(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Dear BECO user,

I got a problem here,


the cloth that i circled is never flat against my body.. it alway seems to have lots of excess cloths when i carry birg.

why har??

dear mummies,

thanks for all ur concern... am so touched...
we are now at Mt A. bb admitted this morning coz he rejected milk, only drank 70ml last night and 50ml this morning... really worried he will dehydrate... so this morning review PD notice early signs of dehydration and we admitted him straightaway and on drip... im more relieved actually, and his appetite for milk & solid improving...

he really cheeky boy, keep meddling wi the drip machine, the food chart, the switches, the bedsheet, pull everythg he can pull... and when nurses came in to check on him he will flash his biggest smile! they all said he dun look sick at all, even called him mr charming... :p

thanks for all ur advices mummies, they are definately helpful!
totoro & bbwow,
kelly & jayden sick as well? poor thing... monitor them closely gals, look out for the wheezing sound on top of their normal cough... zq has that wheezing sound whenever he got virus infection... he is now on nebuliser to "open" up his airway so he can breathe easier... throat not so congested and hence can improve his drinking.. i really think the nebuliser at my home is my saviour! think zq gonna rely on it often till he outgrow this sensitive thingy.. PD said may have to wait till 7 yr old...

gals, i will pray for kelly & jayden speedy recovery... u both must take care too! hugs...
mummies wi domestic helper,

is urs from indo or phil? actually what are the major differences btw these two? hubby thinking to engage one... TIA!
hope zq is alright and will get better soon. stay strong for your little boy.

maid: mine is indon, she's alright, but already in sg for 1 year, still her english is very bad, so i think if you dont know malay, will have communication problem.

hope kelly and jayden get well soon too.

have a good weekend everyone!
So many babies sick now!! Poor thing! Hope all babies will recover faster!!

re polo,
i fell victim to it and ordered $70++. I even wanna order my own coz can order for hb, but decided not to.

thanks gal. feel more worried for you. hope zq will recover soon! YA! J also the same! Sick but yet can play. My MIL called and say, he still crawl around, play with telephone, do the whistle thing. aiyo... boys huh

Fed paracetomal and now temp at 36.9. Really hope it goes away!

re: maid
indon = bad english, but if lucky they are more hardworking

filipino = good english but if unlucky, they are quite lazy

no offense to any mummies who own any good maids ok!

chris, mad,
thanks gals. it takes 3-5 days to recover?!? tomorrow cannot go swimming liao lor.
thanks for the info! my malay so so only... faham sedikit sahaja... in ur opinion, shd we engage those married or single one? and may i know how much u paid for? thanks ah!

not sure leh.. think maybe 1 or 2 days... think doc will discharge him if his congested chest clear and appetite improve...
dodo, zq as cheeky as ever.. good dat he's looking ok now cos dehydration is no joke!
re: maid. same views as bbwow.. do u know malay? if u do, then indon..

bbwow, temp at 36.9 now? ok ar.. babies fever only when they are 37.2 / 37.5 wor.. hope J will be up & jumping real sooN!
best not to bring him for swimming k?

gingerleaf, congrats on ur buy! i refuse to click back on the link.. haha..
ya, boys will be boys!
zq on drip but can still cruise ard on the bed... he just pressed the emergency bell w/o my knowing! the nurse came in and asked what can she help and i was like blur blur.. only then i notice zq hold onto that thing and smiled at the nurse... faint...

ur summary on maid very interesting leh! do u know is their pricing different?

gal, dun bring J for swimming first!!! let him fully recover ya...
for sg... coz hubby and me thinking of the option of me stay put at spore now... my mum wana come over to help out also.. ben will still abl to come back every weekend... he was thinking if we can engage the helper and if we find that she's good, duno can bring her oversea this year end when he relocated again...

ya. I'm just worried that night time will come back. *CROSS FINGERS*

hahah...yea. cause I was brought up by filipino maid. then my aunt engage indon maid and already change 4 times liao. haha... I think indon cheaper than filipino but I dunno the rates now.

re: dehydration
if never drink enough milk will dehydrate?? feed water still ok right??
bbwow, ic.. dun worie too much.. hugs.. just rem to sponge him & feed him lotsa water! he'll recover very very soon! =)
ya he still v cheeky... i look more sick than him leh... my malay so so only, simple one shd be no prob...

checked and replied

thanks for the info!
hmm, i think got drink water shd be ok... zq rejected both.. just now he drank 140ml of milk i was so happy!!! like strike 4D!
gingerleaf why u fell in ??? kekeke ... i asked for hte link nia ..

dodo good good ... he will recover soon .. maid mine is from 'Mymmar' i changed 3 ... this one ok ... mature in her work ... need to teach and act for her too ... now i still cook myself etc ... her english gone case ... but still ok at least i am ok with her paying abt 300+++ Kind and loving too she is a nurse and she is not those that need $$ den come to work one ... so happily working and spending

bbwow yr bb gonna to be well

annie have a nice and enjoyable party ...

bye all have a great weekend ... hugs to all
filipino can speak english, but they are also very street wise. They know their rights and such, and might be more difficult to handle. They might wanna insist on going out on sundays n probs might araise from there.

indon maid can be more hardworking if you are lucky. Not lucky ones, might get those that steals. My fil's maid stole from my grandma in law. No evidence so they cannot do anything. She is oso very lazy, with no initiative at all. Later they decided to change her n they are lucky to get this maid who is so full of love for the old lady and is v v hardworking.
Last time my brother's maid worse. Met an sg indian man n even brought my neice to his hse, left her to play in the living room while they had sex in the room.
bbwow & dodo, ya.. drink water can... very very impt... milk intake sure come back once they have recovered.. meanwhile must feed water... =D
dodo: good to hear that zq is doing well.. hope he'll get discharged soon!

bbwow: dun bring J swimming now. even after he recover try not to let him swim so fast as well in case he kena cold then risk fever again..

twinkle stars: PD suggested may need neubuliser if never recover but so far still never really use it on yz. will ask him later...

chris: thanks for the advice. will try it if his cough is v bad
Evening Mummies...

Yes, u can call out to me here when u need the EYS Clinic contact. But from what I noe, the physician is a lady from China. Itz from the explaination towards the diagnosis & medication effects that my sister questioned about, my sis thinks she is ok. If not, get me via my hp. (hp# via yahoo gp)

re: Maid
Yes, I do agree that getting a maid very much depends on LUCK! We got 2 helpers @ home, one from Phil n one from Indo. Pay diff is 30bucks.
The Indo spends more time with the boys, and we do encourage her to speak Bahasa Indonesia with the boys.
Indo - likes kids and gd playmate for the kids, but kinda lazy. On and off, got to take soft approach of brainwash counselling coz she is still young. Thatz the Indo culture. She is quite gd though.
*Sorie, no offence to Indo.
Phil - Old, but very hardworking. She is gd.
Both can handle the kids quite well.
We have CCTV monitoring @ home. To monitor the maids & boys when they are home alone, and also for some of us when we are overseas.
Juz need to pray hard that can get a gd maid. Itz really tough!

Yes, dun bring J for swimming tentatively. Maybe when he is back full-charged again. ;D

The neubuliser is prescribed when there is wheezing sound heard. The phlegmy thing YZ has need time to go off. Work on his diet plan, thatz easiest. Erhmm... U check with PD if itz due to FM? Most of what our little ones are taking are heaty. The FM, cereals, etc.

Greetings from Melbourne,
No time to check the earlier posts yet.

You are doing GREAT !!! Don't be too harsh on yourself ok
Be strong, and if feel like crying ... crying it out, you'll feel better. Don't bottle out. Just try not to cry in front of baby.

If your hubby is agreeable, you can call to the camp directly and try to expain that baby is sick (might need support document like child MC) that's why you need hubby home every night. They might consider letting your hubby book out on case by case basis. My hubby last time mentioned to me that he camp mate book out every night cos his wife is pregnant and reqeust not to be left alone at night.

we don't intend to circumsize Caelen. Just do proper clean, can liao.

Cherie Bear,
No. Beco carrier cannot be use to carry baby facing front. Due to the fact it supports the baby's thigh too.

Could it be the shoudler strap too loose ? The one that you adjust at the back.
Mummies have great weekend!!!

dodo, totoro_bb,annie, and all those whose bb r not feelin too well, take Care and sppedy recovery for all the BB!

Jovial: no sweet of u to think of us even when r in melbourne.. and thanls for the present
enjoy enjoy ur holidays!
oh yes... Ponponta: Thanks for the present! Clare loves to digital A, B, C! she's fascinated when the screen starts flashing the letters and alphabets!
If suitable for you, you can keep the rest since I'd got quite a bit myself

Received your sms, will have to check with hubby after I return back to Singapore (20th sept) ok ?

I'd booked a day tour (8am - 11pm) for puffing billy (steam train), farm visit and penguin parade tomorrow. Got it at half-tix so paid Aud$95.65 (incld processing and fuel levy) for the tour (original AUD$167). I'm join the tour alone as my collegue's wife coming tomorrow thus he cannot make it. I avoid the sunday tour, cause worried next day super stone during my training. So hope I can meet some new friends for the trip
dodo, annie, totoro, bbwow, ecookie
hope all your babies get well soon. do give them lots of water. try to avoid giving fruit of any sort to them for the time being, coz some fruit may induce phlegm. cereal also. on top of milk, porridge (if baby is receptive), just give lotsa plain water, some barley also helps.

glad to hear that ur boy's active and playing at Mt A. that's very important. once he recovers, he will slowly gain back the weight. stay strong and positive.

regarding maids, also at times, need to win maids over on ur side, be nice to them, tell them nicely where they go wrong,etc, then they r willing to work for you. both indo n phil have their pros n cons. married/unmarried also have their pros n cons. ultimately, it depends on luck!

perhaps you can try neubuliser if still dun recover coz i think ur boy's condition quite some time already right? not so gd to let his condition go on like this coz it may not be so gd for his lungs. the neubuliser really helps in reliving the chest and loosening the phlegm.

may ur kayden recover in time to enjoy his 1st b'day celebration.


i never been on the puffing billy b4!! But u will enjoy ur peguin parade!! remember to bring a jacket along, coz its pretty cold there. Enjoy!!
hi mummies,

back from PD just now. PD cfmed again that yz condition due to sensitive nose = mucus = backflow to become phlegm. requested for neubuliser and PD said it will help to loosen the phlegm in throat. good thing is no phlegm in lungs.

however, yz hates the neubuliser. was screaming his head off the whole time its on him. we got to hold on to his hands cos he was knocking the mouth/nose piece non stop! and after the crying, he seems v sad and more mucus! *faint* wonder if this is a good solution.

will monitor further as the plan is to let him on neubuliser for these 3 days only
jovialz: enjoy ur trip! penguine parade is great! look up for the mini penguins running up the beach in groups! super duper cute!

Loose as in too low or not tight enough.. Brig is never in the centre when i sling him.. sign.. im real bad with handon stuff.. and my HB is inBeijing...
Long time did not log in. Hailey is sick too same as zq. She is also on neubiliser now. Poor girl she has ben sick for 2 weeks. From a normal cough to flu and fever. I have been busy looking after her these 2 weeks. Esp her phlegm is blocked by the respiratory airway, leading to asthma attack, she has to be on the neubiliser for every 4 hrs. So dodo I can understand how u feel. :-( She also had terrible blocked nose that the doc used the machine to suck the mucus out from the nose using a long tiny straw inside the nose, I c already so hard pain. At this age, they really very sentitive to virus. I even ask the doc how to prevent but he said it is very difficult to prvent at times. So sad.
Hope our babies can recover soon.
ling..ya, so long no hear fm u. suck mucus fm nose is more heartpain than using neubiliser..hope ur gal faster get well soon.

dodo..glad to hear zq is active thou hospitalised.. tink u & hb wud feel more at ease now tat got doc/nurses to help zq...poor fellow his hand kana poke..*sayang sayang*.. hope he gets discharge soon.. take care..

ecookie..may b yz 1st time using neubiliser tats y not comfortable.. gv it a few try see how... hopefully his phelgm gets better..

annie.. hope kayden hv a wonderful birthday party!

jovial.. voted liao... good luck & enjoy ur 1 day tour later today!!

cm...ur poor maid =D tink she got 'phobia' seeing chocolate cake liao! all thks to carlson! hahaha..

ika.. u the mummy working in travel agency? or i got mixed up? ya, long time no hear fm u too... (cos i also wondering who's mrs reez?? hehe)..

jas..wow.. ur 'ding li' v good huh.. choose oni 1 extra!! but 'make sure' u dun spend on other tings ya ;) kekeke...

okie...good nite all mummies.. sweet dreams...
morning mummies,

thanks all for feedback on helpers issue.
we are thinking to engage one solely for housechores & preferable she can cook meals for us. i will try not to let her involve in taking care of bb... maybe only fetching bb stuff for me things like that... if i find that she's good aftr few months observation, only then i will let her involve in taking care of bb bah...
btw, any good maid agency to intro?

he's super active... but his milk intake still low... last night only drank 90ml and this morning only 60ml... sigh~ not sure whats wrong.. his cough seems to recover already...

poor hailey... ya gal, i can fully understand ur feeling also... it's just so helpless right... is bb hailey stay at hospital now? zq on nebuliser every 6 hours and he got mild blocked nose also, was give medicine to clear it, but if still got blockage then need to use the tube that u mentioned for mucus extraction... it's painful for bb but if it helps i think it's better we use it loh...

like what junnie said, this is the 1st time yz use nebuliser, sure he will get intimidated by it! zq also behave like that sometimes.. the machine sound is indeed abit frightening... no worry, follow doc's instruction for these few days... nurse told me yesterday it's normal for bb to have more mucus after the nebuliser treatment coz it loosen up the phlegm and congsted chest... zq had test done yesterday, hopefully the result is okay, really hope the infection haven hit his lungs yet... sigh..
hi mummies, so many babies sick...hope they all get well soon...

dodo, zq is so cheeky huh hehehe. while we parents are worried sick for them, they're still so happy...hahaaa...

re: maids
when i was looking for a maid I considered both indo and phil but in the end chose phil coz i dunno any malay...and i had to go back to work in like less than a mth so i would need a fast learner. so in the end i got a phil maid who is college educated n can speak good english.

i think what helped me decide was the agent i went to, helped me arrange a long-distance interview via skype. so i could really quiz them and see if they understand my questions, i posed some tough questions and saw how they respond...and got to see their body language. it was good, because my maid has turned out to be such a good help. she really adores my boy and she's good at housework too. also very easy-going. couldn't ask for more.

my mom has an indo maid, altho hardworking but slow...must keep repeating instructions...but now her english is slightly better..

so like doobom said, depends on your luck.

oh yah, i went to Raymond Maids. their agency fees is more ex than the others but at least they dun try to push transfer maids to me like the other agency i went to.
morning mummies...

hope all the babies get well soon...

jovialz, enjoy your trip in melbourne! philips island is really cute with all those tiny penguins..i love that place..voted for the pic, hope you win!

polo: we a huge fan of polo, bought a lot from the online spree before anders is born...and it is enough to last him till 2 years old.. wahaha...anyway, fyi, there will be a better offer in oct if the trend follow last year.. i got even a personalized polo tee with his initials for his full month, but now cannot wear already.. the polo tee can go as low as $20...
aria.. I'm saving some of the photos to make her birthday invitation card. So preserving it lah.

chris.. I got the oil from those pushcart that sell air purifier as well! I think can see them everywhere, I got mine at Suntec outside Carrefor, bought it together with the cow humidifier.

dodo.. I'm also looking at maid but still procastinating! Our family never used maid before and so many bad example, we kind of scare! I think we will eventually get one when we really cannot tolerate. If not, I will "tong" until Jae 18mth then put her to playgroup.
hope the neubulizer helps. it can be quite frightening for bb coz its strange for them to have the mask in front of them. tat time for my boy, had to grip him hard so that he won't struggle, coz once he struggle, he gets more agitated. quite tough but it really helps alot. we also bought the machine back after chatting with dodo about it. felt that in the long run its more economical rather than renting the equipment back home.

dun worry too much about his milk intake. coz sometimes the phlegm makes him feel v.uncomfy, so v.hard to swallow, and can't take much. just give him lots of water. water also helps to loosen the phlegm. hope the infection doesn't go to the lungs. for my boy, it went to his lungs, recovery process was painstakingly long and even if he doesn't cough, just normal activities,etc, when i hold him next to me, i can feel his chest is so so phlegmy. sms u, but think u must b pretty held up by him. :D

how u been? when ur u due? read an earlier post abt you contemplating on being a SAHM. haha... if there's an opportunity, go for it lor. coz i think its more worth to devote time on our child rather than someone else's child. also, if you decide to go back to teaching when ur kids are older, can join as adjunct teachers, also not bad!

have not been reading much of the posts nowadays coz school term is going crazy. exam in 2 weeks time n i've yet to finish setting my paper! die....

ok, going to do my work already. have a lovely weekend, all mummies!

oh dear. yz phlegm not getting any better? hope the neubulizer helps.

is zq better today? pray for his fast recovery and discharge!

J's fever has come down but his milk intake is still bad. Afternoon only took 60ml and then refuse to drink any further! Fed porridge and refused too!
He doesn't sound like he's got phlegm leh so really dunno what's causing him to lose appetite.

Sigh... he seemed more tired than before. this morning woke up at 7, drank milk and went back to sleep till 9am which he never did before! Then just now went out he slept for 3 hours which he also never did before! really dunno what's wrong. arrghh!
hi mummies,

i think yz phlegm is getting better. but not sure due to neubuliser or after taking meds for so long or just he is getting stronger. guess got to monitor after the return of neb in 3 days time. if phlegm becomes worse, then will have to see how again!

bbwow: dun be too worried. having fever is a v tiring thing. even for adults, when we have fever can sleep the whole day away.. so long his fever is coming down then its good. give him 1-2 more days, im sure his appetite will resume.
dreamz:thanks for advice. yah got to restaint him lor cos he keeps on wanting to slap the neb away! think his cough/phlegm is a teeny weeny bit better today. *fingers crossed*

dodo: zq discharged yet? u need to take care n rest more yourself too!
thanks for the info on helper! will weigh the pros and cons of having one though hubby very tempted to have one, coz he said can lessen my load, but i hope it will not be another way round that she further add on to my load! :p

who taking care of jae now? ya, my family had a helper when we were young and she was actually not bad, but i dun like her coz i very particular abt the way i keep my things i dun like her to touch my stuff! so i always "complain" to my mum... my sisters also "complain" further, so my mum couldnt take the pressure from us and send her back... ya, heard too many scary stories abt them, make me pondering over this for long...

gal! i left my sim card at KL, so basically im uncontactable now leh... coz left there in a rush, forgot to change my sim card.. argh..
zq still very active, and he will smile at all the nurses and they all "sot tio" by him... will come in my ward and play peekaboo once in a while... he very famous here now! but but but, he still not keen in milk, only 400ml today.. sigh~

oh dear.. gal, my advice for u is to take J to a PD now.. share wi u somethg, zq was like that last time round, super lethargic and sleepy.. drink little milk and can sleep long hours.. i find somethg not right and brought him to PD, only then realised he was sick! virus infection again but the symptoms such as cough/ fever not kick in yet... so PD said it's good we detect earlier... i sincerely hope that J is alright and not kena virus infection, but to playsafe, i really think u shd see a PD on this and tell him all ur probs & observations these few days... take care ya!

thanks for the super BIG mickey! zq smiled at it once i showed him when he woke up... and whenever i asked him "where is mickey?" he will look at it and smile! am so touched gal... and ya, i think u look prettier with perm hair!

zq will be discharged tomorrow, the infection did not attack his lungs... we admitted mainly bcoz he sun wan to drink milk! and signs of dehydration kick in... i really hope he will drink better after he discharge...


any of u dreamfeed baby? i still dreamfeed zq for almost all of his feeds.. coz he simply dun wan to drink it when he's awake! he will push it away when the bottle near him... i really wish to kick this habit of him... can anyone help me on this? thanks!
