(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

wah so many posts!! still busy at work hehe.

gingerleaf: ur photos are funny!! heheh i cant wait to see the photos at the bash! rememebr to update me when u upload the photos in a new blog ! adri n lyn clenched fists are fierce!

karrie: i agree with you! i think the mummies in this thread are all v nice and helpful!

dodo: waH! thats a good inspiration! to start a childcare... i think i dun have the patience . even with yz, sometimes i lose my cool. :p
but if you really open one with your sis, i will surely enrol yz into it! heh.

totoro, received your mail liao! hehe!! Thanks!You are very popular now! guess everyone is targeting you for balloons supply! hohoho!
hippo: actually most parents are fine with thier child going to school asl ong as the school does proper precaution and checks.
like my school had no cases of HFMD. *cross fingers* and even though none, some parents kept thie children at home for like 1 month.......

totoro: ya..sometimes really scared i bring back germs from school..no matter how hard you try to teach them they love to cough and sneeze in my face!*faints*
as for my gal..at this moment teaching her on my own..i finish work at 2 plus so got time to do some work with her daily.
will send her to a playgroup nxt year for 1 1/2 hours ust to let her interact with other kids.

but even if child goes to school , parents still have to do work at home...if not teahers in school really can pull out hair!@
hahaha....so funny, i think you also mistaken me another lady liao.. i'm not going to macau and taiwan leh..wahaha...so, am i getting the right person or not??

can share what you do with shayla? i didn't really teach aria anything.. on off flash the card..talking abt it, i dunnow where the whole stack gone too..wahaha...
annie.. I thk you talked to me that day. But dunno if aria also spoke to you abt cruise or not. I thk so lah, cos' you were also talking to someone else that day. haha, so confusing now.
hi all

i knw sure after i typed then post i can nvr catch-up w the rocket thread!! so jus now i 'kiasu' abit, talk to dodo/gingerleaf 1st b4 i cont'd here again!! kekeke... anyway, i was also 'shock' when i passby some housing estate (i cant remember where) last week, i saw them putting up banner for pre-school registration for children born in year 2006-2007!! so fast our bb going to school??

gingerleaf... ur photo caption make my day!! kekeke, dayan 'chiam' liao... got to settle 2 'chilli padi'...kekeke.. take ur time to upload whichever way u think is convenient ba...hopefully got more funny captions coming up!! keke..

i was v tempted to bring bb lance into the ballpool to join other bb ysterday but each time i went up the steps i backout cos i dun tink i can handle him inside if he struggle i scare my arm & back will break!! hahaha...

jas, izzit? he dun wana let u carry? nvm, nxt time got chance sure let u carry! ecookie, u manage to pinch him until i duno arrrr?? kekekeke......i cant remember liao cos i busy feeding bb then after that help annie to distribute the nametags until i duno i passed him to quite a few mummies/daddies i also blur...thks hippo, perlicia, surgarnut, cheval, twinklestar, dodo, pinky.. whoever mummies or those i missed who offered to carry bb lance... i hope ur arm not aching!! esp. happififi's hb & ponponta's hb!! hehehe... though no chance to exchange all babies, i'm glad to carry adri, lleyton, aria with JUST ONE ARM..hohoho....erm... who else i cant remember liao...

sylvia... i hope shayla dun hv any bruises... she was soooo busy walking/knocking here & there, i see liao so scare but she's v v smart! u both must b v tire after reach home!

madlynette... glad to meet u for the 1st time... u r sooo tall & slim too, jus like happififi, ecookie, doobom, hippo, serene, tiffany & clarval... i must raise my head when talk to u all!!!! kekeke.... ur myra also v good, can walk liao, believe she'll b as tall as u when grow up!

serene_mtb.. ur kester v tall leh... he so cute during the crawling competition, he's clapping his hand when everbody clapping!

tiffany.. zhen zhen told me my gal took a ride w ur lucas... hope she didnt 'bully' him! didnt get a chance to carry ur sherry, can see she quite active too, ur maid v busy w her, hehe..

ariajo...wow.. aria can pronounced 'star'? *clap clap* .... last time zann's 1st word also 'star', but 'lao hong' w/o the 's'!! paisay my sumo 'muack' ur aria ysterday!! aria looks abit 'shrink' compared to last time i see her at ps but still as sweet except a little timid, but she's alright towards the end may b she 'warm-up' liao! when i look at her, i feel like looking a 'smaller version' of sumo in dress!! hahaha.... her high steel shoe is super duper cute!! i also cant resisit if i were u despite their growing feet! sorry if zann has disturbed any of u.... she's jus too chatty & went 'wild' w an indoor playground! at the end of the day b4 we leave, i got to really 'clean' her feet b4 i can put on her sock & shoe for her!!

cheval.. hope basil get well soon... thks 4 ur lollipop/present she cant wait to open them up once reach home!

bbwow.. hope J's lip is not too bad... dun worry it will sure recover b4 his bd...

perlicia.. hope R also ok, he knock his head ysterday. *sayang sayang*...

twinklestar..nice talking to u & thk u for ur coins to the free ride, my gal luv it so much! ur garina also 'bah bah' ... v cute! she not 'sai tung' as u say la, ysterday she so 'guai guai'...

totoro... fyi, all mummies turn up, the attendance list i put in annie's nametag plastic bag. orh.. so u got someting caught up ysterday, i thot wat happened so late then u come... it must b a hectic day for u, ur hb & kelly... hope u both managed to grab some lunch... sorry cudnt b of help to tpt the ballon...my hb was like 'erm... so many ballon' how u all managed to bring here???' cos w the pooh & piglet + 5 small one which ur hb gv us... our car was 'full load' he cant even see the side mirror!! but luckily we managed to tpt them home safely...my nanny & her family saw us w the big ballon, they were also amused! hope kelly hv a good rest after the bash cos she was cry during the contest, so poor thing... thks 4 bringing down my order, i almost forgotten abt it liao...

annie.. thks 4 the cute cute sticker on the name tag... & eil... ur gift tag was just as sweet.. i didnt throw away, i'll keep is as rememberance..

jovial.. thks 4 the mask too! hope weather in melbourne not too cold now & u hv a good weekend/sight seeing b4 start of work today!

dodo... if u open schl, i wanna b kitchen helper/partime cleaner!!

cm... finally u r here again... oh dear... pls take care of urself.... glad u finally resigned fm the 'siao company'.... nvm, take a good rest & be prepared for ur holiday soon....
i guess i do what most mummies do .
i do flashcards...
then i do some songs and nursery rhymes with actions.
then read books.
try and teach her parts of body, fruits etc..

I know i did tok to you but i remember there is someone beside us that day right while we will toking. Aiyoh.....ha ha!!!
aiya...said want to swop baby yesterday never swop!
m gal very "chor lor" one so fall here knck here also never mind..as long as can play dun eat dun sleep also can!

i think i was more tired than her lor..today woke up with a painful back and left arm that cant work properly

you mean you already started teaching shayla all those things!! I'm a terrible mother! I never teach J anything. Just leave him at his playarea and crawl around. hahaha
mummies, sorry for my 'lor-so-ness' & 'long winded post'.. cos i can only read thread on & off so i type also on & off & i save & post out one shot!! hehehe..

ecookie...u were saying u wanna stock up huggies comfort, ultra izzit? i 4get to tell u, bt merah ntuc still hving sale.. comfort is 18.95 (with extra 4 pcs) for all sizes & ultra is 16.70, no offer for nepia. today i go still have and mammy poko is selling 22.75 or 22.95 i cant remember liao.. hope it helps..

just a survey. what size your babies wearing now? J is like in between L & XL. L too small, XL too big! then how? hahah
annie, sugar_nut & aria, aiyo! the 3 of u super funny leh...

junnie, no la.. zann is soooo sweet, my hb sot tio by her.. haha.. erm.. my car put one eeyore already cannot see the rearview liao.. i gotta use the diaper bag to put on top of it to prevent it from moving & floating.. ha!
wahaha..may be i'm the one next to you 2 lor..in grey top and blakc pants..my top got some sequins on the strap..aiyah, how to describe ah..

you very very funny..kitchen helper! yahoh, i forgot abt lance kiss..wahaha...your lance very smart leh..fast fast, steal a kiss..i also dunno how come Aria so timid, brought her out even before she's full month...and now that you point out abt her size, may be she did shrink cos next to baby cherie, she look small and dark leh...aiyoh, baby cherie is like snow white..kekek..

thanks for sharing.. shayla will guai guai sit and listen to your story telling?? don't think Aria will do that..
bbwow: i just try my best la...
whether she pick up or not is another thing..
hha....i always get scholding from hb ...he says that i study so many courses and dun put to use...so i try to teach her as much as i can...more like as much as my patience can take..

You shd see the scene of your girl and Lucas riding the horse mann... So damn funny. Just like romeo and juliet!.. haha.... Lucas seemed to "love" your gal lei.... keep going to look for jie jie....

Hey, think you got my girl's name mixed up with TiffanyKoong. My gal is Andrea, not Sherry.

Share with you some shots my hb had taken of ur girl and Lucas.
bbwow..i also sama sama as u.. for me, basically no time cos look after two. infact i shd b teaching my gal now as her childcare teacher told me she v good in talking but come to spelling, she quite poor. but she cannot sit still how to teach? sylvia.. any tips on how to catch their attention?

sylvia.. i wanna swop leh, but hor i dun tink shayla wan me to carry, she's running around v happily!! keke.. dun worry, nxt meeting we swop, ok.
junnie: thanks! will go n get some ultra..i using ultra more for night n nepia/pampers dry for day.. now the dayuse diapers running out fast.. *gulp*

bbwow: haha i try to read to him. thats the only thing im actively "teaching" him during the weekends.. hehe.

yz still at size L for all his diapers though taping at the extremem outside "line" (if you know wat im trying to say). not sure when to get XL. scared its too big. and also more ex.. :p

yea I know what you mean. then like that will leak or not huh. cause I also need to stock up but dunno what size to buy! scared later L size cannot fit! and yes! nowadays J really waste pampers. I will change him then he'll IMMEDIATELY poo! one day can poo up to 3 times, somemore on a fresh diaper! grrrr!
bbwow: hey same as yz.. he poo in phrases! up to 3 times a day too!
normally in the morn when he wakes up , i will change fresh diaper then w/o fail every weekend he will poo a small semi-hard one like within half an hr. then must change . THEN 1-2 hrs later will poo. n then late evening if he in the mood then 3rd time! waste diapers like nobody business!
tiffany.. oops.. paisay paisay.. i remember ur gal face v clearly, she wearing a sleevless top & pant & nice hair clip... but duno howcome i say sherry!! i suddenly recall their family photo tat we vote may b tat's y i type the wrong name! hahaha.. ya ya.. andrea!! thks 4 the 'romeo & juliet' photos!! hahhaha.. 'jie di lian'...no no no!!! kekeke... i saw ur boy enjoying his lollipop until his face also hv!! so cute! i tink he reluctant to go home too cos i heard u told him going to grandma house liao or something like tat! haha..
bbwow, ecookie, i tink is the 'cutting' prblm.. different diaper differnt cuttng lo... bb lance wearing XL sizes for ultra/mammypoko for night & petpet for day..i also let him try nepia Big pant but seems 'tight' to him cos he too bah bah liao, everytime i'll hv to cut the rubber & loosen it! if ur j & yz thigh's not v chubby then stick to L 1st unless u find the waistline or thigh area v tight then switch to XL.
hi mommies,

the birthday bash was really a smash, really had a great time. thanks totoro, hippo and the rest of the committee for pulling everything together splendidly! WOW! really didn't realise how BIG the foil balloons turned out to be! the games were really fun! really nice to see so many cute babies together. it was nice meeting everyone! some i still dunno the names
the venue was very nice and convenient, didn't realise its right next to mrt station, i was already late when i finally click onto the location map, kicked myself when i saw the mrt station, but already late so still take taxi there.

oct 2007 thread rocks!

happy belated birthday gingerleaf!
how old are you arr??? kekeke!
bbwow, J so slim, he cannot wear L? hannah just upgraded to L size, and she definitely has bigger thighs than J.

ecookie, my mom says that just like us, baby also want a clean "toilet" to poo. that's why they like pooping in a clean diaper.
hapi fifi,
U ordered from the same person too?? I dun see ur name. Any idea how come she take order for celebrate express yet post birthday direct's webby?

Im sweet 16!!!! hahahah. Gotta change ic this year. =(
zhen zhen: hehe ur mum theory is interesting and i think it really holds some truth!

gingerleaf: i see i see. change IC this year.. *grinz*
oh she put my name instead of my nick. i actually pm her my 'wish list' a couple of weeks ago & she said she will start the spree for me :)
hmmm no idea why leh. somemore the link she posted can't even work! haha anyway, i dun care as long as my items arrive promptly! hee hee
hee hee we both choose the same theme. aiya! we could have saved some money if we knew earlier :)
i can buy your items after lyn's celebration haha
not too sure if he loves elmo but he seems to love yellow & red very much! so i tot this theme will be nice :) haha
i'm ordering the cake toppers too. if u want, i can lend u first :p
i haven't even started looking for the cake yet! which bakery are you using?
hapi fifi,
guess I dun nid cake toppers, coz doing a fondant cake. Thanks for the offer!!
Im ordering from gladcake!
At 1st wanna order pine garden, then decided not to, coz heard bad services. Than lately saw my frd's 3 tier cake, icing color ran and the top 2 tier sank slightly to the side even b4 cake cutting. Like leaning tower of pisa. But I love their black forest!
oh i saw her blog before. her cakes look lovely! but she stated on her blog that she's not available till end Oct liao so I guess I'm too late. haha
Dear mummies,

How to download the photos tt my sis took during the bash?? Sorry, she really v not so professional. Kept on sticking to me.. think she is shy.

That why happened when u have a silbing 10 yr younger. Im more lik her mummy than sister..

sylvia, totoro, hippo & junnie,
haa! i day dream and u all dream wi me ya! me no money how to open a childcare leh.. :p
these 2 jailbirds sooo cute! hahaha..ZQ getting more handsome leh. my 2nd one look like jay chou...dun want la! But hope to have his talents lah. kekeke!

Its okay la..can understand. She is still so young..but she is very busty! hahah! Me lao chee kor auntie.

Yes yes yes! Dayan of cos want Adri! Both also want..can? hahaha

The pictures so funny...i kept looking and can't stop laughing. Lucky the 1st pic, Lyn is wearing her pants..if not lagi more chee kor face!
junnie: so the little gal dress in yellow in ur gal ah!!! Very friendly & chatty gal, i like her very much... and talk very fast also... saw her talking to Jacq & her hubby what "la pi xiao xin" & "ka chuah" (cockroach on hokkien). LOL
Chris, to upload foto must resize 1st.

Most PC/lap top with microsoft OS, comes with a software called paint.
so, using paint can resize the picture:
1) open the picture using paint.
right click on the pic --> open with --> paint
2) click on image dropdown list
3) click stretch/skew
4) enter horizontal = 30%, vertical =30%
5) safe as another name (if you don't want to overwrite the origanl picture)
6) you will see the picture resize to less than 50kb
7) if not, repeat step (2) to (5) again till you get the size you wanted

<font color="ff0000">above steps are taught by Aria Jo</font>
thank you teacher Aria Jo!! =p
<font color="0000ff">Part 1</font>

Cherie: Come Aria, let's take a pix together
Aria: Wait wait, let me take a pc of biscuit from Mama


Aria: Yippy!!! I've got a biscuit!!!


Cherie: Har! Mama forgot to brin my biscuit out. HMP!


Cherie: erm... shall I ask some fm Aria???
<font color="0000ff">Part II</font>

Cherie: can i have some biscuit fm u??
Aria: Har! Mama only give me 1 pc leh...


Aria: Mama suggest we shall have 1 round of scissor, paper, stone? If u win, I share with u lor.

<font color="ff0000">*SCISSOR, PAPER, STONE*</font>


Aria: Mama, how huh?


Aria: Ok lor, since Mama said it's a tied, still share half with u lah.
<font color="0000ff">Part III</font>


Cherie: *thinking in heart* heh heh heh! easily cheat some biscuit fm Aria liao....
**Secretly smiling away**

yea! J's poo timing about the same as YZ! early morning after milk will shit a small portion. then after I change fresh diaper 1-2 hours later then poo out everything! grrr

Ya. XL is too big for J but when he wears the L size for Pampers Comfort, the cutting is abit small. any mummies using Pampers Comfort?
bbwow, adri is wearing L nepia diapers now cos mummy here very ambitious.. when we changed her from M to L few mths back, the L seemed too big but we reali stick the tape to the max like wat ecookie described.. keke. have u tried the XL for J?

Chersam, LOL.. the series is so cute...

bbwow: yah like wat zhen zhen suggest.. try other brands cos different cutting. i rememeber u stock up alot of diapers like me last time! hehe. so finishing soon?

chersam: heh aria n cherie are both so cute n chubby. and ur story is v funny.
