(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

voted for both your pix & for rene's too! nice pix of u & aria :)

re: avillion resort
hubby & i rented a car in johor & drove to port dickson via north-south highway. en route can also stop by malacca :)
oh did some mummies mention about meeting up? i want too! too bad i miss the go go bambini outing. anymore outings coming up before our oct bash?

u have to reinforce and reinforce your point again and again. Empower yr child. I find it useful to provide them with a few choices to distract them away from the undisirable activities or u join in the fun. Eg, brig like to play with my laundary basket in the kitchen, i got so frustrated!!!! Nowaday, i get him involved when i dump the clothings in the washing machine... and he dun touch my basket anyomre. Things that they have no access to are more attracting to them.

Biting cannot be help, cos is terrible to be teething.. i just let him bit anything that no dangerous.

Talk to them. My hb also talk to brig : - Daddy know you are feeling terrible, you just had a fell, is painful right, we are so sorry... are you feeling better now??

I had been nagging brig not to touch my photos frame for more than 1 month... and now i see some results, not that he dun touch, is v minimal..

relax.. bb are like that.. curious and exploring all the time
ecookie & aria, =P

aria, i wana *abish* u.. over 30! u can reali keep it leh!! *wolf whistles*..

ladies, backtrack to one neh-neh problem.. my mum & grandma say i have "lost" my boobs! so sad.. but itz not flat leh. itz just saggy! used to be able to see cleavage, now itz a drain.. haiz.. any1 knows how to remedy the situation? reali have to wear bra even at home huh?
hi all the weather now too cold to bring bb for swim ... when can we arrange ???

hmm this Friday and next Monday I am on leave ... but got Question by my Company ... ;(

Will will ... dun no why but my boy vomited again this morning .. .hmmm ??? anyway am going to bring him for review this Friday ...

WHO know know to submit app. to make passport den can go and collect later ???
wahaha...you didn't vote for that man right?haha..no problem lah..my fault.

so you gonna appear in magazine right? so exciting! when is the shoot??
you are so pretty!!!!! So demure looking. Hurhurhurhur. =p

Voted for both!!!! Hope u win!

I didnt win the voter's catergory, but won in Cover model for the editor's pick.
Dunno got prize or not. =p
wow!!! i dun care... i will submit me n baby adri's pics these fri.. u all also support okie okie okie?? =)

CM, oh my! is everything ok? take gd care ya!
sure!! submit..but you gonna clash with Lance or not?? kekeke....his boxing photo very high chance woh...

got this info from mumcentre. Each week, the editor will pick one photo in each category as the weekly winner. Winners will be entered into the grand lucky draw for a family trip to Club Med Phuket!
omg, a toe job! So gross!!! hehehe. Ur nail art too glittery in the dark till adri cannot resist!!

I dun think so la, juz got entered into the lucky draw for club med nia.

dun worry! If sean cannot perfom miracles, i can work magic on u via photoshop!
Now I abit regret why I never make myself 'slimmer' b4 I submit my pic. Now everyone saw my doublechin liao.
ariajo, i voted too.. u look pretty! btw, i jus submitted 4 bb & children category, hopefully got good news.. hehe..

zhenzhen.. nvm, jus go 4 family pix u wont regret... after seeing so many mummies taking photo w bb i so sad, cos last round ps, didnt take w bb or my gal alone, we oni took family photo

hippo..so did adri tells u how it taste like? kekeke... i almost everynite kena 'abish' by zann's 'li san jiao'!!!!!!

jovial... happy birthday caelen
really.. see...

Cover Models - Winners of this category will get a chance to be featured on the cover of MumCentre magazine. Only pics of mum and child(ren) will be accepted. Selected models will have their cover photos taken by a professional photographer.
i juz read ur neh neh post. hahahah so funny.
I think the only way is to wear bra at home even when u sleep. Wear non wire ones will be more comfy. OR, ask hb to msg msg la. Hehehehe.
Welcome to the world of pizza slices!
hippo, at least urs is still same size. i think mine have shrunk! i put on weight everywhere EXCEPT the most impt place. cannot tahan!

gingerleaf, i will take u up on your offer. pls help to get rid of my fats and give me bigger boobs can? haha
aria, haha! then it will be featherweight vs heavyweight! keke...

junnie & gingerleaf, gross is the only way i can describe lor!! lucky i always wash my feet b4 sleeping.. tink she wld have vomitted if it was her dad's toe! *urgh*

gingerleaf, still pretty la! dun worie.. i believe in the editor's taste.. =P
hippo.. dun worry go submit urself & lyn pix under the cover look category, cos i dun hv pix w either of them
i oni submitted in bb & children category nia, duno will b choosen or not...
gingerleaf, haha! u n ur famous pizzas!! now i must remind myself to let my boobs *sit* on their sofa when i m watching tv lor.. else will touch stomach man.. pui!

zhen zhen, they shrunk! my hb said they did.. but itz not as small as my mum & grandma see it lor.. itz just stuck at the bottom and refused to be lifted leh..
Voted for both cutie babbies liao!

Ariajo, so this is how u look ah, so different from my imagination but still a pretty mama lah. haha

<font color="ff0000">happy birthday to caelen!!!</font>
gingerleaf....hahaha.. buah tahan.. u &amp; ur pizza slices again???? luckily i dun like to eat pizza cos i hardly eat cheesy stuff...
Zhen zhen,
no prob! With a wave of the magic wand, u can achieve anything!!!

tsk tsk why u add a =p at the back of ur sentence!!!

Oh, stick sticky tape to lift up the neh neh!
hippo: yah must wear bra lor. i hate braless feeling hehe. cos like no support!!

chris: thanks for advice will try to explain to him. if no use, distract. heh
happy birthday caelen... wish u stay happy and healthy!!!


caelen wake up how many times for milk at night? how many ml of milk he drink at night?


i think my family members did not play much with k during the night. It's K playing wif us loh... we all damn tired after one whole day but dunno why k is still so active.
gingerleaf, aiya... i mean it lor! sorie hor, not pretty one i will keep my mouth shut.. dun believe in lying leh.. hahaha! muacks muacks..
walao.. i can imagine when i peel off the sticky tape.. *OUCH*

ecookie, orh... sobz..

junnie, lucky u! else each time u eat, u'll be reminded of her neh-nehs! hahahahahah
annie, dun worie abt K's activeness.. adri JUST started on her sleeping thru the nite 'program' lsat week. wat my mum did is to pat her back to sleep at nite without feeding her and without talking to her.. i slept over the weekend and she reali improved! now she wakes up only at 6am for her morning feed.. i hope it continues though.. try it gal.. hope it works for u!
gingerleaf, i like the photo of you and lyn. it's really very very very nice. pretty mummy and pretty baby.

er... sticky tape for neh neh. will work meh? wait just look like inverted pizzas. haha
WOW gingerleaf &amp; lyn going to be model soon??? WOW out cutest and sweetest mum &amp; bb

hippo thanks nothing much la ... just my boss again ... hmm hahah maybe plus some PMS kekeke
jovial, i sent my eml to u again in case u nvr rcvd, abt the clip..

cm... hope carlson's vomit is not any big problm, thot he recover liao...
Happy Birthday to Caelen!
Wow! one year old liao, so fast hor! He must be very happy yesterday!!

No time to read the rest of the post, I'll see whether can I log in later!!! Got to go liao!!
hmm my boss... giving black face ... asking for this and that ... sees things been done or not ... just any other bosses amd they question me on the leaves I am taking lor ... but they are very bad to my col ... they demoted her etc etc ... wow make her cry her way home man ... think they are trying to make her leave the company ... she is looking for a/cs job in Jurong or tuas area ... abt 40 yrs old ... so sad
re: inverted pizza
without sticky tape, pizza point downwards. with sticky tape, pizza point upwards. inverted piza lor. hahaha...
zhenzhen..like tat also can arr?? hehehe... good luck to those 'pizza lovers'!!!

bye all...me going home liao... tml going to extract my wisdom tooth... duno mc how many days??? shiok &amp; not shiok?? hiaz...

hi mummies,
who else is submitting for the cover look category huh? i very sotong, submitted a very large file and get kicked out becasue the photo corrupted during transmission. So, i'm going to resubmit again. But first thing first, got to choose a more presentable picture.. The most presentable already use liao
Dunno whether can find another one or not.. haiz...
