(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

thanks hippo ... lol ... really know that gingerleaf in the tough spot ... its ok really ... but thanks for posting some pics here ... GinGerleaF ... ok la i fully understand la ... ;)

totoro after looking at yr blog i really regert nvr keep on calling you till you pick up my phone man ... see all the great jobs that you have done ... slap slap for you ... you can go full time soon ...

oh yes robinson card holder ... JL is having member's sales now ... and very good buy for the therme flask for the porridge i think abt 39.00 or so .. and its the good one .. .cannot remember the brand now as i am having short term memory

ecookie ... bb yz better liao ???
GingerLeaf .. .aiyo thanks me hmmm ... i thank you la ... haha now KPO ... remember you mention abt angry email and business ??? you are working side line beside SAHM is it ???
hahaha all my posting now ... hippo i remember you are having some class for yr gal right ... where is it .. .at harbour front ??? good? and how much ? am thinking of signing Carlson for class too on weekdays since i will not be working till next yr soon
Yes, they are sugar icing, very sweet and I ate them all ha ha

errmmm you want to "slap slap" me huh?@-@ :p for not answering your phone?? Really sorry for not able to assist in the decor, next time lah when my skills improved further ha ha

You mentioned abt own biz, what u wanna do? can share...
didn't had a chance to post ytd .
So busy clearing 200 plus emails @ work as was on leave on Monday , in the nite hb was hogging on to the pc.

thks a lot , had PM you .

Aria not small leh , she still look chubby to me.

So happy for you , Yr landlord realli nice leh.

i ordered my deco from a oversea spree held by angeline neo.

did you ordered the banners from birthday direct ?

take care.If you want to invite , i'll be glad to go lol.

Garina fell down from my sofa on her bumboo chair this morning with her landing on her bum & bumboo chair apart. Luckily she's ok . I promise myself nvr to leave her alone un-attended from now on .Me so guilty .
totoro ... I AM SO SORRY HAHAHAHAHA KEKEKEKE ... no la i want to CLAP CLAP for you la ... HAHAHA so so so sorry for the typo error ... aiyo see la .... hahahah SORRY TOTORO ...

should be CLAP CLAP la why slap you ... you so busy mah ... and i also nvr email you whcih you ask me too sobsob so sorry hahaha cannot help too for laughing kekekeke all mummies must be thinking i am crazy liao

ok all later going to eat now
totoro, oh ya! u didnt see the full cake! =)
aiyo, i see ur balloons blog i feel like having those arches and stuff BUT i m terrified of balloons.. already very brave of me to order latex balloons liao le.. hahaha!

CM, keke... i kpo ma.. so scan thru pics and post for u to see lor.. hope mummies dun mind some of the pics with ur babies! i already try to choose those without mummy & daddy's faces.. keke..
re: class. adri attending gymboree on sunday morning at tanglin mall! dun like the one at habourfront.. seems smaller... =) some of them attending trio classes! any1 attending shichida?
I love the 1st picture u post with the 3bb girls for the crawling competition. Shayla has this face like saying.."Hahaha..let u all go first, i can easily catch up real soon!"
twinkle star,

ya, dun feel too bad. Lyn fell many times too. Once she fell in her cot, knocked against a bar n right side of the face or cheh, the eye oso or bak kak. When she was in hospital, she fell against a cot bar again n eye or bak kak again.
I guess no matter how hard we try to keep them safe, little accidents still happen. Guess its part n parcel of growing up now that they are exploring.
HAHAHA, That was what Im thinking when i posted it!
I wanted to add that caption too! She is like smirking behind, coz she knows she will win! hehehe

Adri: Dayan, what's wrong with you?!!! Can't u just sit properly to take pic with me? The rest is waiting for me, u know!
jas, wahahahaha! i love the pic with dayan... and ur caption! lol... so cute... email me the pic!
and the crawling pic.. hohohoho! it does look like shayla is plotting back there... =D
Sorry to disturb.
Anyone uses Bliss confinement agency before? Any feedback? Appreciate with sharing ur experience with me. Pls PM me. Thanks!
twinkle stars: oh no, hope garina is ok.. lucky never hit her head or anything. yz also got 1-2 bumps on his face/forehead cos knock against cabinets when he tried to stand unsupported! but i guess bumps are part n parcel of their growing up...,

CM: yz still not fully recovered.. yest night cough on off for few hrs.
will bring him to PD for review this fri n see how.

totoro_bb:hope kelly will recover soon..! viral cough should be able to recover soon once her body fights off the virus..
I know it's typo error lah!! just kidding!!!

okie. Please PM me your email so I can send out my invites once it's ready!
oh gingerleaf...heehee...so that gift was from you! Yeah.. anders got the HP, everyday he will hold the phone near his ear..baah baah baah.. machiam on the phone.. =)
twinklestar, dun feel guilty..i also fell asleep once and anders fall off the bed.. haiz..

totoro, hope kelly is feeling better...

Thanks for lyn's present!!! She had fun biting the book the entire day after the bash. She was so engross with it, she didnt make noise in the car. Heheh

Mummies, I posted the name list on presents in the blog. Can go there n check who gave u wat present.
haha.. it's so interesting to see the photos with the captions! You mummies are so creative..

gingerleaf, you can catch facial expressions v well.. his suspicious look v funny! How can he doubt my "sincerity" hor? Can I use for my blog as well??
sylvia, so the turtle whacking toy is from u! hahaha.. i tot adri wun know how to play with it but she was happily hammering the shapes on the poor turtle! hahaha.. thanks!!

who got my multi-function snail toy? hope itz not creating a ruckus at home! i like it alot leh.. =D
i ordered from celebrate express, not birthday direct :)

thanks for aidan's gift. it's such a coincidence! i bought a similar toy for the gift exchange but fisherprice brand instead of little tikes. wonder who got my gift? haha dun tell me it's you??!!
hippo: i got the turtle whacking toy too!!! so maybe mine is from sylvia?? and yah yz happily beating the poor turtle away. but when the head springs out, he like abit shocked. hiaks.

gignerleaf: hey sorry for the shabby paperbag.. no time to wrap up properly. and lyn likes elmo right?? so the book just right for her!!
any mummies here using baby bjorn carrier? i have a baby rock sling but think it's more convenient to use a front-facing carrier for my tokyo trip.
cracking my head if i should spend money on a baby bjorn carrier. which model is good? worth buying? but won't have much mileage hor since aidan is already quite big. aiyo how how how?
jas ... sorry i deleted most of them ... but i email you the one i used Mr Funny and also the cheapest face paint i can find
i dunno how heavy he is leh. i guess around 9-9.5kg. problem is i think tokyo isn't very stroller-friendly (although i will still lug my stroller along). if we carry him without carrier, might be even more shiong cos we will have other barang barang & he wriggles like a worm all the time! oh no. headache!
wahhaa.. I din know he can screw up his face until like that! yah.. looks like popeye. Who looks like Olive here?? Popeye wants to know..

ecookie, wat is ur gift's number? mine is 11 so is from sylvia.. keke.. so coincidence we got the same thing!

CM, which blue one? the girl? itz shayla! =)

gingerleaf, i never ask & i use the pics on my blog liao le.. so rude hor.. hahaha!
