(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Very lucky u can be a SAHM.So envy leh..

My son is 2mths n 9 days. I ve been giving 150ml per feed usually 3 hrs interval if he can sleep, if not bout 2.5hr. I think is alright cos if never give enuff he would not wan to sleep n very cranky, so i guess is ok. Last time i will try to increase by giving him 4ml first thereafter if he is not enuff he will cry n i mke another 1 ml for him n still not enuff another 1 ml n this is usually at nite. After he will stop asking for me n he knocked out for more than 4hrs. I believed baby is growing up n they need more milk u cant forever stay put there. bit by bit like 1/2 ml to increase but not everyday la. My bb bout 6.5 kg very strong boy n fat too.. every body see already also say so cute n this is e comment tat i felt happy n ang wei after going thru so much suffering..

welcome to the thread winn!

yah long time no see Sharon, how is everything?

Hi Bbunny, I'm on TBF also...weird that regular menses comes so soon rite (it's been only 6-7 weeks)!? Now I feel a bit cheated coz was so looking forward to a few more period-free mths sia. Was intending to see gynae today, but seeing how many of u mummies are also getting this...i think no need lah. Not passing out blood clots, dun feel unwell, so should be fine rite?

Annie, yah i agree with Mui, looks like he's still hungry. If my bb still seems hungry after his feed I won't bother warming up more EBM for him. I just latch him on and he will stop drinking once he's full. If feeding formula maybe you just add 10-20ml...still not enuff then add somemore.

Errr...personal qn to ask...have any of u resumed...errrrr.....sex with your hubbies yet? Was there any pain or difficulty? I think my hubby cannot tahan oredi..hahaha
bbunny - after the vomitting episode and checking online, we adjusted the feeding time to 3hrs instead of 2hrly, cos realised the most likely cause of the vomitting was the overfeeding. then when i started to bf her, i can tell tat sometimes, she has already finished drinking and needs to suckle so tat's wen i decided to give her the pacifier even though i was against it.

annie - sometimes my gal also like that. i figured if she still reject the pacifier, then she's still hungry lor. i usually test by cradling her and if she bendes backwards looking for the nipple with her mouth open, that means still hungry. if not, she just needs to get the sucking energy out.
karrie, not yet leh. we havent talked abt it yet but i think we both cannot tahan, but right now for me, its scared pain, plus so tired and sleepy, plus the fact tat we havent done it since i got pregs cos he has tis mental issue abt bb inside etc etc. so actually i also waiting!! think he's waiting for my cue. heh
Hi mummies

Re: menses
Mine came on 28th whereas the next day on 29th, I'm supposed to go for my papsmear hence gotta postpone. Who knows the next day menses stopped completely! Argghh! Some days just brown stain.. sigh. Haywired.

Food to abstain during BF:
I nv abstain. Basically I just eat everything. Keke. And chilli I eat a lot. :p

My baby is now 2 months and 3 days. Occasionally I will supplement him with FM. He can drink 140-150ml. Then when BF, he can suckle for like 10-15 mins?

Hi winn, welcome to the thread. And your baby is adorable!
hehe..karrie...mine total opp leh...mine finally showed up after so so long...hehe..i dun have regular menses one...dunno if after this my menses will get back to normal...but think should be ok lah..if no clots, no pain...should be menses lah....as long as not flowing out alot should be ok...

velvet..mine must drink every 2 hrs..full or hungry still want to drink..sometimes mouth still full of milk but still want to suck...aiyo...think she super greedy manz...must be from mummy lah...that time preggie eat so much till put on 25kg!!

haha..karrie cute lah u...but me was also wondering about it...mine i think more scared than anything else..coz my cut like not healed nicely leh...i can feel like a bump on the incision leh...dunno isit coz heal then got scarring...but dunno if will tear if it goes in....
Hi all.. tks for ur advice. Think will increase or stick to 125ml for his next feed. Poor bb, mummy is starving him!! kee kee

Mui.. actually my MIL suppose to take care of my son but i see the way she take care, nearly "faint". Dun even know how to carry him!! So i told her i take care myself. I know she not happy but i dun care!

Karrie.. yup i did resumed sex wif my hubby. But since give birth only twice. Dunno why so painful.. till i told my hubby to stop!! den everytime after sex i bleed.
Hi Valerie,

I have the 2nd one, "the secrets of the baby whisperer". I found it useful as well though I have not finished reading it.
With regards to bb cries ... hee not really relate to what was mentioned .... but not sure whether any bb have these cries ......
1. ....leeeiiiiii....(sound like tired in mandarin),
2. ...... aaiiiiiii.... (sound like love in mandarin)

one thing is used after reading the book is to sort of keep to the schedule ... so roughly I'll only feed when it's about time +/- 30mins.
If I overfeed, sometimes i latch then feed bottle, if she drinks too much, she might "er ni" and that will be my sign that she is overfeed. If not, I'm keeping to 130ml per 3hrly now. She is 2mths plus now.

I started working PM yesterday and bb din sleep the whole afternoon from ard 11am till 9pm .. only getting 30mins nap a few times according to my mum. After bring her home and feeding her at 10plus, she KO till tis morning 6am with her errr eerrrr sound .... hmm .. is this considered good or bad ?
Today, I stayed home to monitor and true enough she don't really sleep well since 9am.

I'm reading the 4th one. But it seems like the same as the 2nd one - Baby Whisperer.

It's not a sure decoder for cries but at least it explains how to communicate with your baby and understand what he needs. It worked for me cause now I know when he's tired, hungry or just bored. heheh...
hi mummies, thanks for the advice. Was really confused wat food to avoid.. CL told me veg and fruits will give bb green diarrhoea so i scared scared. But without it, like missing alot of vitamins. Heck care lar, wil try and see if it is true... Heehee

Finally come to the end of the confinement and tomolo is the party. Most imptly, CL is leaving on sun already.. Yeah! Cannot wait to spend time alone with bb.

Regarding feeding, my bb is feeding on 90ml of milk since 2 weeks old at every 3 hour interval. 2hr if on EBM. He seemed like a big drinker as compared to the rest of the babies.

Regarding sex, my wound is still swollen. Haven recovered yet causing low sex drive. Dun tink will resume so soon..

Hi bbunny, what is AF?
hi all

re feeding:
currently my bb is drinking 120 ml of fm 4 hrly. =D at 2 months, he is 5.5 kg =D hopefully my PD is happy that he is not gaining weight too fast. =D

resumed sex with hubby. did it once so far. but like very tou1 tou1 mo1 mo1 cos bb sleeping in the same room. cannot make too much noise else he wakes up! ha!
Hi Dear all

I am from the Sept 07 thread.. I have one brand new tin of anmum milk powder for breastfeeding mum to let go.. is fully intact not open at all.. is 900g
Willing to let go at 16 dollars.. thanks to pm me if u are interested.. collection can be done at amk or city hall

Thanks for viewing!
hi mummies,
i think my girl is having a growing spurt.. today, she's drinking FM every hourly! 90each time. we thought ok, top up 90 sure will go to sleep, then 1 hour later, cry again and mouth moving, saliva coming out, tongue stick out.. i only manage to recently latch her and was trying to total breast feed. looks like a tough journey to do that man. Aria is only 6 weeks old and she's drinking 125ml liao! i'm thinking of topping it up to 150ml! Like that, my girl is way big drinker man..so, you mummies dun worry abt over feeding if baby doesn't have any sign of "er ni"..
Re feeding
My boy really drinks alot! Quite scary I tot...for a 7wks bb. Guess high metabolism rate bah..I just up my boy's quantity from 120ml to 150ml FM. Usually a full feed should last 3hrs, so when he gets hungry easily within 2hrs, that's where I increase his feed. EBM can only last 1.5hrs. When he's awake, he can get hungry within 2.5hr, I will stall his feed. Got to find ways to distract him...if not I myself cannot tahan his hungry face...feel so bad to starve him...

Need advice....My bb starts to drool recently and tends to 'wood peck' my shoulder when I carry him...wetting my shoulder and rubbing his face till rashes appear on his cheeks. How huh?

Also, he often places fist into his mouth nowadays. Anyone can share all these signs??
hi mummies here,

hw r u all??? Me MIA for 2 mths... cos no access to internet... Hope everyone is doing well and coping well with yr BB.... =)
wow, saw some mummy their bb drink quite alot of milk... not like my boy, he already two mths only drink 110ml 3.5 hrly and he only 4.5kg...

gingerleaf,dodo,garden_dreamz, hippo and unice

Hw r u mummies? coping well with yr BB... =)R u all still breastfeeding? ... Hv all yr BB taken 6 in 1 jab? cos my boy kana fever after the jab .. .. =(

Take care .. will chat again with u all again... ;)
Hi pinky!!! nice to hear from u again..I m so far quite worn out looking after bb at the end of the day. but looking at his cute actions when I wake up each morning sort of re-energise me again for the new day

ya i still total breastfeeding. but once in the blue moon will feed FM so Sean can be flexible next time to the change if i intend to stop bf.

Sean just took his 6-in-1 jab yesterday.. oso last night fever 37.7degrees...this morn ok liao...

hope to meet up wif all our bbs soon since all of us finished confinement liao
hi all mummies
Can i join this forum too.
I have been following this thread for quite some time and didn't dare to post. Hv finally decided to post to join in.

A bit abt myself. My baby gal was born on 2 oct. I also have an older son who is abt 22mths now. Hope to share and learn more from all of you.

after seeing the posting, I rem that i hv the baby whisperer book too. Bought it from Borders as I found her tips from my son's forum friends v useful. So after reading a few pages yest, I found the book really useful. I hv the #3 one. I'm now her big fan. I find the swaddling to let bb slp v useful. Actually, all such parent directed feeding are abt this same method of feed, wake and sleep. I read 2 other books, GF and another author are also the same. think the key to happy babies are hving a routine (which is v true for our boy) and also following the feed, wake and slp routine.

how you make your baby go to sleep! TEACH ME! haha.. I tried swaddling him but he doesn't like it. I tried to create a quiet and dim environment but also no use. Every morning also at 6am his eyes will open big big liao even tho he was fed at 530am.
Re. baby whisperer/baby cries
When my baby cries, I just go through all the possibilities - hungry, wet/soiled, tired, etc. What I try will depend on the sound of the cry - and I don't always get it right. That's why I'm interested in the baby whisperer book . But I'll probably take a glance through the before buying it to see how useful it'll be to me.
firstly, i follow the routine, i.e. feed, wake then put her to sleep. if u read the books, this is the recommended routine. As for swaddling, this is something new which i just learnt from the book yest. seems to work as my gal can slp longer. accrdg to the book, supposed to swaddle them, then let them go to slp themselves. But, my gal cant and she needs to suck when she's slpy. So, I'll gv her some water or milk (note: this is against what the book says as they are not supp to need to nurse to slp), to calm her down and stop crying. then, when she is calmed down, i'll swaddle her and pat her. At times when she resist the swaddling, I'll pat her to a slpy state, then swaddle her and put her to bed/cot.

as for waking up, i'll wake baby everyday at 7am to start the day. so, eg, if your bb goes back to slp at 6.45am. 7am, wake him up to start the day (I'll draw curtain, on the mobile and say good morning). But, if he's slp thru, waking up at 6am is considered v good already, since he's so young.
wah....i cant leh...mine must suck to sleep....once u wake her after feeding...no way can get her back to sleep again...been like that since day one manz...how arh? krissie....mine pat pat until i fall asleep..she still big eyed and not sleepy....

mine hates swaddling...also since day one...in the hospital...somehow she always manage to get her hands out of the swadle...and sometimes it comes out without the mittens too....but also, its too hot to swadle...she dun seem to be able to sleep in aircon room...even at 27 degrees...she tends to sound choked up and cough like got a lot of phlegm....
krissie, bbunny,

my bb also the same problem! Don't like to be swaddled. Pat him also no use. He'll just 'entertain' himself by swaying his hands and legs. In fact, he hardly falls into sleepy state. Once I put him into the cot, his eyes open big big...hahah

My baby has an auto alarm system. Everyday 6am wake up liao. Want to wake him up at 7am also difficult.

I think my Jerric is overweight leh.. when he is 1 and half months he is already ur bb's weight! he is now 2 months old..haha.. But PD says he is okie leh..as long feeding well his wt is not a big issue..Btw he is now drinking abt 120ml 3 hourly too..


the book really useful huh? nowadays been trying to keep Jerric awake in the noon so that by evening he will concuss and fall alseep easily..Dunno is it the right way.. so far today is the 3rd day and it seems to be working.. he can sleep from 6pm onwards to next day 6am.. But certain days he will struggle to stay awake until midnight and sleep throughout the night..

I oso breastfeeding plus FM once to twice a day...

Ya, for the jab, normally BB get fever after that and subside the next day..


U know my boy can up to 6-7 days no poopoo wor..but recently he kana diarrhea, hv seen doc on wed but still not ok so tmr morn hv to brin to c doctor again..so sianz.. =( .. hope he is ok after that...
hmm.. frankly, nursing to slp is a super hard to kick addiction. i.e. u must think long term, eg when bb is 6 mths, do u mind still nursing bb to slp. I assume you're latching. diff pple hv diff parenting methods. choose whichever u're most comfy with. I'm not too sure wat's the solution for yours. But if u want, can try to persist for a few days to see if there's improvement. Such methods usually take a while. since bb has been nursing to slp since day 1, bb also need time to get used to another method mah.

re swaddling
I swaddle with nappy. It's cooler. Can try swaddling bb after bb is aslp? I really find swaddling v useful. coz bb are easily awaken when they are not swaddled. My gal will wake from her slp when she suddenly move her arms.. so wat the bk say is true. coz the movement of the arms distracts.
pinky, hope ur boy recovers from diarrheoa soon...so sian hor, when something happens to our bb...sigh...even going for injection makes me worried haha....

i bringing Sean for the pneumococcal vaccine in a month's time...any mummies intending to give this jab to baby? Its a 4 doses jab...
hi pinky,
glad to hear from you after so long!!! me having a super cranky baby to entertain me n my maid day n night, so quite tiring lor. but he's starting to focus on people n respond to us a little, so those moments when his eyes big big n stare at us, very cute.

re swaddling
i find my bb at times like to be swaddled, calms him down. but i wonder till how many months should bb b swaddled? any one has idea?

The 5-in-1 jab is to be taken at the 3rd month right? How much are you all paying for the 6-in-1 jab. I am interested to do it outside cause shorter waiting time. Any recommendation

I dunno my baby putting on weight or not after the 1 mth vaccine. He didn't have a paediatician to him. Must I get one for him? When I told my hubby, he will tell me no need one lar.Also he just take 90ml and can last 3 to 4 hrs. seems like he eat lesser than everyone baby...I tried giving him more but he will stop at 80-90ml lor....How how?

I will be working soon.I think all those Tracy hoggs theory are too late to apply and you all know those old folks, they will just let bb sleep and eat whenever cry lor, where they want to find time to entertain him...I feel so frustrated
. One day I insist my boy not to sleep in yao lan at night and he cry and cry lor...so kanna told off by my MIL and sad to say my hubby also...Like i make their grandson and son suffer like that. Ended up when bb sleep in my arm after struggling for 15min cry, i cry after than..sob sob.Even I want to buy the jumperoo for my boy to play, my hubby will said where to keep and tell me what is the point of buying etc. I really feel that i might suffer from depression when my hubby is not supportive at all for what i try to do....

Sorry have to vent my frustration here.
you mean your bb slp thru and wake at 6am? then is considered sleeping thru liao, since they are so young. You can try ignoring him when he wakes. that is one of the method to help them know tt it's still "night".

erh.. dun think tt's the correct way, think they can hv a nap every 3hr. in fact can hv 2 cat naps in the evening.

ya, we're gving her the pneumococcal vaccine too.

garden dreamz
tracey hoggs says can swaddle them to slp up to 4 mths, if i rem correctly. think can continue to swaddle if bb dun mind.

dun be too upset... old folks are like tt one. luckily for my mum, she supports me in this and even help me to keep bb awake after a feed. also, she has seen how it made my #1 a happier bb, so she's convinced tt it works. hmm.. as for your hb, ask him to read the book to understd the rationale. To me, i believe in this principle tt bbs dun know anything and it's our responsibility as parents to guide them. and so, by guiding them into a routine, they'll feel more confident of the daily routine, know what to expect and be happier bbs. for ny first son, my nanny also didnt follow what i did, and rock my son to slp, etc. But, at least she kept to a routine, eg bath every morning at 8plus when he reach her place, milk is at 9am, 11, 1, 4pm, etc. also, nap is at 9am and 1pm. What hb and i did was to gv him a good nite routine, ie wipe down, milk, then off to bed. So dun hv to worry too much. at least feeding and nap times must be qt consistent in the day. hope it helps.
jojer, grins...dun worry too much about overweight. my PD more kan jiong cos me and hubby are overweight mah. so must ensure bb does not be overweight now lo....=D now bb is 5.5 kg. carry him aso heavy...sighs...now he seems to want to drink 120ml every 3.5 hours....will see how...maybe growth spurt? shrug

i have trouble keeping my bb awake leh....yesterday brought him out to a relative's bb's one month celebration from 1-2+. he slept in the car on and off to and fro. then came hom and slept from 3+ (after his feed) to 6+! gosh! after that he was wide awake from 7+ (after his feed) to 10+. peng san!

how do u all keep ur bb awake? he woke up at 6.50am to drink just now. tried to keep him awake by bringing him down to walk walk. came back at 7.45am and he actually fell asleep on his own till now! even when i dance and sing song to him, he will also close his eyes and sleep. help help!

puttig and ito/near mouth is known as Mouthing. Is a normal developmental of BBs. Try to get him a mouthing toy...


I resume sex life at 3rd week aft birth and is not paiful... dun know why?

anyone sending BB to infant care? Im dun feel like leaving BB to MIL as she takif careof a 2.5 old boy alough she said she can handle. Though of sending b to full day nfant care or i switch to wrk PT and send him to infant care fr half day. Any good one in the east??


I swandle my BB since birth cos newborn tend to startle alot. It help them to zzz better. He 2.5mth noe but sometime will struggle to get his hands out. Just just a big cloth will do.


Since trying to set a routine for BB but as he is not aking care by me in the day time, is rather difficuit. But even he is not sleepy, i will bring him into the bedroom by 9pm, he slept rather ok troughout the night and wake up for mlk evry 3 hours.even he is wide awke aft milk, i will just switch off the light and he will go back to zzz.

Babies are like that... they have their moods... :) My girl also like that... sometimes, no matter how I "shake" her, she'll not bother... just continue to sleep. Sometime, the slightest sound / movement made can trigger her.

Are you taking NPL?
hi mummies,

re: sex
thanks for your responses...we tried to but bb started crying hahhaa...mission aborted! so far no chance to try again.

re: bb's sleep habits
all of us try to keep him awake after his feeds in the day too. sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. like what ssmummy says, depends on their moods...but then he has difficulty going to sleep on his own. insists on being cradled to sleep. tink he has been spoilt by my mil liao..last time he could fall asleep on his own in his cot...now must carry coz she kept carrying him to sleep...hai!!!!

yesterday took bb out to hotel buffet with my hubby's family. my hubby actually took out the infant car seat coz he said not enuff space!!!! how STUPID is that??!!? i didn't say anything coz everyone was waiting for me and i didn't wanna cause a scene. but after that i blasted him for being so casual about safety. He was going on about how the dragonboaters who perished were actually putting themselves at risk by not wearing life vests, but he went on to do EXACTLY the same thing!!! ARRRRRRR...still angry when i think about it.
oh yah. some workers found a super big 2-3 metre long python-like snake in the drain at my house garden. couldn't get it out...so its still there!! called police, zoo, AVA all dun wanna help get it...pest control costs a bomb like $300, which my hubby n mil are not willing to pay. How how how??? I feel like just footing the bill for the pest control to get it out coz im worried about bb's safety.
ssmummy, cant take npl cos mil will be taking care of bb. she WANS to take care of bb. lol. made all arrangements for her to take care liao...bought a car, got a maid somemore. expenses shot up like nobody's business. sighs. just the bb's stuffs not bought yet cos bb will only be going over everyday when i am working in end jan. =D my last 4 weeks of ML is in jan. =D

i just follow bb's timing easier hor? sighs...so tough to make them stay awake leh....peng

karrie, my mil aso carry my bb till he loves to be rocked and sang to. i refused. ytd, i simply stood and patted him. and he wailed and wailed. i put him back in his cot and he wailed more. i told him i will not rock him to sleep. then i carried him up and patted him again. this time he slept! hahahaha....how lucky am i? think i am just lucky? lol...

better get someone to get the snake away. how come police no bother about this? weird leh....who can help har?
nans, police said they can't help if the snake is within our house compound...should have told them it's right outside our house, then when they reach tell them it crawled into our drain in the meantime haha
Hi bbwoes,
Thanks for the comments on the books. Think I will try the bookstores to see if I can get them. Hopefully, I will READ them. hahaha. Have the habit of buying things and not using it. Been very busy with school. Sigh~

Hi fittynut,
My bb also like to eat her hands. But then if give her those mouthing toys she still cant hold it on her own lei. What I do now is to wash her hands regularly and give her the stupid pacifier. Dun really like to give her that. but always fighting a war with bb and the rest over the issue.

Re: Difficulty in breathing
My girl having some problems in breathing. Brought her to see GP. GP says should leave it alone. Anyone has the same problems?

Can i get those for teething as 'mouthing' toys?

Some of my friends uses infant care centre. But always come back sick or fall sick easily. Just watch out their health state k.

Btw, you still nite feed your bb evy 3hrs? I also do so ard 2am and 5am but my fiend said can wean off by patting bb to sleep before you hear them crying out loud. The idea is to delay their feeding time to abt 530am. Like conditioning their body with time. Haiz..it doesn't work for me leh. The moment I touch my bb, he cries even louder.

Jojer, wow, your bb sleeps thru...very envy leh.
i think all grandparents spoil the kids and make life so difficult for us...im so annoyed with my dad..tell him so many times stop carrying her all the time...refuse to listen to me..keep saying baby need cuddle this and that...cry means not feeling well, colic etc...so mad i tell you!! now baby refuse to lie on her own..want to be carried ALL THE TIME!!!

when she was born the first 2 weeks. she sleep happily by herself, and lie quietly...all kena spoilt by my dad!!!

krissie...dunno leh...me no longer working so dunno if can tong lor...but i make it a point to either burp her in another direction or chnage her diaper...but her eyes still closed...but i dunno if she fully asleep or not...

haha..my baby swaddle will wake up, unswadle her she goes back to sleep....even covering up her legs she will kick and kick..once its gone she goes back to sleep...but now arh...want to be carried more than anything else...dunno how to undo it manz!!

sorry for complaning..but i really really fed up liaoz...coz my dad gets angry with me when i tell him he spoilt the girl...he dun seem to see it as a problem!!!!!!! but i do!!!!!
Karrie - are you a SAHM? Guess you are lucky that your folks support TH mthds. When I was staying at my folk's, my dad was not supportive and felt that i'm "torturing" the baby for not holding her enough etc. But at least my mum's supportive! heh. At least ur bb can be swaddled, i've given up swaddling her liao cos she just struggles!

Anyways, i'm not following the book to the T, just adopt the broad principles of routine, trying to get bb to fall asleep on her own. However, falling asleep on her own is not easy now though, compared to the first month. Not sure when this habit was created, but she sometimes needs to be carried upright and pet to sleep. At least no rocking required!

With the recent frequent feedings, not sure if growth spurts or not, now she's feeding average every 2 hours! dunno is it i'm not producing enough or it's growth spurt. have resorted to fennelgreek to boost supply and trying to be less stressed out and rest more, which is soooo difficult to do!
bbunny - tell me abt the carrying! But my dad not so bad, cos when i whine enough about it he'll stop. but he always say bb cry must carry otherwise got wind.

I also worry abt spoiling the bb, but the theory abt spoiling so confusing! there are theories tat say bb won't be spoilt so young, perhaps after 6mths then they will realise the cause and effect. now, they learn how fast they are being responded to, so if responded to quickly, they will not cry so hard etc.

anyways, sometimes i read all these "experts" until i confuse myself and in the end, just go with gut feel while trying to keep to the principles behind the baby whisperer.
can try papaya soup. it works for me. or can get medication from gynae/GP too.

I'm super scared of snakes, so, i'll pay to get rid of it.
haha... mine is BOTH my parents always carry baby when she cries... aiyo... Hopefully there's no cause and effect happening. Crossing my fingers. :)
hi all,
just wondering if anyone has the same problem as me... my bb at night refuses to sleep, and needs to be pat all the time. once i stop patting, he starts to be cranky, even after his milk feed. in the day, he also hardly goes to sleep easily by himself. i now using the bouncing chair to put him to sleep by rocking it side to side or up n down. at times it works and he sleeps longer. however, if i continue to do this, will he get addicted, ie. must having the constant motions to make him sleep? then once he knows how to turn, i've to 'promote' him to the sarong/yao lan? any mummies have any advise on what i can do to make the bb sleep thru, at least fr 1 feed to another without me having to pat him fr 1 feed to another, leaving me with panda eyes?

re: carrying bb when cry
my bb is being carried almost round the clock alr coz he spends his wakeful moments crying, despite using the pacifier. i actually dun wan to spoil him by carrying too much, but i really dunno wat to do coz he always so cranky. giving him rid wind/infacol also dun work...

i wonder at how many months can bb sleep thru on their own?

so sorry to bombard this forum with so many questions, but i'm just super lost, tired and really have no idea how to care for bb without spoiling him with the carrying n rocking but yet trying to prevent him fr being cranky so much...its so easy for people around me to advise dun carry, dun rock,etc, but i'm in the situation n facing a cranky bb like tat, how to survive? sigh.... when will bb grow out of their crankiness...

my baby also doesnt sleep thru the night. wakes up every 3hrly for feed. but to prevent him fro crankiness at night, we will wake n play with him in the afternoon and evening. it works really well! if he wants to suckle after feed, we feed him water! i'm trying hard not to give him pacifier.
