(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

garden, yeah. the NTUC one good. kekeke.. And you can get it at 9+ a bag when they have sales.

velvet, agreed with you. BP are evil! I also spend alot of money on that! hahahaahha..

BP also sell tat ah? didn't notice leh, must open eyes bigger then! :D

the way u describe applying cream like concealer so funny. thanks for sharing!
i blur like sotong one lah, toilet actually alr all clear, then got the transparent shower enclosure which i forgot, so bb happen to struggle when i carry, then his head hit the glass enclosure lor. ya, read the papers abt that case so i lagi more scared, but thankfully he's fine.

gd tat ur mum can b main caregiver. mine is my maid. my mum working. my MIL doesn't really know how to care for bb n isn't v.v. accomodating kind of person. so quite a headache when time for me to go back work lor, dunno how...

re: MIM sling
haha... my hubby also gave me a look when i told him i prefer another kind of sling (which i alr had, just tat didn't dare to try b4 i got the MUM sling), when i was the one who initially pestered him to get the MIM sling, told him its v.gd blah blah blah, so now i got to eat my own words back alr. but i do try to use it once in a while lah, just to justify that it can b used! :D

i dun dare to buy 4 packs of M size for now coz i dunno how long he still can take M b4 going L. then got alot of L alr. so think will just buy pack by pack. plus i day time often use cloth diapers also.
oh yeah, for those of you who are teachers and need to go back to HQ, MOE 5th flr got nursing rooms with 6 cubicles with armchairs!! Also have fullsize fridge and lockers! So envy. my co. nursing rm only got those metal chairs with thin cushion and mini bar fridge and 2 cubes. ok, i'm complaining frivolously cos got other places no such facilities. sorry.
omigod, karine is so cute and pretty. you must send her photos to participate in baby contest. just look at her adorable big doe eyes!! and her eyes like got white eye shadow around it.. so cute
haiz, i'm so envious. my girl's eyes super small..haha...
aria jo, thank you thank you! hehe, maybe i'll do that... ya ya, notice she like got white shadow, my sis always say she use white eyeliner or something. haha...
hi guys can ask you something, i ve never really use a baby sling before only attempted a few times before . but i dont really know how n ended up my shoulder very tired + baby uncomfortable cos like too hot.

so i ve this combi baby carrier at home where baby can be carried facing me or outside. so the qn is when can i start carrying him in it?
he s coming to 3 mths this weekend but his neck not too stable. like he can hold up for few seconds after that he ll relax n rest against me whenever i carry him...

so u guys use such carrier n when s the best time to utilize it?
gingerleaf, I never use the sling due to unsuccessful try...so I give up already. Mine is Satin...when buying, the salesperson told me not as hot as cotton. Anyway, It was kept already.

The bbjorn carrier...How much was that? I wanted to get one that can let him face outside also. Or any brand to recommend?
I have been using similar carriers(bbjorn)at ard 6weeks of birth. If the neck isnt strong yet, you can carry inwards style as there will be a cushion supporting baby's neck.
Hi all

Thks all mummies who gives me advices…bb ysterday evening was ok after proper medication given, felt so relief when nanny say he looks more active compared to the day b4 (he look so sian & keep tearing while lying on the rocker/bed thou he didn’t fuss – hear liao also wanna cry). But I find he’ll cough badly esp in the early morning like 4/5 a.m. tis morning also same, after milk at 5.30am, he started to cough, whole process took abt 45min then finally the stupid phylem came out (luckily he didn’t vomit all his milk, jus little bit). When he cough, u can hear the whole throat/lung like v phlemy…, really duno how to help him ‘spit out’ the phylem… hiaz.. Aftertat, quickly changed him & feed medicine b4 we neubilised him at 7am. Hopefully he gets better, tml evening bringing him back for review.

Totoro, thks 4 your blog, v useful to me.

Joyce… noted your kids got no fever fm pneumococcaljab… now my gal also started to cough, I hv to postponed her jab, hiaz..

Fitty….jus monitor if bb got fever, vomit after fall, if nothing, shd b ok, look out for bruises also…

Re cny… me too got pre-cny depression liao, soo many things to do but no time & cant take leave, eg. spring cleaning ,etc, etc… now w children sick lagi worst. Like all cramming together till I cant breath. Then I hate visiting also, so many places to rush in a day, dun go also cannot cos once a year affair to go eldery relatives plcs, go already, scare kids not comfortable esp crowded/noisy environment, worst part is my gal will hv ‘happy hour’ keep eating & eating all sort of junk food end up go visit doctor – she’ll knw MIL siding her & I wont beat her infront of others esp cny (last year also like tat, eat tooo much bah kwa, got fever by 4th day of cny, tis year I alr pre-warn her dun b soo greedy I told her I wont give a damn if is cny or other ppl’s house, she misbehave oni I’ll punish her, but I doubt she can refrain fm temptation & running around w/o my supervision..headace)… ecookie, u still can calm bb if at others house, me cant esp if my MIL/SIL around, they wont let u hv a ‘chance’ to go near bb, tat’s make me v pissed off… if at relative plc worst, like passing baton, until bb really super cranky for milk or pee or poo then they’ll pass back to u, v
somtime… hubby also sandwiched dun dare to say much..then i must keep telling myself, not everyday like tat, must 'ren', if not if explode sure v 'nan kan'.. thk god i dun hv prblm w my mum/siblings, they'll let me handle myself & jus gv helping hand when i v busy...

Re nappy rush cream, me using egozite many years back, so far so good. calendula cream = nappy cream too?? where can buy?

Re pampers, me too, is nepia supporter!! But I find huggis ultra slim (purple colour) also v good, now NTUC having offer @S$13.80 till end of tis month (I bough L size 34 pcs, almost same price as Nepia per/pc fm Ntuc, of cos if Nepia on sale @ ntuc, is comparable to direct order).

Augbaby..my bb now 8.3kg about 60+cm (duno exact ht), he is exactly 4 mths in two days time. Think your bb shd b ok.

p.s. i like to browse our thread leh, tis a plc where i got a chance pick up vocab fm u mummies
hi junnie, glad u are better! do take gd care of ur boy ya? hugs hugs..

calendula cream is NOT = to nappy cream.. itz more for treatment of rashes.. but hor, my mum use it on e diaper area daily.. n no problems!!
my boy got the pneumococcal jab when he is 2 yr old.. No fever occur. Not nessecary got fever one.. dun worry..

dun worry abt overweight.. think most babies here are ard this range of weight.. mine is 7kg at 3 mths.. Mummies here also assure me that it's okie as baby grow spurts varies..

u can get the creamy version from kk phamacy.. or any family clinic also sells them.. But 2oz selling at 12plus.. if u buy from Drugstore BP here 4 oz only abt $9.50.. very cheap.. can use very long!

Hippo18 and other mummies who are using nepia.. u know that if u keep 10 nepia seals can change for $10 NTUC vouchers? Dun throw away ah! Just have to post back to nepia co. to redeem.
I agree nepia really very good..My 1st son last time also use this...But after i move house not near NTUC so have to swtich to mamy poko for Jerric..it is just as good..

Talk abt sling,
i hardly use MIM sling.. dun really know how to use.. sometimes in such a awkward position baby starts to scream.. so give up liaoz..

By the way mummies think some of u have blogs right? Difficult to go and trace back the old post can post here so that i can link urs to mine? I just created one .. still not very good at it.. Hope to share with mummies here.

i didn't know can exchange fr supplier! that's not too bad!

re: nursing room
btw, anyone have idea if NIE (NTU campus) have nursing rooms n where r they located? got to go there for course n dunno where i can pump discreetly without resorting to hiding in toilets.

haha... they way u describe BP - evil. ah yoh! :D
okie, thanks for the link, will go check it out.

re: sling
i use sling also can't last long without bb feeling hot n not comfy. so only can tahan either aircon places then use or else just use a while then take him out to 'air' him. am still trying to practise using it, dun wan my hubby to always complain say i waste $$.
alamak!!!! NEPIA seals can change for ntuc voucher ah! my boy rampage thru so many packs of it liao n threw away the packaging!
better keep fr now onwards. thanks for sharing.
re nepia seals:
yah i heard from my collegue can do so but i never really go n keep track. must do so from now on. i need i used up at least 10 by now from NB & Size S.

so long never post liao. Had meeting the whole of last week and work late

Nice to see so many cute babies' photo

Any baby on Avent bottle still using Size 1 ? My mum tried using Size 2 for Caelen but he kick a big fuss, change back to Size 1 and he happily sucking away. He 5 months old liao.

Re: Hair ... not only baby drop his hair ... mummy too ... look so scary if not for the fact my GF had warned me . Comb the fingers thru the hair only can see easily 7 - 10 strands. Blow dry only .. the whole floor got a lot of hair

Re: California Baby,
If of you interested, why don't someone organise to buy together. www.luckyvitamin.com sells very cheap. http://www.luckyvitamin.com/california-baby.html
2oz calendula cream is US$7.90 ~SG$11.70 Shipping should be cheaper since quite light.

Caelen have mild Eczema. Since I'd started using the California Baby's Calming Botanical moisturizing cream. He is SIGNIFICANTLY better .. it's also gone. Even my mum and dad is using the cream for their dry skin and they ask me to order more next time. He is using the 17.5oz (about 490ml) calming shampoo and bodywash too.

I'd just ordered some stuffs from US, if got OCT MTB interested, I can add to my order that is shipped via vpost. But the thing is you might want to collect from my place @ punggol or my mum's place @ bedok as local post could add to the cost. Faster to email me [email protected]
Hi mummies,

my gal just used up 10 packs from nepia and hence I just got my voucher.
I got the info when they send me the broucher as I registered for nepia "club" during one of the expo sale. With regards to extension, I always get the info while surfing the forum. Great that it has been extended again.
BTW, I will buy more and cut the hold for the stamp, then used tape and plastic to seal the hole. Hee .. like that sure have 10 packs.
When NTUC have sales where each pack cost less than $15, I will buy like 6 - 8packs at a go ... kiasu mummy ... cos I tried huggies, really don't like it. Mammypoko not bad but the indication not so obvious so still prefer Nepia.

BTW, I have huggies M size abt 25pieces which I no longer used, anyone using huggies and can meet at SengKang or DoubyGhaut this week? I don't mind to just exchange for 1 or 2 Nepia seal ... hee hee
Jojer: Ok . Tks
... Guess they prefer the hard work ... maybe for Caelen's case .. due he still latch on when he is with me
hi all

make up, eye shadow?? wow... those mummies having gal gal, dun worry, v fast u'll hv headaches like me... my gal now everyday go out also ask me to put lipstick, will go 'help' herself w my stuff till i hv to shift plc!! i use to hv those costume jewelleries, etc, some i bought some given as gift, she told me is her 'collection'!! faint... how to wear my ring??? then i got to buy her those barbie doll/princess series & bluff her. now she pastering me to buy those princess'high heel shoe', i told her oni cny or go party/dinner then can apply make-up/wear high heel shoe. she broke my lipstick a few times liao, twist till the extreme & then cover w/o turning back!! i dare not buy anymore & hardly got time for make-up. lucky my work plc need not 'dress-up' one.

tink hardly to find hubby tat will support our shopping spree!! if any mummies' hubby do support them, then v lucky liao!! mine also same, whenever i told him i wanna buy tings either for myself/kids, he'll say must judge the necessity 1st, but at times really v tempted, esp the EVIL BP (hahahaa... me too one of the greedy one!!) then i'll tou tou buy then he bobian, of cos, got to hear him "grumbling" if the items bcom white elephant... i also aiming for bb carrier, esp ergo, but he said NO NO, cos too costly... so now i hv to keep pratising w my sling, it takes time to master lor...

hippo, joey, thks 4 info on the cream/jab.

looks like destin not bad huh... may b will go get, haiyo...hippo, y u show me the link arrr... hehehe...

btw, i usually like to hang around those BP on festive seasons stuff, esp cakes, eclair, etc & BB items.. but always got problm on collecting cos dare not 'lao dong' hubby to collect if not my ear got no peace!!! so usually will opt for post, if not delivery to door step. i tink i 'zou huo lu mo' till recently i bought cny cookies via BP, then i ask some1 to collect for me as the organiser's plc of collection suits her & i duno her, but i'll b meeting her oni 29/1 to pass her some foc items which i giving away!! hubby knw liao say i crazy!!

re kid's safety... we sure v kan jiong one, recently i also unintentionally 'scolded' hubby cos every morning (if he in town)he will send me & my gal to childcare, i'll stay there w her b4 i go to work as i starts @9am, the scenario is : he carried her (my gal usually sleepy in the morning, to prevent her fm crankiness & get out of house on time, he'll carry her) while going out the gate, he didnt realise & her head knock on the gate, imagine the poor gal got a fright & wake up & cry. then i duno y i jus cant help but tell him how can he be so careless... he also heart pain but alr happened no choice, fm tis can show kids r really our treasures no matter how naughty they r...
jovial + jojer:
my mum made me change to avent 2 when baby ard 2 mths+ old. at first he seems to have prob , will choke abit n quite a fair bit of milk will leak from side of his mouth n the hankie on his neck will be quite soaked. was quite worried that hes not drinking enough like prepare 120ml then like leak 20+ml like that..

but after 1-2 weeks he got accustomed and by now when he's really hungry there's almost no leaking of milk at all..
so i think it take time to adjust.

had bought avent 3 but dun thnk will so fast intro cos that time i tried n feel the flow like too fast. ..perhaps when he show signs that avent 2 is too slow for him , like exhaustion/frustration from sucking then i ll consider changing...
my baby is still on size 1. ask PD when i should changer her teats and she said when you find your BB taking longer than usual to finish her milk (mine is 10-15 mins), then that's abt time to change. If not, you can still stick to it.
I'm using NUK and using the size 1 large teats ... although it's meant for thicker feed but think my gal is the impatient type that want to suck fast if she really hungry .... but if she is not, then a lot of milk will be wasted as it'll just flow out !!

Saw the size 2 teats for NUK but fine them really BIG in size ... so would stick to 1 for as long as possible .. ha ha

BTW mummies, i checked the teat and found that it can really wear and tear, think my gal suck it too hard so I have already change like 2 or 3 times so far.
wah! so many postings these 2 days!!!

re teats:
im using NUK size 1 medium teat... totoro, i tried large teat coz my boy took almost half an hour to finish his milk, but he almost choke with that.. so no choice, i change back to medium teat... ya agree wi u, i already changed the teats 3 or 4 times... coz breastmilk rather oily, so im afraid the residue will stick on it despite sterilising and washing wi bb bottle cleanser...

re baby drinking water:
my boy hates to drink water! PD said no water before bb 3 months so i heed his advice faithfully. but now bb rejects water when i start to introduce it to him... very annoyed that he dislike water so much so i called mrs wong and asked her what to do, she suggested can add abit of honey into the water when bb is 4mths old... but i remember i read somewhere that bb cant have honey before 1 year old... any mummies can advise on this?

my boy is trying hard to flip these few days! so happy when i saw it! wana to video tape down but i was expressing milk then so cant get my camera, use my mobile phone to record it instead.. super amusing to watch him "working so hard" towards his goal and he so determine, dun wana give up after 10 mins of trying!
dodo, I'm surprise that Mrs Wong suggested that. I was also told that should not introduce sweet stuffs due to baby tooth decay too.

Infant Botulism
Related concepts:
Sometimes constipation and slow feeding are the only symptoms of infant botulism, a disease that is sometimes caused by honey.

What is it?
The honey story is fascinating. The safety concern about honey arose because honey often contains spores that, under the right circumstances, can cause a disease discovered in 1976, called infant botulism. Infant botulism is spread by these spores, not by pre-formed botulinum toxin (BoTox).

Botulism spores are found throughout nature – in soil, in dust, and on the unwashed surfaces of unpeeled fruits and vegetables. The spores are present in about 10 percent of the samples of honey tested. These spores are tough to kill. They are quite heat-resistant; some can survive boiling for several hours.

Babies’ intestines are an ideal environment for the spores. When babies swallow them, the spores can turn into growing, multiplying bacteria that pump out a poison called botulinus toxin. This toxin is absorbed through their immature intestines and causes infant botulism. Some cases of infant botulism are mild, but some are fatal.

Who gets it?
The peak age at which babies are susceptible is when they are 2 to 4 months old. They may be at risk from about 1 week until 9 to 11 months. This is the reason babies under one year old should not be fed honey. Because the spores are so heat-resistant, there is a theoretical risk for babies eating even processed foods containing honey. Commercial canning, however, usually destroys the spores. While honey is the most common single food associated with infant botulism, in most cases of infant botulism, the source is not identified.

Normally, swallowing spores is not a problem for healthy adults or older children. The spores usually remain spores. The bacteria do not grow well in mature intestines teeming with beneficial bacteria. Pregnant women, other adults, and older children are routinely exposed to spores without being affected.

Adults can get botulism from other sources, including getting the toxin directly through food or into wounds. The pre-formed toxin can be found in improperly canned or processed foods. The botulinus toxin is among the most lethal of all naturally occurring substances. Ingesting a trace amount can be deadly. Thankfully, toxin production can be prevented with proper refrigeration, freezing, drying, or adding the correct amounts of salt, sugar, or sodium nitrate. The toxin can be destroyed by heat (20 minutes at 176 degrees or 10 minutes at 196 degrees). It can even be harnessed -- BoTox is in vogue to reduce wrinkles.

What are the symptoms?
Usually infant botulism begins with a slowing down of the intestines, which results in constipation. This can progress to include slow feeding. Breastfeeding mothers often report feeling engorged.

Other classic symptoms include listlessness, weakness, and floppiness. The legs may flop open in a frog-leg position. Sometimes babies look so weak and lethargic than infant botulism is mistaken for meningitis.

The disease is a temporary partial paralysis that moves down the body. On closer examination early in the course of the disease, babies often have decreased facial expressions, “heavy” eyelids, poor head control, and a weak cry. Suck, swallow, and gag reflexes are decreased.

The disease can be very mild, with few symptoms, or rapidly progressive, causing respiratory distress or sudden infant death.

Is it contagious?
Botulism is not transmitted from person to person.

How long does it last?
Infant botulism begins 3 to 30 days after the spores are consumed. The illness usually lasts a number of weeks.

How is it diagnosed?
The diagnosis can be confirmed by laboratory analysis of the blood and stool.

How is it treated?
Botulism can be treated effectively with botulinum antitoxin. Often additional supportive measures are needed while the person is recovering.

How can it be prevented?
The CDC recommends that children younger than 1 year of age should not be given honey unless the product has been certified free of spores.

Sometimes honey is pasteurized – usually it is not. Pasteurizing does not reliably destroy botulism spores. Some honey is filtered; some is not. Filtering does not reliably remove botulism spores.

The safety of honey as a food for healthy adults and older children is unquestioned.
Such cute OCT babies! I've been reading the posts here on and off but too lazy to post. So many posts to keep track & Seems the posts are getting longer too!
I've been busy blogging, inserting photos & videos and looking thru toys reviews.
You can visit my baby's blog at
Hi mummies,
Wah...so many postings! Isaac looks ok today. So mummy brings him to Bugis.

haha...now i know why you face difficulty to venture out with bb. I also cannot stop too long at one spot to see,see,look,look. So forget about trying bras and dresses unless bb deep sleep lor. Yah, must constantly create motion but I dun mind lah cos I enjoy walking.

today's trip not very 'soooon' but managable. In MRT he made alot of noise to sleep (at home same pattern). MRT is crowded. I stood down and talk to him lor.

Then in the mall, again cry to sleep . The KPOs start peeping into my pram and give me that snug look why i din pacify bb. I bo chap, continue pushing.

Lunch time, eat half way, he cried to be carried. So carry him for awhile, cry when put him down. So no choice...carry and eat at the same time. :%

Basically have to be oblivious of the 'stares' ard us lah. Not their bb mah.

Next I saw a mum insisting to strap her 1.5yrs old (I think) onto her pram. She SCRRRREEEEAM out of her lungs and startled Isaac to tears. Wah sia...buay ta han..

2 days back while I was eating breakfast with my hubi at a prata stall, suddenly a strange finger pokes into Isaac's cheek out of nowhere. Wahlao, quickly told this Ah mah not to do it, she still poke 2 more times. Feel like giving her a BOX!

Re:Sling shoulder pain
Chk if the sling is spread open over your shoulder. So far i don't experience pain leh.

I think we shld all meet up one day to share "how to use the sling effectively" so our hubbies can zip up their mouth hor. :-I

re:honey with water
Just know that it will create phlegm.

re:teat size
My boi super sucker...keke. Already on teat 2 when 1.5mths. Tried teat 3 recently. He's not ready. Reason same as ecookie
morning mummies!

bb woke up at 5am today fussing for milk. bluffed him with some water instead and he promptly went back to sleep after,then woke up at 7am to drink his milk proper. so guai hehe (his last feed before that was at 10pm). I hope bb keeps up this sleeping pattern when i go back to work loh...then dun have to keep waking up at nite..

Junnie, poor you! *huggs* i really admire u loh, can handle 2 young kids and work etc etc. hope your baby is better now, i must say you're really coping with everything very well...when i grow up i wanna be like you hehehehehe

Jovial thanks for the info on honey. Sounds so scary. will take note...

fitty_nut, yahloh the ah ma prob can't resist coz bb so cute, but she should have stopped when u told her to! i'd slap the ah ma's hand away like gingerleaf. i really can't take it when my relatives try and kiss his cheeks and hands loh. but then i dunno if i'm too paranoid about cleanliness (according to my hubby, i am...ggrrr...) read online that some exposure to germs may be good for bb's immunity, and that first-borns are more prone to allergies and flus etc coz parents tend to be overly protective...whereas 2nd or 3rd born kids are hardier coz they're exposed to the germs their older siblings bring home...dunno how true is that leh.

fitty your boy super sucker, mine super soaker. dunno why he's been drooling a lot. like gooey stringy saliva...sorta like transparent mozarella hahaha. sometimes make our whole sleeve wet leh.

yeah we should have a sling convention these days lah. then the expert ones can teach us novices. i only can do cradle hold and snuggle hold, cannot breastfeed in sling yet.
jovial, thanks for e valuable info!

fitty_nut, y must these strangers poke or touch the babies leh? aiyo.. i m perfectly fine with family members or friends cuddling my girl or touching her but i can't stand it when strangers do that! i belong to the school of thought that believes exposure to e environment will help baby develop stronger immunity.. BUT still!! No strangers touching my baby.. aiyo, how do i ever know what has those hands touched before? and with those stupid diseases like salmonella and Hep A.. NO WAY lor..

thanks for the info! yup yup, tt's what i read as well... called my PD, he said it's normal for bb to reject plain water, as long as i still breastfeed he will get the required amt of water from there, and he said when bb starts solid he will be thirsty and wana drink water, so not a concern at the moment...

re: touching baby
think im another paranoid mum here, always ask hubby had he washed his hand before touch bb... :p same like hippo, im fine wi family members to cuddle my baby, esp my mum... the way she cuddle and talk to baby warms my heart...
my baby too is working hard to try to turn. very very cute when she gather her strength by pulling her legs to one side and swing to the other side to turn her body. hahah...on a few occasions, she managed to turn on her tummy but her neck not so strong yet, so sometimes her face will face the bed.. hubby very worried abt this. for now, we put pillows on her sides abnd park it from her waist down so that she can only turn sideway and sleep on her sides in the night. wonder what other mothers do when bb is learning to turn? Do babies really know how to take care of themselves during this period? it's a just a natural progression of baby's milestone? can't help but share the same worries with my hubby leh..

your girl is v cute. likes to suck hand like my wormy baby ..lol

anyway, want to ask mummies out there qn on milk intake. im very scared that i may be over-feeding my baby.
currently my wormy baby (3mths this week) is drinking ard 800-900 ml of milk per day. he s drinking friso 1 by the way..

intervals are ard 3-4 hrs between each feeds.
so he ll have ard 6 feeds during the day n normally from 10+pm to 5 am he wont drink cos he'll be sleeping.

is the amt okie?
