(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

hi mummies,
haven't been able to catch up on the forum since confinement over, been busy trying to train my maid now that the temporary helper has gone and its tiring to constantly monitor whatever that she is doing. like some of you have experienced, my bb now have more wakeful moments alr and once he's awake will make noise or look for people to entertain him.

my boy dun like me to carry him leh. i sing/talk to him still ok (Though he dun seem to like it very much), but when i carry him, he gets cranky v.v.fast then my hubby or helper has to take over. wonder is it coz my arm muscle not there yet so he can sense that i got not much strength to carry him?!! sigh... me not being a very comforting mummy to him leh, only time i can comfort him is when he's on my breast!

brought him for his 1 mth jab n realised that he put on almost 2 kg since birth. PD said that its quite alot n weight is normal for his height... but i'm wondering whether would my boy b overweight at the rate he puts on weight?

i also like you, menstrual cycle like go haywire alr. haven't 1 mth, the brownish discharge almost cleared up then few days later, started bleeding again. gynae suggest that i could b v.fertile. omg... i've just popped a bb out n am struggling to cope with handling him, i dun wanna b preggie again!

re: baby pooing
asked my PD and he said its ok if babies dun poo for a day or so, wondering if its true....

speaking of bb's rompers being snug. i actually stood by a pair of cute rompers that i thought would b just right for my bb's first mth celebration... then day b4 the celebration, had him try on his rompers and he was practically bursting out of it, showing off his biceps n pecks, like some cartoon hero in skin tight outfit, so skimpy man... in the end, had to rush out to get a decent outfit for him, coz the other clothes he had was too big. :D
my bb aso put on almost 2kg at 5 weeks. my PD said it was too much. tho he doesnt look chubby at all. sighs. haven weighed him for quite sometime liao. seeing pd again in jan. see how he grows then. =D

i have to go out buy clothes for bb liao! so exciting! lol

thanks for concerns.. yup, im doing fine
just super busy wi my boy... he very "nian" me n hubby loh.. my boy's poo poo also a lot! got once his poo poo overflow his diaper and spill over to my shirt when i carry him! omg... and i notice that he farts alot as well... sometimes he will lift up his legs when he gonna fart.. haa! me too, taking these 3 supplements, think shd be enough hor... nowadays gonna prepare my own lunch, but seldom have time to cook nutritious meals, hope it will not affect my breastmilk quality...

my boy also dun sleep much during daytime, so the way i "entertain" him is when i express my milk, he will keep staring at the breastpump and listen to the motor sound.. haa!


ya, my boy very rough... he likes to kick and shout! sometimes he kicks my breasts when i play wi him, so painful... thanks for the infor on the sample, actually friso sent me a tin of friso gold sample 2 weeks before i delivered... so my boy is having that now...


ya my boy likes to carry to sleep also... nvm, we shall treat it as an exercise to train our arms muscle! hee.. my boy also gained 2kg+ at 6 weeks... i dun think he looks very chubby also, most probably he's taller, coz many commented he very "long"...

garden dreamz,

maybe baby can sense mummy's nervous when carry them... so they will get uncomfortable and cranky... coz last week i sprained my left wrist, so when i carry him i gonna be careful not to exert too much force, he seems to sense my "slow-motion" and he gets unhappy and cranky easily, so we gonna be very firm and confident when carry them, they will definately feel better this way
any mummies thinking to be SAHM or take no pay leave after maternity leave? im seriously thinking about this, i really cant bear to part wi my baby and back to work...
Hello mummies,

My boy still taking 80-90ml of FM. Seems like it is much lesser than what you all have give to your baby. sometimes I make till 100-110ml, he can finish at times but mostly unable to. But he will wake up every 3h for feed unless he is too tired.

My boy's can lift up his head now and hold there for awhile. Then he likes to be carried in sit position. But this also a problem when burping him cause he will move so much. Anyone having difficulties in burping their babies?

Just a curious question. Do anyone has less tolerance to the husband and not being that loving anymore?
lyn oso farts alot. Guess all baby do. Its so entertaining to listen to her fart! Hahah.
Talk abt getting poop on shirt, the other day when I was cleaning her, I lift up her butt to clean away the excess poo, and she 'kek' and shoot her poop on me! Was so smelly, but still had to settle her b4 I can change. Luckily I didnt hold her legs higher yet, else I'd have gotten a poopy face wash.
I also got no time to make my own meals, so I just eat cornflakes. Sometimes hb will buy lunch back, tho not often.

With both parents so 'long', of coz the baby will be long. Kakaka.

Im a SAHM. Who else where is SAHM too?

my bb likes to be carried in the sit position too. Not much trouble burping her, coz most of the time when I raise her up after drinking milk in the reclining position, she'd have oreadi burped herself.

Maybe you are stressd up with the runnings of daily chores, hence a lowered tolerance threshold towards hb. I believe once bb is bigger, you wun be so stressed up anymore.
Hi all,
will like to share with you the latest photos (taken yesterday) of Clarisse at 6wks plus old

dozing off in her sarong

fallen asleep
yup i agree that i can't bear to leave my bb so i've juz submitted my application of 1 year no-pay leave. gonna be a SAHM
Guess it's better that i dun miss his growin up year even though it'll meant that i can't spend as freely.

I think it's becos we lack of sleep that's y we r more short-fused. I do get irritated with my hubby esp if he spends too much time in front of the computer. Guess our lives is centred so much around our BB that we have forgotten how to be romantic liao. heehee
Hi mummies,

Talking bout over weight bb. I will definitely not to reduce their diet for me cos fm my experience from my 2 older kids, once they ve got into some sickness like flu, cough stomacg flu ... their weight will tend to go down n u will no longer able to see their bb fat at all. By the time u will hate ur self why never feed properly n why so thin...

garden dreamz
BB r smarter than wat u think. U must be confident w ur self n e positive frenquency love u sending to him must be 100%. Do u sleep with him during e nite? He needs to smell u too u know. I m a mother of 3 kids n e 1st one sleep w me while e 2nd one w e maid. So e 1st one was very nian to me e 2nd always looking for aunty so sad. But when e maid left, i took over n she started to nian me so i was nian nian w 2 kids ...

My bb is now 2 mths old n he weights bout 6.5 kg. He eats n sleeps move e time. Playin is bout 2 hrs per day. Frankly speaking, i m a total vegetarian, i dun eat fish n meat but i still ve milk athough not enough for my bb, he took 5ml each time.My milk dun smell fishy at all. Now i m back to work so sad cannot totally look after him but will try my very best to look after him.

BTW, if u guys intend to put IUD for birth prevention, i will suggest no. Why? my bb is a IUD bb, evenw tat i m able to get pregnant n is very dangerous cos when u get pregnant e IUD ring ve to taken out in case of infection n many a time e foetus will follows n lead to mis carriage n this is like abortion too killing ur own bb. Srry sound a bit scary to u but is true. I ve a relative who aso got pregnant fm it but e ring is unable to get out so she has to wear it til she give birth n this pose a danger to e foetus too...
Hi mommies,

Can I join your thread? Has been constantly keeping track but not active. My boy DOB is 6Oct.

Me oso SAHM. Both my MIL and mum working, so no one to take care.

My bb weighs 3.5kg, 53cm at birth and 5.3kg, 58cm within a month. I think it's genetic bah...me and hubi are 8 pounder bb oso. So I'm not worried cos we are not fat, neither thin. Just heavier bones and taller...which is good.

Just last week, my boy's appetite has increased from 120ml to 150ml (avg)! And yesterday, during noon, at first feed 120, not enof...add 30ml, still not enof, another 30ml, still cry for more! so total 210ml! Same when he's taking his last feed at 730pm.

Yia, my boy also loves to be carried on shoulder and walk around, look look see see. Will get cranky if I stop at one spot for too long. Arms and legs really tiring, esp if he awakes for 6hrs, I peng sia....

My bb drinking Friso, using NUK latex teats and she has alot of gas as well but not sure whether which was the reason. She cried a lot as while so chances of air getting in also very high!

Thanks mummies for your info on the sizes. hee I started to take out the measuring tape and starting measuring the length to be safer. Bought so much clothes for her again during the weekend ... hiaz ....guess it was really funz shopping but hope she can wear them a few more times before she outgrow them again.

SAHM .... really have that feeling but don't think I'm able to survive without the $$$. Even HB keep asking bb to give him 4 numbers so he can win a big sum and quit his job to stay at home with bb to be a SAHF at least for a year!!!

My girl at ard 2mths weights 5.9kg ... she gained 2.4kg. Gynae say ok, good weight ...! actually I think they supposed to gain double their weight by 3 mths but my girl would definitely exceed that weight loh ...

Me always have problem burping her and it seems to get more and more difficult this days. So I'll just pat pat pat for a while and if don't have ... will just leave it loh.

Now she has a different cry .. more loud, more demanding and more ke lian type of cries. Aiyo .. don't know what to do
hie all, my bb crying also very different too. totoro, like urs also, louder, demanding and more ke lian! maybe girls tend to be that? or is like the mummy? hehe.

For TBF mummies, how often does ur bb feed now and for how long? My girl now at 6wks, she's on 3hrly feed and takes abt 10-15mins to finish, ie. push out nipple and refuse to take in anymore. She seems to be a hard sucker cos detect the sucking "blister" on the top lip and have constant sucking. not sure if she's taking enough or not leh. She still wets 7-9 diapers daily (at least, cos dun count the nite time since i put her in disposable diapers) when i express, one side max 70-80 only leh, so dunno if she's taking more or not. my next weigh-in at the PD is in a few weeks time. not sure if i'm just overtly worrying myself.

btw, anyone can advise, how to switch to ebm from direct bf? Need to get ready the switch for work leh.

dodo - I also feel like taking no-pay leave to be sahm, but can't afford to. i tell myself need to have both income to provide the best possible for bb.

any mummies here know when's a good time to bring bb swimming? Also, do u think bbs will poo while in water swimming? my girl sometimes will also poo in her bath! So not sure if they know how to hold in while swimming leh?!
gingerleaf - I actually set up one, but have yet to go beyond updating iT! the day seems to whizz past and before i know it, it's dinnertime and then time for bed liao!

Sometimes wonder why the day passes by so fast when it's filled with things as mundane as diaper changing, playing with bb, watching her and putting her to sleep.

Sorry to sound kinda pathetic - but has anyone gone out for more than 6 hours yet? trips to PD don't count. how do u cope with potential breasts engorgement? Do you pump first before going out or what?
TO all GF mummies
I am also using GF method on my child and I am happy to say it worked for my second child. My first child is also a GF baby now 26mths sleeping from 7pm-7am since young but ever since he turned 2 years old, he is sleeping from 730pm to 7am thru the night

Now my baby Anders sleeps at 7pm thru the night till 530-630am. I will wake him up at 11pm for a feed and then he will go back to sleep again. It took me 3 days before getting him to sleep through. We have to be tough on the schedule so it will work but I am quite flexible with the timing as long he dun sleep more than 4 hrs in the day...so he can sleep thru the night.
I am doing half latching and half expressing. What you can do is, after latching your bb, you can express your milk and let her take 20ml to see if the wants it. If she rejects it, that means she is full.
I usually pump before I go out. I will try to come home within 4 hours to prevent any engorgement taking place. But I sleep from 1230am to 530am without pumping so when I wake up I will be very full. I will only wake up when my bb wakes up so sometimes he wakes up at 630am, then my boobs will be slightly engorged. I will latch my baby and even after that, I can pump 300ml worth of EBM,thats why I am also feeding my elder son the EBM so I don't need to store...

My freezer has 70+ packets worth of EBM ( 150-200ml) so I don't know how am I going to finish...maybe will have a EBM bath haha
triniti, thanks for your sharing. How old is ur bb now? My bb is abt 6wks old, currently on 3hr feeding, last feed usually around 10pm or 11pm, depending. And she sleeps for about 5-6 hrs before waking up hungry, which means 3am or 4am for me. i dun let her sleep more than 4hrs in the day and usually will wake her for feeds every 3 hrs, unless she is hungrier from her previous feed and wakes up at abt 2hrs. recently, she's been sleeping slightly longer at night, 6-8hrs, since demand feed in the nite for me, does this mean it's working for me? I'm not using GF, was reading Tracy Hogg's baby whisperer, wonder if there's any difference? i started the schedule from day 1 of returning from hospital.

I'm currently feeding alt breast per feed. Will try the express milk to see if she still wants. so far, i put her to bed cos she will reject the nipple and refuse to open her mouth when she spits out the nipple after bf. i suppose that means she's had enough?
btw, triniti, what do u mean when u say half latch half express leh? after bf still express? do u do it immediately or wait awhile (how long?)?
I am doing half latching and half expressing. What you can do is, after latching your bb, you can express your milk and let her take 20ml to see if the wants it. If she rejects it, that means she is full.
I usually pump before I go out. I will try to come home within 4 hours to prevent any engorgement taking place. But I sleep from 1230am to 530am without pumping so when I wake up I will be very full. I will only wake up when my bb wakes up so sometimes he wakes up at 630am, then my boobs will be slightly engorged. I will latch my baby and even after that, I can pump 300ml worth of EBM,thats why I am also feeding my elder son the EBM so I don't need to store...

My freezer has 70+ packets worth of EBM ( 150-200ml) so I don't know how am I going to finish...maybe will have a EBM bath haha
sorry for the double posting
My baby is born on the 28th of sept so right now about 8 weeks. Anders feeding times are 7am, 1045am, 230pm, 5pm (to see if he is hungry only one boob)7pm, 11pm

Half latch and half express means:
7am feed- latch
1045am feed- drink ebm from bottle ( 100ml)
230 feed- latch
7pm- latch/ebm
11pm- drink ebm from bottle

I only latch and express after the 7pm feed
The rest is either latch or let the bb drink the ebm.

When TBFing, the problem is you don't know how much your bb is drinking so if you are going to work soon, the best is to try for one feed how much she can drink from the bottle which mean you pump after she latches and for the next feed maybe give her 100ml and see how fast she finishes the feed. If she finishes it fast, then you can increase the feed to 10ml per session.

For GF schedule, it changes from mth to mth...so the whole rational is to cut down the day time sleep as they age as they became more alert and active as they grow older so they will sleep longer and thru the night.
Hi triniti,

Our bb share the same birth day !! Her schedule is like that- roughly ard 6am+, 9am+, 12pm+ , 3pm+, 6pm+, 9pm+, 11pm-12am and one more feed ard 3am/4am. She is feeding ard 90ml - 130ml. Ave shld be 100ml per feed.

I try to latch and she can spent like 15min on one breast and after that still can take 100ml FM .. so am wondering how much is she sucking!! If I espressed it out, she wld just drink the normal 100ml - 130ml.

Forgot to bring the handle of my manual pump today and end up using hand to express. I'm surprised that I can still get ard 60ml out ...hmm am thinking if I go back to work and my breast gets engorged, I might just hand expressed in the toilet a bit. no choice I don't think I can find a place and time (at least 30mins) to express my milk.
dodo, what happened to your left wrist? When I sprained my right wrist (coz was carrying her in a certain way for too long), I was also carrying baby in a tentative way and I think she could sense it. And when I recovered well enough to carry her properly, she seemed better with me too.

I think babies can definitely sense our emotions. Once during confinement, I was left alone with her. When she cried, it took me a while to realise she was hungry so she became angrier and angrier. When I tried to make milk with one arm carrying her, I dropped the bottle, then the teat and I shouted out "SH**" (terrible me!). And suddenly she stopped crying and just looked at me. I felt so guilty...

gingerleaf, my baby also shot her poo poo at me once when I was changing her!
She has also often wee wee while being changed. Sometimes it is when we're holding up her buttocks so her wee wee actually backflows onto her body, so we have to wash her and change her clothes too!
Re. being SAHM
I stopped working full-time and started freelancing two years ago as I felt that my job was making it difficult for me to conceive and boss was not understanding about my wanting to slow down and start a family. My income was cut in half. Now that I have Megan, I cannot bear to go back to full-time work too. I also don't want to lose control of how she is brought up. But I'm feeling the pressure to because:
1. I want the best for my child and many things need $$$
2. I want to help my husband
3. My MIL (who stays with us) makes me feel like I'm making her son suffer and has asked me several times if/when I'm going back to work (hint hint??)

But there aren't many options available for home-based work. *sigh* Dilemma...
hi gingerleaf,
i created a blog for my bb, but stopped after the first posting. Dunno why, just cannot find time to continue writing.. Tink it is probably my 3min interest...
wanted to be a SAHM, but really need the $$

Hi san, clarisse is so cute. Really have lotsa of hair.

My boy still quite botak. Hair seemed to be growing at the side but not the centre portion. Looks like ah pek.. Any ways to grow more hair. Will rubbing alcohol helps? Hm... Also, any ways to remove eye lash if it got inside the eyes?
Mummies with their baby blogs, can post the url?
Sometimes when Im carrying her(she wants me to carry then can sleep.), I will surf net or read forums. It would be nice to read abt ur babies growing up process.
gingerleaf & ponponta:
thanks.. yup her hair is alot compared to her sister.. thats why her daddy refused to shave her at 1st month
thanks lots for sharing. was concerned about overfeeding bb coz i look at the milk tin n realised that i feeding him slightly above the recommended servings so wondering if should try to cut down.... baby doesn't really sleep with me much coz wanna train him to sleep on his own, so usually put him in bouncing chair or lie down beside him a while till he sleeps. at night, i try to put him in the cot. perhaps i should try to let him sleep beside me once in a while then!

my bb also sometimes take so long to burp n he end up sleeping instead then when put him down to sleep, his eyes big big again! ah yoh...

i also have the same feeling like you, working allows us to have the ability to provide the best for our child but at the same time, we have to lose control over how the child is brought up. i wan my child to be brought up in a certain way but i think once i return back to work n with work that i need to bring back to finish up, i can hardly have time for baby n need to reply heavily on external help. sigh... if only us mothers are paid for work done at home too! :D
hello all! been busy yesterday cos had to go back for year end work plan seminar. =D

re: SAHM
i will go back to work in the end cos i have a very healthy mil who is very willing to look after my bb for me. =D i cant bear to leave my bb but i think we do need the extra cash. have already planned for my return to work already...got a maid and car to help out in housework and to increase mobility.

my bb is now taking 120 ml per 4 hourly. he sleeps around 7-10pm depending on his mood and sleeps through 1 feed at times. Looking at the GF method, think I better wake him up for the missed feed, and hopes he can sleeps longer in the night. =D last night, he drank at 7pm, slept at 10pm, woke up only at 2am for his next feed. if i wake him up at 11pm, maybe he will sleep through? lol...just a thought. will try it out tonight. =D

re: sleeping @ night
i normally carry him to sleep. if good, takes about 15 mins to half an hour. if carrying doesnt work cos he is crying, then i will carry him to my bed and put the pacifier in while he sleeps next to me. =D usually takes about half an hour to an hour for him to get to sleep this way....

re: burping
i try to burp him for about 15 min. if he doesnt burp, i aso leave it....=D maybe later he will burp again? *shrug*
Hi mummies

Re: burping
I've been a lazy mum so far.. sometimes just skipped burping bb. Anyway, he's on TBF, easier to digest. And he farted so many times per day too. All the gas also release liao. :p

Baby is co-slping with us at night, so I will just latch him and when he's full, he will unlatch by his own and slp again.

I'm a SAHM too. I quitted my job when I got my #2. I don't like the idea of putting them under my PIL's care. Partly becos my FIL smokes.

Gingerleaf, my blog is @ http://www.mummyjoys.blogspot.com/
Hello to all mummies!

Need some advice here. My boi is 7 weeks old. I realised he Er Ni after every feed even though we burp him properly (sometimes he even burp 3 times) but after that still Er Ni quite badly... Seen PD before at 5 weeks old but dr said its alrite since he is putting on wt. However I'm still v concern abt his Er Ni problem.

Anybody having the same prob, can advise??

Also my notty boy has been refusing to sleep at night. He will usu wakes up ard 12+ or 1pm and stay awake till 3+ 4am.... It has been v tiring for me and my mil (we take turns to look aft at nite cos it is too shiong for me to take care everynite due to his sleeping habit).

Try to follow the GF method but find that itis difficult cos very hard to wake him up for feed while he is sleeping and even harder to stop him frsleeping if he is tired. He'llwail like nobody business!! Aiyo!!! Real headache!

Therefore very envious when i read that some of ur babies can sleep thru the night... When will my bb be good and sleep thru the nite?? Mayb will only happens in my dream??? haha!!
hi all

no time to login last few days, soo many posting
had been busy cos hubby outstation then one person got to settle 2 kids.. so scare, going bk to work in 2 wks time... think already 'sweat' cos need to do nite feeding daily, will hv hard time trying to 'adjust' new schedule again...

san...Clarisse is v sweet looking

attached i share pic of my boy - in the centre(2mths now) + my niece's bb gal - on the right (3mths) and my nephew's boy - on the left (2 wks younger than mine). u can imagine 3 babies under same roof if they cranky - the whole block can be 'pulled' down!! hahaha..
welcome fitty_nut

serene..my boy also 'er ni' until today, sometime abit, sometime alot esp when he 'stretch' so hard esp pooing while feeding, almost 1-2oz will come out! also duno wat to do, jus keep burping him after feeding..many at times will burp until 'hand break' also hvnt burp..
hi mummies,

anyone has problem with baby sleeping? Think my baby sleeps at most 10 hours a day! Is that enough? He hardly sleeps in the day and night also wakes up for feeds.

re: feeding
How do you know how much more to give if milk is not enough? My baby is 5 weeks+ now. Sometimes I give 100ml, it can last him 3 hours, but sometimes barely 2 hours! I try to increase to 120ml but he can't finish. So how do you know how much more to give in the next feed?
hey I just want to ask a question

My son has not been feeding well today. But he is not sick, plays well and smiles too...but not much urine and no poo the whole day...so I am slightly concerned...
Any of you encountered this problem?
Hi, I called Friso to get some samples, but they can't give me any even though I told them that I want to try to switch formula. They just can give me the step 2. How did you all get the step 1 sample?

Thanks, I am trying to be patient with my husband cause he also dunno how to handle baby, so must teach him and handling crying baby at the same time.

burping, my bb also have burping problem. Taking a long time at the start, but now I try the rocking method,like rocking a bottle. sometimes it works but sometimes it don't. Some tips for burping is that if bb didn't burp at that position, try to bring bb to down and bring up again to burp.

my problem now is my baby sleep too much and didn't want to wake up to eat. I have to check the time to wake him up to feed or else if till he cry, he will be very cranky, wanting to sleep and eat at the same time
Btw, I already buy one normal bouncing chair, but saw that Fisher-Price has a type of bouncers have the function of rocking, music and toy to play with. Any mummies buy this bouncer? Any comments.
Velvet, regarding going out...I have been bringing baby out for shopping trips and out to visit his maternal grandparents v often. Never gone beyond 6hours...usually after 4-5 hours we'll wanna come home coz it's quite tiring to bring him out heh heh. To prevent breast engorgement, usually i'll pump before going out but if i'm in a rush i'll just let baby latch on outside. Some shopping centres/buildings have very nice and well-equipped nursing rooms e.g. HDB hub, Great World City. If no nursing room, then i'll just discreetly BF in public (it's good to invest in some nursing tops--MIM has some pretty affordable ones).

Had some coffee the other day thinking "it's only a little, no harm..." I REGRETTED coz in the end baby didn't wanna sleep at nite!!!! wake up for his feed at 11pm and wanted to play! and again at 2am,3am-4.30am....it was crazy. No more coffee for this mummy. SOBZZZ.
Perlicia: they all dun give samples for infant... I wana try out friso oso since so many good feedbacks here.. my boi on enfa and will only poo poo once in 2 days like tat..

Any mummies give baby water??
Hi Ling and Perlicia,

If you go to PD or even ur gynae, you can check with them whether they have Friso sample. U just need to fill up a form and u will be given a tin 900g. I got mine from my PD as well.

Re: Water
I have been feeding water + grip water to my girl since she turns 1 mth old. But I try not to give her a lot as I think it's not good for them. Something abt thinning of blood or something if drink too much ....

Bring bb out,
As I'm only pumping in the morning and night, so so far no problem engorgement. Sometimes it will feel very full but I'll just ignore it and will pump 1st thing I reached home. If we going out longer, I'm thinking of bringing the breast pump and pump in the car. If not, really cannot stand anymore and bb is ard, latch her.

BTW, I bought 2 nursing blouse from a mummy in the forum, she din wear and I tried and it's a bit tight for me. So would like to let go if anyone is interested. It's from Mum's R Us I think. Size L.
totoro_bb: you mixed grip water with water? hw much to how much? btw, you give regular small amounts of water to baby everyday isit??

I will try to get from my PD... thx :D
i also have the same problem.. bb usually drinks 120ml.. but nowadays he cannot finish den i reduce to 110ml.. sometimes also cannot finish.. so now he drinks between 100ml to 120ml.. so waste my BM when he cannot finish.. Btw he is going 2 mths this 1st dec..

Re: sleeping.. my bb also sleep very little.. same like urs.. my 1st boy also same don't like to sleep one.. think it's in the genes.. his parents also sleep very little one.. night owl.. kekeke..

maybe u monitor for a couple of days.. if bb still llike that should bring see PD to find out wats wrong.. sometimes they just change their usual habit out of nowhere..

i been a SAHM for going 2yrs plus.. since my 1st boy born.. now with this 2nd one i think wont be going back workforce so soon liao.. haiz.. but seeing them making their "1st" moments is worth everything..

think my PD told be b4 that BM or FM already has water.. don't really need to feed water.. even give also give little bit can liao..
