(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Hi Ling,

I'll give abt one capful with ard 3 Oz in a bottle in the morning. So as and when if needed, will give it to her. Normally, if it's too hot in the afternoon then she might want some water. I follow the rule of feeding 3hrly and +/- 30mins. Anything that is out of the schedule, I'll feed her a bit of water. ACtually, she often just sucks one mouthful and that's it ... she will hold on to the bottle but din drink after that.

I know what u mean by the "1st moments" but guess it's really tough to survive on a single income now. Besides, think I'm a workaholic, went back yesterday for half a day and suddenly feel so much in control!! hiaz .. maybe with bb, there is just too many uncertainty hence more stress. But seeing her smile really melts away everything esp. now she is doing that more often .....

Baby blog, I have one but free trial expired liao so still wondering shld I pay to continue.
Anyone have easy and nice blog site that is FOC to share...


I bought the normal bouncy chair as well because it's netted. My bb cannot tahan hot weather, cos we on aircon almost 24hr at my place so now at my mum's place without aircon, she wld cried. So end up use the netted bouncy chair for her to sleep.

wanted to buy the fisher one initially as well. But the materials a bit similar to my car seat material and it gets very warm if it's not in aircon room ... hence decide not to get it

Saw ur posting on the float that ur hb bought from China. Can give me more details as wld really like to have one for my girl as she loves the water as well. Maybe can use them in the pool once she is old enough.
Hi Gingerleaf,

Nice blog that you have. Agreed on the changing table and we kanna poo a few times liao so far ... so now, always take precaution and make sure she really finished her BIG biz before we take away the diaper!!

Saw that you have the philips monitor, has it been usefull as I would need to buy one too... Initially, thought of getting one that can activate the mobile phone as well (saw that in the philips sales but don't seem to find it elsewhere and I can't remember the model). Is the SCD499 good ? Also saw some other brand with video screen, anyone have one of those ? can feedback which model is good?
The one Im using is good. Clarity is good.
But I shld have gotten the most basic one, as we dun really need functions like lullabies n starry lights. The temp sensor is good tho.
hmm .. I don't need those functions as well but not sure whether will the clarity be still the same for other models.

Any mummies using a baby monitor as well?

Can I check any tbf mummies taking supplement ar? My Gynae still prescribe me prenavit pills, fish oil (EPAX) and calcium leh. Is it necessary to still take? My gynae say to take as long as still breastfeeding.. But the EPax is so ex, so i was wondering if it was necessary..
hi irene,
yes, i am still taking the multivits, fish oil and calcium and i'm doing partial BF. I tink it is good for baby....
Hello totoro,
Hy hb's brother bought in shanghai. My bb get the small one that can take up to 6kg. Have a few size i think. It costs around 99 RMB. Got a website from the box, it is www.gebitu.com

Bouncer, I also have the worried of the fisher bouncer will be warm to sit one. Yesterday just browse the forum and saw something better, it is the jumperoo.anyone know about this item?

Milk, I think i will stick to similac temporary because if not free sample, worried that buy to try will end up he might not like it. can be me drinking right...hehehe. Any one get cheaper similac infant anywhere. The cheapest i get is $32.80.

BM, I take fenugreek but doesn't seems to help much...haizz
Re. feeding
My baby girl's quantity per feed varies from 70ml to 130ml. But her total for the day is usually 600+ to 700+. She usually can last 4-5 hours on 120ml for her late night feed.
Hi all,
Any suggestions on how to keep bbs awake in the day, such that they sleep at night? Me envy those mums whose bb's can sleep all the way through. My girl, just lost her temper on me when I forced her to wake up to burp. Sometimes, didn want her to cry as wind will get into her tummy lei.. But then she sleep too much, burp too little also no good... How?

I called Friso and said my baby was delivered at KKH and was on Similac. But I would like to switch to Friso. Then they deliver the 900g sample to me leh.

So heartpain to see the milk go to waste hor!

re: Books
I read both Gina Ford and Tracy Hoggs books. Personally, I prefer Tracy Hoggs (Baby Whisperer) techniques. It helps you to understand and communicate with your baby whilst GF only goes by routine. There's no bonding involve at all.
Now I can decode my baby's needs better.
bbwow, yup i agree wif u , tracy hogg bk is more beneficial to me in my case too

mummies, my blog is www.seanboiboi.blogspot.com its really addictive, gingerleaf introduced to me & I have been busy updating it ever since.

i dun have anymore multivits lei, dunno if go back gynae take is it still foc or not..hmmmm, but still taking natal care plus lo.. i feel tt my bones n joints r getting worst nowadays, think becos of breastfeeding, depleting my calcium... any recommendations for calcium pills ?
hi mummies,

re blog i also set up but no time to post! busy updatimg my facebook instead cos still get to keep in touch wif frens.

multi vits, still taking obimin and oscal for calcium. i stopped getting them fr my gynae liao as its avail fr ntuc unity slightly cheaper. i shd cont the fish oil though, hvnt been taking! got mine fr gnc some mega big bottle one, with 1000 capsules.

totoro - my bb also cannot stand hot, cos we also on aircon as long as we feel hot! heh, but i find the reg bouncer gd lor cos netted and pl flat on floor its v oooling for her. but if on aircon in living room will switch to the combi convertible chair.

re ebm, nowadays can't seem to express much, so strange. but bb feeding and latching well leh. anyone wif similar problems?
bbwow, I told them the same lor..but still never want to give..forget it la.

Obuimin can also get from kkH pharmacy...

My bb also sleep alot still...I want to keep him awake but he cry lor..and my PIL said that baby should sleep more...how to try methods with the oldies around...

We buy those auto yao yao on the sarong...I always switch off when bb sleep, but my MIL continue to on it when i am sleeping...worried that when i work, bb might get into addicition...

how much did you invest on the auto yao lan? Contrary to your baby, I always have problems making my baby go to sleep! haha... he hardly sleeps, night also wake up twice. He sleeps an average of 10-12 hours max? Think that's not enough. And then most of the time awake he wants to be carried else he'll get cranky. Aiyo...so tiring!
Thanks..he is back to drinking ok again..he is drinking about 110ml. He is 8 weeks now. Sometimes, I latch on him for 5-10 mins on one breast and he just stopped suckling!! So I don't really know if he is really full...cos when I tried to give him my nipple again, he gave me a disgrunted look
totoro_bb, I'm using a philips baby monitor too, SCD463. No frills model, has range of 200m. So far been working very well in my double-storeyed home.

Regarding supplements, I'm finishing the multivits prescribed during my pregnancy by my gynae soon. Also almost finished my fish oil supplements...are those from GNC any good?

Grace, I've got the same problem as you. Baby used to be able to play in the day and sleep at nite, but after my little episode with coffee his schedule has changed!!! How how how???
gingerleaf, i'm planning to switch to part time. so i'm a semi-SAHM.

perlicia, i'm using the fisher-price bouncer. it's really good, cos it can keep my bb entertained while i do my own things. she won't sit quietly as long in a normal bouncer. and i don't find it very hot, cos the cloth is not too thick. i don't use air-con at home.
bbwow, I buy in malaysia, around S$100. compared to shop in sg, it is around 150 dollars.

Zhen zhen, thanks, i am now thinking about the jumperoo...see how first. thought of going to taka to see both item before deciding which one to get
Hi Karrie,
hee... but after u stop taking coffee, is ur bb schedule back?
Yesterday, I tried to keeep her awake in the day. But then, failed attempt. Wake her up also refuse. Then, as expected made noise at night lor.

Want to ask if anyone has any tips on how to keep babies awake? kekeke

Re: Books
Hi bbwoes, is the Tracy Hoggs (Baby Whisperer), similar to the gina ford? in the sense that it also teach how to manage the bb timings so that bb sleeps at nite? The book available in the book store? Now I have the What to Expect series.. Not bad.. But haven have time to really read through everything as I am busy with my school stuff.

Re: Blog
Mine is at chloesbabysteps.blogspot.com .. kekeke.. no time to really update too. But will try.. will try!
Grace, his schedule is gradually going back to normal but it's been a tough one week...luckily my hubby helped with the night shifts.

have linked my blog to mummies' blogs here...

Gingerleaf it seems that now i have the same problem as u, my bleeding came back last 2 days. Quite a lot of bright red blood...soaked thru a pad last nite. Think i'll take myself to gynae tmr if it doesn't abate.

tracy hoggs method also has a routine/schedule to follow, similar to GF. But Hoggs also advise on how to understand & communicate with baby's needs and decode their cries. She has a detailed explanation on Eat, Activity and Sleep. I also have the What To Expect book and it's also good. I can't find Hoggs books in bookstore. But it can be borrowed from the library.

I don't entirely follow the schedule's strictly. Just modify it according to my baby's needs and understanding him better. Guess we just take a pinch of salt from the books and apply it with our motherly instincts!
bbwow, so you're able to decode your baby's cries using tracy hoggs's method? If there's a way to help me read my baby's cries, I'll definitely try it! I checked out kinokuniya's website and it has several tracy hoggs titles. Which one are you using?




Re. bleeding
About 5 weeks after delivery, I started having some bright red discharge again. It was not a lot - only a pantyliner was needed. I saw my gynae last week and she said it's just my period. She said for breastfeeding (latching/expressing) mothers who don't produce enough and need to supplement with formula, the period will dry up very fast.
val - did u ask her how fast is fast leh? I also just getting the period and it's been abt 5 days liao. and it's not a lot, just use panty liner with regular changes can liao. i suppose that's my period? i'm tbf right now
Velvet, I didn't ask leh... But she did also say that our periods MAY be erratic as long as we're doing breastmilk + formula. E.g. this time there's very little but next time there's a lot, or this time it lasts very long but next time it finishes very quickly. Mine lasted 5 days.
helo mummies,

It has been long long time since i last post. Really busy wif my son!! But it's all worth it. Mon I just resign fr my comp to become a SAHM...

Mummies pls advise how much milk (EBM) shd a 2mth 15days old bb drink? Currently my son is drinking 125ml every 3hrs sometimes 2.5hrs or less he will cry for milk. Is dat too much? My friend son who is born 3 days earlier den my son still drink 80ml. I'm so afraid dat I over feed my son.

Pls advise.
ponponta - i avoiding the following:
- spicy food: if cannot tahan, then just take a little bit,

- tomato based stuff: cos gave my gal a bad diaper rash and i checked on mayo clinic it said that possibility included tomato based food and i was taking baked beans for breakfast those 2 mornings, and when i stopped, the rash subsided after a few days. I using nappies and diligently change and use diaper cream each time.

- coffee, coke, english and chinese tea, horlicks: cos the malt breaks down the milk

- alcohol stuff, unless cooked and within 2hrs before next feed

that's about it. i took peanut butter once, but she seemed ok. i just took satay and the dip, so not sure if anything will happen to her tomorrow or not. but so far, nothing happened when i took nuts lor.

annie - i'm not exactly an expert on the overfeeding part since my gal only 6 weeks, but there was this time she vomitted milk a couple of times and when i checked up babycenter, one of the causes seems to be overfeeding. so i take it that's the sign of overfeeding. otherwise, nothing else happening then shd be ok. i think capacity to drinking depends on individual baby leh. my gal still taking ebm 90-100ml. i think bb boy shd be taking more? Some more yours is 2 and half mths liao. anyone else with opinion on that?
annie i think yr son feeding is ok ... my boy also takes about the same as yrs now hmm he is going 12weeks now ...

Hey anyone want a gathering with baby ??? hehe should be nice and fun
morning mummies..how's all ur babies? been too busy to log in as of late....

bbwow....my gal dun sleep much either....she wakes up at about 630-7am everyday..and can stay up thru the afternoon..trying to make her take afternoon nap is so difficult....she sleeps while u carry..then when put down..she wakes up and cries...sighz...

ponponta....i havne't avoided anything at the moment...even eating cup noodles and areated drinks too...but yep..like wat velvet said...try to see if anything you eat gives her a rash or get uncomfortable...

but i stay away from gas producing stuff tho...like cabbage and beans...somehow she tends to get more wind if i eat those....

hey velvet..thanks for your tip on the overfeeding part..think maybe thats the reason why ma gal keeps vomiting..she keeps wanting to drink.....so have to keep giving her...she so satisified after drinking..then after that vomit...but still can smile..sighz...really arh tell you...can peng san....

i think im having my AF also..coz it started yesterday...dark red then now getting to bright red...dun think the lochia can start after so long....but tbf start menses so soon meh?
halo all mummies! i'm a newbie oct mum too! my baby boy was born on 27 oct.=) have been following this thread for quite some time and found it really useful! my boy now is learning to throw tantrums. argh!

btw, here's my blog to share:

Velvet & Sharon.. I dunno whether shd increase his milk intake or not. Everytime after every feed he will sure cry. Carry him walk also cannot. His mouth keep moving, den need to give him pacifier. Is dis a sign he's still hungry?

I'm ON wif the gathering but must include hubby along. hee hee! I cannot manage bb alone w/o my hubby help.
