(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

ya, when the drip inserted he screamed till all of us almost deaf... but now he very "li hai" can cruise around the bed wi one hand and use his drip hand" to hook on the railing and do stunts! he always pull the drip tubes and make it beep beep, then he will give me a cheeky smile! faint... i so malu to "activate" nurses everytime... even the nurse said they seldom see bb so active & mischievous!

choy choy choy!!! dun say about phlegm coming back, be positive!
just give lots n lots of fluid, recovery process takes time. it takes a little while to get sick but the road to recovery takes more than a little while.

when my boy was on the neubulizer, at times he screamed even though he was already hoarse by then and i almost wanted to cry as well. coz i was helpless... i wanted to tell him that the neubulizer was to help him recover but he didn't understand. his eyes when they looked at me was one of horror n traumatized kind of look. its a look that i will never forget. and i pray and hope that he will never suffer that again...

it helps to give the neubulizer when your boy's asleep coz they dun struggle. see if you can time your neubulizer time to his nap time.

no wonder didn't hear from you. haha... but at least you still can remain connected with us via this forum. so glad to hear your ZQ can be discharged tomorrow. he must have been a sunshine to the nurses there, guess they will miss him lots! :D

your ZQ also dreamfeed? high-five! i also dreamfeed my boy for all of his feeds. when he's awake, he refuse to drink. i once asked PD during his 6mth check up, PD say its normal, some babies are like that. i also am helpless to how to solve this problem. he must need milk to sleep, v.v. its a milk-sleep association. any mummies have any advice?
busy setting exam papers? dun burn midnight oil ya!
hi-five! they can really "jie bai" as bros!!!
zq is he will only drink milk when he half sleep... so i have to pat him to sleep everytime when he going to have milk (which i arrange his milk & nap time together)... he just dun wan to drink when he's awake and this is so annoying le... now even worse, he rejects milk when dream feed also, so it;s v hard for me to squeeze in the milk! argh...
jovial: voted!!

dodo: glad that ur darling is go home tmr! Yippee! hope his milk appetite increases!

cant offer advice if milk problem cos my gal is a milk hater! awake or asleep also dun wanna drink milk..

ecookie: Horray yz is showing signs of recovery! it's always worrying on the parents when their illness drag too long.... especially ENT problems. do keep u posted on his recovery progess
am going to bring clare tmr morning to east coast park to cycle for the first time! LEt's hope the weather will be bright and sunny!

enjoy your sunday, mummies!
bbwow: think it's pretty normal that bb want to sleep more when they r not well.. so dun be worried. if u feelnot right, then beta bring J to see PD again.
Dun mention! I hope zq likes it! Staying in hospital is depressing enuff, so it all worth it if he is happy. =D

you'll have tons of fun later! I brought lyn to cycle and she loves it! Kept making sounds of excitement.
hope zq is better! glad that he is able to be discharged already! =)
saw zq photo in the straits times life section! =)
you really very on! i always want to send but so lazy that till now also havent even sent one photo out.
he sure looks charming in the photo!
sorry to intrude

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Thanks for the Vote !!!

Enjoyed my trip yesterday. Had 3 women and 1 couple from Singapore. The 3 ladies were quite fun to chat with. All very helpful too, offer to help me take pictures.

The train ride and the warook farm tour was very interesting. I'd even tried to milk a cow and since the farm owner says australia's cow milk is safe to drink directly, I drank it ! Don't want to waste since I know not easy to pruduce. Although cow can produce 35 Litres a day..... kekeke..

Penguine were so cute ! pity they don't allow photography anymore. I can only buy the photos from the shop.

<font color="aa00aa">Dodo:</font>
Glad that ZQ is better liao
How's your weekend, Mummies?

Brought my boy for a swim. Finally... 1st dip into the pool. Had a wonderful time. HOpefully it can be a weekly thingy for us.

dodo &amp; dreamz,
Yes, my boy should be #3 in the list for milk dreamfeed. He is not a milk monster. When milk btl gets near him when he is awake, he either sweep the btl away or he will shake his head NO-NO non-stop. No choice, resort to spoonfed or dreamfeed. I too check with PD, claiming that itz norm for bb to dislike milk feed.
In all for a day, he only have 2 milk feeds. One in early morning n one in night b4 bedtime.
Any advice on this, Mummies?
Further to this, will be moving on to Gain IQ soon. Hopefully he likes it.
how's the b'day celebration go? did kayden enjoy his day? pretty sure that you must b v.happy to see all the nice deco you bought hanging everywhere the place.

how's ur boy? saw his pic in straits times, so charming! :D

ur boy also like tat ah? sigh... i dunno how to let him quit this habit leh. coz with his teeth sprouting out now, actually like not so good to let him sleep with a milk bottle in his mouth. i try to counter that by offering him some water after his milk feed but still... i wonder is there any other solution to this? sigh...

oh yes, does any mummies here have your kiddos now like to bang/throw toys on the floor? my little PH has been throwing eveything tat he sees onto the floor. he already damaged my TV remote control already. so jialart. is this also a passing phase by babies? any mummies have advice on this?
dodo, glad to hear zq is discharged already. yay!

jacq, how was cycling? did clare like it?

doobom, we also brought hannah for a swim today. after going for her swimming lessons, she doesn't like using her float any more. so it's more shiong for us, cos have to assist her the whole time.

re: dream feed
just be careful, as leftover milk in mouth may cause tooth decay. perhaps you can feed a bit of water after the milk, to wash it down completely.
dreamz, hannah loves throwing stuff too. i usually will pat her hand and tell her not to do it. i will also "confiscate" the item. just to share. not sure if this is the most effective method tho.

lyn LOVES to throw things away. Everytime I picked it up and put it back on her highchair, she'll throw it down almost immed! gets me so frustrated I'll juz chuck them aside n dun give it to her anymore.
Yes, for night milk feed, I try to do spoonfeed n then brush his teeth thereafter. Off to bed then. But for early morning feed, I need to wakey @ 6am to dreamfeed while my boy still in deep sleep. Did give water after milk feed to rinse off the milk. Seems no other choice leh. I have been trying hard. Adjusting his feeding time, trying out different brand of milk btls, etc.
Yes, the boys @ home like to bang/throw stuff on the floor as they hold @ arm level. Itz norm as they are amazed by the sound as the stuff drops onto the floor. U can replace all home stuff with toys. Like toys that rattle when bang 2gether. Normally, we dun encourage them to move around the house with on-hands on the home stuff. Coz house is not very baby-friendly. So we put all the toys in the play yard for them to play with n explore. On and off, they get to 'go' around the house in their tricycles under our guidance.

U muz have enjoy your swim with Hannah too. We should have a swimming meetup. Any mummies keen?
haha... gingerleaf, Jerry is doing that too. So itz norm! I pick, he throw. Following him as I pick, I think I m like a rubbish chute collector. Haha...
dodo:glad to hear that zq has discharged! and i saw his photo in Life section too!

re neubuliser:
baby yz is very tempremental, just yesterday he will cry till v pitifully when he is on the neubuliser. but this morning, after much persuading, he started to accept it and make angry noise when we remove it! think once he gets past the noise (which i think scares him in the 1st place), he starts to get fascinated with the mist.. so its good now he takes to it.. another day tomorrow on the neubuliser then we'll stop it. hope it helps with his phlegm!
gingerleaf, having a bread maker = freshly baked bread smell in your home. that's like one of the best smell in the world!

doobom, we're thinking of organising a swim session at CM's house on 27 sep. you free to join?
Zhenzhen: we all enjoyed ourselves a lot today at east coast park! Cycling is Fun! Good exercise for hb and me whom have not exercised for the longest time. HB brought clare to play with the water and sand for a short while. SHe reallee enjoys herself.

hope to engage in such healthy lifestyle on a weekly basis
Clare loves to throw things TOO! like gingerleaf, after the 2nd time, we will keep the stuff away from her.

initially, still tot she's plain notti. looks like this could be another passing phrase .. phew :p
Jae also like to throw things.. really sick of picking up especially when we are outside having dinner. Every time she throw we have to clean, if we keep it, she will make a fuss! So nasty mummy aka me, tie a string to the toy and her hand!

Jacq.. seeing you and gingerleaf having so much fun with ur bb at ECP, I also want to go! we live so near there but never thought of cycling there! I shall go one of this day! Maybe we can have our next oct mummy gathering there.. hee hee
gingerleaf... he used to be a GA, now he's in advertising!

I like it very much even my guess it too. One of my girlfriend even paste it on her wardrobe!
morning mummies!!

eli, your cards are so nice!!

ytd, i finally brought anders to SL PS, have been looking forward to it.. he fell asleep on the way and woke up when we reached..who knows, he super unco-operative and very clingy to me which never happens...kept on crying non-stop..haiz... poor sean and his wife kept trying to make him happy so that he can take more shots, he really tink all ways...

i hope the shoots come out well... coz was tinking of using them as invitation cards to birthday party...

received sms from my MIL, that anders is finally showing 2 pearlies in his gum.. so happy!! any idea, how long will it take to be "fully grown"?
jae card is so cute!
can see how much she's grown from 1 month till now.

glad ZQ is discharged. hope he is back to his active self again. saw his photo is ST.

hope everyone enjoyed their weekends.
throwing things:
myra is also throwing things on the floor, irritates me cos i can't stand seeing things on the floor, will always pick up after her. esp when eating out and she will throw things from her highchair. spoon, wet tissue, menu, table mat, etc....
morning mummies!!

eil: jae bday cards design is really nice!

re pearlies: yz finally growing his 3rd tooth on upper left of his gums..
morning mummies!

what a week!

eil, the card is sooo gorgeous!!! your hubby's very talented!

so glad that ZQ is discharged! yea, aria also shared the same incident with her baby and I immediately brought J to see PD yesterday!

PD ruled out as viral infection and a blocked nose that might be the reason for causing his loss of appetite. Fed him med, and he finished the whole 180ml! Ya, really like strike 4D!!! But this morn still only took 60ml. haizz

glad that YZ's cough is getting better.

happy belated mooncake festivals to all mummies and babies!

re: lantern
saw some kiddos carrying those air-float kind. Got barney, spiderman and even kungfu panda wor! anyone knows where to get it? so cute!
my mum bought yz a light-weight battery operated lantern and initially, he sill guai guai hold it by the handle and we carry him walk here n there as he carried it. but in an hour, he threw it here n there, spoilt the battery candle, and almost tore it apart. sigh!
re: dream feed

J totally drop his dream feed. He simply refuse to drink when he's asleep. Even awake also a pain to feed him milk now. Tried spoon feed and it didn't work also. think his milk intake is less than 300ml / day. really dunno how to get in more milk into his system!

think for dream milk, they'll slowly wean themselves off on their own? heard from zhen zhen hannah also did the same thing.

re: throw things
J is a terror. He likes to bang things together and then throw them fiercely on the ground. I pity the person living under me. :p

and he likes to make a fool out of us by dropping his toys then we pick up and the next moment, he drop it in front of us again and then laugh cheekily. thinking that it's fun wor!

my handphone and remote control already spoilt by this terror.
morning mummies!

gingerleaf, i dun have a breadmaker. i figured it would just sit in one corner and gather dust. my fren's mom has tho. she uses it every other day, so very worth it for them. so guess it depends on your bread consumption.

jacq, so you rented a bicycle with a baby seat? was clare ok sitting in it?

eil, jae's birthday card is cute! next time should ask you hubby for some ideas. haha.
bbwow, i'm also looking for those inflatable lanterns. so far, i only saw tom and jerry ones. but the lanterns were black or brown. thought they looked a bit dull for lanterns.

ecookie, hannah destroyed the lantern that i got for her within 10 min. i got those plastic types. that's why i wanna try and find the inflatable types. think they might be able to last longer.
Morning, Mummies...

So our little ones are now little terrors as they are approaching ONE, not babies anymore. Haha...
I m coping with my little terror oso. He tries to walk w/o support n when he reaches me, he will be so excited n hug me. Then one BIG bite on my shoulders as a gesture. Haiz... Poor me, my shoulders n arms.

gd excuse for u to change new hp. Hehe... I juz changed, but protect it with holder. Juz in case my terror decides to murder it again. Hahaa...
Jae's invitation card is nice!
Indeed, very creative.

I cun make it on 27Sept. Hb got papers to rush on 29Sept. Hopefully can join next time. Maybe Oct?

As I spoonfeed, I on the TV to distract BB. Knowing that TV is not adviseable @ young age, but itz only ON during spoonfeeding of milk feeds.

I blend strawberries n mix it with milk &amp; cereal. It looks nice n the boys somehow like it. We have tried avocado w/ milk &amp; cereal too, turns out well also. I do this for weekend lunch, replacing their weekday boring EYS brown rice w/ milk.
doobom: haha jerry so cute,, give u a big bite huh? wah, with his teeth that must have hurt!

yz still not v confident even with cruising! always gingerly walk with 2 hands holding tightly to the play yard. think it ll be some time before he can walk without support.

re dream feed: i still feed yz his last milk feed when he s sleeping at 1030pm. cos his dinner is at 630 and normally he sleeps by 9pm so i dun know how to give him his last feed when he's awake. scared he feels too full n reject/puke. so continuing with the dream feed. but worried abt rotting teeth leh.. hmm.
zhen zhen : hannah is also one chilli padi! hehe. yah i think inflatable one more suitable for them lah. but not so keen on buying since mooncake festival kinda over to me liao.

their 1 year old is really appraoching! *excited*
The bites are not cute har... Leave me bruises n looks ugly for my dressing. Hmmm... I wanna faint when he bites n pulls off. *Ouch* LIke little puppy. Haiz...
Can give YZ water to rinse off milk.

dodo, you're most welcome. yah, if u get an immature maid, you end up with one more kid to take care of...so do consider loh. mebbe part-time help is better?

dreamz: im surviving...second one due april/may 2009. how about u? everything ok? really difficult to juggle school n bb hor...
i totally understand what u r going thru...have 3 social studies/history papers to set. only done with one...and my papers are on 3 Oct!!!! *panic*
and gotta finish CA marking. my weekends are burnt trying to finish work. so not much time to spend with matty too. yah adjunct can be quite a good arrangement too..since they pay by hourly basis.
