(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

irritated! yest went MIL house for dinner. when my SIL commented that baby is very cute n big-sized, MIL just commented "oh, he's on FM, no more BM liao."

i mean is this necessary!? i've stopped BF since 1 mth+ ago and she s still harping on it? *grr*

karrie, matty is sooooo cute! The way his pants rides up to the chest, hahaha, same as lyn.

next time try changing baby in the pram? Sometimes if we cannot find places to change diaper, we lay the changing mat on the pram n change on it.
good morning mummies,
no time to post anything cos very busy at work. will join the facebook later. me also have some kilos to lose to go back to my pre-pregnancy weight. now with my hip expanded, boobs so big and thick waist and fleshy arm, really very depressing. i have difficulty looking for a new year clothes. just bought a top and gonna wear with my old jeans. not going to spend any more on clothes until i slim down. but got to wait a while till my breastfeeding journey is over. cannot diet now.

hahah..the pictures are so cute. your boy and hubby expression so comical..hehe..what kind of software you use to insert the wording into the picture? photoshop?

just ignore your MIL's comment lah. i also do that when my FIL commented quite loud that my daugther sleep late just like the mother. the thing is he didn't know i wake up in the middle of the night to BF her.
aria_jo: yah im trying to ignore but sometimes her comments still get to me... she's part of the reason why i stopped BF also..

i've my own reasons to stop BF but i feel that she keeps on wanting to undermine my role as a mother just bcos i stopped BF! arg!

i dun dare to watch the clip,... so sad to see the baby kena treated that way..
aria, shld tell ur fil that baby sleep longer is good. That time on chan 8 news, they said that sleep is actually good for kids as it makes them more clever. hehehehe
karrie, ur pics are so funny la... =D

gingerleaf, i feel like strangling dat woman in e clip.. so evil! didnt want to watch on any further..

eccokie, dun let ur MIL comments get to u.. only u know if u have done ur job as a good mother!
omg, wat kind of person wld be so evil to the bb. even if not ur own bb also won't treat bb like dat. i felt so sick. gingerleaf, is the vid fr sg?

ecookie, just put her comments on "ignore".
Hi mommies!

I see that everyone has their fair share of baby struggles.

How do you actually go thru the weekends with your baby? My baby needs attention all the time when he's awake. and I've ran out of ideas to play with him!

re: bedtime
I didn't know bedtime should be this early leh.

His routine will be: -
5/6am: Feed
8am: Wake up & Play
9/10am: Feed & Nap till 11
12pm : Bath time then feed

And the whole cycle continues until last feed at 10pm before putting him to bed. Usually he takes about 45min nap in between feeds. (Nap x 4 times?) So means his daytime nap is too much?

I settle him at 10-1030pm and he'll sleep until 5/6am before waking up for morning feed.

So far, this routine works for me. I tried to follow Tracy Hoggs / Gina Ford method but it didn't work so all went out of the window. Kekek
bbwow: your routine is sorta like mine (during the weekend at least, weekdays not sure how my MIL settle him):

5-6am: feed then sooth him back to sleep
8-9am wake up
9a/10am: feed then i will bath him after resting him for 30 mins. he ll nap soon after. ard 30mins-1hr
12-1pm feed again and play for an hr
2-4pm: longest nap of the day. ard 2hrs+ after which will bring him out to shopping malls..
5pm: feed again..
5-7pm: while we still outside , he;ll nap abit in his pram but think not much cos quite noisy outside and he wakes up now n then
8pm: home + feed n settle him for bed. nowadays he'll have crying spells before zzzing for the big sleep. the earlier we settle him, the shorter the crying spells (ard 10-20mins) . if we settle him like 10+ then can last 1-2 hrs!!
11-12mn: wake him up for a feed which he will promptly fall back asleep till next day 5-6am n the cycle starts again

actually i wanted to drop his 11-12mn feed by upping his last feed at 8+pm. but not sure if he can tahan so long no drink milk (from 8pm - 5am)cos hes only 3mths 1 week now..
maybe try that during weekend when i can afford panda eyes..not during the week where i got to work..

any babies out there can tahan long period no milk?

so nice. Your boy can nape for 2 hours+! My son sleeping timing is very inconsistent. And I can't keep him ASLEEP!

My boy will drink his last feed at 930/10pm. And it can last him till 5/6am. So that's about 8-9 hours stretch. So far ok for him and he's putting on weight and still poos everyday.

Does the mommy knows?! I think she does, otherwise how she get to post those photos?! OMG! I can't believe a human will do such thing to a baby! The baby is so poor thing!
bbwow: notice that baby will fidget alot during the 1st 20-30mins of their sleep, think its their light sleep... so during this time will stay alert for any movmement from sleeping baby. if his pacifier pop out, will pop back. if he stirred will quick quick pat his backside, if his hands start to "fly" about hittin his head/face, will hold the hands down n pat pat them..

after awhile, when he drifted to deep sleep, he normally can manage 1 1/2 -2 hr of sleep before stirring himself up again..
perhaps u can try my method?

okie, will try feeding him 8+ - 9pm then see if he can tahan till 5am next morn...
hello mummies, long time never login here..
hope all are well.. and an advance happy chinese new year to everybody :*

ecookie, is it bcos most mummies are on Facebook these days?
matty's last photo super LOL!! He sure has alot of expressions. My Isaac always frown in front of camera so very difficult to capture funny shots, even we try distracting him. So most of the time has to tune the camera function to take 5 shots in a second :>

The funny thing is Isaac can't sleep when hme visiting. Yesterday had reunion dinner at my mum's plc. As usual, hubi and I got to take turn to help him to take catnap. He's also haywired when drinking. Had last feed at 630pm instead of 830pm. Wokeup 1230am instead of 430am. Guarantee the episode will repeat this wed at MIL plc. So today rest at home. Routine back to normal.

Thank God he's ok sleeping in his pram when out for dinner or even to hubi's D&D last Fri, so noisy. Think as long as he sees us constantly acknowledging his presence, he feels secure. Maybe I shld try bringing my pram to MIL hse dis wed and see how. :>

Last mth my family was having hotel buffet celebrating my niece birthday. We walk in with Isaac in the pram, just happen he's abit cranky cos he's trying to sleep. My brother's MIL requested to carry him and I said 'no pls, later. cos he's trying to sleep.' My dad said ' bb where got cry to sleep one...he wants to be carried lah'. I replied 'Pa, you take care or I take care of bb 24/7 har?'. True enof, Isaac slept. So I told my dad this is his pattern. He kept quiet. Isaac woke up, happy and smiling and he definitely will not cry if anyone carries him.

So now, my dad knows liao...will not pass any more comments. I don't care one leh...will try to avoid Isaac's routine kena disrupted, if not I'm the one suffer in the end.

really heartache and sickening to see fragile bbs kena torture and have no power to fight back! It's really a blessing if we can find helpers who show genuine love towards our bbs man....

i was so angry and cried while watching the video! i really feel like slapping hard on her face! how can she treat a baby like this!!! wonder is the baby ok...
The moment I know bb can see me, I start to train him to entertain himself. If not he'll keep crying for me and I'll not have time to do my hsechores.
hi mummies, i'm so tired...still have marking to do. was busy at school the whole day no time to express milk so came home all engorged... :p

re: the funny photos of Matty
...actually his daddy did it using photoshop hehe...cracked me up and thought i'd share the joy here wahahaha...

gingerleaf, i really dun dare to see the video...really hope that baby survived the ill treatment. that just reminds me NEVER to leave maid at home with baby alone. that day my mil was telling me abt this case whereby a woman MICROWAVED her 3 mth old baby because of a tiff with her boyfriend...what is wrong with these people huh?!?!?! i really hope that God will punish them.
gingerleaf, ask u huh, how do u put on the babylegs for lyn?? Matty's thighs are SO thick that they cut into the fats loh. and the babylegs get all lumpy and folded... do u just stretch it up to lyn's knees or...all the way below the diapers?
ecookie: yah! my baby also same pattern! Ok. I'll try that method one day!

fitty_nut: how you train your baby to entertain himself?! Mine like need my attention 24/7. Sometimes I carry him until my arms want to break!
haha, you won't want to know how I train my Isaac. Don't know if your bb like mine. 1st 2mths, Isaac will always cry when I put him down. He loves to be carried to look ard and will cry out of boredom.

When he sleeps in my arms, I put him down, he yells louder. No matter what I do, yaolan,pacifier also no use.

The best investment so far is netted bouncer chair so he can see things ard. Things turn better when I realised his vision can follow wherever I go.

I use lots of talking with eye contact to him. eg: Say things like "mummy tired already, put you on bouncer chair ok". After putting him down, will give him a tired expression, massaging my arms...he seems to understand leh.

When taking lunch, will eat at the same spot and tell him mummy eating lunch...show him I'm munching...drinking.

Will vacuum the floor infront of him with bigger arm movement/action so he knows I'm doing something. And keep the vacuum noise going till finish cleaning.

Will fold clothing in front of him...will show him his empty milk bottle, telling him mummy washing his bottle...

Meanwhile got to tahan his continuous cry lor. Can be very 'chan ren'. But now hardly see him cry unless I disappear >half hr..kekek.. Ultimately he has to learn that he can't have his way all the time and got to entertain himself with his rattle.

Bear in mind that bb will keep trying thru cries loh...got to be persistant. Just show yourself every now and then that you are ard. My boi so funny..cry with one eye abit open. When I appear, his cry tones down thinking I'll carry him. Then cry out loud when I walk away.

I think now that he sees clearer, he abit xian of the surrounding. He enjoys me talking to him while he lies on his bouncer chair. Tiring to carry a 8kg you noe.

Last month for 2nites, he woke up at 530am and cried. Very unusual...my hubi took an hr coaxing him to sleep. Then we know b'cos he's awake and asking for attention. So the 3rd nite, we let him cry as long as he want till sleep. Now even when he's awake, he'll just make alittle noise but no cry. Just entertain himself to sleep again. We are trying to tell him as long as he can't see daybreak, no one will come to carry him. Now I get to sleep till 8am.

Every bb diff...hope the above can help.
Guess everyone is busy with baby and CNY .....

Mine can cry and laugh at the same time .. really kek siam .. crying and while I trying hard to pacify her .. then when daddy walk in or when she see daddy, she will cry and yet smile at daddy !!
karrie, i pull up all the way below diaper. u can try to stretch one end abit 1st then pull it up, then pull more fabric up ard the thigh area so wun look so tight there.
lyn oso got fatty thighs
blessed morning mummies!

the video clip is on yesterday nite news! Poor mummy, doesn't know how long this whole thing started cos they only decided to record one of the day even the hidden camera was installed earlier.

Btw, if you are not the main caregiver, training can be a lot tougher.

Yia lor, bbs can be great pretender. Kekeke...on one hand cry so hard, on the other smile immediately when they see us.

Anyone tried picking up your bb over your shoulder immediately after jab and bb din cry?? Want to know if this mtd applies to all bbs??

my baby is about the same as yours! i have to do things when I'm at his sight! Sometimes I just go and wash my hands and once I'm out of his sight, he will "eh eh erk erk"

Maybe I should try the "crying out" method someday. Else really no end to keep carrying him all the time.

re: maid abuse
What was her punishment huh? I'm shocked that the mother can leave her baby with the maid alone. The baby must have been traumatised.
fitty_nut: i want to try ur method but as u said its hard when im not the main caretaker. day time taken care by MIL & 2 nights a week my mum help me babysit so hard to let baby "cry it out".
sigh. from last week, baby started to cry before zzzing, somehow he associated screaming+crying with sleeping.. sianz. then must "dance" ard living room to bedroom,back n fro before he fall asleep. if put him down too quick, he ll start screaming again.. really feel like letting him cry till tired this weekend but come weekdays, when i go back to work, may go back the same.. sigh

totoro: yah, baby pretend pretend one now that they are bigger... mine will scream and cry but when i on musical rattle, he ll stop n look n sometimes "talk" back to the toy... *pengz*
and really, no feat carrying a 7kg+ baby for long.. my shoulder ache so much!

re: maid abuse. i didnt see the video but caught snippets of it on tv yest.. saw the part where the maid kick the baby when he s in sarong..
so shocked at how pple can do such things at babies! so anyone knows her punishment?

yia yia, when I'm out of his sight, he used to eheherk...Now he doesn't. Many don't approve crying out mtd...but think on the other side of the coin. So long they are fed, no soiled diaper, not sick...crying is just their way of calling us and you will feel better to 'enjoy' the process.

Bringing him out is alot easier too (last time my hubi and i got to take turn to carry him when dine outside). A happier bb, a happier mummy
Morning all mummies! I have been pretty busy last 3 days...shopping for cny clothes and shoes.

A big thank you to all mummies who have given me your valuable advice and all the encouragement that I need. I feel much better now as I know I will have all the support from you all.

I fed Jav EBM and supplement Fm since day 1 and he was drinking fine with the bottle. He actually rejected my nipples till I trained hard for him to latch on twice a day and who knows all of the sudden by 2 mths, he rejected bottles and wanted to be latched on only.

I'm the sole caregiver so no one else is taking care of him except me. My hubby work till very late and when he's home, he's exhausted and just want to relax by playing chess with the computer. I've requested him to do dream feed (that's the only time that Jav is drinking from the bottle as he's still asleep when hubby feeds him)but sad to say, Jav only down 30ml and so I still have to wake up twice or twice in a night.

Hey when I read your description of how your baby cry and scream before sleeping. That's exactly what happen to Jav. He will wail and wail before sleep and I would end up latching him on. If I put him down to his cot too early before he turns into his deep sleep, he will wail again and I've to start the whole cycle again. Tiring !

Thanks for your information on fenugreek
I don't even know that it is sold in Chinese medical hall as well. I've been taking fenugreek all the while. In fact, I've already emptied 4 bottles

garden dreamz,
I've let my hubby and mom to feed Jav with bottle but he still refuses. Sigh... stubborn rascal! I've tried to feed in everywhere, including him lying in the rocker but still to no avail.

hmmmm....I've been sticking to the GF routine but Jav only sticks to it during the day but not in the evening. He's quite erratic I should say. There are a few days that he follows very well but other days will go back to his own routine.

I start his bedtime routine everyday at 5.45pm (sometimes earlier at 5.20pm if he's very tired). Bath, feed him and he will knock out before 7pm. Then he will sleep till he wakes up in the middle of the night for feeds...(with dream feed at 11pm). I was so happy as I can start cooking for dinner and eat in peace. But this only lasted for a few nights. Nowadays, he will wake up 30mins to 1 hr after he sleeps at 7pm and refuses to sleep till 9pm. It's so hard for me to cook my dinner and eat so end up I eat very late and by the time I finish my dinner, I'm exhausted and sleepy as well. Wonder what went wrong....

Talking about losing weight. Sigh...I've put on 22 kg during pregnancy and just managed to shed off 10 kg. Imagine I still have 12kg excess fat in my body. And gosh, I have big thighs making me look like an elephant. I was so depressed when I went shopping last 2 days for CNY clothes. I look so obiang!

hippo, junnie,
thanks for your hugs. And yes, I need it

fitty nut,
Jav also one of the attention seeker. He wants me to be in his vision all the time else he will cry. He will also cry out of boredom too if I don't talk or play with him. End up, I can't do anything at all. My house is so messy now with clothes all piling up on the sofa.

Hey my hubby and I also have to take turns to carry Jav when dine outside as he will cry and refuse to be in his pram.

I'm going to try out your method since I'm being controlled by Jav for too long! Haha...it's time for me to be take control now

Re: Abused baby
Oh my, I was shocked and sad to view that clip. Wonder how is the baby now. Hopefully she has no injury...

I told my hubby that I don't want to have a maid as I don't know how she is going to treat my baby when I am not around. She may pretend to be so nice to baby in front of everyone else but ill treating baby when on one else is around. It is so scary!
re: maid abuse
I hope that maid will be sent back and never allowed to work as a maid anymore...this kind of people are sadistic, deserve the same or even worst treatment on them. How I wish I can put her into a cloth and kick her the same way...
re: maid abuse

From what I see, the maid must be mentally ill to have done such things to a baby.
She sure to have her retribution.

Hopefully the baby is well.
agree...will be back to square one. Bbs need routine...so can't blame your bb...he gets very confused of the different mtd.

Later bringing Isaac out to Raffles City gai gai...wonder what 'surprises' he'll give me...haha
fitty_nut, are u SAHM? so envious!
i want to spend time with my baby too! yah you are right, diff methods sure confused him..hence i bo bian got to carry him ard cos this is THE method adopted by my MIL n mum... and they face him longer than me now.. *sigh*

sanbebe: i thought my baby wants to be held so thats what i did and sometimes i get frustrated cos even i hold him n try to pacify him, he still scream n wail down the house.. sometimes dont know what he wants.. but i believe things can only get better as they grow up..

i believe one day they will recognise our face/voice more n more n feel secure just in our arms n hearing our voices.. and hopefully easier to sooth then,,

and yah, my baby is like an angel during daytime but when evening comes will turn into a little devil.. he can be smiling this moment as i wipe him down n change him to his night clothes, then started wailing once i try to settle him down to his cot to sleep...

my hubby and i are taking turns to sooth him nowadays..

baby really change alot. i remember him being very sweet during 1st mth, just feed n sleep heez.
then 2nd mth he got colic n gave us headaches for 1-2 weeks at night.. then 3rd mth very nice to take care again with no colic and start to interact with us + things.
then now 4th mth, started this wailing to sleep stunt..and not so nice to take care at night again ha..

wonder what new things he ll come up with come 5th mth...
anyway i just bought gina ford "contented 1st year baby".. yah just bought when baby already 3 mths + old but no mind still got remaining 9 mths to learn some tips on handling him..

and no time to even unwrap the cover though i got it like almost 1 week... :p

wonder if any of u who are back to working feels that time is very limited during the weekdays? by the time im home already 7+ and aft soothing baby to sleep already 9+ then bath + do some housework its like bedtime already at 11!
basically i cant have any "me" time during the weekdays..
Yes ecookie! i'm totally going thru what u just mentioned. No time for myself at all. Sad. But i guess that's part of being a proud mum is
Hello mommies, myra turns 4 months old today! can't wait for CNY can let her wear her new dresses and shoes and go collect ang bao! just bought her a johnny jolly jumper so can let her jump jump!

re: FTWM
by the time i come home at 7pm or 7 30pm (depend on traffic), try to complete pump, dinner and shower by 8pm so can play play with baby, blessed she good baby and will fall sleep with mommy in bed, night feed once only, but at times twice. now trying to train her to sleep in her ow crib, but not much success! she wakes up with mommy in the morning too
always look forward to weekends and holidays...

hi mummies, am pumping in school again.

thanks for the tip gingerleaf will do that next time.

ecookie, yeah tell me about not having any 'me' time. i'm utterly exhausted. my maid actually gets more sleep than me...hahaha. go home rush to pump milk, play with baby, after he goes to bed at 7pm still must prepare lessons and mark assignments. feed baby at 10pm and pump milk, by the time sleep oredi about midnight. and up again by 5.30am, not counting his night wakings (which is becoming a regular occurrence--so much for sleeping thru the night...)

I think i will die if no maid. coz nobody cleans the house at all....
karrie: i wondering why are they waking up again... yest my wormy wakes up ard 4am 1-2 hrs earlier from his usual 5-6am waking. .. cry abit while we pacify him back to sleep..

very tiring! and CNY coming round..think i ve panda eyes liao .ha
karrie, yah, agreed with you. i will die if no maid, imagine got to do household chores and take care of baby, die man!

ecookie, yeah lor, now dunno what is called me time man. the angry part is hubby still got time to play games when i cant even take 15 mins off to do mask! that day i did mask and my boy is crying away, hubby say baby scared of mummy cos mummy look like ghost with the mask on. wah lao... *faints* i say i dun do mask lagi look like ghost! so now i can only do mask after baby slps.... even cutting my nails also must see timing man... even bathing... even going to toilet! haiyooooo...
I'd resorted to part-time maid ... cannot tahan liao.

frostyfiona: I also do my mask after baby sleep, now do anything have to follow baby's timing. Can only bath when hubby is home from work. By the way, mailed out your dress today noon time
ecookie: yah beats me. somehow his night wakings coincide with the time when i am back at work. when i was still on maternity leave, he slept thru. dunno if it's to do with how my maid looks after him...nap too much or what. maybe should make her record down what time he naps and feeds in the day. coz everytime i ask her about his feeding n napping she say ok..altho my hubby n fil are at home they like dunno what is going on one. sian.

frostyfiona, that actually happened to me during maternity leave, take care of baby and do housework. maid only came in the last week. was so busy n tired i lost a lot of weight very fast. u know how when u return to work, some of your colleagues will say things like "wah shiok hor so long your leave" i feel like asking them to go cut themselves up, take out a baby, recover in 2 weeks, take care of the baby AND handle all the household chores at once. see if it feels shiok to them!

I totally no time to do mask now...wahhahhaa...didn't even get to cut my hair for new year!!! i look like a hag...
1st 2mths very difficult to train cos bb vision not well develop yet, so dunno wats happening ard them. Hubi and I also had hard time eating dnr...dare not eat out. Every nite ta bao back, rush thru our meal and quickly pick up crying bb.

By 2.5mths, we realise he kinda see us... We started serious training liao. Shut window and close the door, he'll cry none stop in his bouncing chair while watching us eating. We still eat fast but not rush, and constantly tell him we are having dinner, can't carry him. Now very guai...he'll stare at us talking to each other. We still talk to him now and then to get him involved in our makan session.

yes, I'm a SAHM. Hubi and i agree that if we want a child, i'll be the main caregiver for at least 2yrs. Hopefully 5yrs. This period is important to mould their moral values. Depending on single income can be tight but God has been exceedingly good.
Today SUPER buay tahan!!! Suddenly so many using the MRT lift meant for handicap. And these inconsiderate ppl are young, able and LAZY!

Even at the control center where the gate meant for wheelchair or pram, I have to give way to commuters exiting from opp direction! I literally gave them a sneer look, yet they seem they are doing the right thing. *penz*

Why can't SMRT staff do something about it??
Thanks karrie and eccokie for ur advise.. so far Jerric intake is abt 700-800ml.. so i guess he is fine la.. now at 4mths he weighs 7.4kg..

watch the news yerterday and they show the clip on how she kick and flung the baby.. really scarey leh.. somemore bb is only 2mths old.. My heart really aches when i saw the clip.

When i have my 1st boy i also told myself will be SAHM for at least 3 yrs.. but when my boy is 2yr old we decided to have another one.. so now my plans have been shifted from 3 years to another 5 years.. think i stuck being a SAHM liaoz..

ur part time maid good anot?How much? I thinking having one.. cannot tahan have to look after 2 kids plus cook, and doing household chores.. feel like superwoman.. hardly have time for myself.
