(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Date: TBA one weekend
Time: Lunch
Venue: Please throw in your suggestions

e.g: Marina barrage, Merchant Court Hotel,Vivo,Singapore Flyer, Zoo etc..

1) jas & 2 kids
2) junnie & hb & 2 kids
3) Eunice + 2 kids (maid depends)
4) ecookie + hb + 1 kid
5) hippo + hb + ? kid(s) hahaha
6) gingerleaf + 1 kid(hb depends)
7) dodo + 2 kids + hb
8) polaris5+2kids+hb
9) zhen zhen + 2 kids + hb

zhen zhen : wah i love yr Hannah... so emontional :p actually my Elbib too la. but hor he will nv admit his mistakes

sometimes I envy yr relationship with yr 2 girls

aiyo.... dun worry too much 1st la... let nature takes its course
So cute of deb. I like the pic of reading book "seriously". Her development really super. The next post about her is she starts to crawl real soon. hahaha! Hey, dear, is this the 1st time you let your cool off on Hannah? I applause to your zenness again. hahhaha! remarkable. You are another absolute patient mummy. Kudos to you.
This type of scenerios always happen in my house. I not only smack, i also attached with canes plus thunder voice that shakes the whole neighbourhood. But these two boys really train me to react very fast to "accidents".
cm, biggest hugs.. sayang u ya? i cnt imagine wat u muz b gg thru all alone ovr thr wif only e kids 4 support. pls rant all u want here. at least thr's an outlet. men n women r reali made up of diff stuff la. we c things differently. u n hb obviously do enjoy life 2gether too! hope recent events dun put a dent in ur rlnship!

zhenzhen, *clap clap* 4 deb! she looks so pro sitting up n pulling herself up!

as 4 e kids, i m no different frm u mummies. or shd i say our kids r displaying e same crazy behaviour? Haiz.. adri has been defying evrything i said, no matter hw i put it across 2 her! so i hv been screaming at e top of my lungs though i m reali reali trying so hard not to! bt she's been testing my patience. doesnt help dat 1 of my aunts who spoils her jumps 2 her rescue evrytime she's ard without asking or checking watz wrong 1st! she actuali helped adri yday when i smacked adri 4 pressing ayden's head even when i told her repeatedly not 2! my aunt hugged adri n turned 2 me n said "do u want her 2 hate didi?" WTF! in e 1st plc, i alrdy explained 2 adri dat i m hitting her cos she defied my orders n nt cos itz didi she's hurting. Grrr. i burst into tears after she walked away. i wuz so damn disappointed in myself n adri. reali felt like dying then. bt lucky hb was thr 2 console me. haiz

zhenzhen, hannah is vry vry 'dong shi' n matured 4 her age. reali envy u! =)
hippo : are u ok now? cool down... think Adri trying to explore more on her didi... I heard of these cases many times. u will take more time to explain to her bah... try to "protect" didi as well as Adri may not understand y u so angry.

Mmmm... tink yr aunt statement wrong leh... "do u want her to hate didi" by rite it's wrong to hurt others mah... it's rite for u to correct her.

Jas : hahaha... just like u, these scenerio i also see almost every day. lucky I'm not SAHM else I'll gone crazy. btw i tink my boys more naughty when with me.
dun koe how true. maid always say they eat n sleep appointed time almost every day. with me no lor.

my hb said they watch TV w/o disturb him most of the time lor. but not to me leh :p especially Elbib.
thanks eunice! much better 2day.. adri ar? I tink i nd lotsa time 2 teach her.. i wuz wondering also... if she is so rebellious nw, then i cn faint when she rches teenage! hurhur.. my aunt ar? i dunno wat else 2 comment abt her. she dotes on adri too much until her tinking is so warped! i wuz playing wif adri in e evening n she wuz hvg dinner. she ran over 2 us when we laughed out loud cos she tot i wuz scolding adri!??? tsk.

elbib n elvis loves u la! u r their playmate.. maid n hb r boring compared 2 u so they dun bother disturbing them.. hiaks!
hippo : u not sleeping yet? kekeke hope they really love me rather than find me entertaining. hahaha....

especially Elbib ... talk and talk non stop at nite when i want to sleep. so end up he slept, i'm awake ... hahaha....
eunice, sleeping soon! nw i understand y my hb tinks my hp is giving me 'insomnia'! Haha
i m sure they love u plus find u entertaining 2! keke
so cute. Talk until he sleeps n u r awake..
hi mummies ... hugs to all
my life looks better now ... dinner with the Thai, China & Korean cos the Thai's wifey and gal are going back this Sat ... so in the end we (hb and me) have to talk and heng man i perpared some presents to standby in my hse if not i need to be a magician to have all the preasents as and when needed without any notice in adv

hippo i hate those ppl whom will jump out and do the "saving life" thingy ... last time was my In Laws but got scolded/warn by me so now no more ppl in the way liao

zhen ... deb is 100% of yr hb now hmmm whathappen to her hair ???as for H ... hugs too but remember U ... did the right thing as to scold her cos if not she will do it again soon remember they are always testing us

I really hate myself whenever i use my thunder voice on Carissa but many times she really nvr open her eyes and brain !!! sometimes i even think that she is the cos of me and hb cold war etc etc ... i know its bad to think it this way ... please remind me I LOVE CARISSA ... she is my good gal but she need lotssssssssss more EQ &amp; IQ >.<

HAa haa Carlson always like to pour out his toyssssssssss and today he step on one of them and skin &amp; blood came out ... hahaha he is in great pain hahaha see la see next time he still want to pour out his toy or not and also this is the chance to make him wear SHOE hahahaha ok ok .. he is in pain till he put on Plaster ... he dun even want plaster after he took off the needle in NUH ok so see how painful it is now ... but he is ok la not too bad i do take care of the wound hahaha Poor boy i laugh cos at least this will make him more guai

PORK LEG ... go go try it its easy as ABC i have many more dishes but keke lazy to write

Good Night
morning mummies!!

zhenzhen: yah cannot underestimate how sensitive our tods are. there was one day when yz was particularly notti in the morning (think its due to him seeing me carrying didi) and hb made me angry too. so after shouting at yz at top of voice and also smacking him on the thigh, i got very deflated and dissapointed w myself cos ive been telling myself to be more patient with him all the while but fail to do so at that time. also when i scolded him, yz defiantly said he doesnt want me but he wants papa. so i was wearing this sad face when i brought him to school and i told him mummy is very tired that you are always so notti. and since you dont want mummy, mummy will move out and get out of ur way ok?

then that day when i picked him up from school, teacher also commented he was sad for most of the day and during the day he suddenly burst into tears and told teacher he missed me and wanted to see me. i was so guilty when i heard this. should not have tell him those nonsense.. so now im trying to be more careful with my words with him.

and you've handle the whole episode really well already, think if its me i will have scream down the house!
cm: ouch!! hope c's feet is ok now.. must be damn painful to step till got bleeding..

hippo: stay strong n jia you! think its the hormones messing you up. i ve been thru this same phase during confinement and even sometimes now! cant stop shouting at poor yz last time cos he would deliberately go and disturb didi and like adri, defied ALL instructions to him! but ur aunt is right to some extent, must be careful in handling adri in case she thinks u are scolding her cos of didi.
for yz, i tried to use distraction method or link back to myself by telling him that mummy would like you to do certain things and praise him if he really get the things done. hb disagreed at times and said we should tell him as it is that his actions not acceptable cos may harm/hurt didi.. but i try not to do it too much cos scared that he will resent didi as the main reason for all his scoldings..
hippo: adri is really blessed to having such a doting aunt but yah can backfire in times of discipline lor.. can try telling ur aunt not to interfere when u are disciplining adri, if not will undermine ur authority as a parent.. or bring adri to a room/ quiet corner and talk to her. but maybe hard given how "standby" ur aunt is.. :p
Good Morning Mummies

Carlson's leg should be a little better ... cos can fast a bit liao but still asking for Plaster la
zhen zhen &amp; ecookie,
aiyo.. read abt hannah &amp; yz's sensible and emotional remarks made me teary.. all kids are so grown up isn't it.. do u realise esp with the younger baby comes along, our elder one seems to be more sensible &amp; sensitive at times?

zq touched me lots 2 days ago also.. when i was feeding YA milk in my room, zq and ayi fold clothes in the living room.. and when they wana put back the clothes to zq's room, zq walked very softly and asked ayi to walk softly too coz didi drinking milk and wana sleep.. after which when ayi asked him wana play in the playroom (which is opposite my room), he said no coz will wake didi up, he wana play in the living room and wait for mama to be done so we can 做工作.. aiyo, i feel so touched when ayi told me all these.. and feel so bad at the same time coz i din plan any activities for him that evening

these few days hubby has exhibition and back ard 9pm+.. so i gonna put the boys to bed myself and i gonna settle zq 1st.. after i read the story to him, he just auto pull over the blanket and told me “妈妈去喂弟弟喝 milk milk, sweet dreams, good night".. he seems to be a big boy now..
hope carlson's leg is alrighty now.. poor boy!

ya agree wi ecookie... think it's the hormones that act up my dear.. try to stay cool and zen ya.. i cried big time when i had my confinement coz zq accidentally fall down and lost his tooth.. can u imagine i cried continuously for the whole night, thinkg how unfortunate my boy is.. that was really no good esp when i had my confinement.. i was so emotional then and angry wi everyone including myself that caused this mishap.. be more patient wi adri gal, things will be in better shape very soon, didi is still very "new concept" to her, give her sometimes.. hugs my dear!
zq is so sensible. I wish lyn can auto go sleep in her room too, but still cant. Needs me to lie next to her till she sleep then can.
really dun no what the world has become ... the kid now and den are so differ ... when its Carissa's time she is already very sensible and sensitive too but now Carlson and friends are even more sensible and sensitive den her ... they are just like an adult ... scarey at times

gingerleaf U did a good job for lyn's hair

dodo does ZQ always allow U to cut his hair? Carlson NO ... he does not like to cut hair at all ... big head man have been talking to him for months liao and he still dun want to trim or cut his hair !!! its a little too long now
wah.... all kiddies (those number 1) so sensible liao. how come nt Elbib huh?

He woke up these few days just to ask me scatch him and this morning worst. Ask me go maid's rm to take mosquito medi for him. keep on crying. It's 2am + how can I go maid's room and I dun even koe where the item is. Elvis is also in maid's rm and will disturb him as well
dodo: zq is such a sensible boy. i was so touched when i read abt his actions. he really care and love for ya lots! hope yz can develope this trait slowly too. and yes, zq is so good to be able to sleep by himself! yz still need me/hb to lie beside him till he drifted off to dreamland.
i think i was quite hard-hearted when i trained him for this though it just took 2 days to train but i ignored all his whine &amp; whimper then loh.. no choice, i gonna train up the boys if not "time not enough"! :p

same here! when i bring his highchair into the bathroom, then he will get worried and tell me he dun wan to cut hair.. i gonna keep sweet talk to him loh, tell him he will look cuter after the haircut and all his classmates have their haircut also, and tell him his teachers will praise him for being obedient blah blah blah... i gonna trim his hair every 3 weeks/ monthly.. so now he sort of immune liao :p
lucky u. I can be hard hearted too, but i know lyn will cry like mad instead of just whining.

I hate it when she cries like mad coz she will puke.

So no one can tell me who is Ka** Lee in FB? I saw alot of mummies added her. She is asking me to add as well but I dunno who she is.
im sure yz loves didi lots also! he will find didi more fun to play wi very soon and the bros will tear ur house down wi all the running and shouting.. haa! this morning when i expressed milk, YA was on his walker and zq stood on the walker bar and said ”弟弟载我去学校“, YA gonna "walk" extra hard to get the walker moving! very dangerous but very funny la coz both boys keep giggling and enjoy their stupid act :p

gal, be hard-hearted for once! then u &amp; hubby wil have more free time and not so xinku to settle both to bed.. good luck! yz may surprise u that he's easily settle for this
morning all

dodo... zq really v 董事... forever so dote on his didi =)

hippo... adri still young.. gotta 慢慢 talk to her... she's sooooo 可爱 definitely got v good 靠山 at her 'rescue' =D nevertheless.. discipline is discipline lor.. must stand ur feet.. &amp; pls dun b so emotional la... u still on confinment leh.. another 1wk+ to 好好'overhaul' ur body hor.. tk care =)

cm.. glad u hv a nice evening =) wow.... u like 'santa clause'... got ready presents somemore =D &amp; u arh.. sooo 'bad'... still can 'luff' at carlson! heng is jus some minor cut &amp; bet he can run ard now =) yes, we luv our kids v much despite how notti they r =)

zhenzhen.. wow.. deb really v 'zai' (aka steady) at her age =) re hannah... she's sooooo sweet... my heart will melt too if i heard wat she told her teacher =) dun 4get they r still at notti 2, so need discipline all the times. fyi, mine alr 7yrs also needs discipline. u wont believe ytd morning i beat her... i tink i hit her bones (the part behind rt palm) &amp; i sort-of hurt my tiny vein on my rt ring finger &amp; it bcame blue-black! she really challenged my patience by keep saying 'u... v b.a.d.' (she spelled the 'bad' out one by one for me!).. i was soooo mad the whole morning.. i beat her for keep throwing tantrum while showering her tis morning &amp; she insist daddy shower her/on way walking to the carpark she keep grumbling....(daddy fetched me to work then sent her to student care since he on MC last 2 days &amp; today, his knee v pain).... the nite b4 i also beat her bcos she dun wan to shower aft bk fm schl/dinner at nanny's hse, alr 7.20pm still keep watching okto cartoon &amp; she knew she got enrichment class at 8pm, how she expects daddy to rush her to tiong bahru in 5mins time (by the time they left home alr 7.55pm). i hv been nagging her to shower.. talk to her nicely... till at the count of 3, she still dun move.. i bth liao... so took the cane &amp; gv her two strokes at the calves.. she soooo angry &amp; keep struggling/kicking here &amp; there when i pull her to the bathroom... she keep calling me 'b.a.d.' again! i really hot liao &amp; gv her a good one &amp; she finally shut up... but of cos the whole house full of her crying.. (whenever she cry i told her to stop she said she cant stop one!!)u see la... can argue w u somemore!!! but when she's settled down aft she tink of her stupid behaviours... she'll treat it like noting happened &amp; call me during recess time to say 'i miss u so i call u lah!!) now at 7yrs alr so misbehave.... u tell me how can dun discipline.. i told my hb when she's a teenager &amp; still behave lidat... i really dun hv eye to see liao.. let the govt go &amp; teach her ba.... he said i siao.... but is true lor.. dun 4get still got the small one to handle.. tis one always do funny acts when nobody noticed him, he'll throw tings outside the gate later we gotta pick-up or add things in my mum's cup or go toilet on the tap himself say he wants to wash hand.. once u opened the frigde he's like 'lyches' crying for snack till u gv him then he'll keep quite... agrrrr.. must really b zen if not sure ki-siao!
ya i can understand.. when zq cries hard he will puke also, and worse still, he may cry till keep coughing and i worry abt his wheezing again..
is the Ka** Lee in my contacts also?
Date: <font color="ff0000">28th May 10 (Friday)</font> tentative
Time: Lunch
Venue: Please throw in your suggestions

e.g: Marina barrage, Merchant Court Hotel,Vivo,Singapore Flyer, Zoo etc..

1) jas &amp; 2 kids
2) junnie &amp; hb &amp; 2 kids
3) Eunice + 2 kids (maid depends)
4) ecookie + hb + 1 kid
5) hippo + hb + 2 kid(s) <font color="0000ff">i write for you. Bring both hor</font>
6) gingerleaf + 1 kid(hb depends)
7) dodo + 2 kids + hb
8) polaris5+2kids+hb
9) zhen zhen + 2 kids + hb
10) Tiffy + HB + 1kid
Tiffy, i help you put your name in k?

<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">any more mummies joining us?</font></font>
You really did a very good job! ZQ is so sweet, your credit cannot be neglected. He grew up to be a thoughtful &amp; sensible boy. GOOD JOB, Mummy!

Hi5! I also say that to Dayan. I will just leave him cos mummy not patient enough for his naughtiness. And i make up a imaginary auntie who will become her new mummy. He is so upset when i "tried" to pack his stuff to let him go downstairs to wait for the new mummy. I really broke his heart leh. Despite that i told him that the new mummy will love him very much, will not scold him, have lots of toys etc...he still insists i DUN WANT ALL. I want mummy! Keep begging me not to let him go. Aiyo! Very drama. I teared unconsciously cos i really has hurt his heart liao. Haiz!
Good Morning Mummies...

Havent been following the thread past few days and I am lost. Too much to catch up, so, I only read the last few posts....

Zhen Zhen, I read your post on Hannah.... She is so sensible and I felt so touched after reading what she said...

Re: Mummies with 2 kids...
Do you all realised that our patience is shorter with 2 kids? Also, the elder one usually get the scolding/ punishment/ notty corners etc while we tend to give chance to the younger? Haiz... I felt very lost and sad too... I had to punish Lucas everytime and less on Andrea, cos, at the back of my eye, Andrea is still baby and can be forgiven... This morning, I just caned Lucas for refusing to wake up for school, and wasting everyone's time...

Merchant Court Buffet Lunch
Tiffy - hahhaha... your hb enjoys the food or miss all the babies????

I just had the buffet on Wednesday, find the durian moose so-so only lei.... find it too diluted and sweet.. I rather eat the durian from the seed.

Eunice - Thanks.. I called them up, they do issue complimentary parking for 2hrs only....

Read briefly about your cold war abt hb.... haiya... some men are just so insensitive.. "see open" and you will be a happier person. For me... my hb is those hands-off type, so, my expectation of him is low and I dont get myself angry anymore...
jas: hahaha my hb did the same like u. he always threaten yz with packing him off to garang guni man. he will pretend to pack yz's survival bag which w/o fail only contain his smelly beanie and 2 diapers nia! very mean of him. made yz very scared.. nowadays i forbid him from doing so liao cos its like so meaningless , only making yz scared. but i know its hb's way of dealing w the notti acts. cos i forbid him to beat yz too (i told him to leave the beating to me.) so when he damn pek chek he will use this garang guni act to make yz be guai guai.
tiffany: yah i realise yz will feel sad if i keep on scolding him n not didi. so sometimes i will pretend pretend to scold yr when he misbehaves (which is super rare cos what can a baby do!). then yz will be abit gleeful (this boy ah!) and also join in to chide his didi. faintz. lucky yr still young dont know wats going on. but cant do this when yr's bigger lor.. haha
ecookie,jas.. i tink i'm the bad one.. i'll push whoever notti out of the gate until they apologise or shut up then let them comes in.. my mum &amp; hb will b at the backgroud nagging at me.. i ever tell z if she tink she's not happi w me or my teaching..she can leave by all means, i dun want spoilt brat in my house.. but i hv stopped saying tis sentence cos my colleage said if comes to older age, she might really jus walk out of the house inview of her stubborness.. kids nowsaday really need to 'talk' cannot anyhow scold one =(

tiffany.. ^5.. so early u also swing ur cane arh =D
hahahaha.... I also have to pretend to scold Andrea when she make mistake. But I am not as harsh to me lor... and there, Lucas will be very "happy" that meimei being punished.

You will see more later.... Lucas and andrea will come to me or their ah gong, complaining to us that korkor did this and tat, he needs to be punished or beat him! and vice versa... "da xiao bao gao" So, as a disciplinary act, we have to come in to see situation and punish accordingly... depend on the seriousness lor... haiz... have to act and play along with them to satisfy the kids!!!
Yalor.. I feel so sad that I had to swing the cane on a kid early in the morninglei.. but he is not following instruction lor, until I have to flash out the cane then he will get his butt up. I will always give warning 1st and count to 20 (give him time and chance) and by 20, he still dont do as instructed, he will be caned. In fact, many times, I had been very lenient, only flash the cane to threathen, but I feel that he is slowly not scare anymore, and I had to really do it now. After I whipped, he wanted me to sayang him cos he is very sad that I caned him and I tell him very sternly that from now on, I will just whack hard when the 20 count is up. I want him to remember today's incident and hope he dont do this anymore.... waking him up every morning is quite a pain, have to nag and nag and bribe etc.... waste my time and breath.
tiffany: yes! yz started to chu same pattern liao. will drag his time going to school. say wat play this toy awhile, do this puzzle 1st, or put away this thing before he s willing to go to school. then hb and i are already running late for work. very pek chek one..
gingerleaf, oops! i m also frenz with k*** lee? hmm.. i dunno leh. could it be kathy(oopsilly)?? hee..
anyway, itz mei-yi la.. pei yi dun dare to override me when it comes to disciplining one.. keke..

re: discipline &amp; kids..
so nice to see sensible &amp; sensitive kids ard. adri can be quite sensitive but she wun reach the standards of hannah or ZQ. i can only dream of it.. ha! she can tell me she dun wan mummy. my extended family is too big le. she has a CHOICE of who she wants and dun wan. pui!

dodo &amp; ecookie, sad to say. dat lil' ger defies my every single order and most of the time it doesnt involve didi. she is a SPOILT brat in the making la. datz y i wana bring her back home to teach her myself. and dat aunt of mine? she confirm spoil market one. cos i never allow others or even myself to put negative thoughts into adri's head abt didi. but of cos there'll still be funny people who does it la. e.g. my grandma. she keeps telling adri "i want didi, i dun wan u already".. kaoz! i have said my piece earlier on. and i dun wan to repeat it cos i know my granny can be pretty sensitive if i were to nag at her over this. u tell me la. how to teach? haiz.... say these adults until i tl. until i puke blood man.. doesnt help dat my aunt will be at my place every evening for dinner from mon-fri. the only time i dun see her is in the day! hurhurhur..

junnie, ouch! ur lil' finger okie? zann ar.. ha! i wouldnt know to laugh or cry at her antics but i m sure u must be very "HOT"! sayang.. dun angry le.. hee.. ur "throw them out of the house" discipline sounds sooooo familiar! datz one of those ways i grew up with.. wakakakkaka... dun worie abt the kids running away. IMO, itz those who spoils and seldom beat their kids.. then suddenly flare up and beat? those kids are the ones who will run away from home..

tiffany &amp; ecookie, same here! i also gei siao tell adri dat didi is notti and mummy will beat him.. and dat ger will laugh so devilishly.. hahahaha... must let her know whoever makes mistakes will get disciplined..
Hello Mummies

Tiffany &amp; Junnie: I'm also a 'cane' person...but I'm not as patient as Tiffany...I only give them one chance, if they still dun follow my instructions, I will count to 3, and out came the whip. I whack Marcus too, cos he's already 2.5 yrs old, and should be able to follow instructions. So far so gd, the caning method works....but then, i always make sure I ask them to lie down on their stomach and whack on the naked bum...keke

As for Marcus' screaming and crying, I cope with him with a hard smack on his mouth, and he remember the last smack, and will wipe off his tears and quiet down whenever I remind him of it. After that, I will ask him to speak properly....I can't stand noisy kids...very harsh person hoh....lol :p
hippo... ur hse got toooo many 靠山 le.. the kids sure v 'hao lian' =D tink another way... they r v fortunate to b loved by ur love ones rite =)

petit_gars.. waaah.. u lagi fierce w ur 'rotan'!! =D me when angry jus shoot them on the leg &amp; hand w my 'free strokes' =D yes, the small one also cannot 'spare' if he's out of control! whenever he cried/screamed... i'm the oni person can 'settle' him.. he'll jus shut his ear &amp; carryon whining if daddy or others trying to tame him down... then i'll dragged him in the room lock-up &amp; talk to him.. i make sure he keep quiet then ask him tell me wat's the problm.. many at times v funny loh.. he no good in expressing himself he'll tell me in 'broken pcs'.. i wanna luff but gotta control to show him i'm 'v fierce' lor =D
Junnie...I dun like the way my mum whack me in the past, she will whack everywhere she can see, and chase me around the house...and I can be hurt in the wrong part such as finger or face, and i hate her for this....that's why I prefer to whack them on their bum. I dun whack them on the palms too, cos they need to use their hands to write, and how to write well when your hands are aching.

But I admit, i can be very fierce and siao if they dun follow instructions. if they behave, I can be their sweetie pie mummy and playmate...keke.
junnie, ya! i do like e fact dat they grow up in a big family so they'll nvr b lonely.. Bt when disciplining? can faint! haha.. lance is reali funny. i cnt imagine e bits n pieces he tells u, è fierce mummy!

petit, i like e way u describe being fierce n being their playmate. same here! i cn b adri's best fren. juz DUN cross e line! bt her memory is so bad!! hahaha.. always 4get e caning n revert to her Notti ways! my mum n granny used 2 cane me evrywhr 2. eeks! damn sia suay. bt their fire die dwn long ago le. cn tell me to juz cane her palms n bum.. wat a change of era man! =P
hi jas

if i MIA again, pls email me ([email protected]) on the meet up , can? would like to join the gathering.

think our kids almost the same age? (son 2.5yr old, gal:17mth)if i remember correctly, u are one of the first few to get preggie.

hippo....sama sama...my mum used to whack the hell out of me like a siao char bo...and now she has mellowed down and can ask me to speak to my kids patiently...lol :p
