(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Regards to counting to 3. Instead of scary them, they count with me

Morning Mummies!

Had a busy weekend since last Fri as it was hb's birthday. As usual, still like a teen, treats n celebrations here and there. Caught up whole of the weekend. But I guess the KGs on the weighing scale gonna up tomorrow during follow-up with gynae. Oops...

As of 22-Apr, I am @ 30weeks. Not sure if possible to fix a date for c-sect date in June with gynae 2morow. I have yet done with any prep except stocking up here and there.

Wah! It's good that you attend such talk in teaching kids. I find them very interesting, but no time + lazy to go. Haiz... So most of the time can only read up online.
The most difficult one is consistent disciplinary rules. With the elders (e.g. grandma, relatives, etc.), how to STICK to consistencies? Really tough one...

As of now, I will ask if he want the Green Mask (Jim Carrey) photo or to stick plaster on him if he doesn't listen. But when it goes out of control then I will flash the cane and threaten if he needs it.
morning mummies!

doobom: how time flies! week 30 for you liao!! very soon will see lil' J liao!

hows ur leg cramps? more manageable by now?
yah the instructor said can flash cane to threaten abit but better not to really use it. but she did mentioned that any kind of punishments/discipline when overused will become ineffective.so have to "rotate" between methods. wah discipline like becomes an art liao.. so ma fan haha

looking forward to may too! cant wait for the holidays to come!
Morning mummies,

Brig is down with fever, think is throat infection. Trying to self medicate now. But most likely will need to see a doc. V funny, even i use the same meds as the doc, he will only recover when i burn a big hole in my pocket....

I dun have one at home, hb is against it, if he really get out of hand, i will smack him on his hand. If not will be into the prayer room for a 'talk'


Hi, u recieved my PM. still keen on the books?


Brig has Ezecma still 4 month too. Dun apply too much steroid cream, it will 'thin' their skin. Try to use more oily products, brig is using GAIA products till then, so far no more outbreak. If not brew some "gei yin hua" (ask junnie to translate ok??) and soak them in the bathtub. Whenever brig skin condition is not good, be it mozzie bites or rashes, it will let him soak in the bathtub with the herbs for awhile.

If you suspect is FM, better bring her for a check, cos there may be more foods that she cannot take.


Confinment ending soon? Im telling my hb that my forum mummy can goes out leh... hinting him.. if not i will be crazy during confinment.


U r right, consistency with elderys r difficult, that make me really think hard if i want to work PT again till the second one turns 18th mth

hehe, the back of the kitchen is where the cats' food bowl is, so quite safe. But I never put her there before. I only send her to the toilet once as notti corner coz scare she puke ma, so might as well.

Re: Count to 1-3
After reading zhenzhen's method of 1-3, I used it at home and it was abit effective.
Yesterday I went airport to pick hb up. Lyn was monkeying ard as usual while waiting and was standing on a low railing and literally cleaning it with her skirt(by seating on it n wiggle from one end to the other). So I told her to come back to me now by the count of 3 or she will go notti corner.( I had told her to stop fooling ard n come back many times before this) So I counted sternly. 1, 2, 3! She NEVER come back n gave me that haughty look and moved further!!
So malu and when I turned ard, so many ppl behind and around me. I wanted to dig a hole n hide my face.

Then daddy came and knocked on the glass behind her and she was so happy she kept shouting "Eh! Papa! See!! Papa!"
Hb's luggage belt so happen to be infront of the custom exit and she kept shouting at him to "Papa come! Papa hurry up!" Of coz papa cannot come out yet coz luggage not out yet, so she wanted to run thru the custom! I had a hard time holding her while she struggled. She is like a super strong monkey!
morning all

gingerleaf.. LOL... wat a word to use 'monkeying'??? hahahaa... lyn so cute.. but her 'foc cleaning the railing' really can make u boiled!! her daddy must b super happy to see her welcoming him bk =D

zhenzhen.. yes, like cm said, try dun used so much soap on deb... use those v mild one... eczema.. once outbreak cant do much except to keep applying cream be it steriod (v v thinly) or non-steroid.. soymilk - Isomil the nicest so far...

cm.. hope all at home get well soon..

chris.. brig too.. so today he's w granny again?

ecookie.. LOL... discipline like becomes an art!!! =D all thks to the lastest FM formular, vitamins, etc tat the kids taking!!

jas.. so now u knw how 'bo-eng' u can b when danson can walk le =D i can imagine he walking w/o 'red light'!!
mrng mummies!

doobom, happy belated bday 2 ur hb! he's entitled 2 his treats cos stil young! =) if my hb wants treats, i will laugh at e old man! hiaks..
happy 30th wk 2 u 2! Yeah!

chris n cm, hope e kids recover soon! adri n i also dwn wif throat infectns.. tsk.

chris, u cn tell ur hb i m at e salon nw doing my hair meimei.. Haha!

zhenzhen, tinks chris means 金银花.. Cn get frm medical halls. my mum bathes e 2 kiddos wif it aft birth 4 2 days.. supposedly gd 4 skin!

gingerleaf, hahaha! lyn became part-time cleaner? keke.. u muz hv felt like ostrich then! she's farnie like u la!
hippo.. ur computer got prblm arh? saw u posting 2x since ytd.. thks for translating... i read chris's post then i 4gotten abt it le =D wow.. ur ML sure a relaxing one... can go saloon somemore.. u deceive to pamper yourself =) tk more honey both u & adri.. take care..

zhenzhen.. yes, is 金银花.. also call 'honeysuckle' mainly to clear heat and relieve toxicity. if add in some herbal tea brew & drink occasionally is good, but v bitter lor..

chris.. ah brig still can fight means good, he's still active =) must bluff him to drink lotsa water...

sign, something happended to my MIL side recently. Environment wise not v good. Usually Brig will not fight back, i will just ask him to walk away. Is it the 1st x he fighted back.

Is it good or bad???
Zhen Zhen,
Caelen also have bad Ezema back then, he then had to change from johnson head to toe bath / shampoo to the California baby calming shampoo + botanical moisturizer. My mum also used 金银花 to wipe for him initially.

I remember you know someone who makes nice cakes / cupcake, can give the web address / contact again ? Starting to plan for Caelen's birthday liao. KS hor ? hehehehe
junnie, my hp n my fat fingers got problem! Cos i m surfing using my hp. hahaha!

jovialz, i used cupcakedivinity.com 4 adri's 1st bday. nt kiasu la! they r always full. i m using a diff one 4 adri's bday tis yr. n i booked since last yr cos she's always full 1.5 - 2yrs in advance! i dun hv tis website wif me nw cos itz in my laptop..
hippo.. oic.. kekeke.. but the convenience of surfing thru hp! but i cannot lah.. alr 老花眼.. if contd to see small small icons/wordings eyes will protest =D

chris.. but if ah brig is self-defending himself then he's not wrong to fight loh... cannot b he always the one to 'give'& others take for granted...

jovial.. so now u PTWM rite? more time w jovial bo?
jovialz & hippo,
happened to read that u asking for the cakes links, i had PM u

i got it from hippo also, when i planned for YA's 1st party next month..

aiyo I just saw your guardian birthday promo... Wasted ... I actually went guardian on sat, argh!!! Didn't even know got such discount
Morning All ...

"sigh" Carlson's fever is back
this boy have also slim down by 2kg from the time we come back from SG !!! si it too much? he never eat nor drink any milk cos will cos him to vomit so just drink some water only
morning CM,

im around... but is v quiet since yesterday. Brig is also having fever. But i cant bring him to see a doc till this evening. sign....
wah, yesterday really v quiet. i was v busy the entire day at work.

wah, you v good mommy! caelen is so lucky to hv you

Naia: She can clap hands when we told her to do so! I can't remember when Aria did that but hubby commented she's fast. Any idea?

Aria: Terrible notti 2 phase. Almost make us go crazy. We also never use a cane on her before. The cane is for the doggie..hehe.. Yesterday morning I was telling hubby that we need to get a cane for Aria and you know what she said?? She said, "no, daddy say cannot beat an-ya!" aiyoh.. see lah...And the night before that I refused to give her something and she said, "I will cry".. I looked at her and laughed.. haha....BTH lah...aiyoh, i was angry and tickled at the same time..i told my hubby, u see lah, she know that we will have to give in to her if she cry..

i really enjoyed reading this forum because i realise that we all going through the same thing. It's really v fustrating dealing with Aria but when i read the similar funny incidents (lance funny acts, hannah, etc) from fellow mommies, i felt tickled and relief and anger simmered down.. Oct 2009 thread ROCKS! (so are all the mommies)
Gd morning mummies...I'M HERE!!!

CM, heard u callin out to me...pai seh been so bz at work lately, hard to find time to post BUT im still readin up on the posts coz its sent to my email. :p
saw ur episode wif hb, frankly I hav my own tales too...too depressed to tink abt it liao. In short, I might even abort the idea of #2. Sigh...now can only 走一步,看一步 liao...

Mummies who r sick, pls drink more water & take Vit C...get well soon.

As for kiddos, shooooo all virus away from them.

ariajo, hey did u get into the wrong thread? kekeke...we r Oct <font color="ff0000">2007</font> mummies here leh...not 2009. :p
Hahahahah. "I will cry!" its so funny! But i think daddy spoilt her liao coz she knows daddy is her backing! If lyn tells me "daddy say cannot beat ar-lyn(she not calling herself meimei anymore!)", I think I will get even more angry.

carlson sounds really serious. 2kg is like alot to me. Hope he gets sorted out soon. So poor thing.
morning all

maruko.. finally u are here!! we thot u MIA liao! LOL at ur post to ariajo =D ya ya.. dun tink too much... take tings easy ok..

cm,chris.. hope ur boys recover soonest..

cm.. i knw he'll vomit.. but still must try feed him something.. water alone no energy leh... heart pain to hear him unwell... *sayang sayang*..

ariajo... we r all in the same boat here so u r not alone =) we jus gonna b on standby 24-7 &amp; deal w any happenings whenever our kiddos 'choot pattern' =D
Thanks for the contact ! Actually Hubby and I still cannot decide if we want a celebration or just keep it simple family day since I'll be in my 3rd trimester liao.

Oh dear, do get some pedialyte for Carlson to replenish lost electrolyte.

All the OCT 2007 Mummies are GREAT Mummies !

Anyway, I nearly "faint" on Sunday. My Mum was feeding Caelen, then she point to his tee shirt and says "Zebra". I'd to correct her immediately (cos its a picture of a giraffe) and had to tell her to keep to speak Chinese. This reminds me of her "A is for Elephant". Ha ha.

ya, water alone def not enough... How put giving him so rice water? As in when u boil porridge ... and let him drink the liquid part. Heard is good for when kids have diarhoea or vomiting as there is still some nutrients in it.
junnie &amp; gingerleaf ... y 2 KGS is lot right ... but he jsut dun want to eat maybe also fever so dun want to eat too ... i can see him getting smaller in size if not he is very BIG ... heartpain to see that too ...

but i event more heartpain for Carissa .. .cos she is also sick with flu and all but fever not really in yet ... but den i still force her to go school and study and revise her work after school cos exam coming and i have a yr things to teach her no time to rest but yes i do give her lots of liang tea and vit
mm thanks for reminding me ... ya i think i will cook that now ... Pedialyte .. ya am freezing it now too ... thanks for reminding ... see that is the best part of coming in here

Jovialz yes yes going to give him once he ask for water ... and yr mum is so cute kekeke
cm.. hope no fever for carissa.. she must b v tire.. may b tis few days 'excuse' her fm extra homework except those v impt/necessary ones... must let her hv enuff rest so she can move further... see u like v 'chiam'... cant really hv a good rest for yourself be it in indo or sin..
hope everything back to normal ur end soonest.. *hug*
CM : sob sob... 2kg is lot
poor Carlson. Do take care of him, Carissa and yourself. Hope you can return to Singapore soon.

Btw did Carlson vomit when in Singapore? Can I sugguest to u that he miss Singapore.

and pls try to feed Carlson some food maybe some dilute porridge. so sad to see him slim down
how abt porridge water?

hows the preg? a for elephant? AH lee fant! Hhehehehe

ya, kids choot alot of patterns n say alot of funny things now! Sometimes its so funny to hear what they say. Once we were bathing, lyn wanted to pump out shower gel and I stopped her coz she likes to play with it n waste it. So she said "I wanna wash body LAH!" Then I laff n said, cannot say "Lah!" She replied " Okay. Cannot say "Lah" lah!
Good morning Mummies!!

Reporting here....wave wave. Sorry, have been inconsistent here, but did read on and off but hardly post.

Maruko, wah... your absence is felt. You are missed the moment you didnt post for a single day. How is Travis? Hope everything is back to normal at home.

Having 2 kids is not easy, moreover, have to balance with our full time job, our hb, and 2 kids... for some, still have maid to "look after" This is the challenge of life, take it slowly, we all learn and encourage each other here....

Speedy recovery to all kiddos who are sick. Andrea was down with high fever last week too, glad she is now fine. Do take lots of fluid and vits...

Busy week, so, I will come in only on and off... see ya again later if have time.
morning mummies!

cm: poor c, he is still viomitting? really hope he will outgrow this phase fast. so heartpain to hear that he lose weight..

maruko: can delay but dont give up the idea of #2, esp if you like children and also it will be great to give travis a sibling. talk to ur hb and see how things gonna be when another baby comes along. i agree that most imptly is for the 2 of you to align expectations and mindset before going for #2. jia you, dont be too upset over ur hb. sometimes men need us to nudge them in the right direction!

aria_jo: haha we are 2007 mummies!!

discipline: after attending the talk on sat, i have not smack yz till today! haha i hope this continues. tried to be more patient with him esp. when i remembered wat the speaker stressed: discipline is NOT equal to punishmt. in fact, she mentioned that the root word of discipline is guidance. as parents, we should guide our young ones on wats the correct things to do. so im trying to keep that in mind too.
tiffany.. u r also missed lah =D glad andrea has recovered le =) must come in when u r free =)
gingerleaf.. LOL at lyn's bathroom episode.. so she also speaks 'singlish'?? kekeke... so are mine... lance everyday says 'i wan i wan... gv me leh' &amp; 'like tis lah'.. the sister everything also end w 'hor'... v funny but v much want to correct them too.. headache arh... ooops.. i speak 'singlish' too =D

jovial.. hahaha.. A for elephant?? lance said 'c for 'calemeow' (caramel) sweet' instead of the usual c for cat! *faint*
Haha.. yeah, typo error :p should be 2007 ! haha

Yalor..daddy really spoilt her! But I can’t argue with him because he took the trouble reading books on how to deal with children, etc. He just shared something with me that he read from the latest book he borrowed from the library: Jumping on the bed is an important activity/less in a toddler’s life! It helps exercise the knee and also teach them how to balance themselves when they jump on the bed! I felt a bit guilty because I ever told her not to jump on the bed because I was afraid she will fall down from the bed.

Hahaha… your mum v v cute lah…haha..

Yesterday, hubby really v BTH aria because she was throwing tantrum the entire day. We don’t know why she’s so cranky. So when aria refused (cried at the same time) to go shower but insist on wearing her hello kitty shirt (she just got back from the playground, sweaty and all), hubby picked her up and plonked her on the sofa and told her when she’s ready then tell daddy. He did this a few times before aria quietened down and I secretly thought what a good disciplinary action as oppose to him giving to her all the time. At night he was sharing with me that this is call isolation and to my amazement he told me, the book that he was reading now does not encourage this because it affects the child psychologically. Then I said, how?? This cannot, that cannot. He said, how I know, he has yet finished reading the book..haha…Aiyoh, reall headache discipline our kids nowadays..
Preg wise, still vomiting although not much each time. And YES ! She pronounce as AH lee fant!

Lance more advanced but at least he is correct
WOW! Lyn been jumping on the bed daily even when we scream n shout at her not too! Thats very interesting! Thanks for sharing!

thats the scary bit abt preg. I hate the vomiting part.
yaloh..so interesting hor but we need to babyproofing the place and makesure even if she falls, she will not hurt herself..
aria_jo: ur hb is really good, takes initiative in reading up all these books. im interested too but wont actively seek out the books.. if happen to read will read lor hehe.
what ur hb did w aria sounds like a time-out. notti corner is a version of it. the purpose is to physically remove the child from a situation/setting which triggers his/her tantrum then let her be alone (isolated) for a few mins (1min for 1 year of child, so for our tods ard 2-3mins will suffice). then go to her after that to see if she's ready to talk or proceed to another "safe" activity or ask her to come to you when s she ready..

personally i find it a good way to calm yz down and deal w him (aka reasoning) after that.. think ur hb read too much books liao! there are many diff school of thoughts for discipline and some will contradict each other. so perhaps you can read up , decide which method works best for u n ur tod then stick to it.. think cant implement everything the books teach..
anyway me n hb had a long discussion after the talk i went to and we decided to implement a system of both rewards and punishments for yz. seems like his character eat soft dont eat hard one. haha. nowadays with lotsa praises and perhaps the promise of a small biscuit, he will be a good boy and even start packing up his toys w/o us prompting him to! still, for really notti acts i will threaten him first. i will say if you do it again, i will send u to notti corner for TWO mins! stressing alot on the TWO mins... ahha as if he knows how long that is. so if he really notti, i will put him down at a corner in my bedrm which happen to have a digital clock, and i will stress again TWO mins. wait till the no changed to (for eg: 6) then i will come back for u.. then he will be v sad, in sniffles but slowly calming down and refocusing his attention to the clock. LOL.

normally, when i come back to him will tell him what he did wrongly, make him apologies and hug me and i will hug him back too with verbal reassurance lor.. so far it works for the past few days. really hope can keep up!
junnie, hahaha...tink not alot of us will spot the yr dat ariajo posted. :p kekeke...

Tiffany, will try to post when I can. U r also missed leh

Thanks for askin abt Travis . He is ok for now. Coughin less liao though still under medication for his bronchitis.

ecookie, discipline is not equal to punishment. Will try to go towards this direction but I realised wif my mil ard, its really hard to "guide" travis to the right direction.
As for #2, im tired of havin to nag at hb for every single little thing. Be it spendin more time wif travis, helpin out at home...etc. 1 thing for sure is if #2 comes along, I noe I will b the one handlin everything. So it really deters me from wantin to hav now. Unless I see an improvement in his attitude, tink I won't consider liao.

yeah, i really take my hats off him lah for reading all these books but the downside is I can't argue with him because he will fish out all the examples he read from the book *roll eyes* i can't remember what the told me abt the isolation trick not really good. let me ask him again tonight.
