(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Thanks... Saw the laughing cow ones @ cold storage juz now. Very tempted to buy, but dun noe if itz suitable for babies.

Oopss... I miz it, Jovial.
Happy Belated to Caelen... May he be happy & healthy as always! =D

Hi totoro,

No worries, As long as I am not forgotten is ok...I will send you to transfer asap....I am still staying in the age of ATM transfer....hehe.
Tigger for Raphael.

Gingerleaf, you and lyn on magazine? Which one?

CM, sorry to hear that you are getting all this craps...Should look for another job and fired all of them like sambal kangkong...

Anyone still intending to change FM when our babes turn into 1? Enfagrow now more expensive than Gain IQ...
can also gv them the laughing cow cheese spread, to spread on biscuits or bread.
Glad to hear from you again. As per the rest of mummies, maybe can try minimise amount of play with Kayden. Play some baby soothing music by when putting Kayden to bed. Or it's time to increase his feeds again?
I do increase Jerry's feeds if his sleeping hours in the nite decrease over few days. It helps by increasing his feeds.
doobom, orh.. so long nvr 'see' u cos u are lazing ard? keke.. ur size can afford the snacks la! dun worie!!
i like those paper lanterns too.. cos after playing with them just burn it up lo.. ha!

gingerleaf, tink u can dun mind cos u got 2 and 1 of them is lightweight.. as for me, i only have that almost 9kg "monster" which my mum & grandma dun bring out when they go shopiing with adri..they only bring it to the market n neighbourhood.. so bo bian lo.. gotta spend the $ and get it for them..
Perlicia & Mummies,
DHA & AA amount is highest in Gain IQ ya? Yes, Perlicia. I m planning to move on to Gain IQ when Jerry turns one. Got call from Abbott n sample tin GainIQ is on the way.

Thanks, krissie. Will buy n let Jerry try out.

U were asking which workshop I am attending this sat for the Dumex event? should be 2. Coz 1 is for preggie mums ya? If I remember correctly. My sis plan for me, I dun noe the details. U will be there?
*wave wave n nod head*
Yes, I nua alot recently. Maybe I am feeling too lethargic. *.*
Cun resist the snacks when I do my groceries marketing. Sure muz grab some back. Haha...
doobom: gain IQ has the highest amt? but tot enfagrow got 4x DHA or somthing? im still undecided but my PD gave me some samples ard 5 sachets of gain IQ and we got 1 tin of enfagrow at home too..

should be enfagrow bah since its the follow upfor enfapro which yz is drinking now but its much expensive with the new range of 4x DHA...
workshop 2 is for MTB & new mummies, & workshop 1 is for mummies wif babies/kids who are 1 yr & above.I'll be gg to workshop 2 cos it's in the afternoon.

u oso a fan of sanrio
I like My Melody & am planning to bringing Shanice & her cousins on next Sat
I m not too sure. If I remember correctly, I did a comparison off the shelf with GainIQ n Enfagrow (new 4X). GainIQ wins the DHA highest content. Jerry is on Similac Follow-on. I did consider Enfagrow, but somehow my friends with kids told me that GainIQ is gd with itz high DHA content. *roll eyes* Me the lazy pig juz follow lor. Haa...
Maybe if u have time, u can compare both before deciding. =D
Hehe... That means I am going to workshop 1. I was told by sis we are attending the morning slot, so I followed. Hopefully can gain some knowledge from the workshop in preparing Jerry in turning one. =D
U dare to taste FM har? >.<
I dun dare to challenge the taste of milk leh. I dare to taste all the food prepared for Jerry n as well BM, but not FM. The smell of FM makes me faint! Oops... Hehe...
NOrmally, I dun consider the taste or watsoever. I juz take into consideration about the nutrients content of the FM n go for it.
hello..BM is precious hor..hehe...actually it tasted like coconut milk la..hehe...no weird lah cos it comes from our body mah...if i taste other's BM, that feels really weird...wahaha...
I like paper latern too! coz the highlight is to be able to burn the lantern after that! but i wanna buy for lyn, so will get those with music n lights. hEHEHE. Looking out for elmo or hello kitty ones.

re gian iq n enfa
I was comparing the 2 in the supermarket also. I know gian is higher in dha but enfa is higher in soemthing too. I guess i might go ahead with enfa. Infact, oready bot a big tin liao, coz giant selling cheaper. I might swtich to similac in future, coz they always have freebies leh. =p
Oh, yesterday lyn woke up at around 3am. So brought her over to my room to sleep. Then she dowanna sleep n kept wanting to play. Then suddenly, she started looking behind me, then she pointed and went 'erh erh erh' and her finger moved from one corner to the other corner and she kept 'erh-ing' and then she laff!
Freak sia! I was so scared and hb was already asleep, so I guickly distract her n she never 'look' anyway after that.
gingerleaf: so scary!!! i cant imagine baby yz doing that, think will be v freaked out!!
but dun scare urself too much.. sometimes the little ones gets fascinated by darkness/shadows. yz always look at our shadows n go "eh eh eh" also.

anyone knows how much does enfagrow cost 900g tin? shop n save having sale at $27.60 is it considered a good disc?
gingerleaf, omg!! freaky... hugs! hope u are calmer now!!

talk abt changing formula.. adri is on isomil avanced now. should i change her to non-soy based when she turns 1? doc did tell us to try but i dun wana put her thru all the stuff nose and phelgmy throat again leh.. haiz.. how?
Any mummies &amp; babies ONz for this fri lunch in town?

29Aug08 (Fri):
1. doobom
2. CM + kids + helper

But what time ... got dental at 10.00 den need to bring car ofr service ... den can meet liao got to go to Mt E at 4.30

haha just come back from lunch ... kekeke my CEO wants to see me ... haha for what !!! update later ... got scolded by his wife??? keke
Yes, scary... Perhaps Lyn is distracted by the curtains due to air-con or the dim lighting in the bedrm? Anyway, dun scare yourself. Quickly hug her n pat her back to sleep lor.
Yes, I joined the Abbott rewards scheme. Juz redeem two tins of Follow-on.

I am not too sure. But I got GainIQ from Giant @ 26.65 last weekend. Normally GainIQ ranges 27+-29+. Got discount, I wait no longer n grab. Half a dozen @ home now. Haha... Kiasu ya?

Switching from Follow-on to GainIQ
Abbott nutrionist was telling me to go slow with the switching of Follow-on to GainIQ.
'This time round, the switch is much different as compared to Infant switch to Follow-on.'
I used to do complete switch from the Infant to Follow-on, no transition. Guess got to be patient with the switch to GainIQ when Jerry turns one, with the advice from Abbott rep.
Maybe u can let Adri try out the samples 1st. Call up for samples. Not to rush into any BIG tins yet. But u need to decide which one for her to move on 1st. Hmmm...
doobom: why must the transit be gradual? cos the taste differs alot or stage 3 will cause constipation or wat?
cos that time when i change from stage1 to 2, i just switch like that. somemore from friso to enfapro. but yz no prob except poopoo become a bit slow initially.

hippo: yah let adri try samples 1st... then if she is ok with no phlegm etc, then can get the big tin one.
hi mummies,

just to double confirm, the laughing cow cheese triangles are safe for babies yeah?

hippo, so mothers@work giving out how many % disc?

gingerleaf, that's spooky.. i have similar experiences. chloe likes to wave at the curtain during this 7th mth.. 0_o
doobom / ecookie,
scary rite! i was freaked sia!! Somemore she 'byebye' okie! I told my hb this morning and he only 'ha ha ha' at me. Idiot.

I bought the 1.8kg tin for $48-$49 at Giant!(got promo)Normal price is ard $51-$53?

re lunch
I cant join this friday too. Got to prepare for my trip.

that is scary!!
I really notice this month alot of funny experiences leh. For many nights, she will wake up in the middle of the nite crying. I always attribute that to the fact that we laff/talk too loudly or TV vol too high.
But yesterday's incident left me abit in shock.
gingerleaf: the cruise!! excited anot!!

wah the 1.8kg offer sounds good. but too big tin leh. scared he rejects the taste then got stuck w the tin..
yea gingerleaf, same thing, wave goodbye!
i have to act blur too.. don't wanna think too much.. hehe.. shoo shoo this month going to be over soon
Haha... I can imagine ur hb's blur look n hahaha @ u. Dun mean to be mean. Haha... I sure smack my hb if he hahaha @ me. Wahaha.... =D
Dun stress n think too much. GOing to gai-gai on cruise oredi lah! =P

Yes, I oso 'HUH' when Abbott rep. told me that. She say itz quite different from follow-on. Maybe coz of the much higher content of DHA which may result in some poopoo prob. I oso blur. Juz heed what she told me.

Should be ok. I will be trying bit n monitor. Hmm... Like introducing a new food. Hee...

so spooky! think if i were u, i will quickly shake my hubby and wake him up, ask him to pat bb to sleep coz i very tired, cant open eyes then faster back to sleep &amp; pretend nothing happen! gal, u can try to buy those musical lantern at hdb confectionery shop like "swee heng"? i got my doraemon one few years back there

re follow on milk:
think i will stick to enfa... bb turning one soon but i still got 5 tins of enfapro leh! coz i thought my bm gonna dry up so stock up lots.. now gonna start to reduce expressing my bm, and say bye bye to my pump!
doobom &amp; ecookie, thanks! think i will stick to abbott ba.. =)

chintz, mothers@work giving 15% discount till this sun! i called mothercare. no discount.. quick go chk out mothers@work!!

gingerleaf &amp; chintz, *shiver*
was telling my colleague abt ur stories. know wat? she kena from her son (3yrs old) too!! son woke up early so her hb brought him out to the living room to play. he was playing on the floor with the toy cars then suddenly look up, pointed to the sofa and tell his dad "wah.. daddy, so many aunties &amp; jie jies!" pengz! my colleague's hb shocked.. quickly pull him into the room manz..
hippo: ur story makes me feel very cold leh!!!!! so scary! eeks cant imagine that happening to me, think i will pengz n fly back to room and wont dare to go out to my living room liao!!!

yah lucky by this sun, this mth will be over..
Im alone at home and its eerily dark and ur story spooked me out!!!!

Wahahah, no time for rubber la, bring bb on cruise leh. Im very anal one, bb in same room cannot do. Hehehe. Dunno leh, scared she sees n understand. =p
Hows everything?? You seems so happy! Eh my cruise, I will stop by port Klang and Penang. I shout loud loud from Port Klang to you okie, keep a look out for my voice and reply me! Heheheh.

So excited and looking forward to my cruise. All my things settled, dog gg to boarding, cats got germany lady coming my hse to cat sit... hmm.. nuthin more liao! juz needa look forward and enjoy!
wah hipppo!!!!! that's really spooky!

ok, hippo, i'll bring my calculator and count count count again if i really need to get the maclaren hehehehe

gingerleaf, enjoy ur cruise

dodo, miss u leh...
ecookie, i also shivered when my colleague told me her story lo! scary!!!

gingerleaf, oops.. sorie sorie.. hugz.. give u my guts.. dun worie, u got ur dog &amp; cats!

dodo, make sure u listen out for her voice and reply her! else KL residents very poor thing leh.. kekeke... remind me of the show "kungfu" and the landlady.. hahahaha!
ooo so spooky, i also scared, got once myra did a similar thing and i got spooked leh, dare not look at where she looking and my hair all stand up liao!

can recommend me a place to send my cats for grooming. need to service and maintenance them liao, they look so poor thing, since i got no time to take care of them now.
can PM me if you dont want to 'advertise' hehe.
SPOOKY!!! alamak, tonight i suppose to do my school project leh by surfing internet in the living....how how?? aiyoh, hippo collegue story really got all my hair standing!!
hippo: no lah, u r just sharing..

mummies enjoy ur evenings with ur babies. me getting ready for home liao. friday quick come!!
hi mummies...eeee all the spooky stories make my hair stand...it's 7th mth somemore! some ppl believe children have the 'third eye'...scary!

dodo, so envious, you still bfing. I think it's really 'wei da' of you. I stopped when matty was 6 mths old coz my supply suddenly dropped due the sleepless nights marking exams. sometimes, i resent my job...and then i feel guilty towards my students for thinking that way

just wanna check, where can I get the walking wings, besides at Suntec? Went there and the lady said they dun bring in anymore...

cherie_bear, thanks for the linkie on the lantern festival, will bring matty one of these days!

Have yet to upload our studio pics from the StudioLoft...will do so soon, so that mummies can see how matty has grown
spooked as I am, i still like to listen to all this leh, lol.

I groom the cats myself. Do not know of any cat groomers. Most cats do not allow strangers to groom them, so cats groomers v rare. Last time I pick up a stray and wanted to keep her. Her body full of mite so had to get her shaved down, then the groomer next to the vet will only do the job if the cat is under anesthesia. I heard alot of groomers willing to groom cats only if the cat is 'sleeping'. Most ppl wun wanna do that coz there is a risk to put an animal under GA.
