(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

thanks joyce....but the milk seems to separate into 2 sides...looks like curdled milk...still can drink?

these last 2 nites baby vomit milk thru the nose and mouth...anyone experienced it? dunno if she is in any discomfort....maybe kena drink some bath water? her nose went into the water..think she breathed in some.... either that ok she kena kock head on my sink....haha..poor kid..2 acciddents in 1 day...

btw...her cord finally fell out...if it didnt..think i would have pulled it out already...

hey..didnt know gripe water used for constipation? thot it was for wind?? think like kris say..maybe babies having FM drink a little water would help ease it....

bbuny, u swirled the bottle first before/after warming up..

Read from a link, it stated this:

"Because human milk is not homogenized, it will naturally separate into layers of milk and cream. This is normal, and does not mean the milk is spoiled. If the milk separates, heat and swirl it gently to mix."
re: breastmilk storage

I oso kept my breastmilk in the chill section for 8 days before I trf it to the freezer else it wil be real hard to defroze (take 1day at least) after keeping it for 2 days before trf to the freezer. i did that for my elder gal last round & no probs so far. in addition, once the breastmilk had been frozen, they will lose some of its immunity properties which is why i oso dun want to freeze them unless no choice. i think no choice for me accept to keep in fridge for 8 days since i've over supply & storing them in freezer so that I can end the milking torture earlier. cos can express out abt 140-180ml in 15 mins every session & cannot imagine the amt if I pump longer.

though i pump regularly, i still let bb latch on if she did not haf enuf after her normal bottle feed so that i can oso increase the breastmilk production. haiz, dun noe how to tahan the engorgement when going back to work next mth since can oni pump after 5-7 hrs interval (faintz)

btw, for those mummies whom r keen to increase the breastmilk, I did message my breast when i begin to pump so that milk can flow out faster, therefore, clearing the breast more which shld helps in poducing more milk. & oso in the nite, if i wake up later than the normal pump time, i ensure that i pump out more milk than the normal session & in the next round, I find that I can pump more milk liao as the breast will produce the same amt which u had pump out mah. hope these tips help mummies whom wan to increase their supply.
The thread is moving more slowly as all of us really busy with babies. 3 hours feed really like very short.

when baby is hungry,feed him takes about 15min, then burp him another 15 min. by the time put him to sleep and do abit of expressing, sleep 1h then heard him cry for milk again...

garden dreamz,ya, terok is the word....really want to give up, but because buying an ex pump, it keeps me going.no wonder i never get pain, cause too little milk to get engorgement...

any mummies using similac and intending to change brand? i notice alot of granules in this milk, other brand have this problem?
Yep...joyce after swirling is ok...but just the inital look is separated..thot spoilt liaoz....haha..so silly...

btw...i saw this strange thing incident yesterday...dunno what u all think....saw this lady in the middle of going to breastfeed..she had her breast in one hand going to put into baby's mouth..then this couple came...and the husband sat rite infront of the woman..the whole place so empty and got many seats...but he and the wife sat directly infront of her... and the wierd thing is that its the man who was directly infront..and the wife the next seat...i thot quite wierd...not like crowded area....so empty with so many other seating areas...
Hi junnie, bbunny, eufrasia, joyce.. Thanks! Chloe drinks a lot i guess..

I've problem let baby latched-on. Always feed her with expressed breast milk. Anybody here facing the same problem as me? I'm worried as I feel milk supply will stop soon
Hi Chintz,

Im also on expressed milk.. not latching on at all. Milk supply didnt stop, BB i 7th wk now. However, my supply is very stagnent. abt 60ml every 3 hours. It didnt increase when i try to express more freq (every 2 hourly). I even invest a electrical pump instead of a manual one i used peviously.

Any help??

garden_Dreamz...thanks for the advice..but I'm still under bond so may be a bit difficult to get NPL now...anyway like u say, still have some time to decide. My principal and HOD keep asking me "you only taking 3 mths ML hor???" hai...somemore i know i'm taking graduating classes next year. But if push comes to shove, I won't want to sacrifice my baby's well-being.

junnie, nope i'm using Ridwind drops...supposed to use 0.5ml 3x a day (mixed with EBM or give before direct BF)...but now have reduced to 2x a day. I also apply Ru Yi oil for him after his bath in the morning and after his wipe-down in the evening. I noticed as long as baby burps every feed he is ok...if not, he'll get super cranky and vomit his milk. I think the wind will always be there until they get older loh...it's just a matter of severity..so maybe we just have to be patient...

Unice, 90ml EBM lasting 2.5 hours for 2.5 week old bb is normal...if you notice he's still hungry, mebbe can increase to 100ml...matthias is 3 weeks old and he's drinking 100-120ml each feed. depends on how hungry he is :p In fact he's such a guzzler even his limbs are getting chubbier!!
chris, dunno if you're drinking papaya soup? My supply decreased suddenly (think because i was tired and stressed) and that helped. Have to use the unripe papaya, can boil with fish or pork ribs. Or you may wanna try Fenugreek...heard from many mothers it's good.

Oh yah,just a tip for mummies expressing their milk.. I just bought the Original Handsfree and SuperShields plus from www.mumsfairy.com and i must say it's a GODSEND. My back and arms ached like crazy during pumping in the past coz had to hunch forward to let the milk flow into the bottle, and have to hold the shields tightly while massaging my breasts to get the lumps out. But now can lean back and my hands are really free!!! To read magazine...to massage my breasts easily...hahahhaha...really recommend the 2 products to mummies.
hi Karrie and mummies who express milk,

noramlly u will express out every 2-3hrly right?
May I know roughly how much can be expressed out each time from both sides? How long u take to pump each time..
Just got a call from KKH, blood tests results are back and confirm my baby has thalessimia major...have to go for regular blood transfusions. Really feel like crying..feel so sad for her. Part of her life will be spent going to hospital. =(
25% chance and she shuai shuai got it. Buy 4D also not so zhun.

oic.. i also find that my baby vomit more of FM, actually he din really vomit, just that the milk will flow out from the sides of his mouth... he will usually cries before the milk flow out, and will stop crying and continue to sleep after that... so u still continue to supplement his feed wi normal cow milk FM? my doc advise me to supplement him wi soy milk for the moment... maybe i will let him have normal cow milk FM when he's better
re: expressed breastmilk
Now my Chloe is 3-week-old, i'll pump 4oz (i think about 120ml) every 3 hrs to feed her. I wish i could have more supply too!! Very stressed when there's no more stock in the fridge for her.. Must always standby and pump, before she gets up and yell for milk.. hehe
hi junnie,
wanted epi.. but the real pain started only at 6cm dilation.. So no point having epi.. in the end, use the laughing gas..

The delivery was tough, did not have enough strength to push the baby out. So ended up having to rely on vacuum and forceps. Now see the bump on his head, heart really pain...
i usually pump 3 hourly.. can pump out 120ml from both sides.. each time abt 10-15mins.. But i using manual pump might be slower...

*hugs*Take care and be strong for ur ger k!

it is still possible for menses to come eventhough u are on TBF.. heard from some other mummies that it can come as early as 1-2months..
Chris..on increasing milk supply.. actually frequent latch on is the best..everytime after u pump out milk let baby latch for a while to help further empty the breast..
Also must drink lotsa fuids to make up for the water lost through BF... drink more soups.. milo, holicks even normal water.. diet also very impt.. eat lotsa veges and fishes.. very good to increase milk supply..
kris,so shocked to hear tt....but u must be strong k..things will get better...

thanks jojer,chintz....will try expressing for 1 day to see how it goes...hopefully can control Sena's sleeping & feeding routine...so not so xin ku...
Kris, you must be strong to take care of your baby.

I am also worried about my child, he is refer to do hearing test again for his left ear. Sometimes just wondering how come got so many thing happened, jaundice, rashes etc.
Hi Karrie and Gardenz..
Didn realise that we are in the same occupation!!
Anyway, regarding the maid issue.. its so terrible for me. My maid ran away. She is a filipino. Sigh~ We didn scold her nor beat her nor do anything to her. She didn even need to cook or look after the baby. And she ran away. So now really busy handling all the maid issues and no time to log on also. So still in a loss of what to do with bb. My mum going back to work tmr. So I would be left alone with the bb.. die liao.. dun noe how to handle her if she screams and yells. Sigh~

Oh by the way, I think if any mommies thinking of employing maid, do check if they have finish their previous contract. Mine didn't. Her WP was revoked before she finished her previous contract. So I think this is the second time she has ran away from a employer.

And really interview ur maid before accepting her. Especially if she is to look after ur newborn bb alone. My maid ran away in the wee hours in the morning without locking my door as well. So can't imagine if she is with the bb. As I gave her a notepad to write letters, I check that after she left, and realised it was so scary. She dated various dates and drew some triangles. It seems like she was planning something. And she was with me for less than 2 weeks.

So when employing maid must really really LOOK carefully.

I definately would not believe a maid ever again.
Re: FM
I think someone ask if can order FM with special price? I just made an order of Friso 1 with the discount of buy 5 get 1 free. So can save slightly less than $5 for each can. Just call the Friso hotline to make the order.
Don't be sad you have to be strong for her. In fact my elder daughter is also a regular at KKH since 6mths old. Seeing her suffer really makes my heart pain esp when she is hospitalised and needs to take lots of tests.. so far she had been hospitalised 3 times and she just celebrated her 2nd birthday.. we got no choice but to be strong for her cos she can only rely on us..

thanks for informing about the Friso 1 offer.. My girl also taking Friso 1

RE: Maid
So far my maid (Filipino) had been with me for 3mths.. so far so good.. my mum does complain once in a while lah.. said she like wood block duno how to be flexible.. think choosing a maid depends on luck de loh.. this one I chose is 1st time come SG and no experience.. I find those ex-SG maids or those experienced ones are all shrew and cunning.. I also worry not sure if maid can handle bb when I goes back to work and when my mum brings my elder girl to school.. but so far see her handle bb still ok loh.. cos she herself is a mother of 2.. the youngest one barely 1yr old so babycare is still quite fresh in her mind.. so far we had been treating her well just crossing my fingers that she won't give me any problems till her contract ends..
Dear Kris, do take care n be strong. God will bless will baby..

Can I know anyone has extra pump to spare or not?
My Medela pump jus broke down n i m so frustrated with all the manual expressing... Actually i can manage to pump out bout 160ml but since without e pump, my milk left 120ml. I m thinking of buying a new one, but not to sure whether how long i can pump cos is so tiring n i ve started to work liao. So sad think is decreasing each n every day sigh.
Hi Kris, be strong and take care of yourself and bb. God will always have a way for you, don't worry.

Haven't been posting for quite a while, so many message, just took a quick glance. learnt so many things from all of you. Being a mum is not easy, with all the feeding and carrying, but it is all worth it when I see my bb growing day by day. I am now preparing for bb's full month party, will be shaving his hair to make brush and doing the umbilical cord stamp too.
hi all

grace..so scary to hear abt your maid, hope everything is fine & u hv settled the matter alr so tat u cud hv peace of mind to bbsit..

karrie..thks 4 sharing abt the wind drop..

kris..sorry to hear tat, is heart pain to see bb kanna poke, mine #1 is regular NUH previously she had to go thru various tests for her urine reflux prblm & tk anti-biotics for 3 years. hopefully yours after the transfusion gets better, b strong, take care of yourself too.

ponponta..oic.. dun worry, the bump will go off eventually..
Dear Kris, you must be strong to take care of your bb. your bb will be ok soon. my bb oso went thru two operations since birth. so i can understand, it really heart pain loh.

Re: breasfeed
Like to ask how long will it take to latch on for each breast and switch how many times? i usually express out cos not sure whether bb drink enuff or not.
Hi Sunshinegal,
According to what my gynae says, the bb will cry when not enough. So usually will let my girl latch on, so when she detaches and still cry that means she wants more. When she suck and give up, that means no more milk. And if she still cries, that means must top up with FM.

I used to feed her twice on each side. But now only once, as supply is low. And in fact, I only bf her once a day now.
Hi Junnie,
Thanks for ur consolation! Hope things will be settled soon too! Got to start going back to work soon too, so hopefully she would be found soon.

Hi Kris,
Do take care and be strong! When my bb was warded just for 2 days I was also so sad and cried whenever I see her pics and video.
can check with you do they do free delivery for the Friso 1 that you ordered? I'm going to order..
Thanks mummies for your well wishes. Waiting for KKH to mail me the report before going down to the specialist. At this point, not sure whether she'll need monthly blood transfusions or will her condition be controlled by just medication. No matter what, this is a condition that'll follow her for life as there is no guaranteed cure for thalassemia yet. Sigh. Don't know whether she'll blame her parents in future for bringing her into this world but making her suffer...
Anyway, had my first session of infant massage this morning. The lady just explained to me her credentials, what infant massage is all about, and showed me the strokes to massage baby's legs. Will learn strokes for tummy, arms, and face during the next 3 sessions.

Anyway, the teacher is called Marta. She's Spanish and just got certified as a baby massage teacher last year. Husband is seconded to Singapore, so she's starting her massage business in Singapore. She's charging me only $10 for all 4 sessions as she still needs to practice before going full fledged. So mummies who don't mind someone less experience, this is a great deal.
Can email her at [email protected] if you're interested.
morning all, havent been posting as have been busy with bb and all. need to keep an eye all the time on bb as instructed by my mil as he regurgitates milk often. also, he tends to keep saliva and milk in his mouth and then he chokes on them. even more dangerous. sighs

kris, take care k? i know of a student who is a t major too, now in p6, doing perfectly fine. he is just a little more tired closer to the date of blood transfusions that's all and a little more active after that.

am bringing my bb down to pd for check today. he merlioned yesterday twice and i got worried. he seems v lethargic too. sighs.
take each challenge as it comes and be strong, yah? the sun will shine after the rain.

i tried practicing the various handling styles under my helper's assistance but somehow the effect is worse. perhaps need more time n practice?!! also tried ru yi oil n playing soothing music almost 24 hours, until i think i fried the brains of my CD player n me, i can almost hear the music playing in my brain though CD has already stopped, but he still v.cranky.

in the end, i finally gave in to the last resort - the yao lan/sarong swing. coz my helper n i so tired wif carrying n rocking him around hours on end. when he finally managed to settle down into the yao lan, he looked so serene n calm, so different fr the frustration n cranky behaviour. but he still exhibit frustration/cranky behaviour during his milk feeds time. take a long time to finish his milk, coz in between try to struggle away, then when finally finish, start crying again. ah yoh...

wif regards to maid - dunno lah, she's super gd in hard labour, but when come to caring n the tender touch towards bb, v.raw. wanna change maids also afraid the next maid dunno gd or not.

thanks for the massage tips. in between expressing, i try to massage n squeeze as much as i can, v.tedious n can stretch until more than half an hour. sigh... all for the sake of bb...

NPL is an entitlement, dun think sch won't approve coz of bond. if take NPL, at most ur bond period will be longer (suspended for the period u on NPL), n promo to next grade slower,etc. no point sacrifing our bb for work, i feel, but again, it depends on individual n whether financially able to cope. working mothers have a tough life hor...

haha... same occupation... hi five!!! :D so sorry to hear ur maid ran away. damn terrible... do u have other people who can help out look after ur bb?

thanks for the contact for friso. my bb using enfalac. any ideas where to get bulk purchase rate or special rate,etc?

thanks for sharing wif regards to the bb massage. is there a limit to how many weeks/mths bb has to be b4 going for the massage? how long is each session that she comes?
i'm using ameda. heard fr colleagues that its better, not as loud as medela. am ok with it so far, only coz my supply low, so pump n pump like siao for so long but the yield is pathetic! :D

I just bought ameda (2nd set) cos hb complaint the medela too noisy, but still prefer my Medela dual electric lei. Maybe i am not used to it bah...
Gingerleaf, my gf lend me her ameda pump, I find it not bad too. Not so noisy lor. I think she's selling leh.. since I don't pump now so I'm not buying from her. Are u interested? Cos she's using Avent Duo pump now. Let me know if u wan to buy from her.
gardendreamz, wow, yaolan really so power ah...hmmmmm....
at least ur maid is good at housework lo...by the time u go back to school, bb already 3months old...mb easir for her to handle a bigger bb liao lo..

tiffany, ya PIS advanced so noisy.. just wondering if next time go back office n pump in the handicap toilet, it will be so loud n paisei manz....
oh gardendreamz, my cousin took NPL from mar - may this yr too , to look after her bb up till 6months old...
at least her bb is big enough to be taken care by caregiver after 6 months lo...start eating solids will be easier to handle too...
ya lor... very hard to put bb to sleep, when he finally sleep, only a while then wake up n its time for next feed. so us adults hardly can rest leh. put him in the yaolan, at least i need not rock until my arms give way. he still refuse to sleep but at least, he dun cry n cry. usually babies after milk feed b v.drowsy n go sleep but mine is after milk feed even more energetic, got more lung power n crankiness go a notch higher.

ya, one thing i wanna drill into my maid is to not rock so hard n water for bathing/milk feeds not so hot. she's used to tough life,etc, mayb, so everything all handle until v.rough, water to her not hot, for bb its hot,etc. sigh...

may take NPL for a few mths if worse case. as wat u say, once bb bigger n weaned off alr, perhaps b easier to cope. hopefully...

regarding pumping. ya man, v.paiseh. i yesterday tot can multi-task so while pump, made a phonecall to arrange appointment for 1 mth check wif PD. n the receptionist say my side v.noisy, so i quickly switch off the machine. didn't know the phone can so sensitive to pick up the pumping sound, so if hide in toilet to pump also v.paiseh...

hi gals

just an update..sent my girl to the PD yesterday..she had such a hard time pooing that it bleeds..she only never poo for slighly more than one day nia...and her stools are real hard as a rock. The PD had to insert suppositories to make her poo...so heartpain.

Was told to temporarily dilute her FM (Similac)...and now I try to BF her as much as possible...but hor..supply very low....even though i latch her on often..she usually suck for 5 mins and give up liao...

PD recommended me to change FM Friso Comfort or other brands if diluting the Similac doesnt help...

