(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Re: Overfeeding
Thanks Chintz and ginger! Now I should noe how to feed bb liao... Just now still use water to bluff her that its milk as she was asking for it at 2.5 hours interval.. Kekeke.. then in the end had to fight a big war with her, amongst her shit and urine.. For almost 1 hour.. Sigh.. finally now some peace.. and the green light that I can feed her more and dun need to go to war with her liao.. hee hee..

Hi mummies,

wow.. so many baby pics.. so cute! Only princes pics? Where are all the princesses pics??keke..

just brought Jerric for his first jab.. Poor baby cry so loud when poke his thigh.. Only had a slight fever of 38.3 that night..

RE feeding:
PD says he is growing quite fast weighing 4.8kg 55.5cm for 1mth old baby.. I think hor must be my CL keep feeding him.. by the end of 1st month he is already drinking 120ml.. PD says he should be drink abt 80ml-100ml.. But says as long as baby doesnt vomit out milk and is happily drinking 120 ml should be a problem..

benedict doesnt seem like a overweight baby leh.. i think is is tall lor..

currently Jerric drinks 120ml abt 3hourly too.. Try to eat breakfast before Aralyn wakes up for milk thats whay i always do.. I lagi jia lat then u have to look after my elder boy too.. when both cry for attention i have go haywire..

see bb dialogue really so funny man.. haha.. Jarrett looks quite chubby leh i like! how heavy is he now?

i dun think massaging ur breast will burst milk ducts..what u should do is use a warm towel apply on ur breast after that then u massage.. And best u should constantly latch baby or pump out to reduce the engorement.. if not sure very painful one...
Hi Sabrina,

Can I check ur is a manual or a electric pump? I ve a manual one, but e suction is no good n my milk cannot be expressed out..
Hi Jojer,
Just a qn, what happens when bb got fever after their jab? Cause I think my girl should be getting hers on Monday. Wanna prepare myself. Is there any medication that we can give bbs?
Looks like I'm not the only one who can't have proper meals ... is this part of motherhood or I am just not good enough looking at some of you who still need to take care of the elder one ..... I am really thinking how to have a second one like that ... some more age catching up and the gap cannot be too far apart !! sigh...

BTW, anyone using the avent sterilizer and realized there is those white mould look alike thingy sticking at the black heating element !! I left the sterilizer at my mum's place and today took out to use it and realized there are some residue after sterilizing.. .so end up don't dare to use it liao ...... tried the citric acid, lemon, boiled for don't know how many times, some particles came off but it still look gross .... is it safe to use ?? any comments
totoro, where is the black heating element? i am using avent steriliser but do not see any black heating element leh...my maid cleans the steriliser with plain water every morning only.

just one clarification: u all feeding fm hor? cos i am feeding fm...=D

re: feeding
thanks for the sharing mummies. now am feeding bb 90ml/3oz every 2 hours 15 min. decided not to pull to 3 hours liao...too torturous for him. but at night he can tahan more than 3 hours. i feed every 3 hours still even if he din ask for it.
hi mummies,
woah, so many cute pictures of babies!

wish i can take NPL to do tat as well but financial constraint leh. must see how as bb grows up.

aria jo,
i can pump for more than half an hour, still little puny droplets come out. exhausting work. then coz supply low, so bb on bottle feed most of the time, when i try to latch him on nowadays, he get v.impatient n refuse to latch on, so in the end, can't BF him, can only pump out n bottle feed. feel somewhat v.lousy now coz can't pacify a cranky bb nor BF him. not doing very well in mother-work! wonder if other mummies also like this...once introduce bottle feed to bb, bb refuse to latch on?

if so, wonder if by pumping itself, will milk supply still be there or will slowly dwindle down?

really envy those who can BF bb, for me, try as i might, still can't succeed...

can emphathise wif u. men at times can b great procrastinators. only when earthquake happens, then they react. if not, they're happy to rest on their laurels!!! :D

i today rock the sarong until my arm go numb but bb still super cranky, will start 'complaining' once i stop rocking. i also using the manual one, so can auto-stop when he finally sleep. but more often is i stop coz arm too tired!

haven't work in HQ b4. but if work in HQ, its only for a short period, after that, will get posted out again, right?

me too also situation. bb cranky non-stop, even drink milk also can b cranky. n he hardly ever sleeps, can cry fr 1 feed to another. wonder how many hrs of sleep should babies have??? when i was young, also like that, gave my mum hell for months n months. so its really retribution time now lor... finally understand how my mum felt!!!
hi totoro,

i bought an avent steriliser 2nd hand from someone, and also have this problem with the heating element. Everytime i sterilize stuff, the remaining water would have tiny bits of black stuff...gross leh..

have used citric acid on it a COUNtLESS no. of time liao..but it's still the same!

nans, the heating element is underneath...can see a little bit of it when u look thru the gaps where the water goes in.
eRhmm... Hi all mummies...

Itz been a LONG LONG while that I have posted though I have been 'faithfully' following the posts. Juz to share about what I went thru.

I delivered my bb boy Jerry Chew via elective c-sect on 20sep (EDD 4Oct). Jerry is @ 2.96kg, 48cm.

Approx. @ full mth, Jerry is 4.2kg.

For breast engorgement... I went thru severe engorgement when discharged from hospital on 3rd day after delivery. It took me a day or two to get back to normal.

Try cold cabbage/cold pack treatment. Cover up engorged breasts with cold cabbage for approx. 1-2 hrs. Try to express/pump thereafter. This method works for me.

As of now, Jerry is in week 8. He is on 80% expressed breastmilk (140ml each feed), 20% formula (120ml each feed). He is feeding @ intervals of 2.5-3hrs during the day, 3-4.5hrs during the nite.

Follow-up with PD on 7Nov (Wed), Jerry is 5.3kg, 58cm. Went for 6-in-1 jab on on the same day, late morning. Took the pneumococcal (1st dose) and rotavirus (1st dose - oral). 6-in-1 jab and pneumococcal, a jab on both sides of thigh. Prescription of paracetamol was given, to be taken whenever necessary.

Fever came in on and off on Wed evening. It is under 'control' as of today. Still observing and taking temperature @ regular intervals (2-3hrs).

So now, I am still monitoring Jerry's temp. >.<

(*.*) got to go...
hi mummies, any advice if there are any issues if we put the EBM into the fridge and warm up for feeding but baby dun finished it, put it back into fridge again for reheating the next time baby feel hungry?
Hi Joyce

Thank you so much for sending the link. After reading, mine's more of a milk blister. Think my baby's not latching on properly on my left breast, which caused this problem.

If I am not wrong... once EBM is taken out from the fridge and warm up for bb's feeding, leftover EBM should never be put back in the fridge for next feed. Moreover, the leftover EBM had come in contact with bb's saliva, hence itz not adviseable to store back into the fridge.
Hi Jojer, baby was 4.73 kg two weeks ago when he's one month old. Now I duno how heavy le.. :p Shld be ard there bah.

Ya the dialogue quite funny hor.. I was giggling away while I type. :D
hi mummies, not sure if ur babies have these on their forehead,cheeks,eyebrows...but Sean seem to start having these since yesterday - White oil clots..

so tempted to use aloe vera gel on them but worry will make the white spots look worse.
any solution?

i m currnetly cleaning his face using cool boiled water n cotton bud....not sure if any mummies use towel n warm tap water?
very long time no post. sorry about the update... will try to get it done when I go back to office on monday (details left in my laptop which I did not bring home on weekend). Now busy working .. pumping ... travelling to and fro mum's place(where baby is during weekday).

Kris: Don't worry too much. my niece also have thalassemia but she is a healthy 19 yr old girl now.

nans: twice the weight at 4 mths ? Guess doesn't apply to pre-mature baby. Cealen born @ 2.675kg, today (exactly 11wks) he is 5.6kg. <font color="ff6000">A Website to share : http://www.kellymom.com/babyconcerns/growth/weight-gain-metric.html</font>
By the way, Caelen seems to take much lesser than most of your babies. At 11 wks, he is taking 100ml (EBM) @ 3 hr feeding interval. He is wetting a lot of nappy but only poo once or twice a day. Guess he is absorbing most of the milk since he is more than twice of his weight liao.

<font color="ff0000">Ask Mummies,
What is considered good milk supply ? I'm getting a total of 200ml express milk @ 4 and half hour interval (no latching at all)... it this consider good, average or poor ?
Anyone taking fenugreek ? effective ? I'd wanted to check with my gynae but she is on leave today. Hope her assistants remember to ask her tomorrow and get back to me.</font>
Hi GollyGEEgirlie,

If you look at the heating element, does it have the white stuff sticking on it ???
I don't know whether is it safe or not for bb cos the vapour that accumulate in the bottles and teats would be from that water that comes into contact with those stuff right???
Anyone have any ideas??
BTW, while trying to look for solution for the sterilizer, I come across this ...

After sterilizing the bottles, we are supposed to take them out, closed the bottle tightly with the teats and all for later use. Not supposed to leave it in the sterilizers esp when the cap is open before.
Anyone doing the same thing?
Before this, I always leave everything in the sterilizer and take out the bottle whenever i need it .... but seems it's the wrong way.

I'm only able to pump up max 120ml from both breast after almost 12hrs interval!!!

I have tried to pump in closer interval like every 3/4hrs, but only getting like 30ml or 40ml sometimes so feel like it's kind of waste time and effort to do that ... am thinking of just pumping 2 times a day, one morning and one night ... anyway the total yield that I get is only enough for 1 or 2 feed for her .. the rest all FM .. Oh ... and I realized that my bb would only poo when she has BM ... if I feed her FM, she can don't poo for the whole day !!! seems abit opposite to some mummies here....
Hi totoro_bb,

keke.. If the method is really wrong, then I'm doing the wrong way for five years already since my eldest boy already 5 yrs old liao. LOL :p
hi doobom,

that is wat my CL is doing. She say it is so wasted to throw away the EBM, if i expressed 100ml, she will pour all 100ml into the bottle to feed the baby. If he cannot finished, then she keep the remaining in the fridge and reheat it later when he next cry for milk. I find it so strange... He is currently only 10 days old and is drinking 40-50ml of milk only. But she will tend to overfeed him. Once he make noise, milk will be there... haiz...
hi unice,

my baby is also having this problem. He have little red pimples with white clots around his forehead, both cheeks and chin. We went to see the PD yesterday and was given some ointment for the "rashes". Was told to wipe his face after feed with clean towel to prevent it. After his feed, he tend to touch his face with his mittens which will dirty his face and red pimples pop up.
Hi ponponta,

My bb have the same problem on her cheeks as well, and it was quite bad .... later realized that it's my breast milk that results in it as she was latching on that time and always fuss ard so end up whole face also have milk type but I didn't clean her face as it was not obvious at that time and also she often fall asleep after that. So now, I try not to BM and wipe her face after each feed esp as EBM. It's getting better but will take time to recover as I waited too long to cure it I think !!
my baby had the pimple look the first few days after we brought her home. they were all over her neck, back, and some on above lips and chin area. PD said it could be due to milk. she gave us some steroid cream to apply and a few days later, they disappeared. very effective!

regarding EBM, not advisable to thaw it and put in the fridge back. EBM can only last 1 hour outside the fridge and unfinished one, we have to thrown away. A few occasion, my baby had wasted $120 ml of EBM! That's my 1 hour of hardwork leh.. so xin tong! but hubby said why so xin tong leh, it's FOC. better to play safe than be sorry if baby had diarhea or fall sick..

any mummy know what is the taste of a spoilt EBM like? I tasted my own milk. The fresh one doesn't have the "old coconut" taste. So wondering whether this "old coconut" taste of the milk means the milk is spoilt liao?
garden dreamz,
yeah, i also notice after bottle feed, more diff to latch on. i'm in the verge of giving up and just total express for her...initially try to cup feed to avoid nipple confusion but it was so tough. i think pump is as good as latching. the set back is it's less convenient and not as fresh as BF.. i dare not leave the interval of pumping too long.. at most 6 hours. the first few days i came back, can at most pump 30-40. slowly now it increase to between 60-80 for my left breast and 30-40 for my right breast.. i drank lots of fluid and soup too..but so far i never ever hit 100 for my left breast.. i think i have max out my amount liao...120ml is the max i can achieve per session of pumping liao i think..

my BB is 7wks old, drinking only abt 100ml per feed every 3 hours. Seems to be enough cos when i increase, he cannot finishe the milk.

I only managed to express abt 60ml per 3 hour ... v bad, to think that im at my 7weeks. Been taking fenugreek (finished 2 bottles), but no help...


Hi Gardenz,
I dun think so lei.Will get transfer out again? Hee.. Then maybe I think I rather go SEAB than HQ. Sigh~ anything but teaching in school ba. Sometimes, teaching in school is so sian becoz of all the paper work.

BTW, just wondering which subjects are all the teachers mums teaching in this thread. Me teaching Maths (Sec)

Oh.. my bb got rashes on face too. So have to change the mittens regularly. Now much better. My mum says its cause my the milk.
hi aria,

this is wat i am afraid of. I rather throw it away than baby having diarrhoea, tried explaining to CL but she say this is wat she did to other babies and it is okie.. She always used her experience to rebutt me... Haiz..

Hi mummies,
do we have to sterilize the bottles after every feed?

Saw an interesting link cure to milk rash

Not sure if it works, but i will give the jorubi aloe vera a try though.. heehee
Hi Unice, my bb is also having the same problem as yours. White oil clots and tiny red pimples on his face. I actually wiped his mouth with wet cloth after each feed, but still has the same problem.

Guess it must be the mittens that cause the problem. Will have to change it more frequently.
hi all

nans..huh? u feed lesser now? thot we suppose to increase gradually & dragged the timing longer, better still if bb can sleep thru the nite! btw, if bb sleep @nite didnt make noise 4 milk, no need to feed them, my CL said they will 'grow' well too if bb hv good sleep?!

garden_dreamz...may b u try to carry & pad bb try to calm him down 1st then put in sarong, i used to do tat at least no need to rock till hand tire, once he slept, i let go, if sarong stop, then quickly rock again b4 he cranky..

doobom..glad to hear fm u & congrats!

ponponta..better dun re-store the bm if bb cant finish incase contaminated alr.. ya, can see the bump on bb head, did u try to gently rub/sayang his head often or did doctor said howlong it'll b normal? i only sterilise twice a day as i hv 3 bottles to switch around (2 for FM & 1 for water).

unice, duno izzit the same as 'cradle cap', cos similar like wat u describe - white oil clot, i used olive oil apply, leave it awhile and wipe away with bb towel. if v alot, suggest u bring to doctor for proper medication.

totoro..i also like joyce, use same method for 4 yrs for my gal...ie, wash bottles/teats - sterilised, tat's it, until wanna use for feeding then take out, doing same for my bb now too...
hi mummies, thanks for your feedback n experience...
ya, Sean likes to cover his face wif his mittens when sleeping...think i must swaddle more securely liao, dun let his hands escape...
Doc prescibe paracetamol in case fever occur after 6-8 hours after jab.. Just monitor bb for a day if temp remains below 37.5 should be fine..

I think ur milk supply is good enough... I dun even have that much! Should be enough for caelen right? Jerric also wets alot and poo once or twice only..
regarding white spots on face.. it's actually milk rash.. Jerric will have them if the milk on his face is not clean properly esp. the neck area.. sometimes mittens will also cause milk rash cause he always rub on his face.. Must change the mittens regularly..
Enough for Caelen to drink. But feel stress that fridge only have a few packet as spare. Worried fall sick cannot pump etc leh.

Caelen drink about 8 times a day @ 100ml each. I only can get about 9 - 10 packet of 100ml. Dare not think what if he decide to drink more each time lor.

Btw, Gynae called me back today regard to fenugreek. She say no problem for me to take it. Just that it is not scientifically proven to increase milk supply that why not precribe / use by gynaes.

Aria jo,
you won't miss spoilt EBM. Very terribel smell. I tried once by leaving the bottle on table top for some hours.

By the way, tell your hubby to go thru the whole process of washing, sterilizing, pumping, wash again and sterilize again ... takes almost 45 mins... how not to Xin Tong when 'liquid gold' is thrown away.
... of course he not wrong to say better play safe then sorry...but still xin tong mah. Every time I feed, I'll tell baby to try finish...not waste mummy's effort.
jovial, yah am reducing his milk intake now as advised by my PD. He cant be increasing a lot of weight in the beginning. not good for him. He is drinking 90 ml of fm now. in the beginning cannot tahan even 2 hours, but 3 days already, he can drink 90 ml every 2.5h - 2h 45min. so happy. if he can tahan like this, then will only let him drink 120ml in 1 or 2 weeks' time.

have to control his drinking cos he doesnt know when he is full de. just have to follow schedule lo.... saw this on the web page. =D

hi mummies, my baby also had milk rashes plus heat rashes all over his forehead nose and cheeks. Tried using Jorubi aloe vera gel and it's worked wonders. Now practically all cleared. Just apply 2-3x daily. Can be gotten from any pharmacy

Chris, how many pills of fenugreek are you taking each time? I heard from some mums that increasing the dosage may help...but better check if it's safe first...

Grace, i'm teaching history and social studies...
hi mommies,

long time no update.

After reading on feeding, I realized that I've been feeding my baby too much!

At 3 weeks, he's already drinking 110-120ml of fm per feed at 3 hours interval. Is that normal? Am I overfeeding him?
hi mommies...

another question hor....why cannot cut baby's nails before 1 mth? her nails all chipped and sharp..so i went to cut..but was told cannot cut...too late lor..i already cut... but is there a reason why?
aria jo,
when first came back from hospital also tried to cup feed him but in the end, found it too troublesome so resort to bottle-feed. hardly latch bb on nowadays alr, coz he often v.cranky n when latch him on, makes things even worse. sigh...

haha... working in SEAB sounds way nicer, if can get in! me teaching EL (Sec).

my bb also got the same pimples kind of thing on his face, so now using tea water to clean his face everytime he feeds. wondering if its also the heat that's aggravating the 'rash'???

yap, when he's at the peak of the crankiness, he refuse to be left in the sarong, must get him somewhat more settled, then pop him inside. its so mind numbing to rock the sarong, i almost fell asleep while rocking, only his little calls wake me up n i got to continue to rock him again! :D

re: taking fenugreek
seems that results varies depending on individual as well. hmm... dunno if i should give a try...

jovial/aria jo
ya lor... i everytime give bb EBM, always tell him must finish coz its all my effort put in, got to bear with neck and back strain while trying to squeeze every single drop out!

so nice to be teaching pri sch. i taught pri sch b4 going to sec sch n can feel the difference, unfortunately i can't teach pri sch anymore.

i also heard cannot trim bb's nails b4 1st mth, but first few weeks i trim his nails alr, coz its v.sharp n i v.afraid that when the mittens drop, he will accidentally scratch his face.
garden_dreamz, ok lah...i think pri sch and sec sch both have its different set of challenges. pri sch we have to role model more and be more of nanny role and remind them more. sec sch i think we have to be friends rather than preachers? lols...different different =D

bbunny, my CL cut my bb's fingernails on the day b4 his full month cos have to celebrate his full month 1 day early. =D not sure why cannot cut nails earlier tho.
your milk supply consider very good already. i hardly have time to express every 3 hours. now, it's either 5-6 hours interval and i'mso afraid the milk supply is drop.

oh, spoilt milk is fowl smelling huh..mine not smelly, just taste not as fresh.. not sour taste also..so far my baby got no problem, just that she has gas in her stomach..so, now, i tried to express and feed her immediately if possible..

i think your baby milk consumption is quite all right lah. my girl, who 3 week 2 days also drinking 120ml FM per feed now. she can finish the milk within 15 minutes! just now, she gobbled down 145ml of EBM! some babies just eat more than the others..

aria jo,
Spoilt smell terrible. Btw, the smell of the milk also depends on what mummy eats. I found that those milk that I freeze during my confinement smell fishy as I took a lot of fish and fish related stuffs.
