(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

hapi fifi,
almost 10kg is gg to kill ur back if u front carry!!!
By the way, is urs a F&E trip or packaged tour? Im keen in tokyo too! When are u gg?

CM, oh ya she is! and she's a good walker liao le!

hapi fifi, is ur stroller compact? tokyo shd be ok for strollers ar... carrying him for the entire trip in a sling or watever will kill u leh..
planning free & easy. flying off on 1 oct morning flight :)
go go go! i'm so excited over my trip now although i haven't finalised my accommodation yet. oct weather is quite nice (around 15 to 21 degrees celcius). i booked nwa 2 days ago then today the airfares went down cos fuel price drop! urgh! could have saved $300++

now...food is another headache. wondering if i should get a small cooker & cook porridge for bb but voltage different plus my boy hardly eats nowadays so not sure if it's worth my effort. maybe i should just feed him cereal, jar food, fresh fruits & bread etc in tokyo! haha but a bit poor boy hor, no homecook food for 8 days!

anyone else who has travelled overseas with your babies? how do you settle baby's food?
keke, aria got you No 1! She's very fascinated with the drum..hehe...and she will "kong kong kong" the cubes together... thank you! i bought almost the similar one.. think Lance got the gift. he really know how to choose woh..wahaha...

re bb bash cake:
the icing on the cake is called fondant.
yeah. mine is combi well comfort so very lightweight & compact. definitely bringing it along. just tot that a carrier might be useful at crowded places. will bring my mum along too so at least got 3 human carriers to rotate! hahaha
happi fifi,
i cant go liao this year. coz gg cruise in oct.
But i can go for 2 hols next year! So trying to find places to go! Was thinking of gg melb(again!) in april and then italy in sept/oct(supposed to go this year, but lyn still small).
But coz melb been there a few times le, so wondering if we shld go tokyo! Hb been saying he wanna go japan for the longest time, but I worry that its not convienient!
I heard if u do F&E, u have to bring ur baggage up and dwn the flights of stairs in the subway urself, hardly can find lifts. Please do share experience when u come back!

Ecookie went tokyo early this year! can share some experience too! =D
yah. i'm still nursing my heartpain. both melbourne & italy are nice places although melbourne could be more baby friendly...er, people are friendlier too! haha
will be nice to go japan in april. u can catch the sakura season! will let u know how baby friendly (or unfriendly) tokyo is when i am back!

hubby & i have been thinking of going japan for very long too. initially wanted to go hokkaido for babymoon but the tot of not being able to eat sashimi & alaska crabs make me change my mind! hee hee then if go hokkaido in oct, too cold for baby also.
gingerleaf just saw the blog ... aiyo heart pain ... lyn must be so painful and thanks for all the new info on what she had ... poor lyn but good thing is now all are well liao ... hugs lyn auntie sayang you ok ...
tokyo is nice!! shop shop shop but expensive lor! yah not very baby friendly there, think its better to just bring baby around in baby carrier...
but i really love japan cos everything so quaint n pretty!

gingerleaf: u MUST go italy! its like my FAV. country in the whole world! heh. u bringing lyn along?

i want to go for a long trip next year too. am thinking between spain/portugal or USA west coast. anyone been to these places? comments? this YE should be going either HK(like again!) or cambodia. all these trips without baby. :p
aria, keke.. glad that aria likes it! just afraid she is adding to the noise pollution! hahahaa.. lance smart boy leh.. sure know how to choose ma... =P

hapi fifi, haha! dun worie then!... 3 human carriers leh.. plus u can dump ur shopping in the stroller.. ho!

i also wana go hokkaido for the longest time lo! haiz.. now gotta wait awhile more cos their weather pretty extreme.. i hvnt decided where i wana go tis year and i hvnt gone anywhr! except for HKG earlier tis year but datz for something so sad so dun mention liao.. hmpf!
gingerleaf! thanks so much for the photos. you did a really good job! really nice pics! thanks a million!

glad adri liked it.=)i think most babies like to whack things.hee

haha...good size as in fat fat huh??? hhaa
i ordered from both , but she charge me 15% more for birthday direct .I gg for the pooh theme.

thks for all the comforting words, really makes me feel better
i ordered from angeline too! But she isnt taking orders for birthday direct.

i heard that place so nice! I really wanna go lor. ya, if we go , most likely will be bringing lyn. i cannot bear to not see her for long. Cannot bear to leave her with ILs!!
twinklestars, hapififi & gingerleaf, tink twinklestars lucky enuf to order from angeline when her fren was in usa. cos bday direct dun deliver internationally anymore.. also, i saw in another spree thread that orders for bday direct were cancelled due to the bad weather... =)
re: travelling

those mummies who brought your baby on the airplane. How you survive huh!?! Baby won't fidget or make noise?

I'm really keen to bring J somewhere.
saw you ordering the felt pretties from the BP.. eh, i thought you join the mama gem one already? this new BP slightly more ex and somemore you order less than 2 pairs need postage leh..
i very sure you got 23 and not 24 because 24 i personally pass to junnie..hehe...i didn't tell her though cos i scare her boy doesn't like that toy..but now, gingerleaf disclose that liao..so no choice got to admit..wahaha...
bbwow, for mine.. just feed and feed and feed. Bring lotsa biscuits, milk to standby.

Then you can show him clouds, the lights, the menu, the safety booklet.. haha.. sure will fidget still..
I got terrible memory.

Now I think it's either 23/26 cause very near to my number.


which one of you gave the ABC learning table one? Thanks in advance ya!

I see...so key word is FOOD. hahaha... I think ueno brought her boy to the STATES right? WOW! Admire!

I heard that in Jap culture, the lady will buy something for the guy she likes. and if the guy likes the lady in return, he must buy something back.

*hint to junnie*
bb lance better do something! :p
bbwow, then the boy must pounce on the girl! oops! wahahahahah!

aria, i didnt order from mamagem.. i ordered princessbowbow quite sometime back but hvnt receive yet.. tis one i join very ex ar? but i like the felt leh.. hmm.. how how? pinky la! i tot i will guai guai wait for my order from princessbowbow to arrive b4 i buy more cos dunno can put on adri anot ma.. then she bought adri hairclips! and i tried.. can leh and adri loves it leh.. so now can't stop myself leh.. whahahaha! so bad of me.. pinky so sweet yet i still "blame" her.. hahahah
oh, not you..then must be gingerleaf??hahah...

aiyoh, i splurge like $50+ on these felt clips..now waiting for it to arrive.. i've gone mad with the felt clippies..mm..bought this from this lady in this BP.. she got more varieties..


eh, i checked back the thread..no it's the same..just that the BP i join got 20% discount instead of 10%..so, ok lah, yours not much diff..
Thanks Junnie. Jerry likes his gift. :D

Yes, Gingerleaf. There is 15% off for 1st birthday. Additional 5% for members. In all is 20% off.
aria, oh... hmpf! i missed it just by a few days.. haiz...
good for aria! she's sooooo cute lor.. will look great with all these pretty clippies!

twinkle stars, haha! u wun be as kiasu as me one la.. i ordered in jun leh.. whhaahahahah! terrible right? =D
hi all

today i'm late cos busy @ work, hiaz.... anyway, cant resist to sneak in here!!!

for taking such memorable pixs for all of us & ur effort in uploading the blog. i cant help laughing at some of the captions, they r so funny!! kekeke..i like the one dayan resting his head on lyn's bum!

jas, gingerleaf... waaaah.. hahaha.. u both so 'imaginative'!!! got 'touchie karcheng & on the bed' some more!!! kekeke..

cm... 'bite ur teeth' for timing being, october v fast come one!

dodo.. glad to hear u solved the tpt prblm by meeting nice landlord who offer to help! now can enjoy going to class w zq liao!

bbwow...ya ya, bb lance choosen no. 24 ball, so shd b ariajo's gift! now every evening the tortise bcom his playtime toy! instead of fixing the blocks or pulling it, he's enjoying biting it!!

bbwow, gingerleaf...huh... must buy for sweet aria my 'future DIL' arrr!!! no prblm!!!! kekkeke... hippo.... u v cheeky arrr... but tat's a good one!!!! waaaaaah!!!!!

doobom....paisay paisay, i tink my gift meant more for mummy to use than bb. cos i was at a lost duno wat to buy then i saw the poohbear hotflask so 1st thot is our bash theme, hope u like it!

jas...re cake.. PM u liao.

eil... i also ordered fm YLS too after hearing fm hippo, but mine is mini buffet oni. if u got more than 30ppl u can order their normal buffet liao & can enjoy the 'mouth watering' orneeeee & kong ba bau as recommended by hippo, i cant
*sob sob*

twinklestar..... lucky garina sits on her bum when fall! ya, falling/knocking is unavoidable esp when they r so active now, we hv to b extra 'busy' 'ja-ga-ing' them..

totoro.. hope kelly is feeling better after taking the medication. i v 'mountain tortise'...F1 is when? i'm sure kelly's will hv a wonderful & beautiful bd cos her daddy & mummy r ballon expert!
aria_jo: u r really going crazy with the hair clips!!! no mind, so long they are nice on aria hehehe.

hippo: i also buy from angeline neo. waiting for it to be posted to my hse.. cant wait!!
gingerleaf.... sure sure, tis mummy sure 'fu ze ren'one but duno the sumo will or not?? tink he will la, cos he everything also v slow one ('big size' all action also slow)!! oni hope aria wont 'sian qi' him cos he 'bui bui'!! kekkeke...
junnie, sumo so cute & fu ze ren.. dun tink aria will sian qi. i like bui bui men! if aria dun wan. then adri lor! maybe she got my mum & my genes leh! like bui bui ones! hahahahaha...

gingerleaf, shd be able to! banner is of very good quality!!
hippo, gingerleaf...hahaha..tink we can be director 'pai dian yin' liao!!! cos so 'imaginative' to make up 'story' 4 them!! ((hippo, da yan mei is my 1st choice last time if u can remember! but she got too many 'zui qiu ze' liao esp dayan=leehom??!!)kekeke....

okie okie...going home liao..tata..tml cont'd!!

gingerleaf, LOL! aiya.. whoever become bui bui adri might like lor.. kekeke.. jialat.. i also wan zq leh.. but adri wun fight with lyn one.. kekeke! we must be cordial! hahahahaha...
