(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

annie... did u gv k solid food for dinner? may b he hungry? but strange loh, usually after nite feed (b4 12midnight) bb shd b able to get back to bed... or likelihood k sleeps alot in the day? u try feed him 'bao bao' during nitefeed, if he wakes up again u gv water/pacifier (duno k eat or not) then off all light (telling him is 'nite' time), i tink no need see PD now ba, observe 1st. mine last nite fed at 10pm then knw he sure will wake up by 1am for milk, but i didnt feed him, instead i gv him pacifier, he sucked & sleep, but abt every 3hrs wake up & erk, i was too tire so i jus gv him his pacifier, then until 7am tis morning, he buay tahan liao, so i fed him.
annie ...its also normal for bb ... hmmm sometime you got to train him ... like ecookie says ... pretend to sleep and also just pat him and dun talk to him

k only sleep 3hrs for both daytime and noon nap. sometimes during weekend he sleep only 1 or 2 hrs b'cos everyone at hm mah.. veri PLAYFUL hor!!! super active lei.

I try feeding him water but he smart lei.. reject the water but once i feed him milk he will doze off to sleep. i pretend liao but he will climb here and there, try to open the door and use his head to knock me blar blar!!! we sleep on the floor... sometimes, he will wake up and sit and look at me.... aiyoh!!!!

why why... help!! i'm so tired.
k does not take pacifier liao. Since his sore throat... think he hate pacifier!!! ha ha... ok i let u know his feeding schedule.

8am plus: breakfast - cereal or cake
10am plus: morning nap - 120ml of milk
1pm or earlier: lunch - porridge (1 bowl)
3pm or later: milk - 180ml
5pm plus: tea break - biscuit or apple
7pm plus: dinner - porridge (1 bowl)
10pm plus: sleep - milk 180 or 210ml
1am or earlier: milk - 180ml or 210 ml
4am or later - milk 150ml

btw i was wondering whether is it b'cos my son too active he needs all his feed. he really veri active...can climb here and there without feeling tired. if i nv forced him to sleep he won't sleep loh
Oni 1 nap in the morning then all the way till 10pm+? super active leh...
hmm... i ever read from somewhere that when baby is having nap, must make the surrounding match with the nap time. For eg, when come to night, can draw down curtains and dim down lights. And also reduce playing times with him at night. There must be a difference in activities during day & night.

I did all the above... i think my boy veri playful lei. u noe, my hse got my parents, my sis, my bro-in-law , my hubby and me. so many pple play wif him.

everytime when someone open the door.. he will crawl there in less den 2mins!!!
annie.. ur table seems okie leh, except his milk at 10am+ seems abit little... if he really sleep oni 1x like wat chersam said & by nite time still dun want to sleep, wow.. k really 'super'!! haha.. dun worry, i tink k is jus being active & he gets hungry easier..

wow,ur boy really very playful & active

U think the 10pm feed little ah. i already increase from 180ml to 210ml. u think i shd increase some more???

i really worried.. abt his activness!!!
annie: yah think you can let him drink more milk during the day. once he gets his required intake of milk during the day, will minimize the chances of waking up at night hungry.
hi annie,
usually i will close door, off lights and sleep with myra. if she wants to continue playing, i will pretend sleep and not entertain her. she is used to this and knows that its bedtime and not playtime. takes her 5 to 10 mins to sleep. unless she had a busy day then a little longer cos of hyper, after she has fallen asleep then i can get up and do my things lor. but the thing is she cant sleep by herself like some bbs can.
cos i cant bear her to sleep alone by herself. also when she wakes up for night feed, i will do the same again. after milk, off lights and pretend sleep again, so no entertain her when she wants to play.
cherie bear, thanks for the info

chersam, think cherie and hannah are last ones on the bogay list liao. haha

annie, it sounds you need to train k. he's taking quite a bit of food during the day. should be able to last through the night.
like what the other mummies mentioned, don't entertain him at night. just feed and put him back to sleep. after a while, he will get the idea that night = sleep. hope you can get some good rest soon!
no no no, Aria is still a bogay baby

you boy can sleep 3 hours during day time. very good.. my girl hardly slept more than 1 hour each nap. she need 2 naps a day only. there was once she took 4 small nap (less than 3 hours in total) and you know what time she at night? 1AM! Pengsan man... luckily midnight feed she will guai guai go back to sleep... but still tiring for me lah. no choice lah, mother's love is the most "wei da"!!
hi annie, for me.. it is tough to get anders to sleep @ 9pm. What i do is switch off the lights, on lullaby and pat pat him to sleep.. very often, i fall asleep earlier than him.. haha.. but he only sleeps 2.5 hours in the day..

anders is still a bogay baby!
hello mummies,
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">aria photo is up and so is rene... oh oh, 2 babies fighting liao...but ok lah, hopefully one of us kena pick by editor :p</font></font>

aria -

rene -

i very sotong.. submitted 2 large picture of more than 2M each for the cover look and the family photo and kena kicked out cos the picture was corrupted. So, resubmitting it for next week competition. I think you can submit the baby category first cos Aria picture is in liao..But for the cover look and the family photo if you do want to clash, better submit next week..
re: bogay list
didn't know there were still so many babies on the list. thot hannah one of the last ones liao.

aria, zinterz, voted your babies le.
ponponta: i think i got it ard $120? CC no is 65323855. dun have their exact address. its on the 3rd floor above the chinatown hawker next to peoples park.. can call them to get the address..
have fun researching and shopping/window-shopping.
live the life of a tai-tai/SAHM to the max! time is on ur side so do the things you wanna do for ur family n yourself. heehee!

just like what zhen_zhen shared, babies learn thru their senses. so when they mouth/bite things, to them, its just exploring. but their teeth can be capable of damage to things lor, so must b careful.

at this age, i dunno yet what's right or wrong. so perhaps, if u dun wan him to bite something, distract him with something that is bite-able. my PH likes to put his thumb into his mouth, or eat things that i dun allow (eg. papers, bottles,etc) when i pull out, he becomes v.v.angry and will scream/cry,etc. so i just shove another toy to him or carry him away from that place and see something else, then he forget liao.

ur boy sleeps very well in the day, perhaps tat could b why he sleeps little at night n wakes up for feeds. for my boy, he sleeps v.little in the day, at most is 1 1/2 hrs of nap time. perhaps u trying upping his day feeds and dun play with him at night. after a while he may get the idea tat there's nothing interesting at night!

hey... another round of votes for cute cute babies again. so exciting! to be fair, shall vote for both babies.
aria_jo: haha i was wondering who is that guy!!

dreamz: yah i think the key is DISTRACTION. will try that on yz and see how..
ecookie, i was reading thru wat u posted earlier.. bo bian lo.. datz y we always tink our mothers are naggy! cos itz out of concern.. keke.. like wat zhen zhen said, gotta reinforce n reinforce lo.. if itz of any consolation to u, i m also a naggy mummy.. cos ms notti also likes to taste everything! 2 weeks ago, she tasted the nail-art on my big toe @ 4am in the morning lor.. i almost fainted!

aria, tak boleh tahan! so pretty.. voted once again!! all the best!!!
aria jo, i voted for the other pic liao. wah... you look so sweet and glam le. i'm still thinking whether to do away with family shoot during hannah's PS. i look so jialat nowadays. sigh...
zhen zhen, i almost hyper-ventilated there n then! gave me a shock man!!
PS: go n take family shots dear! so pretty dun wana take, wait til become old hag and hannah dun wana take wif u then take ah? go go go.. *abish*
annie, my today one year old caelen still wakes up for night feed. I feel as long as he is growing fine, it's ok la, just tiring for parents and caregiver only lor.

See my 'bigger than me balloons'
<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">I'm ONE today !!! I'm a Toddler now</font></font>
thanks mummies for the vote..glam?? where got..i was in breastfeeding top and jeans leh..hehe..i think sean is good lor, can capture this angle and make my face look so slim..keke...

congrats on caelen's one year old!! wah, the balloon so cute and big!

wahahah..so funny...cannot imagine lynn yum yum yum your big toe...

yes, go and take lah npw tha we're still young..ahemm..i not young liao..over 30!
aria jo,
Ya...I love the tigger and piglet. Eyeore was given to Caelen 1st cousin who didn't manage to get her 18 inch balloon (someone took the one she chosen accidentally and left). But pooh a little small compare to the rest. ... Caelen slept with 3 friends looking over him last night ... maybe for a few more night before they need to be recharged

Aunty Ariajo, Chintz, ecookie and Ueno ... Thank you *hug hug from Caelen*

Zhen Zhen,
you look jialat meh ? remember Caelen smile at you and even wants you to carry ....
