(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Hi, haven't post for quite a while.. my girl also like some of your babies suddenly reduce on her milk intake.. she used to drink 125ml every 3hrs.. now is 125ml every 4hrs.. sometimes dun even want her milk after 4hrs and want to sleep..

We tried her on bumbo seat.. here's the photos :p


thanks for the california bb link, will check it out but can't collect fr ur place or ur mum so if really keen, may opt for post.

re: Avent size 1
i'm also using tat for my bb now, but when i wanted to buy more size 1 for my bb, the saleswoman told him he's big alr, shd use at size 2. haven't try size 2 yet though. just wondering, how many mths can we use avent teat b4 must replace? for NUK latex teat, once sticky i throw away but for Avent coz its silicone, doesn't go sticky, so how to tell that its time to replace? anyone can advise?

gd idea abt how to accumulate 10 seals! i'll do tat asap! :D

ur bb sleeps thru the nite alr? mine sleeps at ard 7pm but will wake up 5am+ for milk n he takes full feed leh. does tat mean he's not ready to sleep thru the nite? he wakes up at 1am+, full feed, then 5am+ also full feed. how to train him sleep thru nite? tried using paci to bluff him but he reject n scream instead.

sling convention - gd idea! :D

aria jo,
think we got to watch out for bb when they turn. at this stage, they have no concept of what is danger yet. so better not leave bb by herself when she's practising her turns. i also surround bb with pillows/bolster when he sleeps, just in case.

jeddie n san
ur babies so cute! love their super chubby checks super delicious fists n all! :D
my girl reduced her milk intake drastically...now she only drinks like 30 - 60 ml every 2/3 hours or so...can hardly finish somemore....wonder why...

everytime u ask her to drink milk, she smiles at u, and push the teat to the side of her mouth and let the milk flow out ....
I want to ask mummy who is soley using EBM for the bb, how much does ur bb drinks per feed?
My bb is drinking 180 during the day and the 6pm feed, he can drink 160 then an hour later complain and I give another 120ml!!So he is drinking 280ml!!and will moan for milk again at about 12-1am...

he is 6kg at 3 mths and 25days...so he is definitely not overweight...looks like I have to wean him on semi-solid food when he turns 4 mths...thats what I did for my eldest son too..both are milk monsters
re: ur blog, i wanted to leave comments but dunno how.. the last post isnt abt matty readin 8 days lah, he is infact checking out the models in it!!! hehehehe. =p

ur bb in the 2nd pic, she looks like king leh, sit till so comfy!
garden_dreamz, i think by now our babies should be able to sleep thru the nite. what i do is feed bb at 6pm (about 130ml) then wipe him down, he's asleep by 7pm. Then will wake him up between 10-10.30pm for his last feed of the day (give more, abt 150-160ml so he lasts thru the nite), and then he will usually sleep thru the nite. Sometimes he would wake up at 2 or 3 plus am, but he doesn't take much milk like 80ml the most. then at 7am he also dun take his full feed. so now if he wakes up in the middle of the nite i either give him pacifier or some water and then put him back to bed, so that at 7am he takes his full feed abt 140-150ml. i followed gina ford's method loh. so far seems to be working.

gingerleaf, wahahahah!!! yahloh like the daddy always checking out babes. :p u can leave comments in my guestbook
your bb's nose bridge very high..so good!

your bb round round one..face round, arms round,legs also round..so cute.. so hugable!!!adoi!
Clarisse is 3mths plus old now.. 15wks to be exact.. the seat I got it for my No 1. Then she outgrow and since I know I'm going to have No 2. so I kept it loh.. oh ya I got it 2nd hand from forum.

garden_dreamz, gingerleaf & karrie,
thanks for the complements.. hee.. her daddy still "hiam" she not "big" enough..

Nowadays my girl can push all her fingers into her mouth and suck till very loud.. duno is it the side effect of pacifier.. sometimes in the middle of the night can hear her sucking her fingers away..
My ger starting this pattern when she turn 3 months.. just dun like to take milk, so will take 20-60 at 3 hours interval, and the whole day only take 400-500ml! SOmemore she is on Full EBM leh..

Like i mention above, my ger is opposite of yours! She doesnt like milk at all.. Put in her mouth, at first she like jeddie one lor.. use her tongue to push the nipple to the side or out of her mouth. If we continue to leave the nipple in her mouth, she will use her hands to pull out the bottle, and if not successful, she will trying the coughing method. K K cough den we scare so we pull out the bottle lor and she SMILE.. *Faintzzz*

Full of tricks leh.. They are so cheeky!
i try to give pacifier but he v.angry n cry n cry until i cave in n have to give him milk. sigh.. will still try n hope for the day tat he can finally sleep thru.

if ur gal too 'big' also not so gd lah, she's just nice the way she is! :D
ya thats what I told hubby loh.. but he prefer chubby chubby baby.

Recently just switched Clarisse to similac from friso 1 cos she like rejecting her friso milk even though i change to bigger teats liao.. she seems to drink better for similac shall monitor..

saw ur girl's video, so cute!

she looks like japanese girl hor...

i remember she same birthday wi my boy, my boy also keep nodding head.. and he once knocked on my head when i carried him upright.. i very pain but he like nothing happened :p
wah, my royal highness now in her jumperoo throne, talking very loudly. seems to be scolding me.
Now she is at the stage, where she talks very loudly. Not like last time, coo coo softly liao. Sometimes listen to her talk so loudly makes us laff.
just watch the video,..aiyoh, cannot stand it..she's so adorable especially when she make the noise..haha..so cute...her neck quite strong leh though bobbing a bit..my girl not as strong yet..how many weeks is she now? she has so much hair. You didn't shave her is it?

she also a potential winner in baby contest..hehe..
ya man... I even brought her to PD, PD prescribe multivitamins but her appetite oso din increase. But as long as she is putting on weight and wetting her diapers, PD says shud be fine
dodo, ur boi only knocked on ur head once? not bad liao...my boi seems to love knocking into heads. mine, mil's, fil's, daddy's heads all kena 'buang' by him....best thing is he buang his head, cry little then everything okie liao....we machiam pain very long leh....
Hi everyone!

havent been posting...been going out with baby and trying to make the most of my maternity leave! hee. ;)

Seems like quite a few babies are experiencing decreased appetites at around 3 mths...just wanted to let u all know....my PD says it's quite normal! Seems that bbs at 3 mths was nurse/drink less..and their weight gain will be less rapid as compared to earlier months...but it's ok, as long as the no. of wet diapers are around the same!

happy lunar new year in advance everyone! hee
san, your girl so kyooooooooot in the video....i love her hair makes her look like a teeny weeny grown up. i so look forward to getting my bumbo seat now!

garden_dreamz u may wanna try giving lukewarm water if pacifier dun work? My boy also refuses the pacifier when he's upset. Only takes it to help himself zzzzz...i read that a lot of maternity nurses also give water to babies to help them sleep thru the nite.

Ben_Mum my one also like to bang ppl's heads. but he like no reaction leh. i'm the one who feels the pain owwwwww....
Got this from other threads

Carter's Warehouse sales!!
24th - 26th Jan
Gimmil Building, Tampines st 92, Near Safra Tampines, 9am till 8pm.

Lotsa of rompers and sunsuits going at 3 for $10!! Reversible blankets at $4. Got boys n girls one. Some of the rompers are selling at at least $9 in the forum. (look at the carters rompers b sunsuit in this website)
karrie, hahaahhaa....i have to be very fast when he tries to knock his head into me. must quickly turn my cheek for him to bang. else, kena my teeth he sure howl la! lol
come to think of it, i think he did bang into my teeth one time....cry like anything. mil thought i pinch him or slap him or something....hahahahahahah
aria jo,
she is 15wks old..

aria jo & karrie,
ya she had alot of hair.. We din shave her during her full mth.. my mum was asking if want to shave her at 4mth old but my hubby strongly objected.. he said wasted to shave off.. he said will only shave if her hair drop until patches
Ben_Mum, yahloh must 'siam' quickly. he also bang into my teeth a few times. somemore i wear braces! and my orthodontist just tightened them! lagi jialat...

San yah i know what u mean. I also feel very sayang to shave bb's hair so just trimmed a little bit at the sides at his full mth. Not very common to get a baby with a full head of hair at birth!
Oh yah I'm selling all my preloved Maternity clothes. Didn't realise I had so many until i started taking photos of them heeheehee. Spent so much, now cannot wear...hai.

So mummies if you got any preggy frens looking for cheap maternity clothes can ask them take a look:
(copy and paste the whole address into the browser coz dunno why this forum dun recognise the full link) http://www.flickr.com/photos/8246440@N05/sets/72157603787285175
ben mum,

ya loh.. i felt so heartpain when his head knocked mine... but he can still smile at me after the knock! alamak...
san & karrie,

my boy also had mop of hair at birth... so i was really in a dilemma whether to shave it or not on his full month celebration... but wana do a tai mao bi for him so i just go ahead... i miss his bushy hair at birth... now his hair more funky though, all stands up.. :p



anderson's black shiny hair at birth...
i try giving my boy lukewarm water in the day, he hates it. if given his so angry reaction to water in the day, if at night, would he b more receptive to it? if so, then in future i shd give him at night, to reduce his howls of protest in the day. :D last nite, my boy woke up at 2am for milk, pat him back to sleep but by 4+, he woke up screaming alr. in the end gave him milk but didn't take full feed coz the 10pm feed, he went a bit bersek n took 240ml at one go! not his usual milk intake though. so strange!
my wormy baby has not much hair at birth too and we didnt help him shave during his 1st mth. now regret for his hair falling out in patches though the general direction is like from front to back.

so now he look like a weird botak. in front no hair behind got some standing up.. lol..
maybe 4 mths will just shave everything away n start afresh...
Isaac's hair also like anderson, shiny black and neat at birth. too bad I didn't take any close up photos. Some more got beautiful side burn, very manly...kekkk.

Now hor, instead of the crown of hair covering the little head, the head literally outgrows the hair. I don't think I'll shave his hair cos only few small patches at the 2 side of the back head.

30-60ml is it too little? Yours BM? Maybe the taste change?

Clarisse soooo adorable in the video. She sure has thick hair huh. Keep it! Bb hair very soft. From the way she puts her 2 hands together, think she's ready for CNY. Gong xi gong xi. (",)

Re:sleeping thru
My fren just taught me yesterday. but only for those using FM. Try putting extra scoop of FM in the last feed to make it more concentrated instead of adding more water. Just like rice can tahan longer than porridge.

We tried last nite, it does drag an hour longer but I don't know is it b'cos he's too tired as he had hard time falling back to sleep at 10pm+ due to blocked nose. Will try 2nite again.

Mummies, any OTC medication for block nose huh? No sign of running nose. On and off can see some dried pi sai.
fitty nut:
i tot books advise us against changing the ratio of milk powder to water too much? by making it more concentrated , there s the risk of constipation for your baby.

not sure if its safe to do this. but if you really want to try this method, mayb can let baby drink more water.. ?
dodo, your boy's hair really nice at birth leh!

garden_dreamz, wah 240ml at one go? he having growth spurt maybe? My boy also hates drinking water. But what i do is give him a bit when he's hungry before his milk feed, twice a day (about 10-20ml), to let him get used to the taste lah. Or if it's not yet time for his feed but he's making noise for milk, i'll give him abt 30ml...now he's getting more accepting of it. But i noticed he only drinks it when he's thirsty or hungry, other times he rejects.
my boy also at birth not much hair, so decide not to cut since not much hair to cut anyway! :D

240ml is a record for him though. he never drank tat much before. mayb day time he not in the mood to drink yesterday, didnt really finish alot of his feed. so perhaps last nite made up for it by dunking down tat huge amount! :D i give him water, sometimes as little as 10ml every morning when he wakes up, n he screams n shouts already! sigh!
karrie, garden_dreamz:
yup, my wormy doesnt like to drink water also. try to let him drink before milk, but once he tastes its water, will get frustrated n want to wail..

think his per day in take of water at most 10-30 ml only.....sigh
My girl went thru that as well, I will feed her 130ml at 6pm, then at ard 7plus, she will drink another 130ml .... this last for abt a week I think ...

Now after one week of drinking lesser milk, she is sort of coming back to normal again. I'm feeding her 150ml which is 170ml including powder at 6am, 9pm, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm and 9pm. Maybe one or two feed she will drink lesser like 120ml. But she can sleep and missed her 9pm feed and then wake up at 2am if I din wake her up

I agreed tat if too much powder, it'll be difficult for her to poo poo, now I gave as per tin instruction she already like difficult to push the shit out ... so am thinking of adding a bit more water for her liao..
yah im scared of my wormy constipation so normally i use 130ml(instructions:120ml) water for 4 spoons + 155ml (instructions:160ml) for 5 spoons of friso powder..
(i mixed his feeds like some are 4 spoons & some 5 spoons cos scared he over-fed.)

anyway, when he poo-poo he will cry n make alot of noise like very "xinku" though i checked the poo n noted that they are soft n no blood so should be okie bah?
haha.. our babies sometimes can really b so hard to predict! :D i noticed feeding him some water, even though a tiny amount also helped soften his poo a little, not so much like a snake like that when he finally pushes it out! :D

poo soft is ok. my bb when doing his poo-poo, face will go super red n he'll clutch his fists tight tight! sometimes also cry until v.v.poor thing like tat. i dunno about you, but when i see him gek sai, sometimes really v.funny lor. at times, wanna laugh at his expression, then after tat regret laughing at his suffering, so sayang him after he's done with his poo! :D
haha sometimes the poo does come out like a snake as u mentioned.
yah, sometimes quite funny when we see them poo poo hor? n it s very obvious when he poos, the face will become v serious n focus , the hands clenched in tiny fists n the legs stretched straight out..


din saw your post of the carters sale if not I would have get the blanket for you. :-(
It's at $4 and really worth it and they have a lot of stock for that !!

I got lots of sunsuits for my girl and am really happy with the trip ! Would have save a lot of money if I know there is such sale cos just order from 3 spree on sunsuits for my girl prior to this. So now, I think she can have new clothes everyday liao ....jia liat !!
Hello mummies! catching up on all the postings! So interesting!

San and Karrie - I also can't bear to shave my gal's head at 1mth, so just snip off abit at the sides only. actually, i dunno why must shave the head leh. anyone can enlighten me? her hair is starting to drop liao but like no impact one, although bed got quite a few hairs in the morn.

pooping - after starting on multivits, her butthole getting reddish leh. also, today is the 4th day of taking the multivits and she didn't poo the whole day, except for one small one. usually she does 2 big 2 small, dunno is it because of the multi vits. anyoen got similar exp? karine'S tbf.

triniti - my bb also 6kg at 3mths, and she drinks v little, like 100-110 each time.

about sleeping through - I think the magic time has arrived for me liao. She started sleeping thru the nite before i went back to work. so sayang mummy. slept at 10pm, woke up at 6am and started her 3hrly feed at that time. this has been like this for the past 2 weeks liao, last feed at 9pm-ish, knock out latest 10.30pm, wakes up between 545 to 630am. I'm so happy! still crossing my fingers for it to sustain and that it's not just a phase! Although for me, i dun get like full 8 hrs lah, cos still need to pump before sleeping. so only sleep like at 12am kind. but at least no interrupted sleep lor.

gingerleaf - ho gai siao! but too late for me liao! if not sure cheong!!!! anyone knows when's the next baby fair coming?
good morning mummies, so quiet? Out shopping at the sale?

Saw the sept mummies grp setting up a facebook network leh, wanna do one up for our oct mummies? Only prob is i dunno how to setup network! haha!
I can help to set-up if the mummies here are keen ... ha ha then me and ginger will be in both group !!

My fren at the sales now, you wanna buy the blanket?

urmm ... since already mentioned so I have already created a group under Singapore Motherhood - Oct mummies

my email address is [email protected]
I think you can search for me, then go to group, select Oct group and request to be added ... I have created a "closed" group for the time being ...
