(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

dodo.. yes you must be strong! Pour out your sorrow in the forum, call someone and cry it out... but remember, do not cry infront of ZQ, instead smile at him when he cry, talk to him when he's in pain, sing to him when he's moody. I'm sure with such happy mood, he will sure to recover very fast.

If he dun drink milk, try spoon feeding him or even pour it in a cup and drink from it. Usually, they'll be curious and tend to drink it.

feed him steam apple or blueberries.. read from article, these fruits contain the most anti-oxidant which is good for the immune system!

you can try putting humidifier when he sleep. It helps in the breathing. I always on it for Jae whenever she's not feeling well. So far I find it makes a different.

Just my suggestion, you can try!


relax... He will be fine.

I think is rather scary 4 bb to have the mask over his face.. something v alien.. Try to make a game out of it, maybe you put on it yrself first before letting him to put on. Allowing him to hold on to it will also help to east his aniexty..

Keeping the environment clean is impt, but home bact is ok, bb sohuld be immune to it by now.. what is scary is their virus and germs outside... sign..

Im a lazy mum, i sledom wash his toys if their no visitors, but once there is a 2nd party who play with his toy, i will literally clean up everything.

Im not sure if a humifiler help, but friend said to reduce coughing .. maybe u want to try, everything starts with coughing..

TCM is a alternative, Brig is seeing one now. But as bb kidney is not develop till aft 1, he will prescribe herbs only he is aft 1 yr old.


you are not bad temper, u r just worried. When brig is sick, i also scold my hb out of nothing..

take care

the humiflier really work?? I just used it for less than 1 month. Hopefully it will help brig.. his next attack is soon... Usually is alternate month, 2nd, 4th,... so the next attack will be when he is 1 yr old..

worse, i have ecezma and sinus.. .. which means brig got all my hb and mine bad genes leh..

So far, he stillhave have sinus yettt...
dayan is really a handsome boy! he got a pair of "dian4 yan3"... very high voltage!

thanks for all the suggestions gal!
yup, i tried spoon feed him just now, though it took v long to finish small quantity of milk but better than none...

noted on the steam apple & blueberries thing! actually one of the reason of me still expressing breastmilk is to provide stronger immunity to bb as well, but bb still fall sick which makes me doubt over the quality of my bm... sigh~ it may not be as good as what i think...

ya i put a humdifier also... agree wi u, i find there's a difference...

gal, saw ur earlier post. i think i got a photo of zq and jae taken on bash leh.. left my camera at KL, will email u when im back k... u know what, i noticed zq kept "bio-ing" jae's bum bum, and even touched it once... ya maybe both of them grow up and may get "reunited" again... like those korean shows... so romantic :p

dun doubt yr BM.. Im also like u,, whenever birg got sick.. i will ask myself.. " everyone say that BM give stronger BB, healthier bb, bluff me.. brig still get sick so often"

Wel, im still expressing but stopping soon cos supply = miserable.. ahah
<font size="+2">Happy Birthday Carlson and Kayden!!!</font>

you do have twinkling eyes! Your eyes really twinkles when you smile! Twinkling dun have to be big ma.
ya... so i put a mask on my face also then laugh &amp; sing song to him whenever i do the nebuliser thing on him...

gal, i think humidifier helps. the air will not be so dry coz we sleep in air con room, more moisture... i find that dry air tends to trigger coughing and eczema also...

chris &amp; jas,
i also think swimming helps, but PD told me avoid swimming for the time being as he mentioned swimming pool water not that clean and if zq accidentally drink the water, likely to get infected again... so i think for the moment maybe avoid it, once bb immune system stronger than can slowly let him try out...
chris.. for me it works, usually i put in a few drops of Eucalyptus oil, it suppose to help coughs or sinus and kills bacteria in sickroom. I like the smell very much and really can sleep better.

dodo... dun doubt over ur BM quality, it's the most valuable food for ZQ now, just that now ZQ is older and require more than just BM. Continue doing what is right for him!

u got photo fo zq and jae! email me email me
ya.. PD told me maybe bb will fall sick more easily if i din bf him... but bcoz of all the rubbish i eat, i cant help to doubt over it leh...
me too, supply so low now... expressed twice a day and only get abt 380ml in total..
Jas, why boy must circumcise?

pls be strong k. Dun cry anymore le la. Later eyes hum hum, eyes so small oreadi, later hum hum worse. zq cannot see mummy at all. Im sure he will get well soon. He is our lil warrior, remember??

Im using a humidifer in lyn's room as well, coz she sleeps in aircon. Think its good, coz wun make her throat so dry.

re bf
i read that bm doesnt provide much immunity after 6mths. true?
gingerleaf.. wow you really make my day! so happy, I'm floating already

For mummies who's still online at this late hours! Got these photos from SL not long ago!


dodo...dun worry...may b zq immune system not so strong yet, tat's y easily catch virus... dun doubt ur bm, u r a v 'wei da' mummy for looking after him urself &amp; bfeeding till now... u &amp; hb also tk good rest esp after a long ride bk fm kl today.. cough/respiratory prblm is v 'mafan' to deal w one... when he's better, may b u consider tcm to 'tiao' his body... every 1 of us got different worry, hv to look on brighter side if not life will b stressful... (eg. both my kids got urine reflux prblm since young, lucky my gal one is more or less stable no need long term anti-biotic but the scar on kidney still there hopefully will disappear as she grow older, then for bb, still hving 1 side reflux &amp; kidney w scar, hv to take long term anti-biotic till 4-5yrs, everyday praying hard &amp; keeping finger cross no more uti w fever, if not hv to go operation, both of them still need to go routine chk-up/tests).. i sharing w u tis so at least u knw u r not alone... take care...

totoro, annie... hope both kelly &amp; kayden also faster recover, their bd coming soon...

jas.. v nice pix of dayan.. hope ur pocket didnt burn a hole like most of us!
eil.. aiyo... another cutie fm ps! y jae made funny face in the tub? so cute!

jas.. i thot oni muslim bb boy need to circumcise? my malay colleague said usually they'll let bb boy do it b4 they knw how to turn/walk as easier to look after them after the day surgery.
sure sure! will email u when im back to KL!
jae is so so cute &amp; pretty... esp the 2nd photo, she seems to imitate the expression of the rubber ducky! i really love her leh...

ya... and he really clingy towards me these few days, must make sure i still look cheery as usual for him!
not sure abt the immunity of bm provide after 6mths leh.. coz i thought many recommend to bf for 1st year so i just follow loh... but my supply so low now also not much benefit i think...

u are the bravest mum i know... really...
i shd learn from u and look at the bright side of life! i hope lance &amp; ur girl urine reflux prob will be fine soon... true, respiratory prob is a very mafan one... my sis went thru it and i know it's tough, but she was very determine also, keep exercising and was in netball school team! ya, very tired now after all these... gonna sleep soon coz later have to wake up at 3am to do another round of nebulizer thing on bb again...

good night mummies... thanks for all ur concern... hope tomorrow will be a better day for all of us...

* if any mummy sms me, sorry if i din reply coz i forgot to change my SIM card this morning, left in a rush...
totoro... do you sell balloons with helium? I want those plain shiny latex balloon for Jae's birthday! Can PM me if u have?
Be strong and take care! Just to let you know that you are not alone as Kelly has sensitive nose just like me and now she is showing the same symptons when she was hospitalised previously. Although the doc say it's just virus infection, her phelgm was quite bad when she cough and her milk intake also dropped liao. I'm monitoring her and hope she gets better with the medication. Doc din prescribed neubuliser this round for her.
For the neubuliser, you don't really need to use the mask if he is rejecting it. Previously, i'll placed it near the nose as long as she can inhale and that's what the nurse do in the hospital as well. But for the sound, I know what you mean as it can be really irritating!!
Do take care and let's hope it's just normal virus that will normally go away in a few days time!!

Anyone know if I should continue to let her drink apple juice? will it result in more phelgm?? I need to let her drink more water so she can poo poo but she don't want plain water :-(
morning all..

so sad to hear dat zq is sick.. dodo dear, take care of urself as well. dun blame urself for his sickness! i'm sure u have done a very fantastic job in taking care of him! be strong for him &amp; ur hb okie? u know he's putting in a lot of effort to take care of u both right? u have to help him to okie? biggest hugs... check ur email dear! almost wanted to sms u liao le..

eil, jae is sooo cute! her eyes can talk leh!
morning mummies!

dodo, annie, totoro, hope all your babies get well soon!

J also fell sick yesterday! talk about all babies falling sick at the same time!

And what's worse to top it up? Hubby in reservist and I'm left alone to take care of J!

Yesterday night, his temp was 37.6. Then I keep sponging him and now it's 36.9 but body still very very warm! And he's got a blocked nose too. Yesterday night almost want to rush him to hospital liao but worried that I can't handle him alone in the car. Should I wait or ask my MIL to go PD now? Hubby can't book out, I can't take leave cause just join new company.

Really feel so shitty now!
morning all

bbwow.. oh no, another bb fallen sick...if j still feeling lousy or fever up again, ask your MIL bring him to PD 1st unless u got fever medication at home then can monitor 1st b4 go PD again.

totoro..if kelly still coughing, hv to refrain fm any juices for time being it'll add on to the phelgm.. gv her luke warm water, try spoon feed or 'bluff' her if she can suck fm straw.

hope all bb unwell recover fast! heart pain leh..

ya. and his milk intake has dropped drastically! yesterday only drank 300ml in totla. this morning worse, only 90ml! I asked my MIL to try spoon feed him more milk.

really feel so helpless in office now.......
Junnie &amp; Gingerleaf,
Dun know leh..circumcise is not for religion purpose. Its also hygiene reason. My HB did it when he is 19 years old. He says its better if do it earlier. eee..boys so troublesome one.
hee..Jae expression very cute esp in the tube. kekee!

No..i just chose extra 1 pic nia. I try to "ren" when i am selecting the pics..hee! Its really a blessing that i did not spend that extra $350. hee...

Sayang to all the babies out there who are fighting with the stupid sickness! Shoo them all away!!! Keeping all in prayers! Jia you jia you..bbs..
Tks mummies.. for your concern and the birthday wish! K fever went down last night but i heard him cough a few times. So see how again tonight den bring him to see his PD.


I also like u... so worried abt K weight!! my neighboursss keep commenting dat why K so small size compare to last time. I so SAD!!! but to me as long as his healthy and active him ok.


K birthday is dis coming sun... hope he will recover soon!! Sun so many relatives coming... den carry here and there got virus contact again. Sighzzzz


if fever still has yet to hit 38 still can wait lah. Give him lots of water!!!! oh give him his fever medicine... i give K his medicine when his fever hit 37, i give 5 times a day. even when his fever stop in between. Dat wat K PD told me to do.
bbwow &amp; Dodo ... hugs for you 2 ... i know you must be feeling so helpless ...

bbwow J fever ask yr MIL give him the medi 1st ... and watch over him at the same time will pray for you ok ... dun think too much cos you got to perform at work now

dodo expressing breastmilk to provide stronger immunity to bb me too wanted to do that cos i got sensitive nose, but i can only last till 7 1/2 mths for bb ... i got a friend lasted for a yr too and her bb still fall sick which makes her doubt over the quality of her bm too cos her bb also keep falling sick ... like what others say dun doubt they are good its just that human fell sick ... take it this way ... now they are still small ... next time when they are more grown up they will be the strongest kid in school.Hmm i think now you got to keep ZQ warm too ... dun weather cold again dun think too much &amp; also i think its good for ZQ to be hospitalise too coz you are very worried abt him and feeling so helpless at least there are ppl around that you know they can help and you will feel more save in there ... and he might be dehydrated ... feed him my spoon or cup better cos in this case they can breathe at the same time ... not like bottle ... this is what the PD told me too ...
annie, cm,

I also scared of loss weight! J is only 8.1kg! Very scared he lose further! I just told my MIL to feed him med. At first I thought to put off first cause thought can let his immune system to fight off. but think don't wanna take the risk.

lucky today is fri and hubby can book out tomorrow. else I dunno what to do!
annie and bbwow ... you 2 got to take care too

annie you got to 'see open a bit' in Chinese ... keke cos the party sure ppl want to carry him one la ... he will get well for his BIG Party in time ...

totoro ... kelly better ???
bbwow, oh my... so many babies are sick &amp; now J too.. feed lotsa water to keep him hydrated! i know itz difficult but try not to worry abt his milk intake for now.. once he's better, his milk intake will go up again. sponge him regularly &amp; keep him hydrated... hugz..

annie, K's size looks ok to me! hope he recovers soon enuf! aiyo.. poor thing leh..
polo: heng ah, managed to put a heavy chain to my purse..keke..

wow, i think you have no regret signing up with SL ei? the photos are gorgeous!the angel one so lovely and the football one, wow... the expression is so cute..his eyebrow! he has the little bruce lee look! you really have a handome boy..eyes so big and got cute dimple one leh..

dun be so sad k.. you can't help much even if you worry...hugz hugz..nowadays the medical help is so advance.. a lot of medicine can help relief the discomfort..and yes, you can't shut your boy from the rest of the world thinking that by doing this you're protecting him. you're harming him actually because he needs to mingle around and explore things on his own to grow. You need him to have a chance to learn to be independant as in to do certain things on his own. you can't be too protective dear..else, he'll become too soft..dear, a boy have to has a tough character, not the nua-nua soft soft kind.. how to survive in the society next time.. sorry, if i sound like lecturing you, but you really got to look long term...and no no, you're a "wei da" mummy okay!!

how come only 2 pictures? jae so pretty leh...haha, the 2nd picture expression so cute..she was going to cry?
Oct mummies something for you all to relax a bit keke

aiyo my boy bully my maid again ... hahaha yesterday was change his 4 pairs of shoes that i lazy to keep so he saw and wants to change and see which is the nicest on his feet ... worse of all ... he let my maid tasteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee his SHIT ... my maid was abt to wash him but he poo ... and when the shower water came down he got a fight and den he hold my maid ... but his little cute hand touches his cute little bum with poo poo and who knows the hand happen to 'hug' into my maid's mouth with all the poos in his little cute hand eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
my maid was so so so ...... hahaha dun feel like eating anything liao after that ... i this mummy got him a choco haven from breadtalk my maid see liao even more eeeeeeeeeeee kekeke
my frenz circumcise her boy @ birth , she paid abt. 300 .
Dayan so handsome .

jae so cute , i like her hair too.

Thks for the present , so thoughtful of u.Somemore got "kang tao" 4D no. , will buy this wkend. lol

i'd received the carter's bag liao , wat abt u ?

to me ,you r very weida liao.take care.

Carlson so funny lol

hope all babies who are unwell get well soon!
Carlson so funny.. i'm smiling to myself while reading.. I imagine yr maid's shocking face n expression..sure funny..rofl!..

Be strong ok, u done yr best by taking care of him.. but some things r unavoidable n dun bring it on to urself.. Later u fall sick hw? U hv to be strong for both yr Hub n ZQ. He will get well soon. My Danny also hv da same prob n now he tends to pick everything frm the floor n dive straight to the mouth.. I am one super cautious mommy n hygiene is kept on tip top position. yeah true.. I find dat using humidifier helps actually..

I haven't circumcise my boy yet.. will do it when he's a bit bigger. Coz according to da old peeps esp my ILs.. they r so particular abt this matter..scared dat thing will grow "shorter" than wat it shld.. if we do it at early stage.. .. So I gave up already.. *sigh*
dodo, hope ZQ gets well soon. sometimes it's better to just cry it out too...but take heart coz ZQ will grow up to be stronger!

CM, hahahah carlson really has comic timing. your poor maid!

am contemplating being a SAHM next yr after my no. 2 is born. just want to ask if it is manageable, taking care of 2 babies and housework all by yourself? i really pei fu my granny last time leh. take care of my bro n me, and do housework n cook all...piang...
dodo: hugs to u n ZQ! poor zq, heartpain for him. think u can try putting humidifier so that his throat wont be so dry and it helps with the coughing. i put vicks on yz chest to make him breathe easier too.

i got asthma and im praying real hard that yz wont get it like me. he has sensitive nose like me as cfmed by my PD so any dust or cold will trigger tons of mucus n produce phlegm. so nowadays we have been trying to vacumn at least once a day n mop every 2 days. bedsheets also changed weekly,sterilise feeding equipmt daily n wiping his toys once every 2 days. v tiring but if this helps will keep doing it..his cough is not viral infection so cant prescribed antibiotics. and each time the phlegm reduced by meds, the next morn will have new phlegm from overnight mucus..

dodo be strong and i ll pray for speedy recovery for zq!
last time i used to be concerned with weight too n my over-concerned parents kept on commenting abt his weight loss till ive to tell them not to comment anymore so not to make me feel anymore upset.. but so long he recovers soon, i try to be not so concerned w his weight..
totoro_bb: u may want to keep fruits off for kelly 1st. just a suggestion as thats wat my PD told me. so far yz has no fruits for the past 1 mth just more veg to aid his poo-ing.

annie: how is K? fever recovering. drink more water and wipe away any perspiration that comes out from taking the meds. heard that babies may get a cold if you let them drenched in sweat when having fever..
bbwow: hugs to u! dun be too worried. ask your MIL to feed him lotsa water n sponge him. and fed him meds.. once he show signs of recovery then cut down meds n let him recover on his own..

hope all sick babies get well soon!
CM: carlson really notti boy huh?
can imagine ur poor maid having to clean the poo from her mouth!

eil: i like the 2nd photo. shes making a funny face!
hi mummies, can check when will neubuliser be prescribed? does it aid in dissolving phlegm? just checking cos if it helps may ask PD to let yz has a go at it. cos the phlegm really take too long to go away..
hahaha no la my boy did not do it on purpose ... he was shock by the water mah ... kekeke ... i also cannot imagine if it is me ... aiyo faint man

i was surprise too ... when my maid told me this ... but i also very pai sei to hear that from my maid ... as in she dun deserve this la ...
not to sure , but that time when Garina was having a cough &amp; phlegm ,Dr Vera from SSBC also ask me to rent the neubuliser , he prescribe Vetolin.

J also have sensitive nose like me. I also have asthmatic background.
Sigh... I really hope he didn't inherit all the bad things from me!
ecookie, maybe the PD could hear wheezing sounds in the lungs datz y 'prescribe' the neubulizer?

poor babies! i hope they all recover very soon! shoo shoo flu bug!!

twinkle star,

U seeing Dr Vera?.. Ah Brig aseeing Dr Koh too. Think they will prescribe neubuliser when they sense that their lung is affected. If the cough and phlegm is not affected their usually they will not.


try the chinese herb, is called Huo Ling or something... is not v effective to brig but it help him to recover faster. I will 'maintain' him by feeding him the zhen zhu feng..

If you have a bathtub at home, fill up yr bathtub w hot water, close the door and let the bb be inside for awhile, put him on yr lap facing down and pat his upper back.. sometime it will help.

bbow, relax,, virus are rather strong now a day.. Remember to take the paracetaMOL as prescribe, i think is usually 4 hourly. It will tkae 3-5 days to break fever. If the fever does not subiside, pl see PD again.


nope, bb cannot face front...


yr supply is better than mine.. mine is 120ml everyday now.. I will tiong till his 1st bday which is one more week. I alway console myslef that the BM will be his reserve, when he grow older, he will be v v vstrong..
