(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

totoro_bb: poor kelly. if she wakes up in the middle of the night coughing , try to feed her warm water n apply vicks on her chest. i find these help yz to ease the coughing n sleep better..

totoro, oh dear.. kelly is not well yet? poor dear...

jas, erm.. wat do u want me to say? u make me wana go up to ur place and snatch dayan away lor! hahaha... he's soooooooo CUTE & HANDSOME!!! ar...
totoro thanks ...

hope Kelly will recover soon ... she must have wanted you so badly ... esp now that she is not well ... hugs to you cos i know you are so much more xin tong den her ...

Annie ... how is yr boy better? ... give him some barley water with dried winter melon cos more liang if have fever ... as in too heaty
jas: D is sooo cute. all 3 phtos are cute.
1st one - so cheeky!
2nd one - i find abit seductive. hehehe bite lower lips somemore.
3rd one - mischeivious look!
His tongue aiyo ... WOW handsome handsome ... big eyes somemore ... auntie drooling too ...

hippo hmm so who is yr SIL ??? i blur liao

oh yes ecookie ... did you also remember to put vicks for yz on his feet and wear sock too ??? remember it helps for cough esp if its due to cool weather
Yah.. me MIA for quite a while to maintain my title as queen of BKK.. LOL..haha..
Mrs Reez is my usual nick.. ok² later i change just for u wokay? hahahaa..

He is sooo handsomeeeee.. n his tongue super long hor.. his future gf/wifey sure benefit da most out of it..hahaha..lol

U influence us lei wz all da sprees n online sales..hahaha.. dis mth must be very discipline... or else later hari raya hv to wear RL Polo T no..fancy baju kurung..hahaha
Heard frm Sep mommy,Fau tat u got online shop for balloons huh... can give me da link.. i manage to see a while juz nw..but my stupid pc down n clear all history n cookies.. faint
talking abt vick hor, i need to check with u. Do u mean those normal vick rub or those vick for baby. I read from the box that the vick is mean for above 2 years old n above leh. That why that time i nv buy, then i buy the vick which is for baby above 3 mths old.

can buy n keep 1st. hari raya wear baju kurung n then aft that wear Polo T lor.hahaha
Me just add 1 more Polo T to my order.

hope kelly recover fast.
yeah me stuck in the link..still deciding wat to get.. my pocket not juz got hole..soon going to be burnt to ashes liao!..hahaha
tiffy, i just use the normal vicks cos i rub on his chest n feet only. not use it in his nostrils so i guess should be fine. so far he is ok n ive used it on off when he turns 6 m old.
happy shopping :)

haiz, this mth spent alot already. moreover have ask contractor to do window grille and kitchen cabinet.almost $13k spent on this.

I spent hours trying to think of which item to CUT OUT! not which item to buy! hahahah

carlson's condition sounds quite bad. is the stomach reacting to the food/milk? maybe stomach acid trigger vomit? hope the little one gets better since he's turned 1!
aiyo tiffy & ika .. can giveme the link ... how much ??? keke i find my boy look even more handsome when he is wearing the polo T keke
tiffy, i think baby vicks is the same bah.. maybe its milder since its for babies?

mummies, have a good evening with your little ones. me going off liao, bye!
wah i'm too distracted cannot decide which one to get.. go home sure i sit in front of my pc n start looking one by one!!! .. Dat day Burberry Shaw Towers got 50% off for kids lei.. buy many²..daddy juz gave me dis "killing stare".. back frm BKK..back wz many² luggages..nw buy again on RL spree.. sure kena SCREAM ..die!

Happy shopping hor!!
aiyo ... you all ... wow hippo actign fast is it after hearing this ... off to shop liao ???

bbwow ... hmm i am still not sure of his condition too ... cos he can vomit at the sight and word FOOD/MILK pengz ... hope he grow out of it soon man

ika aiyo i also spend alot liao
and tiffy thanks ... and aiyo need to confirm that he look handsome some more ... keke

Ladies going home soon hahaha 5.45 off work
haha..hippo et al, I went to the polo link n couldn't decide which to get so I closed the link, not to see any further else my pocket sure burn a huge hole !!

Wow, I'm flattered !!! lol....thanks for changing back the nick. Mrs Reez sounds like a teacher

Ya, I heard rub baby vicks on baby's soles n wear socks before sleep will kinda cure the cough. But, I haven't tried out yet.

im back to spore now...
zq fall sick, he had slight cough last night but it turn worse at midnight and he kept crying and fussing, couldn't sleep at all... and he rejected milk as well... so we brought him to see a PD at KL, though med prescribed to him but hubby & me still very worried coz of bb's allergy respiratory history. so we brought him back to spore to visit his PD.

according to dr tan, his condition is neither good nor bad. it was virus infection again and he is breathing hard, so we cant expect him to drink milk when he feel so breatheless... my poor boy... he has fever also, around 38 degree... doc asked us to back home and monitor his condition over the night and put him on nebuliser again... tomorrow morning will back to review and he will determine whether baby need to hospitalise or not...

im really worried... bb seems to get sick easily and everytime is due to his allergic respiratory breathway, im so helpless i cant protect him from all these.. doc said it's unavoidable, bb has very sensitive breathway compare to others, other bb may not affected by same kind of virus but he's easily affected... and very likely he will have asthma when he's toddler... im feeling very down now...
dodo, i can imagine how helpless you must feel now. do remain strong for him and keep him comfortable. poor zq. aunty zhen hug hug you!
dodo: poor poor zq ........ BIG BIG HUGZ to him. can totally understand how u feel.. BIGGEST HUGZ to u ...pls take good care of urself.

we all will be here to lend listening ear and give u moral support.

will keep him in my prayer that he will not be hospitalised this time round..
oh dear. so sad to hear that. i hope that zq will recover very soon. pls don't feel too sad. zq is a brave & strong little boy. i'm sure he will be fine. don't worry too much ok?

Brig has the same problem too. Im a frequent vistior to my PD, his attack is at once every 2 mths. Whenever he reach his 'millage' i will start to worried when i hear a slight cough.

His daddy has childhood asthma.. although the doc keep mentioned that he dun want to term Brig as 'asthmatic'.. but i know is a matter of time la.

The pd did mentioned tt when bb is older can go for skin allergy test (something like that) to determined what he is allergy too.

I feel the same as you when ever he is sick.. the bb is as helpless as we are.. they can only fight the virus on thier own.

Relax.. bb need you to be strong and around. Asthma is all abt management. If managed well, it will not hinder their day to day life at all.
zhen zhen,
yah i think beco looks so stylo & chio so now deciding between bjorn & beco or none! haha how??
mummies using beco or bjorn, can share your feedback? thanks!

thanks for all ur concern...
just now we did the nebuliser treatment for bb, he was asleep already so the machine sound woke him up... poor thing, he cried so pitifully and kept looking at me, seems like telling me he was scared and dun put that mask on him, and i cried wi him, im so sorry to disturb him from a deep sleep... hai... but this is crucial for him to get well soon...

actually i dun mind bb hospitalise coz i very worried he will dehydrate by drinking so little milk.. he only drank abt 300ml today, and it was fast for bb to loss weight when they sick... he was 9.9kg yesterday but today dropped to 9.6kg... last time round i was particular abt bb's size and weight gain... but now i try not to bother abt it anymore, most important is he grow up healthy and happy...
my PD told me the same thing... he said he dun wan to term zq as "asthmatic" yet but like u, i know its a matter of time... both hubby and me dun have asthma but my younger sis had it...
im very emotional now... keep having a strong urge to cry it out loud...

i really think motherhood is not easy at all... esp when bb has such a sensitive breathway, i need to be very cautious taking care of him... but like what my PD said, i cant lock him in house everyday and deprieve him of the outside world... he said it's part and parcel of growing up and hope bb will grow up stronger... but when somethg happened, i will start to ques myself "what if i didn't...." "what if i had been..." i know it's silly for me to think that way but sometimes i just cant help it...

sorry mummies for my long-winded and demoralised posting...
so many babies sick...hope K and ZQ will recover soon...

dodo, u need to be strong for ZQ...have to take care of yourself too...*hugz*
if it helps just cry it all out and you'll feel better..
someitmes i guess as mothers there are many things we cant control either..no matter how hard we want to we cant protect our child from everything around them...
i believe all of us mummies will feel like you do sometime. don't worry! jia you!
My nephew has sensitive breathway too. My sis has no choice but to seek TCM @ EYS Clinic. Boy is in midst of taking course of herbs that helps him build up to be 'stronger'. It does help.
On the other hand, u like to take note of the contact of ZQ with the environment. Making sure clean & hygenie environment for him is most impt. Though there is saying that the more u are wary about, the more things can go haywired. But this is not the case for sensitive breathways. Juz have to take note as babies are still young. When their immune system are better developed, then can slowly intro them to the naughty 'dust' that stays around us.
We are doing that @ home, having the toys/everything of their stuff clean up everyday. Bedsheets change every weekend n feeding equipmt sterilise once a week.
It will be up to our judgement/instinct whether when to stop all these 'cleaning' habits.
We adults @ home with sensitive nose will tend to sneeze non-stop should there be 'too much dust' come in contact. So we make it a pt to avoid dust by regular cleaning. Tough job.
Not to add pressure, juz to share with you.
*Hee... too long winded liao. >.<
U are a strong mummy! Speedy recovery to ZQ.
just cry it out &amp; dun be afraid to share your emotions with us, your hubby, family &amp; friends. i know how depressing it can get when our little one falls sick &amp; as parents, it's inevitable that we start to worry extensively &amp; blame ourselves for not being able to help prevent this or lessen their pain. stay strong ok? Big hugs to you &amp; zq!
ya... cant dwell on this mood for long... i need to be strong for zq... he's a brave boy and mummy must not be weak...

thank u so much for sharing...
ya, TCM is one of my option also, gonna seek advice &amp; supplement of it after bb recover... actually i asked PD abt the environment cleanliness &amp; hygiene, he told me that for zq's case it's not so much on this aspect, it's those bb/ adult who are sick sneeze or close contact wi him and pass the virus to him... he will get it serious coz his breathway is sensitive and if things get worse will affect his lungs which can be very serious... other babies may not get affected at all... u all doing great job in proving good environment for the boys! i also sterilse his stuff daily, wipe his stuff twice in a week and change his bedsheet weekly... it must be tough on ur sis also...

gal,i may need to get ur sis's contact of the TCM @ EYS later on.. hope she dun mind...
Dear Dodo,
Can understand how u feel. All of us here are mummies. Yes, ZQ will make you stronger so he can rely on you!
When ZQ grew bigger, can train him to swim..it helps in the lung development to be stronger. Thus can fight the illnesses. Will keep you in prayers!!

Thanks for the compliments for little Dayan. hmmm..he dun have long tongue la. hahaha! just the angle of the shot.
hapi fifi,
thanks gal... hubby has been very supportive and patient towards bb and me... esp now bb very cranky and we had a difficult time feeding him, hubby has more patience than me so he offer to do it so i can rest... he's now mopping and cleaning the house despite a long driving journey from KL to spore this noon... i must control my bad temper towards him... i have a good husband and lovely boy.. i must learnt to be a good wife &amp; mother too...
Hapi Fi fi,

Me me... i have both. The Bjorn (Original) and a newly purchase Beco.

TO me, Bjorn is more userfriendly for smaller baby, oonce they hit the weight of 8kg plus, is v strainful on our back. Mine is a original, im not sure if the active will be better.

Just used Beco for 1 day, so far so good, no backache and brig love it. Is user friendly too but more things to adjust compared with the latter. Still not v 'shun shou' yet. Will try the piggy back when hb is back.

If you are talking abt for current usage, Beco will be a better choice.

Wanted to seek advice from you all. Has anyone of u brought your son to circumcise already or gg to?? is it painful? Well, now is it a good time to do that?
