(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Hello Mummies,

Just wanna share u with gals i so happy Jerric has officially flip by himself yesterday..at 3mths 3weeks and 5days old..He has been showing signs of flipping for the pass one week and finnaly he got the strength and just flip! So proud of him..

Regarding bringing baby out:
fitty and garden_dreamz i really "pei fu" u gers dare to bring bb out.. i find that so hard to focus on other things if bring bb out alone.. The only time i bring Jerric out alone is bringing him see doc den come back liao..

RE Constipation, Jerric usually poos once every 6-7 days.. but he is on BM.. I check with doc she is not worried abt his constipation as he is on BM.. Mummies on total breast feeding, how often does ur bb poo?

jojer...so envious!! my boy is 3 mths old n 2 days. but to date.. no sign of wanting to flip at all. n during tummy time, he just attempted awhile then will lie on side of his face.. lolz.

just take his mittens off during the day.. realise he s not very good at grasping things but he does attempt to swipe at things with like 1% success rate.. haha.

hope his motor skills will improve soon!
my boy is older then urs leh.. dun worry..this kinda things cannot rush one.. man man lai..

I'm sure ur boy will flip..actually my boy also dun like tummy time.. awhile only will get very angry and he will lick the bedsheet all over.. keke..
U can try to let him practice grabing things more frequently.. eg.. his hanky, rattle etc.. to improve his motor skills.. Actually mitten will obstruct their motor skills greatly.. some mummies suggested that mittens should be remove ard 1-2 mths.. Jerric stop wearing ard 2mths.
actually im fine with him not rolling over so soon cos read from books n checked with PD its normally between 4-5 mths then flip.

but my MIL kept on insisting babies flip ard 3mths even though i told her thats not the case normally.. hmm.. n everyday when my boy like move his body (whether in joy or in anger), she ll insist he's rolling over soon.. sigh.. sometimes v pek chek cant make her understand.

sometimes abit scared she'll manually attempt to flip my baby cos thats what she did to her other grandson when he's ard 4 mths to "encourage/aid" him to flip faster...but i feel its quite dangerous to do if the neck not steady yet?
I oso aid my gal in flipping. I will always push push her n help her turn.
Putting babies on tummy time helps strengthen the neck, so if ur baby's been doing alot of tummie time, then dun worry so much ba.
hi all

wahhhh... a few days no login so many post to catch-up again!!!! will hv to find time & 'digest' liao... saw some cuties photos too

my bb better alr after on neubiliser for 7 days. today start w/o neubiliser but still hv to cont'd oral medication.. now my turn to hv sore throat & cough, tink got it fm both my kids.. hiaz.. jus called polyclinic to postone bb 4th month jab to nxt week cos PD said cant jab as still a little phylem.. one ting glad is after much practicing, bb's neck more stable, at least dun hv to worry when nxt review @ polyclinic... now i lift his arm while laying down, he knw how to move forward his head, thks to PD's advice (he said put bb on sitting position, try to 'jerk' bb LIGHTLY to left/right/front/back, at first their head will not be able to support - is fine, then on 2nd/3rd trial, bb will pick up fast & wont let u 'jerk' them, they will hold their head... hope it helps mummies whose bb cant support neck well
hi mummies,
my girl also manage to flip on her tummy on a few occasions. the time she could not flip is usually when the hand got in the way.. and once on her tummy, she can hold her head quite high!really very cute when seeing her in action.

by the way, how you mummy counts the age of baby? really count the physical weeks or just month to month? like 15th Jan to 14th Feb is 1 month, then 15feb to 14 march is another month..
Hi hi,
Been MIA for quite some time cos my BB now very attention seeking. He needs me to be in his full view or else he'll keep 'yelling' so very hard for me to log on now since I'm lookin after him alone. Wonder if babies recognise us already?? Sometimes when he is in a bad mood he would cry if other ppl carry him & once my hubby or me carry him back he would smile. My MIL seems not very happy with this =P

Re: Facebook. Can some1 add me too pls? Mine is [email protected]

Re: Flipping
My boy is 4mths already but still can't flip but can kick really hard mebbe it's due to the Kick & Whirl Carnival toy that I always entertain him with. Haha. Maybe should go find some toys to encourage tummy time.

Re: Going out
I go out with my BB alone quite often since I'm now a SAHM so whenever I'm bored & had finished with housework I'll put him on his stroller & go gai-gai. Taking the train is very convenient cos got lift & ramps so I always travel along the MRT train but must beware of strange 'cheek-pinchers' my boy kena a few times liao & I'll always immediately wipe his face with wet wipes. But must bring sling out juz in case he wants to be carried then I'll sling him and push the stroller along. Maybe mummies here who are SAHM can all organise an outing & we can go gai-gai together?

My BB on TBF. He poos very frequently though around 2-3 times everyday & quite a lot but his stools very watery with lumps of milk curds I suppose.
junnie glad to hear your baby is better. do take care of yourself and drink more water, try get ur hubby to help out more so u can rest yah?

bbwow n gingerleaf, i'm also interested in photo shoot with bb, but will prob wait till he can at least sit up...no idea which studios are good tho!

re: flipping/rolling over
matty hasn't showed any sign of wanting to roll over. he protests quite violently nowadays when i put him on his tumtums. kick n stretch his arms like dry swimming like that. or a mini superman. haha. but he can use his arms and lift his upper body quite high...

actually i think i can try to go out alone with bb, just that got a lot of things to carry...stroller, diaper bag, sling, baby....how u all manage huh? last time i bring him out alone to church n my mum's place i only brot bag and sling. im not worried about coping with his behaviour or crying lah. so far he's been ok whenever we go out. and when he cries im always the one soothing or breastfeeding him anyways. so not much diff going out with him alone or with hubby...
Glad to hear that ur bb is getting better now.

My ger has been trying to turn for the past 1 week. She keep jerking herself and now always sleeping at a curved position ...so when she wake up, chances are she is like 45 - 90 degree change in position !!! During her tummy time, we will help her a bit to turn and she enjoys her push up time until she gets tired.
This morning, I fall asleep besides her as she was sleeping and was waken by her errk errk errk sound. I opened my eye and saw her using her hands to do push up with the head up. She actually flipped over while sleeping !!! So now I better open my ears wide while sleeping ....

Bringing baby out
I won't be able to handle going out alone with a stoller unless I can be ensure that it can be used all the way "aka wheel chair friendly". It's more of transportation to the place, other than that shopping or a few hours out is easy .... just need to remember her feeding and sleeping time ... my ger simply love gai gai ...
my bb will be 4 months in 2 hours time and no sign of flipping. lol....read somewhere that they can flip from front to back as early as 2 months but back to front as early as 3 months. also heard from mummies bb flipping only at 7 months. was initially worried how come ben doesnt even wanna try flipping. but now, i will just check with my pd on wed when i bring ben down for 4 month check. grins....

bringing bb out
dare not bring him out alone except to downstairs to walk around. just him and me and my sling and his bib. din even bother to carry anything else. never dared to venture into shopping centres also cos driving alone with him is a no-no for my hb and PIL. he must be in back and i in front. he somemore rear facing....too dangerous. my this salivating machine also chokes on his own saliva easily...better dun play play.

my pd aso say no tv under 2 yrs cos some US research says it may be linked to attention deficit. so now, my tv is always off. never turned on for so long! think getting mouldy liao....hahahahaha

can i just join? lol....have acc liao....grins...
Our FB list so far ...

Tan Li Wen/ wen-wen
Rachel Phua/ Perlicia
Wenhui Ko/ecookie
Joyce Lim/ Joyce
Eunice Ong/ Unice
Serene Ng/ totoro_bb
Sherlyn Hi/ velvet
Alice Chua/ gingerleaf
Carol Toh/ dodo
Joanne Lee/ garden_dreamz
karen Ang/ karrie
Chiam Poh Leng/ jeddie
Cindy Phua/ CiN
Cindy Cheong/ fitty_nut

I already invited u as friend but u have not confirm I think. Thus, unable to add in the group yet.

same for cindy cheong
me still confused .. ha ha too many unknown names in facebook, don't know who is who

Samantha See/
Nancy Tng/
Tan Li Wen/ wen-wen
Rachel Phua/ Perlicia
Wenhui Ko/ecookie
Joyce Lim/ Joyce
Eunice Ong/ Unice
Serene Ng/ totoro_bb
Sherlyn Hi/ velvet
Alice Chua/ gingerleaf
Carol Toh/ dodo
Joanne Lee/ garden_dreamz
karen Ang/ karrie
Chiam Poh Leng/ jeddie
Cindy Phua/ CiN
Cindy Cheong/ fitty_nut
I was so angry today!

I was at Jurong Point, and hb went to get something. So I followed him and was trying to push my pram thru a tight passage. A very big size lady to the left was blocking my way, standing at a point and creating a bottleneck, and I said "excuse me" She turned and saw me, and leaned in to the signage board that she was facing, but sad to say, she was still too big for me to pass thru, then I said, "sry, I still cant pass thru." and she gaved me a pissed off look. In front,on my right was a metal pole, those that they used with a red tape to form a barrier for Queues. A kind lady immediately helped to drag the pole away so I can pass. As I finally managed to pass thru, I said my thanks to the lady on the right. While I was waiting for my hb outside a store, I could see the fat lady from where I was standing, I was just standing there looking around and I saw her talking to her companion and nodding in my direction, and then raise her hand and give me the "wtf" sign. I WAS SO ANGRY! She could have just move a few steps from where she was standing to let me pass, but she choose to lean against the signage. I have nuthin agsint plus size ppl, but I think she was too much loh. Crude as it may be, I felt like showing her my middle finger at that point!
totorro, me bb birthdate is today! 29 sept! heheheh...think my bb is the only bb here who was born on 29 sept. =D if i recall correctly. =D
wow! so many posts for e past few days..!

totoro, pls add me!! hippo18 = [email protected]

gingerleaf, sayang sayang.. next time i c someone like dat at J.Pt, i help u show her the middle finger! poor girl, gotta put up with such idiots...
gingerleaf, sometimes these ppl just cannot understand. I dun think that fat lady has a kid so she cannot understand that we parents are trying hard to push the pram over and there she is blocking the way with her body! dun be too bothered abt them ok? =)

Facebook, add me~~ My name in FB is Fiona Ee.
gingerleaf:dont be pissed! some people are just so inconsiderate. just ignore them, they are not worth your time...

Re: tv
yah research online n realised tv is really not very good for babies/.. think up to age 2 they dun need tv to entertain/learn. we are their best toys! think one-on-one interaction will help babies to develope fastest..

but it ll be a challenge telling that to my MIL who is my wormy's main caretaker when my hubby + i are at work. she likes to watch tv on-off during the day..and when baby start crawling.. u cant stop them from watching when tv is on..
gingerleaf, This makes the big size lady realised she is indeed, fat or big....Maybe that is why she is so pissed off. Haahaa.

Anyway, after being mummies, I think that when I see other babies, I will smile at them

Sometimes when I go shopping in pram,very few people will help me to keep the door opened. Haizzz...

Flipping, my boy show means to flip but everytimes cannot....then he will get fustrated. He also drools alot and put his drumlet into his mouth.One cute thing is that he like to pull his shirt and his nappy and thinking he can get himself up in such a way. so in the end, he created a mess.

TV watching, my MIL allows him to...so I let her son to tell her off....don't want to create more problem.
Before bb is born, I also tell myself that I would not let her watch TV.
However, we (almost everyone) at home feed bb at the living room with the TV on and hence she started to watch also. So instead of those drama, I'll let her watch playhouse disney and strangely she actually like certain shows.
I'm cutting down her time of watching TV but sometimes to entertain her for a while so that I can make the milk etc ... I'll switch it on for her and she will guai guai watching it. She will even smile while watching sometimes ....
But I have heard friends with older children say their kids coming to 2mths will refuse milk/eat if certain programme is not shown ... I think I'll faint if they have such a habit !!
u r right, b4 bb came along, when go shopping, can just 'cheong' thru the shopping malls n feast eyes on many things at one go, but now when bring bb out, objective is different. whether i succeed in finding things is not a priority (nor achieveable at times), its more the time spent pushing bb around, letting him see things around, stimulate his senses. b4 bb came, i can find my stuff within a short while, but with bb around, it takes longer!!!

ya lor, once bb starts working, it will be even harder to hunt for things alr, coz eyes must pin on him! :D

i also dunno what else to do on facebook. got to ask the other expert facebook mummies. err... shd i send email to you all to invite, or can it b like multiply? send to 1 person, link to the rest?

some mummies have invite me alr, thanks lots. erm... if i happen to not accept any invite, doesn't mean i dun friend you, but i just haven't figure out how facebook works yet! :D

i didn't bring bb out alone, had my maid to tag along so she can help with the diaper bag,etc. but i am just relieved that i could bring him out via MRT n he didn't scream too much while out. if i bring bb out, maid has to tag along coz dun wanna leave her at home alone.

i bring bb out also must bring sling too coz at times, he gets a bit fussy in the pram (maybe seat not comfy, sit too long butt pain so he complain lor! haha!), so use the sling to carry, lighter and can carry him longer than without using sling/carrier,etc.

ben mum
my boy also salivates like crazy!!! he drools n drools non-stop! :D

some pple r just plain inconsiderate and such pple comes in all sort of shapes n sizes. and as what ecookie said, just ignore them. such pple aren't worth any attention fr us.

my boy also likes to eat his shirt n drumstick at the same time! :D
i let my gal watch tv when i need some help to keep her quiet while im doing things. I normally tune to channel news asia or discovery chn. hahaha, hoping to lessen watever damage there is.
Toking abt facebook, I think I just signed up the account last week after much pestering from my colleagues ......

Here is the list that I have so far, let me know if I missed out anyone okie ...

1. Fiona Ee/frosty fiona (Sent Grp request)
2. Cherie Fan/ Hippo18
3. Samantha See/ jojer
4. Nancy Tng/Ben Mum
5. Tan Li Wen/ wen-wen
6. Rachel Phua/ Perlicia
7. Wenhui Ko/ecookie
8. Joyce Lim/ Joyce
9. Eunice Ong/ Unice
10. Serene Ng/ totoro_bb
11. Sherlyn Hi/ velvet
12. Alice Chua/ gingerleaf
13. Carol Toh/ dodo
14. Joanne Lee/ garden_dreamz
15. karen Ang/ karrie
16. Chiam Poh Leng/ jeddie (sent Grp request)
17. Cindy Phua/ CiN
18. Cindy Cheong/ fitty_nut (pending 2 b accepted as Friend)
19. Lee Esther / ???? ( Sent Grp request)
bb was a bit restless just now and keep on sucking her hand ..... so I gave her the teether (1st time) and she was sucking happily.
Is this the sign of teething ?? or she just wanna sucks .......????
Hi moms! i'm new member, my girl was delivered on Oct 5 at SGH. please include me in facebook! [email protected]

also want to ask you mommies, i am still expressing BM and its been 3 months and 3 weeks, my menses still hasn't come yet? is this normal? **blur**

hi madlynette, your baby girl is very cute! she is sitting or kneeling down? and she has the "gong xi fa cai" hands haha..

anyway when you are on BF, your menses will be delayed so no worries.
greetings from Japan. I'm now in Japan meeting for 1 week ... Miss my hubby and baby

Madlynette : My boy already 5 months old ... my mense still not here yet ... it's normal. But don't remember that you could still get pregnant even without menses ... thus remember to use protection
hi mummies, logging in at nite again! i saw the babytv, but looks pretty boring to me leh, and wondering what are the learning points. one thing i read is that tv's a very passive medium, not as interactive as it's assumed, guess nothing beats the REAL thing, human beings!!
hi madlynette, according to my gynae, menses will come 6 weeks after u stop b'feeding (applies even if u express).. guess there's nothing to worry.. =D but like wat jovial said, best to use protection..

mummies who have added me on facebook: sorie if i hvnt accept u as a friend ah! keke.. stupid co blocked facebook site liao.. sob sob.. and i got no time to login at home.. will do it soon!
good morning mummies!

hubby on leave today, gonna bring bb go gai gai.. but cant decide on which shopping cte leh.. vivo? marina sq? hmm...

which channel is that? i scrolled my scv channels up and down but din see any bb channel leh.. totally agree wi u, we are still their best toys!
