(2007/10) October 2007 MTB


CK selling huggies at 16.50. Not sure if the sale is still on. I just stock up 10pkt. But i mixed L w XL loh.

zhen zhen, ecookie, hippo,

we've tried all brands man. for day we use pampers comfort/ntuc cause cheaper, night we use pampers active/mamy poko.

finished huggies stock and decided not to use them cause the cutting like v-cut. hahaha

yea. finish liao. at the rate that J is poo-ing, it's depleting faster than i thought!

cherie & aria so guai wear the party hat. J wouldn't even let me put the thing on!
I prefer V cut too, thats why i swtich to huggies comfort dry. Last time use pampers they always leave marks on her tights coz the gathers seems to cut in too deep
morning all

dodo..aiyo...wat the two jailbirds do kana 'lock-up'??? hahha...

chersam.. yalor, tat's my notti gal & she's a chatterbox! she watched too much lbxx cartoons until she go around telling ppl stories lo.. i tink i also watched too much lbxx until i find bb lance's side view also like lbxx *pengz* waaaah.. ur pix got part i to iii somemore!! the story v link!!! kekeke..

bbwow..i didnt use pampers comfort but i tried huggies comfort XL b4 (cos got offer for 2pack), me & nanny used until 'hey hey chuan' trying to finish it fast cos the width is so much shorter than other series, making the waistline/thigh area abit tight, then i switch back to my usual one. i tink all the comfort/dry series for huggies & pampers is like tat one, hving 'v' cutting. if u tried pampers active L still tight then XL shd b okie ba (u fasten the tape inner). buying diapers is headache lor, got to try & error until u find the suitable brand/size, somemore they dun sell sample or smaller pack like in malaysia. nvm, like me...the more u buy the more u gain experience liao, then #2 no prblm lo...keke..
re pampers: i realise pampers dry will leave mark by the side of yz butt.. but still will use cos its really cheaper during sales. n i like the fact that its slim.

nepia is good n soft but i dun like the fact that it get v soggy n not so dry when yz pee alot in it. huggies ultra still my choice for night time. very dry n no leak!
ohhh...gals v-cut sexy...boys v-cut no-no! cannot even cover the area properly. :p

yea I realized that too! but pampers active very good! The width is very big! So L size is ok. jialat lor. I still have huggies comfort XL 3 packs at home! waiting to use! hahaha #2 also problem leh cause different baby, different size ma! haha
bbwow.. then u faster use the comfort XL for day & nite finish it + night use the active L also. for #2..at least u get to agar-agar the size for most brand liao, shdnt hv a prblm.. like tis round, i learnt my lesson, i dun stock nb/s/m so much than my 1st time, until i got to give away cos she also a chubby bb, i cant keep until for #2 cos they r abt 4 yrs gap.

sneaked in for a quick thank you to everyone!! my bb had a great time but my arms were aching.. sorry to chersam, my bb accidentally pushed ur bb down when she moved here & there, sigh, so difficult to make her sit still..

din manage to read posts, only saw photos, the captions are so creative & funny, really brightens up my day

saw happy bday somewhere, gingerleaf right? hope i'm not too late to wish u HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

hope my lunch's back, hee, hungry.. cya *hugz*
the photos so cute!

wana bite both cherie & aria cheeks!!!!

i saw bb wearing cute party hats... were they given on the bash? zq din get any leh....
zhen zhen & dodo, adri also destroyed hers shortly! was given the hat before the crawling contest. before she can reach the mat already gone case...
yz doesnt like the elastic string ard his neck. and after i accidentally "piak" the string on his forehead, he got v angry and thats the end of the hat. not going anywhere near him liao.
zhen zhen, hippo & ecookie,

zq din get any party hat leh.. sob sob..
he LOVES the hat! once i put it on him then brought him to mirror, he kept looking at himself and smiling... i have a very vain boy here! :p

hahahaha...I did the same thing too! J is really very vain. I wear his clothes, I need to tell him "Look it's nice!" He'll have a look at it, if nice, then he keep quiet. not nice, he'll pull it out himself. so the party hat didn't work for him. can't even get a cap for him also.
just saw chersam posted the pictures of aria and cherie..haha..so funny...aiyoh, if i never met bb cherie and garina, i really think aria is big but see, from the picture, aria is so much smaller and darker than cherie!

oh, i like the jailbird photo of lance and ZQ..so cute!!lance looked so funny and look as if begging to be let out from the prison..wahaha...
re: photos

I noticed the photos taken are very sharp and nice leh. all using digital cam? Anyone using canon?

I notice that whenever I take photos at playgym, the background always turns out DARK. Wonder if it's the setting.
bbwow: im using canon ixus 5 or something. the old one w 5 megapixel. i realise when flash is on, the background becomes very dark. but this camera works well under natural light..

and wat u mean by "i wear his clothes"? lol, how can u wear J's clothes?

dodo: night n morn when he coughed abit can hear phlegm thick. then by noon n evening, the phlegm will be lighted cos of meds. will monitor further. if by weekend, still no fully recover, will try ur PD.

n i feel zq really got an intense look. hehe he saw me and look at me with a slight smile. so cute. *1 auntie who thinks too much here*..
ya loh.. very hard to get them take photo together but i notice both wana climb fence, so i let them climb and i took the photo outside.. haa!

i use canon digital camera, ixus 70..
only a few turn out bright & sharp.. the rest all blur blur if i dun use flash leh...
maybe night & morn weather cooler that's why cough hor.. maybe like what doobom suggested, let him drink more water and less fish & chicken at the moment.. cough takes some times to clear, mummy be patient ya.. yz will be fine soon, and he still looks BIG lah, no worry

gal, u not the 1st who say this leh.. many told me zq got the intense look and seems to have lots in mind... duno what he thinking abt at such a young age! haa.. but he always smile at ppl he likes.. so u are one of them leh!
zhen zhen.. ya ya, i saw u trying put the hat on hannah & she cried! mine also gone in less than 10min cos bb lance dun like to put, instead he took out & sucked the pointed edge till all bcom so 'yucky' & i duno got paper inside his mouth or not!

dodo.. dun b sad.. u can let zq wear his party hat on his forthcoming bd party!!

ariajo... no lah, aria not tat small, her size quite similar to pinky's jayden.

you see la. it's the same typo mistake I always make like "I taste his shit!" ALAMAK.

I meant when I dress J in his clothes la.

yea, I got the same problem also. take photo with flash sharp but background very dark. no flash worse very blur. so it's the camera!
dodo: wah so zq likes me.. i tot he only like young baby girls. eheheheh
next time i want to carry him! that time no chance cos yz sleeping in my arms...
yup! already got a party hat for him... hee :p

ya loh.. it's the camera prob, not the photographer prob :p
so tempted to get a DSLR but gingerleaf explained to me need to do some "homeworks" and learn how to use it, then i abit sian coz im v lazy, dun like to read instructions at all...

haa! he loves AUNTIES also! hiak hiak!
sure, he okay wi anyone carry him...
aria_jo: aria where got small? she is 1 little chubby baby lah!

junnie: hehe bb lance so cute. "tou tou" suck on the pointed corner..
hi mummies,

chersam..your captions are so cute!
dodo.. the 2 cuties jailbirds must be thinking mummy please let me out...

all the photos looked so good..i find it so difficult to get the bb to look into the camera.. they are easily distracted.. so my photos din really turn out well...

bbwow: i'm using canon.. ixus 85 i tink...the photos are clearer with flash and the autofocus light..without it, it is very blur..but i am scared to use flash and AF, scared will hurt the bb eyes...

re poopoo,
anders got bad habit, poo a little...make the mummy change his pampers and thereafter he poo the rest.. waste a lot of pampers...during the day can poo a few times and it only happen to me!!! For my MIL, he every morning automatically will poo @ the potty...if i put him @ the potty, he will struggle and make a lot of noises..haiz...
dodo: wah lau.. no need put the auntie in CAPs mah!
i also like DSLR photos.. very nice.. but also lazy to learn n to lug a big camera ard is v sianz to me.. :p
zq very strange leh.. initially i put him on potty, he was okay.. but recently he struggled and poo! so i got all his shit on my hands, arms, clothes... so smelly!!!!

aiya... we all aunties mah.. so okay lah

sigh~ so it's another give and take thingy again.. we lazy, so has to tolerate wi the poor effects of our camera loh... :p
dodo: gosh i cannot imagine having poo all over me leh. baby yz's poo stink to the 7th heaven lor.. sometimes wiping him just like now i feel like gagging....
gingerleaf, mine should be correct.. can't wait to see the photos..

dodo, i hope that will not happen to me...everytime anders sit in the potty, if he managed to poo and get too bored, he will want to put his hand inside the potty...urgh...

bbwow, yeah.. the milk poo poo is better..now the poopoo stinks....need cloth peg to pinch my nose..
gingerleaf ... can ke lian me cannot go to the bday bash or not ... i want to see thepic can ??? all mumnies ... kekeke blessed belated birthday to you too .... haha saw it some where you have got another 11mths to do yr new ic kekeke ...

dodo hmm the st J kindergarten .... hmm i called them like 1 mth ago ... am at Q no, 97 liao ... so i give up ...

ecookie ... yz ok ??? want my PD no? she is the head for singapore children asmtha asso ... thingy she is good la but also ex ... hmm i also have senstive nose... so now am also coughing non stop cos the weather is cold ... hmm keep him warm and wear a singlet with his T ... it should work ... just like me ... did ye PD give you something for the airway? i think it is clear in color for the medi its good and sure clear up his thoat ... can buy from outside drug store too ...

junnie dodo zhen & arjo ... thanks ... am better in a way la need to cheer up ... now car is under repair and i got no car hmmm every per trip cost me 20+ for cab sobsob ...

thanks for the prayer too ,,, i really need that ...

dodo see la .... please please please be extra careful in KL ok ... the cab thingy is so so so scarry .... aiyo read liao i also teary ... please dun anyhow go out alone with bb ok ... must have hb around den go out la ... will pray for you too

life in my co after tender is like hell ok ... cos they will chase you till your neck to get all the things done one .... hmmm ha but i steady as in dun care much hahaha ... but busy after MIA for a week man ...
hi hi
when u don't see me here, means i'm not working!! @-@ waiting for my girl to wake up then go for family dinner. Wanted to go chinese garden for the lantern thing but timing cannot make it liao!!

Oppsss, everyone should have one party hat. i saw some on the table while packing up! Pai sei!
Come to my party and I make sure I reserved one for ZQ.

can't wait to see the blog :) but take your time as I know you are busy busy as well

Me using Huggies Ultra also. use to be only at night but since nepia don't have XL, no choice liao.


just had a long tel conf w boss.. now too concussed to work haha.. waiting for hubby to fini working then ZOOM home to see bb

re: party hat. when i put it on for her, she gave a strange expression then took it out almost immed!! arrghh..

oh yes nearly forgot to THANK the person who gave Rene the Dog 2-in-1 bag. She loves it so much that whenever we put it near her mouth, she would look tenderly at it then KISSED the dog on the nose, hahaha

BUT when we put our faces near her face, she looks so dao & just turns away *faint*

gingerleaf, pm u already. thanks for the trouble.
