 kids studying here for the past few years)and some pple dun like this so if u r fine let me know?

yest is her 1st day coming up to our house. we asked her to clean both toilets (good job done!), sweep /mop whole house/ wipe all surfaces like dining table, coffee table etc/iron like 10+ clothes (mainly my hubby's shirts). she did a good job but its her 1st time so wil monitor if the std drop aft few times.

but we did the necessary like lock our valuables up and sit ard watching her when she doing her job lah. so far she helped another of our family friend for the past 1 year and our friend is fine with her n still employing her services now..
garden_dreamz: i think maybe u can consider putting to infant care? cos personally i really dun like the idea of maid taking care of baby alone.. and ur MIL sound inexperienced taking care of baby..so perhaps infant care is the best way out.

ive considered this option before but since my mum can help me take care from wed night to fri day..i just put up with my MIL for taking care of baby fr mon-wed day time then i take over when im back frm work..

but even so, the 3 days i already abit cant stand my MIL :p so will "ren" till baby old enough for childcare lor.
haha.. v.true, time to recoup back all the ang paos alr. :D wishing everyone a happy reunion dinner n a very happy CNY - cross fingers that everyone's cutie babes will emerged unscathed by all the attention lavished on them!
ya lor...my MIL though i explain to her why he cries n y certain things we do this way n not that way but she still insist n keep asking y dun do HER way. damn irritating n fed up with her lor. so thinking of sending him to those playgroups once he's 1 yr old or so. although i know its too young,etc, but i rather he spend time in playgroups learning something a few days in a week, better than spend so many hours in her place. n somemore, restrict electricity, ask my maid n me to carry bb go lobby coz got aircon. geez... when i go back work, i dun wan my maid to park herself at the lobby macham like security guard n i've enough of students loitering in sch, i dun wan my child to cultivate a habit of loitering!!!

haha... i think i will try n resize. dun mind mummies if i end putting up puny size pic of my boys - which means i haven't succeed in putting decent size photos up yet n got to try n try. :D
if worse to the worse, i'll either put in infant care. i wanna consider putting him in playgroups first, at least keep him occupied for a few hours in the mornings, away fr MIL, then in the mid afternoon i'm back from work i can spend time wif him alr...
garden_dreamz: u r teacher so will be home early, so envious!

yah i also rather infant care than MIL full time! heh
hahaha all the baby pictures so cute....

my students badgered me for pictures of matty and even the boys were so curious about what it's like to have a baby. kinda sweet....thank heavens i got a rather nice form class this year!

ecookie: oh no u are mistaken...im a teacher too. I get home around 7pm the same as everyone else...but wake up so much earlier!! and must bring work home most days. so practically no chance to see baby on weekdays. that's why i was complaining about baby being closer to maid n grandparents than to me

Garden_dreamz...i had a similar dilemma as u, in the end opted for maid to be supervised by my fil. altho he doesn't know anything abt childcare i think his presence is a good deterrence if she thinks of doing anything funny. if you can afford, then go for infantcare or a nanny...ultimately go for what feels most comfortable for you, u have to feel secure leaving ur baby there. if not, might as well extend NPL to stay with ur bb...just my 2 cents' worth

HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR mummies and babies!!
haha... same like karrie. though our day on paper ends early but if i wanna leave sch early, means i've to drag back all my work to do/mark (= no time to really interact with bb coz of the work to complete, if delay, parents complain, i ganna big time! :D). then if have meetings, will drag on till 6pm. if there's o level oral, it would b everyday come back in the evening. so sun haven't come out, we got to go work liao, sun set then we come back, can't see bb much on weekdays.

thanks for ur advice. if put bb in infant care, i've to settle housework myself coz no maid, v.terok! think i'll b super drained coz my hubby not really the housework kind of man, neither is he the really hands-on type of father, so its all back to me. sigh...

my FIL is v.v.nice, can see he dotes on my bb alot, always wanna carry/play with him,etc. cares alot for him but he goes to work most of the time, only my MIL at home. eekksss.... so tat's y i'm now on NPL, take care of bb myself wif my helper, drag for time. what feels comfy to me is not comfy to my hubby, so its v.tough lor. really envy those mummies who have their own mother to take care of their own bb. i dun have that option.
wah.. I'm so tired today. My gal couldn't sleep well last night and kept waking up from 3.30am to 5.30am... poor mummy is so slpy and ugly today...
I'm starting to dislike CNY coz the old folkd dun understd tt the kids need to slp and expect to go ard visiting.. wat abt naps?? aiyo.. then, i hv to bring both kids out while trying to let my gal nap.. hope it wont be a nightmare.
Gong Xi Fa Cai to everyone!

Baby have an eventful day on the 1st day of CNY, not enough nap time and end up she sleep thru from 8.30pm till almost 8am today. Too tired to even drink her milk milk .. hence. Just now, 9.30am complained tired again and brought her to the room to sleep, now she is still sleeping and again don't need to drink milk milk .... like that sure slim down instead of us getting fatter due to CNY !
Hi all

My baby daughter who is 3 m+ and on TBF in recent week has a new situation when feeding - she will look around at the wall fan, at the curtains and everywhere around, and cannot focus on drinking. I have tried covering her head with a blanket but it works for only a short while. Any ideas anyone? anyone with similar situation?


Blessed new year!
Same here. Isaac so tired yesterday, slept from 830pm - 6am. Wake up cos very hungry. Back to sleep immediately. Today another tired day. Hopefully will sleep thru again. Tml better rest at home, afraid his immune system can't tahan...

I think it's normal. As their vision gets clearer, they are easily distracted especially if you put them near TV, hhahha. What I do is to feed at an area where there's not many things to see or sing him his favorite lullaby which works very well.
Wishing all mummies and babies a happy and prosperous rat year!

It is so tiring to bring the little one out for visiting. His timing all got upset and he is so cranky...
hi mummies, i m so sad.. my dad passed away on e 2nd day of CNY in HKG.. and i never get to see him one last time. and i m still in SG as the funeral in HKG takes quite a while to settle.. sob sob..

sorie if i spoilt any1's mood. just wanted to pour out my grief..
Hi all,
Can i re-join this thread? I have a Oct 2007 ds too. He is turning 4month on the 12th Feb. Currently a SAHM but gg to be WAHM tomolo onwards. HAPPY BLESSED PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR!

Pls take care! My deepest condolence...stay strong k? Jia you!!

fitty nut,
Ya...u mentioned abt the MRT lift...i can understand..i always meet this kind of people when the escalator is just a few walks away. Sometimes i too frustrated, i take the escalator with the stroller. They are just not considerate enough. well, one day, they will be in our situations then they know.

How many SAHM around in this thread? How do you manage your time thru out? Housework, baby, cooking...etc! For me, now plus working tat needs my time commitment for 6-8hours a day. I wonder if i can cope. However, my priority will still be ds. If not, what's the point of staying at home?

what games or things you will teach yr babies now? I only keep talking to him on what things i am doing. Pls advise

My son also terribly tired....Need to do all the parade.I have to take care of him and at the same time, my husband needs me to go here and there(all his family side one)to bring oranges to his elderly and give angbao...My arm is so aching as I have to carry him around.

Yesterday go home at 1am. I think Raphael cannot take it and even when he is home, he seems cannot sleep well as he think that he is still outside and no protection,loud noise.Therefore kept crying and wanting to sleep. Don't care and let his dad take care as he is the one wanting to bring Raphael to his friends house. After letting my husband to suffer about 10-15 min, I carried Raphael and sleep in my arm till morning.
