(2007/10) October 2007 MTB


Thanks for your effort ! The pics are so nice and well taken
Morning mommies

Woah long time didnt log in.. lost track already.. guess every Oct mommies nw bz preparing their son's bday celebrations..

Happy belated blessed bdays to dos babies dat just passed & an advance one too for da coming ones..

Eil: Aug is a BKK mth for me.. ahaha.. went back to back (partly becos of work).. stay @ Amari..sibei jialat.. aft bfast Platinum.. lunch Platinum..hahaha.. my son, Danny benefit da most. No doubts many children wear..so cheap som more, but then limited choice for Boys...
i order 3.175cm cos can use longer time mah. Hair growing everyday mah. If now use abit loose, then keep it first lor. Don't forget the clip take time to arrive leh. Sherry also pathetic hair, little n soft.
thanks tiffy! anyway ar.. u made me shop!! not i m stuck at the polo link.. hahaa! sherry is sooo cute leh.. steady girl! =P
CM, hee everyone says that top half of his face like me, bottom half like daddy :p like cut and paste like that...

ecookie and bbwow, thanks!! i think will only find out in the 5th month or so bah...

eil, i didn't know that! will look out for that place when i go BKK next time :D but now so volatile...better not go so soon...
you tempt me ah..but me no time..half day today...saw sherry's clip..so cool! she's so advance leh..make me so jealous and want to get a stool like that for aria to push around..haha..
if yours girl girl, must buy the high heel shoes from me, ok? haha..i might hold another round for BP for high heel shoes.. got a few mummy ask me if i have spare but i dun have..should have bought a few but i scare response low, the shoes stuck with me..hehe..

perlicia, thanks for hannah's gift. i'm still waiting for her actual birthday before letting her play with it. bad mummy. haha

my goodness, this thread is really a shoppers support group. we're all encouraging each other to buy and buy. haha

I gave birth to my baby in Oct 07 too. Currently, i am staying with my mum in the West of Singapore. I was wondering if any of the mummies stay ard this area and is sending yr child to any class? Or is it too early to do so.
hahahaha, dancing. she only know shaking backside when she watch her fav cartoon.

actually she is the light weight bb here but don't know why she can manage to push all these furniture. hahaha Missy Xena.

Usually it is aria who tempt us with BP thread, so now it is me.hahaha happy shopping hor, bbwow & hippo.
No prob. U can get me @ my mobile when u need the membership number, but I m not sure if you can use it. Can try when u do your buffet order. My mobile is via our yahoo gp.

I shop the gift accordingly to what I think Jerry likes most. He always try to flip n eat the books @ the same time. Haiz...
Topics are accorindly to my interest. Hehe...
Glad that Baby Lleyton likes them! Njoy reading...

Happy Birthday to Carlson! :p

Happy Birthday to Kayden in advance! :p
tiffy, whahahaha! u ar... u dunno only but shopaholics like myself, gingerleaf, dodo, bbwow and many many many more are just lurking ard you.. so u beware wor... hohohohoho! =D
sherry ar.. reali strong manz! how heavy is she? adri another chor lor one.. she was in her walker few days back and pulled down a stack of stools (those kopitiam kind hor!) and "run" away in her walker... haha! wonder watz in the milk formula?? somemore hers is soy leh!

aria, so shiok! enjoy ur day.!!

sharz, hi hi.. we have few mummies here in west side too.. m staying in jurong west! and quite a number of us bring babies to one class or another! =)
so Sad but i already knew la ... whoever that throw letter ... the next min the IT dept will be ask to forward all the emails to my Mrs * ... and yes I Knew it the every one day of my work here ... but now that i am meeting with supplier since morning till just now whem i just finish my lunch my Mrs * come to me and ask me what is happening to XXX and XXX well cos XXX emailed me abt nothing ... and they nvr CC to her ok ... cos they dun even know who is MRS * ... wow lau ... my heart SANK man ... sobsob

thanks thanks thanks Aunties ... too bad i cannot see all the pretty meimei ... i dun have a gal friend yet ... my mummy is too busy to bring me go and match make ... but i did some souceing myself too but my mummy again nvr give me a chance to woo them ... drooling
my hobby now is WALKING NON STOP ... hahaha my auntie at home rise white flat liao ....she is too tired to hold my little hand and walk around the house non-stop ... kekeke ;p

HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN ADVANCE KAYDEN too ... annie so this sunday party ??? or over liao ?
hi all

hippo... phiew...lucky adri 'run' away fast! cant imagine if the stool fall on her! then ur mum/granny must b v 'busy' ja-gar-ing her lo..

doobom..good to hear it came just in time =)

cm.. waaaah.. u wanna bite bb lance's neh neh arrrr??? how can??? kekeke... happy birthday to handsome carlson!! nvm, now already 3+pm, 'dong' for another 2-3hrs more can go home celebrate w him again!

tiffy.. congrats u win the vote! ours not so lucky...
Mrs Reez,
Hey Ika ! You've been MIA for so long.....
Why did u change ur nick to mrs reez?? I prefer Ika

Quite a number of mummies staying in the west too. Ya, some of us already sent our babies to classes....
sherry only 7.6kg nia. she also drink soy milk only recently i mixed with milk formula. could it be soy milk that made them have strength to do all these.hahaha
CM, "ren"! it'll soon be over..

junnie, ya! precisely.. but datz adri lor.. she's very very chor lor one.. my 2 fav oldies at home used to be able to do housework separately and still can rest one.. but with her around, one gotta jar-gar her and the other one do housework lor.. my mum become china guo-bao (aka panda) liao lor...
dun be sad abt lance not winning dear! try again.. i'll still vote one! =D
junnie ya ... rening now ... so today ofr hte rest of the day i will only so some file and invoiceing into the system kekeke ...

Will have to go home and cook dinner for him ... Chicken Rice ... cos want to give him a chicken i remember must give for 1 yr old b day ... hmmm and my gal just called me she wants to go for a swim ... so after dinner if wearther not too cold ha even if it is cold this mummy will also bring the kids for a swim to cele for handsome haha ...

gingerleaf .. dodo and the rest of the mummies that dun drive ... aiyo how can you all take cab and go out everytime ??? aiyo the price now is so so so high have been taking cab to and fro cos now no car ... i need to spend 50.00 per day for the 2 trip only ok ... sobsob ... how much are you all paying to and fro to where ever it is ??? KPO want to know too
tiffy, wow! she's reali lightweight wor! but my grandma tinks itz e soy milk datz y she's so super-strength so tell me dun change to FM.. i tell her i dun care must try cos soy milk very ex! cos no big tins one!!! hahaha..

bbwow, hey u! dun stir me la.. i spend too much liao leh.. still waiting for quite a number of parcels of loot to reach me leh... hahaha! u buy u buy! LOL!
junnie i nvr vote ... hmm nvr go in that time ... sorry .. cantry again

I also want to join but waiting for the pic from my friend ...

hippo and tiff i might need to change to soy from Carlson too ... buti dun want ... but if he still cond't to vomit den no choice liao ... yes yes yes he vomit ... again even with the ex. medi twice every day ... last sat when to my sis hse he vomitted 4 times ... the last time again ... only at the sight of food and its not for him ok ... he VOMIT after seeing it. zhen zhen ... need prayer kekekeke .. haha thanks la ... whenever i need prayer keke i think of you liao
tiffy, argh! dun want dun want dun want *chants*.. hahahahaha

CM, now carlson is on FM? and vomitting everyday? oh my... did u check with PD on his condition?
CM: how is carlson? poor boy? maybe need to switch to soy. heard its gentler on the little tummies..

hippo: yah they are getting to be a handful nowadays. my mum keeps on complaining baby yz is always on the move.. then they dun have the heart to put him in playpen.. so will follow him round the house.. pulling him back from sharp corners/dangerous things. n carrying ard. back-breaking man!
cm, hippo.. is ok la, jus submit his pix for fun oni, no worry... can join 2x meh? i duno...

cm..aiyo.. carlson still vomiting todate? but he seems growing well too rite? esp now can walk non-stop. tat's v strange lo, cant the PD advise wat cud b done to stop the vomit? hmmm...
ecookie, ya ya! datz y i m scared to be SAHM as much as i wana be one... i m not so weida leh... always admire SAHMs for their patience & love! =)
hi all ... hmm yes on and off he does vomit ...

like on the 29/8 was his review date ... dun no why 3 days before that he vomitted once everyday ... and also 4 days after the review day too ... but it is not as bad as the sat 06/09 ... i have not called the PD but she already told me that if he vomit again ... I should try and give him soy instate liao ... and Stop all the dairy products ... like what junnie said ... he is growing well but there is also a sign of slowing down too ... but again kids at this stage are slow in their weight gain liao ... so there are also too many reason ... i still need to give him the medi ... and so the next step is either change to soy or if not i can also requset for a scan on his body.
I still din receive your acct number? have you PM me? need to pay you the cake $$$ or I pay you cash when I pass you the walking wings?
BTW, the stock for the walking wings just arrived and I'm collecting it later. You wanna meet me tomorrow lunch??
CM, sure pray for carlson one. dun worry. let's pray that this problem will go away soon!

re: swimming @ CM's place
shall we make it on 27 sep at 3pm? anyone interested?
Kelly woke up so many times last night due to the phelgm that was making her hard to breath I think!! She don't want to go to work and I have to sneak out from my mum's place just now. Really hope she can fight the virus fast fast and be well again!
Her weight as of yesterday is 10.5kg. I think her weight sort of stagnant liao for the past few months. height 70 something which my hb can't remember :-(

