(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

petit_gars.. ya ya.. cant cane the palm of cos, i reminded myself to shoot on the arm & calf.. but sometime when super angry.. cant help anyhow shoot leh :p i oni hope they understand y we needa cane them...

petiti_gars,hippo.. tink i'm lucky one.. being the youngest, my parent didnt whack me b4... when there's once my dad raised his voice at me when i did something wrong during my teenage... i alr feel v sad le cos nvr in my life he scolded me since young.. my mum at most screamed at me... but nvr hit me b4.. now whenever i beat my kids.... she also screamed at me despite the kids r mischevious =(

junnie, i m sure u were well-behaved 2! Haha.. my dad nvr scold me one cos i wuz his princess. bt he lost his cool once as he wuz in a bad mood n gave me a tight slap! Wah! I tell u.. my mum hit me so many times, i cnt rem. my dad slapped me once, e whole family rem! haha.. he had 2 pay 4 it though. i rem he gave me a v big doll aft dat. Hmpf! keke

Petit, our mums can hi5 leh! lol
thanks for putting my name down for the gathering

wah why today topic is on canning. Am i the only one w/o cane at home???? kekeke
Tiffy...you have a great gal at home.... dun need to resort to cane..

Junnie...calf? I'm worried I will leave scarring on Tiffie's calves...naked bum is the best choice, painful, yet no one can see the evidence they have a siao mummy at home..keke:p
Junnie, my daddy also very zen kind...he never cane me before...the last round I made him so angry, he had to punch wardrobe with his fist, leaving a crack on it...his way of releasing his anger! this is more scary to me than cane...
hippo..my mum cannot hi-5 with yours...i'm not that lucky, she cannot sit still and help me with the kids...and my in-laws...haiz...I'm scared of the friction.
eunice, cos he was in e wrong! Hahaha,

petit, nvm la. lidat no friction lor..
i will b scared of ur dad 2! keke... sounds like my hb when he's pushed ovr e edge.. n i will burst out in tears!
petit_gars.. oops.. ur dad's reaction so 'big'.. scary sia.. but is a form of relieve for him thou... i hvnt tried canning their bums.. i dun tink they'll guai guai let me do tat cos they r 4ever roaming when i swinging the cane so resort to me caning their arm/leg.. hiaz.. but watever izzit.. no parents dun luv their kids... we r all fortunate so are our kiddos =)

hippo.. ur hb another one... but i believe he's super zen than u if not u wont thk him 4 being a great partner in ur fb... so lucky u =)

tiffy.. hahaha.. beat the palm not as pain as cane for sure.. if u use cane.. i can imagine sherry tearing like mad liao.. =)

where's chintz,maruko,totoro... all busy @work? is TGIF leh..

me gotta go home soon.. hv a great evening mummies =)
oh ya hor, it could be kathy. I never thot of it. Thanks for informing.
Eh, your hb is that type -pardon my super direct translation- "dumb dog bite die ppl"(LOL). Actually can tell from his looks he is the type. My hb is the type too.

ur kids so guai huh, let u smack butt? Mine take cane only, she starts screaming "No! No! NO!"

My hb got a cane in his car, a cane in the office n we got a cane at home. Hardly use it but I threathen her with it almost everyday la. Can imagine how notti she is to need so many canes. Wait till Im more steady in my driving, I'll put a cane in mine too! So I can drive and wave the cane at the same time shld she be notti!
I cannot stand lyn, she is damn stubborn n defiant now. Scold her and she'll stand there n stare at u. Grrr.

mine cannot reason one. Talk to her nicely she will just huff and puff and stare at you from the corner of her eyes.

Yay! its the weekends! Hb will be back on sunday! I can go shopping on monday liao!!!
hi mummies,

so busy today running errands. brought deb to see PD and he confirmed that she has eczema. she not only looks like daddy, but also follow his sensitive skin. those mummies who's kids have eczema, any advise on what i can do? she's been given steroid cream, but i don't think that's a long term solution right?
Eunice, don’t need to envy, your relationship with your boys also very close. See how much they love to spend time with you? :p

Jas, of course not the first time that I’ve lost my cool with Hannah. I’m not THAT zen. I’m still learning not to get too emotional or lose control when I’m dealing with her, so that I won’t do/say something that I’ll regret. I’m still very strict with her tho. My famous words are “I’m going to count to 3”. Usually that’s enough to make Hannah scramble. Haha...

Hippo, I would really hate to be in your shoes. My family know better than to interfere when I’m disciplining my children.

CM, err.... nothing wrong with Deborah’s hair. She just doesn’t have much. Sad right...

Ecookie, oh my... looks like YZ is another sensitive one. Think we must be more mindful of what we say to them now.

Dodo, ZQ is really super sweet to didi. I don’t know why, but Hannah loves to scream when she’s around Deb, which either distracts her or startles her. So hard to train her to tone down. One minute she can whisper softly, and the next moment she’ll be screaming away. Sigh...

Gingerleaf, Hannah also pukes when she cries very hard. But I still let her cry when training her. If she pukes, I’ll go in and change her, then let her cry again. Hard hearted right?

Tiffy, I also don’t have cane at home.

Re: cane
I wanted to get one, but my hubby refuses to let me. His reason is that we need to know how hard we are hitting our children, so we won’t go overboard. So he rather I use my hand instead. But I realise I hardly smack Hannah also, because I find that it doesn’t really work with her. Naughty corner is way more effective in her case.
thats what my SIL told me, let them cry n puke n be firm. I guess its more of the "i-hate-to-clean-up-later" factor thats stopping me from letting her cry too hard. :/
gingerleaf, i know what you mean. i also hate to clean up. but i decided that the long term benefit was worth the short term sacrifices, that's why i went ahead with it. and i have no regrets. my only regret is that i didn't start earlier! so with deb, i started training her when she was just over 1 month. now both my girls can sleep on their own, which makes it so much easier for us.
Do you all know where can i get the harness carrier? Need to buy one for Danson. Wah piangz! really BTH him leh. I shop, he also shop ON HIS OWN. and can wander off very far without even looking back or pause.

Your tactic of counting 3 is still effective? Mine was long expired. I count to 100 also no use. Until i raise my voice to volume 10, then my cane, then my anger etc to make him move. The worst is to hit him with the cane liao...will cry like mad. hahaha
jas, still effective. because once i count to three, i will straight away put her in the naughty corner already. so she knows i mean business.
My Grandniece of 5months old has very bad ecezma too. It has been there since she is only 2-3months old. Its all over her body, face & even head scalp. Quite scary. Poor girl. until she changes her milk powder to Soy milk. Her skin turns much better. My niece also cleans her up with rice water. Wonder if its helps.
zhen ... dun use too much soap when bathing her and also dun use warm water if can use room temp water ... always use moisturer after bath ... NO EGG untill OVER 1 yr old birth date. NO thick clothing too but again depends in the kind of ecezma she had.

just now we went to The Peak http://www.thepeakresortdining.com/ for dinner ... just when the main course is here my dear son Vomited ... >.< what a meal right?
jas, think BP also have. theirs is the bag type.

hmmm... rice water helps? PD says if it doesn't clear up after 1 week of applying steroid cream, then could be due to milk. i suspect that it is the case, cos she started getting it after i intro FM to her. but too late, my ss too low now to get her back on TBF. so might have to switch to soy. gonna monitor and see how.
how do u train the gals to slp alone? CIO method?
Wheres your notti corner? My hb choose the back of the kitchen as notti corner and its out of sight from living room. Dunno if thats a good idea or not.
In our old house, the notti corner is at the other end of our bedroom which is a 2 room converted into one, so basically still in same room.

thanks for replying. Added you.
gingerleaf, i used cio method. hannah took almost 2 weeks to train. siong! fortunately, deb only took 2 days.

and i should say naughty corners. i have many corners around my house. 1 in my bedroom, 1 in the dining room, 1 in hannah's room. just make sure the "corner" is empty, so they won't have anything to play with while they're there. btw... is the back of kitchen safe?
When you start training Hannah to sleep alone? I have been training Dayan to sleep with his brother for the past 2months. But failed. Got to accompany him to sleep then in the middle of the night, he crawled back to my room to sleep with me. Sigh!
jas, hannah slept in her own room from 2 months. then i train her to self-soothe to sleep when she was about 6 months.

so danson can sleep on his own, but dayan doesn't want to?
i would love to push deborah out as well. but she's still waking up at night. so don't want her to disturb hannah. that's the problem with having only 2 bedrooms. otherwise can put each girl in her own room and won't have to worry about them disturbing each other.
Danson sleeps on his own when he is about 2months plus. I pat myself for that. But Dayan..haiz..he has been sleeping with me since his Day 1 till i move him over to their own room two months ago. Its hard to train them now at this Notti age.
jas, agree! it's so much easier to train when they're younger. i hope i won't have problems pushing deb out later. but good thing is she's sleeping in her own cot, so it should be better.
gingerleaf, apt description of my hb! Hi5! hahaha! cannot push our luck too far wif these men...
notti corner at bk of kitchen? i m juz worried itz nt safe dear.. lyn 'diao' u when angry? hahaha.. they ar... Oct kids mostly fiery? tsk.
Oh.. buy 1 cane n put in ur bag ba. i hv 1 in mine. heehee!

zhenzhen, if u r changing 2 soy milk, try isomil. Friso's soy milk tastes n smells damn bad!

jas, danson so gung-ho! cn walk liao means independent lo.. hahaha! he's reali a wolf in sheep's clothing! lol

cm, carlson puked again? sayang e poor boy!
Ya. My niece also said Friso cannot make it. The stool is soooo hard &amp; very smelly too. She change to Mamil.

Ya lor. Dun be deceived by his innocent look. Ytd i bring him to JP for brekkie. He was trying to gain attention from an older boy. He walks over &amp; tried to touch him. He even put an innocent smile and tilt his head one side to act cute to the older boy. But the boy just walked away. then left him alone blur blur again. hahahaha! very funny scene.
jas, wahahaha! danson ar.. aiyo! lol.. he's so funny.. tink my hb will miss seeing his cute face when u move..

anyway, ah bian told me 2 tell u dat ur hb strikes him as e most patient n super hao hao hb aft i told him wat u commented on my blog. heehee! my ah bian got 'zi zhi zi ming'.. he knows his own temper quite smelly one.. hiaks!
No doubt he has patience with the kids. But he has zero tolerance for me! Pui! hahaha...Btw, ask ah pian to move over to the east also lah. Then we can 大团圆 again.
jas, wahahaha! danson ar.. aiyo! lol.. he's so funny.. tink my hb will miss seeing his cute face when u move..

anyway, ah bian told me 2 tell u dat ur hb strikes him as e most patient n super hao hao hb aft i told him wat u commented on my blog. heehee! my ah bian got 'zi zhi zi ming'.. he knows his own temper quite smelly one.. hiaks!
hi mummies

petit_gars: wah cant see that you are such a firm mummy hahha. thought you are more like a playmate to ur kids. :p
but its good that you can carry out the punishment in such an orderly way. sometimes, when my temper gets the better of me, the smacking can land on anywhere on yz's body. @_@
must learn from you, count to 3 then deal out the punishment!

and my papa also like urs! he never hitted me before, but when he was really mad with me last time, he hitted the cupboards with his fists. damn scary lor..worse than him smacking me, i feel.

junnie: yah dont always chase zann out of the hse, think not too good. may made her feel abandoned and unloved..

hippo: my mum last time also hit me with cane anyhow, and all over the body one. aha she will cane all over so pple can see the cane marks on me in school. so mean. then now, she forbade me to cane yz!! tian li he zai?!

gingerleaf: wah, lyn needs so many canes ah? hah we've yet to buy a cane for yz cos the grandparents are super against it! i wanted to get one to threaten him but im scared hb may use it in a fit of anger. so still undecided when to get one. but i think soon cos the boy is getting out of hand!
zhenzhen: ive eczema too but quite mild one. only acted when the environment is very very dry (ie when im overseas need to slap on tons of moisturisers). also try to keep the surroundings clean too for dust is one of the trigger too.and depending on deb's triggers, it may be food too like seafood which is a common food trigger for eczema too.

i think i ve no heart to train both boys to sleep on their own. sigh. can only hope they will sleep in same rm with each other for company when they are older.

jas: dayan is not comforted by danson's presence in the rm? before didi's arrival, yz is ok w sleeping in a rm by himself so long we accompany him till he is fast asleep. but of cos when he wakes up in middle of night he will still run like a wind to my rm. haha. but i will bring him back to his rm wait for him to sleep back (which will be fast) before going back to my own. *yawn*
anyway i attended a workshop "effective discipline" at yz's LV childcare conducted by an outside speaker from fei yue community service. quite helpful and insighful. but of cos to implement what is being taught will be another challenge. try to share some pointers here though im sure mummies will have hear of one or another of these points before:
1) try to target the behaviour and not the child
eg: "i dont like wat you are doing" and not "i dont like you cos you did this" etc.
2) remember to mend the r/s after every discipline action. talk to the kid, hug him/her , reassure that you still love him/her alot. let him know what he did wrong, why you discipline him and what he can do alternatively for the next time.
3) be firm and consistent in your discipline action plan(think this is quite hard esp when grandparents are involved)
4) NEVER reward for misbehaviours. eg if he is crying n throwing tantrums, you can distract by saying lets do another more fun activity but NOT by giving him sweets/treats to "distract" him.
5) notti corner/time out's main purpose is just to calm the kid down and put him/her physically away from the situation/thing that triggers his/her notti act/behaviour. should not be too long and purpose not to make the kid remorseful and truely apologetic. a follow-up "talk" with the kid after time out is the effective way of discipline rather than using it just as a punishment

ok these are the few i managed to remember. it was after all a short talk only. :p
hope you guys find it useful somehow
hippo, jas, thanks for soy milk recommendation.

ecookie, naughty corner doesn't just help to calm kid down. it also helps to calm mummy down. i think i use naughty corner more for myself, so that i can be more in control of my words and actions after that.
thanks ecookie 4 e tips! muz nd a clear head 2 carry it out.. keke

zhenzhen, dat reminds me. u cn try using lactacyd 2 bathe deb. v gd 4 eczema n sensitive skin. =)
Morning mummies!
The 'suaku' me just realised that guardian is having 20% discount for non-promotional items for those born in April. But offer until today only. Great chance to stock up lotsa milk powder, diapers etc. I was talking to the cashier &amp; she said sometimes they will close one eye &amp; not check IC so even if you aren't born in April, might still be able to enjoy the discount :p
ecookie thanks for the info ... thanks for sharing ... U "safe" me ... hb was telling Carissa that I dun like her liao always scold her etc etc ... poison her ...ha cos she always does things to make me MAD heng after reading yr post i faster go and tell her ... I DUN LIKE WHAT U DID and NOT THAT I DUN LIKE U ;p heng just in time to use it

hapififi ... that cashier is very nice

the weather here is real bad now ... my whole family are sick ... not only that all the ppl i know from SG are all sick with the same illness ...
hope we all recover soon
