(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

so sorry to hear that but i guess you got to be strong... things will be ok all right..

hi mummies,
finally i got time to come in today cos hubby around. Usually my girl will need me to carry her in the afternoon. She's quite heavy and once i carried her for almost 4 hours! so tired!!

regarding umbilical cord, nurse at raffles hospital do not use cord spirit but plain boil water to wash.. what we did is just to keep the area clean and dry. Use cotton bud to go around the inside of the stump. u'll see some blood but it's ok. as long as it's not flowing kind, there's no cause for alarm. This is what the nursery nurse told me when i called them.

abt the foam formed in the avent bottle during feeding, my gf told me that Abbot family milk powder usually creates foam.My girl is drinking similac, also from abbot and her daughther is drinking gain IQ. lots of foam too. She said enfalac does not have the problem.

my milk supply still not increase much
manage to pump only 80-90 for 5 hours interval..no time to pump every 3 hourly. so, at most 3 EBM times EBM per day only. I still have phobia trying to latch her on cos of my inverted nipples and also scared of pain
and she also suckle for 1 hour and worse, after suckle for 1 hr still not enough and cry for more.. i think my milk no substance? sometimes i really wonder if the milk supply is proportion to breast size? mine A cup.. after pregnant may be increase to B? even engorge also B nia.. so, how many milk ducts can a A-B cup breast have right? moreover the milk supply is lopsided leh..my left breast yield twice more than my right breast. Anyone encounter the same problem?

my girl also taking similac but she has no problem pooing and peeing. u got follow the formula on the tin? may be your girl really not suitable to drink the milk?

if your baby can't seem to suck out the milk, try pumping out for her. massage your breast to create let down before pumping.
Thanks everyone for their input on pumps!

Unice, you using PIS?
PIS very expensive leh!
I was told Ameda's motor more powerful than Medela, thats why I wanna get it.
My Medela Mini Electric doesnt seems to be working good enuff for me anymore. Suction getting crappy now.
hi mummies..

so sorry to hear about ur baby kris...but u must be strong k.... are both u and ur hubby thal carriers?

btw....anyone knows if i can just let baby go on crying? think she's spoilt already..in the first week can sleep on her own, play on her own...now wants to be carried the whole morning..and afternoon..im so so angry with her..scolded her upside down already...shout also shout at her already....how arh....how to undo the bad habit??
there are 2 schools of thought to the crying issue - 1 school of thought is to let the bb cry it out, to train the bb, 2 school of thought is to always tend to the bb when it cries so bb is comforted n feel more secure,etc. asians also believe bb cry too much can get wind.

so depending on your comfort level. if you can tahan bb cry to try n train her then go for it lor.

my bb also like tat. 1st week v.guai, now going third week, can cry whole house down non-stop despite being carried, rocked, swaddled, etc. guess its just babies getting more alert to their surroundings? n i really heart pain to see him cry until v.jialart... so far haven't found the perfect solution to resolve his crying yet... sigh...
Re: Friso Hotline
64198484. Can call to have some free samples if u intending to switch FM brand.

Re: Bb crying
My mum says bb cry too much will have wind. Think must learn to differentiate between real cry and cry for attention. Hard to though.
Hi Gardenz,
Me looking after bb on my own now lor.. Sigh~ My mum went back to work today. So today, I'm alone with bb. When I report back to work, might be sending her to a nanny at my mum place. Though, I dun really like it as the nanny's husband smoke. But my mum doesn support me in sending to the infant care near my house. Just a few blocks away.

Sigh~ and my hubby is not working in Singapore. So its also very difficult to get any help from my in laws.
kris, sorry to hear about your baby...stay strong! and babies are certainly more resilient than we give them credit for...so have faith yah? will pray for ya.

unice, usually I can pump about 150ml from both sides every 3 hrs...it's not considered much, coz before my supply diminished i could get 200-300ml every 3-4 hrs.

Grace, haha good to hear that there's another teacher in our midst!

Garden_dreamz, yah if bo bian i will take NPL. i'm not gunning for promotions and such anyways. And I figured if dun spend time with bb now, in future when they grow up and have their own
lives, you couldn't even if you wanted!

heard ameda is better than medela too..now im currently using medela mini electric plus. noisy but works well...will consider ameda if it conks out later...hee
Hi Grace,

Dont worry about bb and u. After a while, you'll get the hang of it. Me also bb and me!! Initially very chiat lak! Now, agak agak got the hang of it liao so not too bad already.

For me, we'll be puttin bb in infant care. Mum passed on liao... and i cannot trust my dad with bb (Old man + bb = diaster)

In laws are Msian so cant really ask them for much help!


Anywas, we dont know of any good nannys around so decided to go with infant care instead - at least got some stimulation with their programmes and other bbs!!
bbunny, Ya, both hubby and me have thalassemia minor. Baby had 25% chance of getting major, 50% chance of minor, and 25% chance of being perfectly normal.

Garden_dreamz, the infant massage is total 4 sessions of about 45 minutes each, once a week. But Marta is quite flexible about the timing coz the last time she was here, I had to feed my baby halfway through the session, and she waited for me.
I think the massage is mainly for babies aged 1 - 6 months bah. Not too sure.
aria jo,
i also have the same thought as u regarding breast size n milk supply. whenever i ask gynae or the lactation staff, they all say breast size doesn't matter. mine also A size, b4 pregnancy, flat like a runway, no boobs to shout about, now trying to BF, at least got some decent size boobs for once in my life, but the yield is super little. my left side also yield slightly more than my right, when i touch my left side feels softer than my right. dunno is it coz the ducts are clogged....

can emphathise wif u n understand the trepidation of leaving bb wif caretaker whose hubby is a smoker. hopefully he does it away fr ur bb.

how true. when they're older, they won't wan our attention so much alr! :D

thanks for the info.
Dear mummies,

Finally able to post but I'm going to peng siann soon as this week is the 1st week that I am home alone with bb and she just keeps crying !!!
Until now, I have yet to give her a bath so have to wait for hb to come home to bath her!! With water, she already so cranky so I'm not whether I can handle her alone with water!!

Am soooo tired, lips are sooo dry, bodyaching .. breast painful yet no time to pump ...

How many times do you feed your bb in a day (24hrs) ? Am wondering whether did I mistook her cue and overfed her ??? But she normally won't stop crying until she has her milk!! hiaz ...

How many hours do they sleep in the day?? If they are not sleeping in the day, what do you normally do to entertain her?? I don't seem to be able to do anything else except to carry her which some times don't even work!!!
Hi totoro,
Try bathing her after her feed. Mine girl always cry when bathing. After a feed, then bath she cry less.

Hi Vicki,
Hey thanks.. haha.. luckily today she not that cranky.. At least i still have some time for a short nap and on and off log in to the net. kekeke

Hi Gardenz and Karrie,
U ladies taking NPL? Sigh~ I at a loss. Dun feel like taking NPL and look after bb. But then also dun feel safe with bb being looked after by somebody else. Chiam~ And to make matters worst, I might be attending a masters prog. next jan. Sigh~ Dun noe should I give up or not. Give up already dun think have chance to take it again.
totoro.. tink most of our bb r same pattern, gv yourself sometime to get use, dun panic. if feed bb's 3 hrly, shd b abt 8x a day ba.. it depend on bb's demand, sometime 2 or 2.5hr alr craving 4 milk... as long not too close the timing shdnt b overfed ba... if bb doesnt finish up the milk tis feed, then nxt feed will b earlier.. i also cracking head same like u, how to 'entertain' bb when they not asleep? usually i jus put him on rocker or bed, till he cries then carry him or put in sarong, then will on TV or radio not keeping the environment too quiet..i try not to carry him, lately when put him in sarong hv to swing till 'hand break', once stop will cry..v angry, jus duno wat he wants.. but at least he dun cry i wont feel so 'stress'...
so sad. went to see pd ytd and she said i have been overfeeding my bb. lols... all my CL's fault. she kept feeding him till he drank 5oz. now he is back on 3oz per 3 hours. he was so hungry ytd! could not sleep whole aft. me and mil had to carry him and coax him with pacifier. sighs. so heart pain!

lesson learnt: dont believe everything CL says. follow instructions on milk tin better! sighs...
hi grace, nice to know a fellow colleague here too. i am also thinking of doing my masters. even have a pdcm course done liao...but now...think have to postpone for bb's sake. have yet to think about it really. see how.

karrie, i have a friend who has yet to finish her bond but she has taken childcare leave to take care of her 2 daughters, 2+ yrs and 5 mths. Try asking if you really need it. nothing beats being there for bb. i aso wanna take NPL to take care of bb but hb not supportive. he says his mum can take care...so why do i need to take NPL. sighs...aso true la..expenditure increase leh....sighs...
gingerleaf, i tot so too. but apparently my bb is so greedy he doesnt. sighs...he simply gulps down all the milk and then pukes it out, SOMETIMES, not all the time. so his little tummy stretched liao i think. mummy and daddy are overweight, so he got fat cells loh...i was trying to laugh it off ytd by saying my bb is on strict diet....sighs..

btw, he is 5 weeks 4 days old and he weighs 5 kg, 57 cm. too much..pd says...sniffs.
just wondering, if my bb super duper cranky can still ask Marta to drop by or better to wait till he is older and hopefully less cranky?

totoro, junnie
me too also face same situation, bb cry n cry. pacifier dun wan, last nite fussy non-stop, in the end put him in yaolan with pacifier - double dosage n he finally knocked out for 2hr then its wake up time for next feed. junnie, the sarong u mentioned is the yaolan kind right? once i put him in the yaolan, he cry less, n i also dun feel so affected but really have to continue to rock n rock till hands give way! so in the end, not much free time to 'entertain' bb. he already v.'entertained' by his crying episodes. the only time he is calm n settled is in his yaolan, but can't really entertain him when he's inside there too.

when he was inside me, had visions of playing with him, talk to him,etc, but the reality now with him being cranky most of the time, how to play/talk to him? can only try to rock and sing songs to get him to calm down. sigh...
nans, he dun look too overweight lah.
my gal weighs 4.65kg at 1mth leh! i asked pd if she is overweight, he said no.
I think she is overfed by CL too.
Wow, there are quite a few teacher mummies here... :) I took 3 mths NPL for my first one. This time round, haven't decided if I should take... Oh yes, I'm also thinking of doing my masters but not sure if can cope, now with 2 kids.

Benedict is ok lah... my girl at 5.17 at 6 wks. :)
thanks ss dear...a guide for all mummies from the pd. to check if your bb is gaining proper weight, bb shd be twice his/her weight at 4mths. =D
grace, nans, ssmummy
haha... me also thought of doing masters. initially when first pregnant, hubby suggested that i apply for masters in jan then can study n at the same time take care of bb. but i see current situation (whole day can fly by just trying to make sure bb has his rest n not cranky so much), dun think its possible to do both at the same time. thankfully didn't apply. perhaps when bb is older bah... but then again, expenses b stretched so tight, thinking of taking NPL somemore, so may not b able to afford going for further studies liao... any idea if there's scholarship kind of thing for master's programme?

ur bb dun look overweight wat... he looks just nice n his smile v.cheeky and charismatic! love the tee in the third picture... woah!!! :D
I took 2 years NPL to study for my degree 1 year after I had my first child. I must say that it was a very good break for me... able to bond with boy and at the same time get a degree.

My girl is forever hungry leh... :) She went for her 6-in-1 jab last week. Before I get ready the camera, it's done.
Benedict looks great lah, not overweight. Moreover, he's 3.4+kg at birth right? So the weight should be ok. Mine was only 3.27kg at birth and at 5.17kg at week 6.

Oh yes, I have a problem in resizing photos... anyone knows how??
garden dreamz,
regarding block ducts, yeah, i think may be.. you know when you pump and no more milk comes out, continue pumping. u'll be suprise after a while, the milk flow again. it happen to me today.. suddenly a lot of milk flow out for abt 1-2 min, big blobs of it.. i think i've just unclog one of the milk ducts

according to my PD nurse, they usually feed new born on demand. if they can eat, just feed them. they will refuse when they're full. i also dun think your boy is fat, not even chubby leh. but hor, he's very handsome
got the rugged look!

my baby was close to 4kg when she's less than 2 weeks old! i was feeding her like 90ml then and PD mentioned she 's a big eater but she said it's ok. some babies just eat a lot. she estimate my baby to be over 5kg when she's 1 mth old looking at the rate that my girl is drinking..so, dun worry abt overfeeding your baby lah.

must been hard for you to handle her alone. regarding bathing, the water cannot be too cold. must be really warm.. bath her after feed is better but let her rest for abt half hour before bathing to let her milk settle down in her stomach.

i feed my baby between 6 to 8 feeds a day. that's like 3-4 hours interval depending. sometimes, when we just feed EBM, she gets hungry within 2 hours, sometimes even 1.5 hours already cry for milk. how much is your baby drinking? when a baby cries non-stop, it's either hungry, got wind and wet pampers.

the 1st 3 days she cried non-stop once she wake up because we didn't feed her enough.. she waspracticall hungry every 1 to 1.5 hour! so, for your case, try to adjust her milk intake?
thanks all for the comforting words. =D really made my day.

ss dear, i use powerpoint to resize my photos. i think it is easier that way. =D then save it as another file =D

pray that today is a better dat than ytd. hope he wont be so cranky =D

ur baby really grow BIG within a month!
so chubby!


ur bb indeed very stylo, especially the hairstyle...


u really made me laugh!!! haa... u must show this to ur baby when he grows up k... all owe to mummy's creativity :p
nans,grace, garden_Dreamz, ssmummy:
Yah expenditure is a key consideration in whether to take NPL or not...it's definitely a last resort lah. Coz my hubby just quit his job and is looking for a new one now. but he spends all his time at home playing computer games and watching DVDs...said he wanted to do cover letter since 2 mths back, till now still not done...dun wan to nag him oredi...good thing is, at least he is at home to help look after the munchkin.

I wanted to do my masters after 3-4yrs in the service (now only 1.5yrs) but looks like gotta put it on hold, need the cash for the kid...

the baby photos are so CUTE!! haha. shall contribute one funny one of Matthias too. Little boxer in action...
hi all

nans...your bb looks ok to me leh, not overweight, cant image he gulp 5oz!! no matter how much they drink, must make sure they burp.

garden_dreamz.. ya, i refer sarong = yaolan. my hubby suggest use the electric one, but i refused, i rather swing it on/off cos sometime if bb too tired, he'll jus doze off so no need to swing, if use electric one - swing non-stop & i find the swing not 'so smooth' like v 'stiff'waste electricity...

joyce...very funny 'dui bai'!! haha... your bb got nice big eyes too!

dodo & karrie..your bb's hair looks v black, mine is brown...
Another eventful day has passed .....hopefully later she would be guai guai .... just now cried until she got no voice again ...until so ke lian that I want to cry too!

She wake up suddenly from her sleep and cried .. I changed her diaper and before I can make the switch, she pass urine and wet the changing table and her clothes. No choice have to change her but everything is wet and she is still crying for milk ..... unable to change her, unable to make milk with her crying like that naked ....and then after I put on diaper, she poo and have to change again and clean her up.... hiaz ...

feeding .. she is drinking ard 90ml - 120ml, ard 2hrs - max 3hrs. just now she drink another 90ml after abt 1.5hr but could be partly due to she vomited most of her milk after the last feed which is after the crying episode!!
just called the friso hotline.. the lady was abit surprised when I asked her about the promo.. then she asked me what is my IC.. then she type type.. then tell me promo over liao..
Hihi mummies..

just a very silly question....if u massage ur breast too hard..will u burst any milk ducts or not?? coz last nite i massage so hard coz almost engorged...then this morning..pain like anything...wondering if i damaged anything inside....anyone knows?
Re: Friso Promo
Ya, I think the samples are for bbs less than 6 months. Can call and ask.
San, hee.. Actually I got to know the promo through the forum. Then I told her it was my friend who told me about the promo. I just ordered it last week only lei. Were u on their list initally? Coz I think my clinic signed me up on their list and they gave me a free can of milk before bb was out.

Re: Masters
I only did one module via the PDCM.
Followed hubby to taiwan after that and couldn't do more. Now back in Singapore felt that it was a waste if I can't cont'd. As my degree is a engineering not a Science degree, I can't do a specialist track without the masters lei. So also sian~ Sigh~ And I dun think can take NPL and look after bb and study.. coz finances doesnt allow that. My hubby salary is in NT. Not sing dollar. So very little also. But then I read that children learning years are between 3-7 years. So I thought of spending more time teaching her between those periods instead. Then if I need to study, it has to be this time liao. Also, tinking of going to HQ to work. At least its office hours lor. ANyone working in HQ here?

Re: BB pics
All ur bbs soo cute.. kekeke.. Jovial.. Urs even better. hahaha..

Re: OverFeeding
Sigh~ My bb also lei.. drink alot. 100 ml in like 2.5 hours??? Will check with my pd on monday. Dun think can lor.But then was also worried that she dun get enough. Then she would also yell and scream when she hasnt got enough milk. Sometimes, I tried to battle her. kekeke.. Use the pacifier or water to bluff her. kekeek... But that can only drag on for like 15 mins only.
Hi all,

hope everyone is doing okay with their babies.
So far still manageable for me, tho she seems to be really fussy with alot of things, but I just tell myself, "Orh bi, who ask u last time oso a notti child, now this is retribution." Chanting that to myself really makes me a whole lot more patient with her. If its other ppl's child, I prob go mad oreadi. Ha!

Aralyn is coming 6 weeks, currently still drinking 120ml every 2.5-3 hrly. However, noticed that she gets hungry faster from the last feed in the day. Night time still alrite, can stretch 4hrs.
Can mummies advise how much shld I be feeding her now? My day routine is.. feed, pat, coax, feed again..etc.... no time to rest at all. Onli managed to eat my breakfast now.

Re: overfeeding..
Grace, my bb (3-week-old) drinks about 120ml for every 3 hour. Sometimes only 2.5 hour.

When we visited PD during her one week check up.. PD told me not to limit the milk to bb.. if they are hungry and want more, just increase for them.. babies will stop drinking too once they have enough... so i think don't worry too much yea
