(2007/10) October 2007 MTB


i got a ques here.
may i know when are we suppose to register our baby for those pre-school/ nursery class that meant for 2 yrs toddlers? esp those famous ones, wonder is their waiting list long...

Wow so many posts liao .Finally got time to post . Me on leave also so busy .

Nice meeting all of you although didnt get a chance to meet every one!

Thank you all for make the birthday bash happen & especially to the committees .

I had Garina's 1st month celebration @ costa sands , but i booked 2 units .
If you are having BBQ , i think no space to put the buffet unless yrs it's the double storey .

So fun playing the slides.
lol , anyway i nothing to do also ma.

thks for the masks.

my hb says i 38 .You dun need to envy happififi , you also very slim ma .
Adri very guai yesterday leh.

thks for helping me to keep my sleeping bag.

Cherie is so pretty & fair , she will very gwai hor , will sit there & let u feed her porridge .
Garina will nvr be like tat . I fed her porridge just now coz i'm on leave today , she keep "bu bu" & it split out of her mouth & dirted the whole place .
I scoled her & she still can smile @ me cheekily.

I think when you saw Garina is when is busy sucking her thumb.
My MIL & grandma call her "sai tung " (pronnounce in hokkien means shit worms) cos she can't sit still & keeping moving here & there jumpg .

u must be tired too after a long journey. i also think lance & aria got the fu qi xiang.

Lance really very cute , my hb adores him too .

Jas /happififi /sugar_nut & the others
Nice talking to you .

Happy Birthday to all Sep/Oct babies!!
Hi mummies,
juz manage to finish reading the posts.Saw that all mummies & babies attended the bday bash enjoyed themselves to the fullest
dodo, some popular places have waiting list of 2+ yrs. was told by some friends to register hannah NOW if we want to get her into those popular schools. faint!

gingerleaf, i think it's only compulsory to send your child to primary school. nursery and kindergarten are optional. but it's a good stepping stone for them. otherwise will be very hard for them to transition to pri 1.
hi Mummies,

Happy Blessed Birthday to all sept babies!!

my Carlson will be one this Thursday ... but celebrated his b day on 31st Aug as its his Chinese Bday ... together with er jiejie Carissa ... its a big party with lots of guests .. .abt 100+/- pax ... Really got to thanks my brother and SIL for their help if not it is really impossible for myself to run it .. MIA so long cos i met with and accident on 29 aug night .. and also was too stress till high blood pressure ... so whole of last week was on MC ... I have also tender and my last day of work should be 3rd Oct ... I need prayer .. .i need God to be with me ... am feeling so stress out and unhappy lately ... sobsob

I want to post pic here but again dun no how to ... hmmm want to show you all my handsome boy keke
aiyo dun envy my figure (or rather the lack of it - front flat back flat! haha). yours better leh. u so tall & got curves wor :)
talking about those "accidents" in malaysia always sends a shiver up my spine, cos a family friend ever kena before. her car got hit and she ended up in hospital and all her belongings were stolen. she had to see a physiotherapist for a few months after that, cos she kept having recurring pains. whoever is driving around in malaysia, please be very very very careful.
Hi Mommies

I enjoyed myself at the bash and nice getting to know more mommies this time. At least, I get to talk to more mommies, though, still dint get to know all yet. Anyway, the bash was fun. Thanks to all the organisers and helpers making this bash a possible and fun one.

Re: Ferrari
OMG, just heard from my counsin tat the Ferrari driver is actually her brother-in-law. He is a malaysian from JB, but has business in Spore. He used to study in Spore from Sec to JC, smart guy. He used to be my childhood playmate... He is gorgeously handsome somemore.. hehhe.... Oops!!! Anyway, heard that his condition is ok, broke 1 teeth.. now bo-gay.. hahaa.. Aiya.. got crowning and root canal these days, no need to worry...


Happy Birthday... your bday is 7th or 8th?
zhen zhen & junnie,
thanks for the info!
zhen zhen, one of my fren told me so as well and i was like "huh?!"... so wonder shd we register our bb now... i understand we need to place deposit for some schools...
happy to hear that u had a great party for ur kids and u had resigned! should celebrate on this!

cheer up gal, all the unhappy thing will shoo shoo away...

dodo, the other day a frd was juz booasting that his gal got a place in chiltern hse liao.
Is nursery those full day type?

K1 starts at what age?
gosh! so what my hubby said is correct, he's a malaysian who went over to spore to buy those posh car! somemore he's my "tong xiang".. also studied at spore since young... lucky that no major injury!
CM, so glad to hear that you've finally quit. hope you recover soon. will be praying for God's peace and comfort to be your portion.
i think nursery is half day kind (maybe 3-4 hours). hee... im also thinking abt chiltern house leh and some others also...
K1 should be 5yr old? not sure also...
but the prob is hubby's work make me difficult to go ahead wi all these arrangement, so i think most prob will book a place wi them 1st bah...
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">For the mummies who left early, so sorry, forgot to pass the masks to you! Everyone suppose to get 1 packet of masks from Jovialz. Aiyah, i should have hand it out early. now i got to return some packets back to Jovialz..so sorry!!!

And to jovialz, forgot to thank you for the masks too.
gingerleaf, oh.. then he reali very suay leh... haiz.. all drivers to msia, just be very very very careful regardless of the make of car!!

dodo, i also dunno leh.. cos i nvr intend to send her to wat super famous schools.. wanted to send her to the church kindergarten i attended when young for nursery to K2 only.. =P but now dat u mention, think i better check with them. just in case not famous but still got many pple wana send their kids there.. keke.. kiasu mama..

CM, dodo is right.. cheer up! we are here to cheer u up with our posts anyway.. all good things will be here for u soon! remember only positive energy will attract good &amp; beautiful things in ur life!

twinkle stars, no la... tell ur hb datz not called 38.. itz called sociable &amp; friendly! =P

hapi fifi, whr got flat?? got got.. tummy flat... =D
OMG, you ok? the accident serious?? Anyway, now that you've tender, you can come in here and chit chat with us and we comfort you ok? dun worry, god will be with you. He will guide you one way or another. Trust him and things will somehow work out fine, k?

I think MOE allows home schooling as well if you want to and complusory schooling is till Pri 6.

Those nursery or playgroup are for normally for children 18mths onwards. Guess most of the reason is that the parents need to work and hence it's better to send them there to learn something and normally they opted for full day since the charges are the same and more convenient for working parents.

My friend send her boy to one of the playgroup and she is a SAHM. Her boy is about 3 years old now and he himself suggested to be there for a full day so that he had more time to play with the rest of the group! But just like the rest, he was down with HFMD a few weeks back and am glad that his was just a minor one and recovered quickly!!

I'm thinking whether it would be better to send them for enrichment classes instead of those full/half day session till they are much older?
ya.. dodo u r right.. nursery at 4, k1 @ 5 .. book 1st lo then decide later!

tiffany, oh my.. dodo hubby is right.. haiz.. hope he's alrite now ba!
yup yup, i also never think of that until my fren mentioned to me leh... we are not kiasu lah, just make sure well-prepared.. haa! :p

well say! "only positive energy will attract good &amp; beautiful things in ur life!"... i will bear this in mind too and remind myself whenever i feel down...
got something to share, yesterday night, aria muttered "STAR"!!! i was so shocked! i showed her a star toy and told her it's a star. And she followed suit and said "sssee-tar", half shouting!
totoro, erm.. few feedback from my colleagues.. all of their feedback has something in common: kid goes to school one week. fall sick &amp; recovery &amp; mc one week. go to school on 3rd week. fall sick &amp; recovery &amp; mc 4th week. i dun intend to send her for such playgroups.. only starting at nursery.. will look for enrichment classes meanwhile for those years before that.. =)
i agree with hippo. dun send kids to schoolto young
coz i work in a preschool and know that if too young really prone to illness and germs lor
*CLAP CLAP* for aria! clever girl!!

dodo, keke.. i always remind myself with dat when i feel sad and am moping around.. it reali works and reali true leh! things always look happier and better! =D
oh i duno him... what i meant is he's my tong xiang coz i also from JB.. i got a fren driving ferrari also, but he's mr yeo... :p

ya... think it's unavoidable, many things in life evolves ard gives &amp; takes, and also risk involve no matter how minor the decision is... glad that ur fren's boy had recovered

im also very confuse over all these nursery/ preschool/ playgroup thingy...

anyone know where can we get certification on those childcare course? is it possible to complete this self-study at home?
you want to take up course?
there are many in singapore. basic one is CPT.
but cant do home study....
have to do projuects atted classes and practicum too.
dodo, u very weida leh! u wana study the course so u can home-school zq? omg.. u are reali my idol mummy... so sweet...
ya you really weida..
i have the certs and all..but..hmm..after teaching the kids for those hours...somehow no more patience for my gal...
such a bad mummy
I was thinking of that as well. Will sign her up for those enrichment class and only send her to school when she reached 3 years old maybe.
Only concern is that I need to come up with a program so that my parents can introduce her new things everyday!! Guess in school they also do around the same thing right??? Play on their own, sing song, watch enrichment programmes and nap???
You can go for Early Childhood Diploma. It's a must for pre-school teacher now I think and some poly and private school have that programme.
If I have the time and money, I don't mind going for that as well.
Then we can all gathered together and start our own Preschool .. ha ha ( OPPSSS ...!!! )
oic, not possible to self study huh.. me and my sis are interested, she suggested we can open a childcare cte when she back from aus! haa!

i wish to home school but im not up to it leh...
and i think sending bb to school also good coz he can play wi other kids, home sch means 1 to 1 and i afraid not too good on his social devt and i may not have the patience! :p
dodo: but if you can aford the time there are part time courses for the it.
Like Learning Capital..SIM...ngee ann poly has but its a full time course.
its like 3 times a week at night.
good good open one then employ me k!
montessori will have to go for another course leh I think
Actually still don't know what is what montessori, kumon, etc etc .... so many out there

I think it's a great idea for you and your sis to open one .. it's a booming business leh and I can supply disinfectant for your school ha ha !!
I used to teach children enrichment course in Mandarin as well. Can employ me also!!
i teach in a montessori school.
so we only take in kids min 2 yeas old.
for normal playgroups its more singing songs..art and craft, music movement,some schools have mandarin some don't.

it really depends on the school itself and what they offer. it really varies.
montessori schhols do the above but also let the children learn self help skills and motor skills. like pouring spooning threading..
totoro, haha! the way u describe their "life" in preschool very funny leh.. "Play on their own, sing song, watch enrichment programmes and nap".. it reminds me of "eat, sleep &amp; s***".. hahaha!
u and ur very fast biz-mind! supply disinfectants.. LOL..

dodo, quick go &amp; open.. i can be the play teacher! help them on their motor skills! and erm.. wat else? PLAY! keke.

sylvia, it shd be quite quiet now with the HFMD scare?

As a teacher, you would have to take extra precaution also right everyday after work and going back home to your girl. So what is your plan for your girl? :)

Guess that's what they normally do mah!! Basically, it's a place to "deposit" them with a high fee and hoping that things will turn up well and they learn something at the end of the day!!
