(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Hi all mummies.. Haven't updated my delivery yet. This is my baby Chloe born Oct 16. Natural birth, weight 3.46kg/ length 50cm. Photo taken when she's 10-day-old


hi all

finally can locate our thread!!

eufrasia....congrats.. try to keep the cord dry, u can get cord spirit fm pharmacy.. it'll eventually drop-off. if v smelly got to see doctor..

hippo...thot frozen BM will b warm up b4 given to bb? like tat also consider 'han'...hmmm... may b wat your grandma concern is true according to 'zhong yi' theory ba...

btw, mummies who brought bb to PD for colic prblm can share how many times do u feed bb with wind drops? izzit every feeding and can feed for how many days?

grace...wat a waste your MIL with childcare experience cant help...then u hv no alternative but to look for bbsitter since u cant totally rely on your maid... if u staying near bt merah area, my SIL can help..

chinztz.. wow.. your bb v chubby leh, mine only attain chubby cheek at almost 1 mth only!!
thread has finally come back alr after going MIA so long...

me got same prob as u. my maid claim to have looked after 2mth old bb b4,etc, n when i ask her to do anything, she always say 'yes', in the end, kns. so fed up. when bb under her care briefly n i see the way she handle my bb - same like you lor - once cry, carry n rock, even if its a short whimper, also carry n rock. think she scared ganna scold but told her if she always carry n rock, in future bb will always wan tat. then she always say bb hungry when bb cry, even though just feed bb not long. so when bb was born, my maid handled him only 1 day, next day, i ran crying to my mum to ask for external help instead while i send my maid away temporary, was just terrified n had a phobia of her.

now that confinement ending n the temporary helper is leaving, its back to my maid to take care n i really shudder at the thought of it. my maid also v.forgetful. she can only function on auto-pilot mode- do A then B. if change something a little, she fumble n dunno how to react, do A then B also forget liao. so terok man... employing a maid also got to constantly check, instruct, monitor, remind, scold,etc. how to get the peace of mind???

then also, my in-laws no experience in carrying for bb, so if leave my maid there, might escalate n create even more problems. my mum got experience but she working so can't monitor my maid all the time. so worried when i return to work will my bb be ok. especially after reading the newspaper article yesterday abt a maid whose 8 mth old bb died under her care. so so scary....

does any mummies know where can order baby milk powder in bulk?
Grace and Garden_Dreamz, what nationality are your maids?

Now i'm also vexed over whether to send bb to nanny or get a maid for when i go back to work. if i wanna get a maid, gotta start looking now...and the maid will be unsupervised for half a day because my MIL will only be back from work at 1-2pm everyday. the newspaper article scared me too. and hearing your experiences with maids...i really dun feel safe leaving my babe alone with the maid.

On the other hand, it's damn ex to get a nanny, and good ones are hard to come by. I interviewed one before i went for ML but her house had a funny smell...and she didn't look very clean...

infantcare definitely outta the question. cut-throat prices, no personalised attention...

it's damn frustrating loh...wish i could take no-pay leave to look after baby but need the money.
finally i have time to log in and the thread is up....hehe..was trying to log in yesterday..but could not find the site..

hey chintz...congrats...finally u back online again..havent seen you for quite some time....ur baby is really cute..nice chubby cheeks....

hippo18...how come ur grandma got funny idea? never tell her doc say breastmilk the best? yll her cheaper also...in fact free one...hehe..old people like free things.... :p

hihi Eufrasia.....my baby's umbilical cord still on..she 15 days already...mine has got blood coming out..but i called the clinic and they say its ok as long as not fresh bleeding....think just keep putting the cord spirit to dry it up....think the smell is supposed to be abit smelly...unless its really overpowering and the surrounding is red and swollen. think just continue putting the cord spirit....they say some take 14-21 days to fall out.

my baby also poos many times a day..in fact she likes to poo just after a nappy change..prob she feels its cleaner and decides to do it then...the color is bright yellow and looks funny in consistency and it smells!!

btw...can anyone enlighten me...i expressed my BM early in the wee hours of this morning, and then put into the freezer compartment of a mini fridge...tomorrow still can drink? wat temperature to warm it up at? thanks thanks...
m going to opt for 6-in-1 jab. perhaps urs is modified 6-in-1 jab. Hep B nd dose at 1-mth-old, 5-in-1 jab at 3&4-mth-old, then 6-in-1 jab at 5-mth-old.

tks for your info. Btw, is ur bb stool watery? my bb's watery.. last sat, checked wif PD, he said normal..

m looking forward to attend infant massage class. i think it would be useful. do you have any info of the class? pls do let me know when u have k

ur bb look so sweet..

tks for ur advise. the cord finally dropped off yesterday.. i have other worry now.. coz the base of the navel got greenish discharge and the navel (curled navel seems going to straighten up covering the base.. haiz..) went to see PD, he said navel's okay.. but still kinda worry...
Valerie & Eufrasia:
Thanks for the info.. decided to opt for 5-in-1 and go to the GP few blocks away.. since the polyclinic's 6-in-1 is just 1 jab less.. go GP more convenient can go anytime no need to take leave bring bb to polyclinic for jabs :p

Long time no post my girl photo..
Clarisse at Day 9

Clarisse at Day 20 in her favourite sleeping pose..
Clarisse's eyes look so big!!!!

Anyone using baby monitor?
Am thinking of getting one, so I wun have to slp on the flr in bb's room.
Is it good? Any interference? Which model/brand is good?
hi mummies,

been so busy wi my little boy and no time to log in... he has been rather cranky recently and vomitted milk quite often, so hubby and me got worried and brought him to a pd, he commented that my baby is having milk allergy, coz my BM supply not enough for his whole day feeding, so he has my BM for daytime and FM (cow milk) for nightime.. doc suggested we switch to soy milk for the time being and i got to change my diet, absolutely no dairy products... i wonder any mummy here have same experience? im thinking to seek 2nd opinion of it so now sourcing for a good pd...
hi Karrie,
my maid is indonesian. coz she's not a mother, so when she handle the bb, can see dun have the maternal touch nor experience to calm the bb down while my temporary helper is so good that now my bb can be pacified under her care (perhaps can recognize her smell???) n not under my care. sort of wonder if bb will not b close to me once the helper leaves n be even more fussy? another frustrating issue...

i also like you, dun wan to consider sending to nanny coz u also won't know nanny gd or not, plus if with nanny all the time, wonder if it will not bond with us? infantcare is out as bb is just one of the many there, no individual attention given...

thus, resorted to maid, but really got to train lor (think i'll go bald by pulling my hair out in frustration n restraining myself fr scolding her until she really can't even do a simple thing right!!!), am thinking of taking no-pay leave even though there's maid, coz at least i can keep track of bb. its a huge drain on family resources coz have to tap into savings, but for the sake of bb, i guess i've no choice.

bb now super fussy, the times when he's awake, he'll cry non-stop. hard to get him to sleep.
morning all

san..your bb got girly look & got v nice big eyes

karrie & garden_dreamz.. if really cant sort other altnerative, u hv to stay home & 'monitor maid' if nt v risky letting them handle bb esp if they r nt experience.. w rgd nanny may b can interview/chk the enviornment b4 entrusting one..
mummies who brought bb to PD for colic prblm can share how many times do u feed bb with wind drops? izzit every feeding and can feed for how many days?
gingerleaf & junnie:
thanks for the comments

I dun think her eyes are big leh.. Junnie u said she got girly look ah.. but most ppl said she looked so boy leh.. haha..
Hi mummies,

Has anyone of you have experience with your baby being constipated?? My boy hasd not poo-edf since ytd. And every now and then you can actually see him trying to 'gek' his shit out but unsuccessful then he'll start to cry... so poor thing leh...

Anybody had remedies for bb constipation??

BTW, for those mummies who give gripe water to their bb, do you dilute it with water?? or just feed as per instruction - 0ne teaspoon directly to the bb??

Thanks. Really appreciate if anyone can help me with the bb constipation as really heart-ache to see him so xin-ku everyday....
Had baby's first month celebration yesterday. 2 sessions, lunch and dinner. And baby was changed from hands to hands for the entire day. And I think she got a shock from so many unfamiliar faces and loud noises. Now her sleeping pattern is all screwed up and she needs to be constantly carried.
Any mummies know how long it'll take for baby to settle down again?? I can't leave her alone for a single minute. Now letting her sleep on my lap while I surf net.

Eufrasia, I google search all the infant massages. Have engaged the services of a British lady to come my house for 4 sessions, starting tomorrow. Will share with you my experience after the sessions.
san...duno leh, at 1st glance i see her as 'she'

serene.. ya, i dilute gripe water then gv bb..may b u try to gv then see got improvement...cos i dun tink pd will prescribe anyting for infant ba.. if nt gv abit water on/off...

kris..do share w us after your bb massage, btw, how much izzit?
my bb takes ages to settle down, until i can really cry for help. he b having his first mth celebration soon, n i'm so so worried that he'll howl the whole place down coz its in a function room and is quite a couple of hours... hopefully ur bb will get over the buzz of the celebration n revert back to her normal sleeping patterns.

at least ur bb have a usual sleeping pattern b4 the celebration buzz, my bb from week 2 onwards so hard to settle down, wants to be carried, cuddled, sung, swaddled,etc. whatever tricks in the book try on him until can surrender alr but he still takes a long time to calm down. n his cries are piercingly loud, its so hard for me to try to bond with him thru the din...

is he on formula? bb on formula tend to poo less. my bb on almost 90% formula coz this mummy's milk supply is terribly pathetic, despite the pumping n latching. he only poo once a day, called TMC n asked, they say its fine. so mayb monitor over a 24 hr period n see if he poos n if he is able to pee regularly, should be fine...
If not wrong, baby's poo colour depends on what mummy eats. As long a it's shades of orange, brown, yellow, mustand etc... it's ok. It definately cannot be clear, whitish. Breastfed baby's poo tend to be watery thus some poo will come out when baby pass wind.

garden dreams,
Well, actually after sometime, breast fed baby tend to poo less due to the fact that breast milk is much easier to digest thus most is absorb into the body. So is ok even if baby hardly poo if he is breast fed. Now Caelen somedays only poo once (huge one thou).

Merlion style vomit, ok if your baby is still putting on weight. Not ok if your baby is loosing weight.
garden dreamz,
My girl drink more than 4 times Fm and aiyo.. she had a hard time pooing. Gek sai until cries.. really heartpain. Oh yes, try to help her to "push" by letting her legs push against your hands. It helps for my girl, so much came out.

Now I try to feed her EBM/TBM whenever I can. My mum also commented that it's so poor thing for the little one to suffer like this... hence she'll always "chase" me for the BM. So now, more supporter for my bf-ing. :)
Umbilical cord
My girl's cord came off before 2 weeks old. PD gave Baneocin (powder type) to sprinkle on cord and area around it when I brought her for the 1 wk old checkup. I used this same product for my elder one too.

Oh yes, the medicine still left quite a bit, any mummies want, can pick up from me in Sembawang. :)
Jovial, do u recall roughly starting which week then Caelen's poo freq is once a day? he is on EBM fully right?

mummies who r on TBF, do u all feed on demand? i feel quite difficult to put Sean on a routine cos he wakes up as n when he likes to drink... sometimes after 3plus hrs i try to wake him up but he rather sleep than drink milk...
so i also not sure should i pump out or not cos he may wake up the next hr or so..
junnie, yeah i might have to stay home to look monitor the maid...but I have a strong feeling if I apply for NPL it will not be approved, coz my dept is dreadfully shorthanded next yr. lots of teachers leaving.

regarding wind drops...the PD told me to give 3x a day with his feed. when bb gets better can reduce the frequency. right now i'm giving it to him 2x a day.

garden_Dreamz, it seems most of the feedback i got from mums who hire maids is that Indonesian maids are slower....Filipina maids are better with babies...dunno how true that is...right now my CL can pacify my baby very well, i'm scared that when she leaves, i won't be able to cope!!!
unice, i feed on demand but it seems my bb's timing is quite spot on...he'll usually wake up every 3 hrs for his feeds. Mebbe coz he was put on the 3hr schedule from the first day he was born...credit goes to the nurses at Mt A who brot him to me for feeding on schedule...

But if he's very tired he might sleep longer...then i will wait until he wakes up on his own.

Now i express my milk and feed by bottle most of the time...in preparation for when i go back to work.
oh thx karrie....
sometimes Sean can drink for nearly 2hrs..(half hr left breast, then half hr right)then put him back to cot, he wanna drink somemore.. so feed another half hr left breast, then half hr right

but then he can zzz for 4hrs aftertt....

do u experience this too? sometimes i feel its comfort sucking....
Hi garden_dreamz,

My bb on 80%EBM and 20%FM. I only give him FM at night and i'll try to give him EBM during the day cos my ss also not enough.

And yet with only FM at night, he has problem pooing.

YTD he only poo-ed once after my mum massage his tummy for a while and today not yet poo. He seems to 'gek' a lot before he poos and his whole face can turn so red like a tomato!! quite worrying. Not sure if gripe water will help.

I tried to give him gripe water just now but this notty boy just refused to drink it... i purposely wait for him to wail for milk before giving him the gripe water and yet he still refuse to drink... May I noe how's ur dilution like?? 1 teaspoon to how much water?/
gingerleaf, I'm using the AVENT SCD 496 baby monitor. It's very sensitive so I think it's good for monitoring baby.
Junnie, the infant massages I found ranges from $120 - $250, depending on whether you are going over to the centres for the class or the teacher is coming over to our house.
This lady I engaged is charging me a super cheap rate. But I'll have to check with her if I can share this rate with you guys coz she intends to revise it after awhile.

Re: Pooing
Mummies, do you feed your babies water in between feeds? I find that constantly feeding them water helps in pooing coz the poo is softer. Dehydrated babies' poos are harder thus making it more difficult to come out.
Junnie, the infant massages I found ranges from $120 - $250, depending on whether you are going over to the centres for the class or the teacher is coming over to our house.
This lady I engaged is charging me a super cheap rate. But I'll have to check with her if I can share this rate with you guys coz she intends to revise it after awhile.

Re: Pooing
Mummies, do you feed your babies water in between feeds? I find that constantly feeding them water helps in pooing coz the poo is softer. Dehydrated babies' poos are harder thus making it more difficult to come out.
Hi bbunny, you need not to freeze the milk if you're giving ur bb the next day. It can be store in the fridge within 24 hrs.

Like your case, morning you put in and if the milk already being freezed, you need to thaw them in the fridge liao. Temperature? Last time I warmed up by putting them in a bowl of hot water for about 3-4 mins..

Read this link: lz_8zr8%2C00.html,http://parenting.ivillage.com/baby/bbreastfeed/0,,lz_8zr8,00.html

Hi Eufrasia, yes. The stools is watery.

Chintz and san, your babies are adorable! :D

Hi unice, ya I feed baby on demand. And hee, I nv pump out even I missed the time. :p

BTW, my maid is from indo. I find her very motherly as she had two kids already. Very responsible lady.. and hor she likes to 'snatch' bb from me.. haha. Luckily I BF, if not no need to bond with bb liao. Already told her not to carry/rock bb too often liao.. wait next time must rock and shake then can slp. Jialat lo!

I'm not biased with filipino, but I think they are more smarter, more 'chao keng'. I dun like. Indo maids we gotta patient with them lor. They one way traffic mah. LOL. My hb's cousin's filipino steals $ when she just came and worked for like less than 1.5 weeks! And even request hp, ICC card liao. Hsework wise, she washed their clothes for nearly 3 hrs. Very slow. To think that she's a mother of 5 kids. Pengz. And you ladies know wat, when she came to our hse for training, she told my maid that bb's so young, no need to bath, wipe can liao! Double pengz!

And ya.. all mummies be sure to bookmark this thread down, if not SM forum keep doing maintenance. And then cannot find this thread.
Thot BN store in fridge is up to 48 hours?

i use to feed baby water but now he rejects it totally.. But lucky he is on BM so the water content is good enough for him..

My boy also like urs on FM at night.. he poos abt 2-3 times daily.. Pasty kind alot~.. sometimes see his face also "gek" until whole face red red.. i ask doc she says its okie to poo 2-3 times daily within 24hours.. If on FBM sometimes baby might only poo once cause BM are more digestable..

i fed my 1st boy on demand too.. i find it tedious cause timing is very irrgular.. so now for jerric i express out so that i can control the timing.. but at night will usually latch on cause easier.. U will know that it's comfort sucking if he sucks occasionally and it's not those power sucking kind.. and usually for the 1st 5mins-10mins they have already drink what they want already..

On regarding maids: also thinking wanna get one anot.. but so many scary maid stories.. also dun like the idea of having a stranger in the house.. still must keep an extra eye on the maid leh....
thanks joyce, joshmummy...
joshmummy, ya i also realise power sucking only last for first few minutes...then become no power liao haha...
Will ur babies zzz after few minutes of sucking? Sean will...so have to wake him up ..sometimes no use so i will put him back to his cot, this confirm he will wake up is he is still hungry..then can continue drink again haha...

if he drinks from 2 breast, he can sleep up to 2plus hrs after tt.....
if he drinks from only 1 breast, it can only last him 1.5hr roughly.....
if he drinks from 4 sides , it can last him 4hrs....
not sure if normal or not...any advice ? sigh...
Jojer.. I meant if the milk is not gng to consume in the next 24 hrs, gotta freeze. I'm also not very sure, some say 24 some say 48. I checked internet, it can be kept in the back of the fridge and not in the door section, can keep up to 8 days?!

Copied from the link:

Fresh breastmilk may be kept in a refrigerator for up to 8 days. Store milk in the back of the refrigerator rather than in the door. If milk has been kept at room temperature or in a cooler with icepacks prior to being placed in the refrigerator, safe storage time may be decreased


But better dun store too long lah... keke... not fresh liao. :p
hi unice, like jojer i also prefer expressing my milk and feeding from bottle coz can see how much he is taking. and somehow he finishes his feeds faster from the bottle...15-25min. When I give him 100ml of EBM he can last 3hrs in between feeds.

but when he latches on, he also sleeps after 10-15min (after the power sucking hee)...and if he is not satisfied, he'll wake up a little later. like you, sometimes the whole process can take 1hr. very mafan loh...i only let him latch on for his first feed in the morning (about 7am) and his evening feed (about 6-7pm). Because somehow he will demand for my breast at those times haha.
diff baby feeding demands also diff lor.. think sean likes comfort sucking alot.. "suck" until shoik liao den will zz comfortably.. no choice if u wanna feed on demand..

8 days so long! i never heard of this leh.. Have got information on books all saying consume within 48hours if kept in fridge.. i agree with u..Better be safe den sorry .. dun keep so long! not fresh liao!

sometimes i feed my boy bottle he will look for my breast one leh.. keep turning his head to the breast.. kekee..
unice, 4 sides??
how many breast u have now??

kk, ignore me, im gg crazy with slping on the flr liao. back so achy n so little slp.
hello mummies,

confinement going to be over tomorrow.having restless nights.

same problems experienced by all of you all. my boy is cranky at night and his feeding is haywired if he vomited milk or pass motion.
full BM feeding is unsuccessful for me. i only manage to feed him with EBM once a day.The rest is all FM. Even i tried to relatch him, after a while he will cry for more...haizzz.

anyway, his jaundice went down alot as i didn't BF him.

will there be any ways to increase milk supply? or should ask for medication?
u lucky gal... at least ur Sean settles down peacefully in between feeds.

if u wanna take NPL, sch can't deny u, its up to sch to allocate manpower. i also same situation. one of the subj, i'm the sole teacher, but b4 i went on maternity leave, i prep them tat i may take extended leave so they can source for relief teachers,etc. but of coz once u take NPL, ur annual increment/connect plan/performance bonues,etc, all take a cut, not to say ur performance as well. for me, its a big sacrifice coz taking the time off jeopardizes my career devt but if i've to do it for the sake of my bb n make sure that the maid handles bb properly n bb can settle into a decent sleeping/feeding routine, then no choice lor... still have some time more to go b4 the new year starts, so can take the time to decide.

i also heard that filipino maids more street smart. they're more educated n thus, though mayb better at childcare but could b too shrewd. but again, alot depends on ur luck when choosing a maid lor. many of my col have filipino maids n they have no problems wif them. for me, i'm stuck wif a maid who's a powerhouse at domestic work - cleaning n washing the house till almost everything can glitter and shine, but hapless when given a bb to care for.

same feeling when my temporary helper leaves, i'm stuck wif a bb whom i can't pacify. the moment i carry bb, he start rooting for my breast n cry n cry. sigh...ma cham i'm a milk machine for him. intend to get those yao lan / sarong swing soon coz he really v.hard to pacify, really last resort...

gonna try gripewater on him if he still cranky tmr. but dunno if he will take it though...

haha... my supply also barely enough for his 1 or 2 feeds. damn terok. i heard that fenugreek can help but haven't try out yet. meantime i just pump whatever i can...
gingerleaf, hahaha..feed too much until breasts oso increase in number liao la haha

thx karrie , jojer...seems like most BF mummies here express out their milk n can control baby's feeding timings better...
mb i will slowly switch too so can monitor amt drank each time...

just now Sean drank 90ml of EBM n wake up after 2.5hrs.....is it normal for a 2.5week old bb?
garden_dreamz, Sean still ok up till now.. Thank God for His blessings....mb u can ask ur helper to show how to soothe ur bb in different circumstances?
did u try playing soothing music?

u mentioned he will root for ur breast? not sure if i got u correctly but did he latch on properly?cos Sean will try find the nipple himself n most of the time, he will get irritated when he cant start his power sucking...means he didnt manage to latch on ...

hope ur maid can buck up n help u a little more...dun stress k... give her alittle more time..

i will be putting Sean to nanny's place when i go back to work in Jan..She is an auntie of my good fren, so should be quite ok la..
hi jovial, please help to update

i just delivered to my boy Anders on 31st Oct.
Weight: 3.08kg
Height: 53cm
Natural with assisted

will update pictures later.. = P
garden_dreamz.. i gv bb gripe water once a day only, usually after bath in the morning.

serene (happy_mtb)..i dilute 1 teaspoon gripewater with abt 1.5oz of water, tink up to individual ba, even can feed bb directly but i find it too sweet.. try nt to gv your bb water if near-to feeding time, unless u wanna drag feeding time longer..if nt, they'll feel full & dun drink or finish up the milk. i usually gv abt 1-1.5hr b4 feeding milk esp when bb is cranky as not time yet for milk...

kris..ntd re bb massage, thks.

ponponta...no epi?? wow u make it. congrats, hv a good confinement
karrie, u using Infacol wind drop too? i hv given bb few days, at 1st everyfeed i gv 0.2ml (instruction said no more than 8 doze per day), then i find he quite ok, switch to alternate feed, then gradually reduce. but tis few days find he got colic like tat, really duno when it will get totally reduce? bb feeling so uncomfortable if tummy bloated and will cry while drinking or pooing.. hiaz..

hi dodo my son also vomit milk and i also find him vomit out FM ... but he got better after 1 month hmm so you might want to just wait and see if bb is growing well den should be ok la and also if after vomiting bb dun cry its ok as my PD says ... my bb dun cry after vomit so ok la and i also know that if he vomit means he did not burp for a while liao as in last 2 or 3 feeds ...

hi are you all having menses for TBF mums??? i am having the PMS having soft losse poo and also gastic etc etc but no blood flow la but if i go piss i can see pink to red mucls hmm anyway seeing my gynae tomolo for the 6 weeks check up hehe now i am 8weeks liao have been postphoneing the appt cos cannot wake up from sleep in the noon time haha
