(2007/10) October 2007 MTB


thanks a lot!!...

I PM u my HP number...
have invited mummies who has given their email to my FB account, please accept the request so that I can add you to the group or alternatively like ecookie, sent a request to join the grp, okie.
my email add: [email protected].

finally got the bumper mat - yellow bear! its so so nice n comfy to play on. gonna set up a play area for my boy n put the play yard on the bumper mat tmr alr! better max out the life of this bumper mat or else wait, my hubby complain tat i NPL but waste $$ again.... :D
Toroto, my email is [email protected]

i'm not a IT pro. Do let me know how to check out the network okie. Thanks!

Thanks for the advices. Have no idea concentrated FM will cause constipation. Will monitor :>
okie, i've created the facebook acount alr. brought my boy out for a walk to vivocity n i survived! my boy didn't scream the place down (mayb coz its so huge n many people ard, so even if scream also got muffled alr, haha!!!) n he was so tired even nap for the first time in the pram, so happy!
I did browse thru the link but the 2 designs that are meant for bbs are so girlish.

What's a facebk acct? Can step by step guide me to set up? Thanks!

Finally step out of your fear huh. Hope to hear more of your ventures.

Re: Menstration
My gynae suggested me to chkup after CNY cos my mens shld come as I've stopped BF since mid Nov. Wah la! Came yesterday...haizzz...tear b/w joy and hatred. Happy that my body is 'ok'. Sad that 'mens-free' honeymoon is over. Some more so heavy! Instead of changing 3hrly on regular pad, is overnight pad sia...
Hi garden_dreamz,
Accepted ur facebook request. You would need to select network as singapore so that I can add you into the group. :)
Today my girl finally drinks like 80ml of water + gripe at one goal .... think she knows poo poo getting painful and hence decided to drink water ... after one final difficult poo poo in the afternoon .... she finally have the easy one in the evening ...... don't need to "kiak sai" liao ...
Will try to feed her with water again tomorrow !!
How to post the excel format info?
I have updated the list with facebook name from the latest file I can found in this thread ???
wow.. now all into facebook ah.. my office colleagues also.. during my confinement kept asking me to create account.. keke..

My Clarisse also constipate leh.. but she drink alot of water everyday leh.. think got 200ml.. duno why constipate leh..
Yia, plan to bring Isaac for a dip after 6mths. Just ordered thru BP a bb float but not the home tub cos the tub is 80cm in height. My boi 65cm last mth, this thur will know his new ht. Scare outgrow very fast, some more quite waste water

So am I in your network oreadi?

I'm more sotong than you. Can guide me to create? Thanks!
Hello mummies,

I am keen to join the facebook group too. Please add me in
Perlicia = [email protected]

At last, I bought the jumperoo...Really glad that i insist on buying. My boy very keen to jump and having a good time with it.
hi all,

can check with you guys if its good to let babies as young as ours (3-4mths) to watch tv. my wormy can see the tv from his mattress in the living room and whenever he happens to see it, he ll like fixated on it.
not sure if the moving pictures or light attracts him..

is tv bad for young babies' eyes?
hello ppl! morning. what a collddd monday... so slpy~

yesterday i let my boy try the walker. He is sooo happy and laffing away so loud! 1st time i hear him laffing so loud leh. he is really like "her her her" away~
ya, was a bit apprehensive abt bringing bb out but took strength in wat u shared - if bb cry, just ignore stares fr strangers. i worked on tending to his needs n just ignored people ard n realize its also alot abt reading his cues. the best part - he was so tired out, he KO for the rest of the day, wake up for milk n KO back again. i need not have to stress my head out on how to keep him entertained! :D

facebook account can just go to: www.facebook.com. once you reach that website, click on 'sign up' and there'll be instructions to guide u to setting up the account alr.

re: jumperoo
haven't let my buy trial test tat out yet. tried him on one exersaucer while at Toys R Us yesterday, but think he's not ready for it, coz he went to lick the seat around him instead of being fascinated by the toys! guess he likes the taste of the toy rather than how colourful/fun it is! :D
hey fitty_nut, thanks for the advice!
think i better restrain my baby from watching tv by turning his mattress away from the tv for time being.
think the challenge will come when they start to crawl n u ve to be mindful of turning on the tv when they are in the same room.

i will miss my fav tv shows. *sobz*
Morning mummies!

Have been so awfully busy with work and baby! I wonder when this phase will be over. Or will it ever?! hahaha...

Any babies start sleeping thru and then resume back to normal?! My baby has been sleeping thru for a couple of weeks then SUDDENLY, he changed back to waking up at 2/3am! Even though we tried to up his last feed but no use.

Btw, any mommies plan to take studio photos with their babies? Do you have any photo studio to recommend?
thanks! I have created the facebook acct. But not sure whether correct or not. Anything to do next?

Great to hear that you are learning more of your bb's cues. You are rite! I also realize once we put our focus on bbs' needs, shopping with them becomes more pleasant. Guess sometimes we tot we can still 'cheong' our shopping like b4. Quite impossible lor....

Wah...beta treasure the little free shopping time we have now when they have no choice but to stay put in the pram. kekee..Can you image when our bbs start to walk and run?
