(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

ecookie, bbwow & ponponta,
really disgusting! and the smell lingered on me for so so long though i washed it thoroughly... ya agree that the poo now v v stink! and duno why his nepia L size diaper cant contain his explosive poo nowadays...

CM & other mummies!
so happy!!! hubby told the landlord (an aunty who stay at the penthouse of the condo) my encounter and bb class thing... she said we should have approached her earlier and she wanted to fetch us there!
she kept saying hubby looks like her son so zq is her grandson, and for her grandson this is just a small matter... haa! so happy now
will reimburse her though i know she may not take the money, will think of gifts to buy for her!

U lucky devil !! So glad that u've a good landlord

Ya ya, better buy gift for her as a token. She's such a nice lady.

btw, isn't zq's poo solid one meh? Jav's poo is quite solid so it's not messy at all..... But, but it's really yucky to hv poo all over the body ...I can't imagine Jav poop on him..heh heh...

I din receive any either. Nobody gives one to me leh....
gingerleaf, my email add is correct. thanks for putting in so much effort for the photos. pls take your time, ok. we know that you're busy.

dodo, i think i will faint if hannah poops all over me. her poop is quite toxic now. the other day, i was cleaning her up and accidentally got some on my hand. i washed my hands so many times with dettol soap, yet the smell still lingered. in the end, i had to use tea tree oil to mask the smell. wah biang!

and so happy for you that your transport problems have been solved. must really buy some nice gifts for her. she's so sweet.

sanbebe, the mask was distributed later, that's why we didn't get.
What flavour of cake u chose from Similing ORchid for Lance Bday?? I was thinking of ordering from them. Any recommendation?
sanbebe and the rest who didn't get the masks,
yaloh, i only distributed it later..so sorry..

aiyoh, so sorry..didn't do a good job for you
The birthday bash is really amazing, we should do it every year for our babies! Thank you very much to Totoro & hubby for putting so much effort in organising and decorating the place and also not forgeting those who help (cant remember who already).

Jovialz.. thanks for your mask!

Dodo.. thanks for your the story book, so "qiao", I think Jae picked your present! By the way, me & hubby like ZQ the most, then went home realise the present from ZQ!

Jae really enjoy herself that day, and thanks to mummies who watch over her in the ball pool. Sorry, I left her inside!
Mummies planning to get buffet for 1st birthday.. Which caterer are you all getting? I really want yummy yummy food and I got no clue!
Please advice!

This afternoon, I just placed an order for Jae's birthday cake from Centre Ps! So happy to find Chef Patissier Steven! He used to be in Conrad, baking the most popular Cake 'Royale' which we had during our wedding! Yummy Yummy! I also ordered James' Agar Agar Cake!

Ordered all these without any clue who we are inviting and how much guest we are expecting... hahaha
which caterer did u get for the bday bash on sunday?

can I PM u my acct details. the cake was $246.
morning ladies..

dodo, lucky u girl! happy & nice pple begets nice things too! u r so sweet datz y pple are nice to u wor.. buy pressie for her ba..
re: poop.. zhen zhen is very right! adri's poop is TOXIC.. i bet can smell from far away man.. super duper smelly..

CM, hang in there! u will be out of their devil clutches very very soon le!

gingerleaf, thanks for doing this! just saw the blog. many thanks for the great efforts! =)

eil, my caterer is YLS.. used them for like 6 times now. i like their food..

krissie, the caterer on sunday was GT Food. Cos itz one of those pre-approved caterers. YLS not on the list. we wld have to pay extra 15% or more if we want others.. sianz.. anyway, those who are having their party at grassroots club, please note that GT is no longer on their approved list! do not order from them anymore else gotta pay extra.. dun trust the website.. =P
thanks. I thot u were saying Elsie's earlier. So, just wanted to confirm as I'm hving Clare's party there. Btw, did u all manage to sanitise the place before the party? I'm thinking how to clean the place up before Clare's party.
krissie, no prob! =) erm, regret to say i was late myself cos of adri's class prior to the party.. so i dunno leh.. but i tink the place u reali have to sanitize is the ball pit. spray alcohol over the balls.. =)

gingerleaf, finally got the chance top reli go thru all the pics.. they are beautifully taken.. muacks!
sorie to all mummies once again for the signage which reads "adrienne wee's 1st birthday".!
morn mummies!

hippo:no worries!! the signage actually directs me to the place faster hehe!

dodo: yah yz poo also gooey gooey and when he twist n turn then will "stain" my hand then the smell also linger v long like wat zhen zhen said. blech!

and glad to hear that ur transportataion to JG is settled! much safer!!

gingerleaf: going to view the blog soon. *excited*
Morning Mummies! Half way thru the week... ;P

The pics are well taken. Thanks alot! U indeed have gd photography skills. *Clap Clap* :D
nice photos! really sweet of you to go around taking photos & uploading them onto a blog for us to view. thanks for your efforts :)
the pix so nice! the one with lleyton suspicious glance and lynn's cookie monster face so funny!! love them! really cracks me up..
thanks for the link..

thanks for the effort! you can be our future appointed photographer liao!hehe...
dodo that is a good good news ... so happy for you

gingerleaf hmmm really "mei you shang liang di yu di" to see the pic? can you all please post to the FB soonest ...like ecookie !!! so that we can see the party ...

am on trying my way to cheer myself up ... hope to part from depression soon ...

Next gathering will not be so late .... can come my hse for a swim soon liao Zhen you wanna to help me right
hmmm so far i am ok on 20th or 27th Sept afternoon after 1230hrs how?

oh ya Frog leg ... yummy ... I LOVE IT ... and i have been giving Carlson so abt a mth or so liao and i think he love it too ... cos i cook one whole frog at a go ... so super sweet ... oh yes i also boil them as a stock instate of putting it in the porridge cos the small bone with become too soft and may have some left over in the porridge so its no adviseable to do so from my years of exp. ;p ... but mummy please note its important ok ... best to boil the stock den use it to cook the porrigde or the pasta ...
erm...dun say till lidat leh. Im in a difficult position. Some of those who went to the bash might not wanna share the pics, coz I did ask the last time round. Thats why I locked it up, if not I'd have juz post inside the grp oreadi. No nid to waste so much time to post inside a blog ma. Sry sry.

There are some pics inside the grp too, u can see from there. =D
CM, glad u r feeling better already! =D

pics: i still can't help but laugh at those dayan & lyn pics.. hahaha! and those captions!.. =P oh.. aria & lance.. kissing? keke..
Thank you for putting up the pics! It must have taken a long time just to upload pics! Well taken. Thanks sweetpie! kekeke!

I think most of us are preparing our dear's birthday party next month. Me very last min! Haven done anything yet. keke!

I lazy to do research, so just decide on recommendation:
Catering: YLS
Cake: Smiling ORchid (Which flavour is nice ah?)
agar agar: Mrs Chan
Decoration: This one i Need Help! Where to order ah? Faintz!

Entertainment: Tot of engaging a sculpture balloonist and a cartoon artist who helps to draw on faces. ANYONE HAS LOBANG for this??
jas dear, u inviting alot of children to ur party? if not, dun need the cartoon artist la.. u gimme awhile.. i go check it out..
jas i got lots of lobang ... give me yr email add ...

gingerleaf i understand la ..l i lol 50% of it
make fun of you and 50% try try lor ... its ok
YES, looking for you to PM me your account number!!

Kelly is sick! sob sob now no mood to work and hope she will recover soon. HB brought her to the PD just now and doc say virus infection! She started coughing slightly yesterday but it became worst this morning till she vomited out some after her morning feed!
jas 1 - 12 ... i have lots of kids for my party too and most of them are 6 this yr cos my gal's classmate ... and they enjoy them ... but not for kids age 10and above ... they kind of dun want to join in the fun ...
Kelly's birthday it's on F1 day! Easy to remember right!! Will be having it in the afternoon so that those going for F1 can still go after that!! Yah, it would be full of balloons and hb is already planning it now!!
hee who wanna attend? I have yet to prepare my invitation yet!
totoro ... hugs ... the weather no good ... warm nothing warm for her too ... dun worry too much hope the medi helps ...

totoro wants to thanks you for making the mummies so pleased with yr deco and hard work for the birthday bash ... too bad i cannot join in any of the sept or oct bash ... really missed out all the fun that i think i should and will be having months back
CM, some pics which doesnt show parents' faces! keke.. tink gingerleaf reali in a tough spot la.. =) i try to scan thru somemore and post them here!



