(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Tiffy, im actually waitin for the sales of the studio aptment near my place now. Will bug hb to ask her when its on sale den can only cross my fingers dat I will b rid of her.

junnie, hahaha...dats a gd one to knock his head. :p

Jas, hows ur shift to bedok? I do agree dat we dun hav much of a choice to stay wif these monsters.

I remembered threatening my hb that I will smash his com if he continue with his gaming. Sometimes I will tend to be sarcastic and ask him if he needs to change his clothes and then go into the com so that it's easier for him. 'Time to change already. U better go into your com. It's easier for you!' Hahaha...
My chanting is taking effect sometimes, @ least he complies that no gaming when J is around coz I dun wan to expose him to gaming @ such young age.
junnie, thx...I had lunch wif a fren earlier. It was kinda impromptu coz he msged me during noon den we decided to meet up. Won't say its good lunch but at least im not eatin alone n go deeper into my own depression state.

doobom, gd for u dat ur hb will get ur chantin into his head. Mine never keeps anything in his head at all except gaming info. -_-
Men on gaming
I wonder why men like gaming so much...my hubby also like that. He'll glued to his com game the minute he's at home. Dooboom, your hubby will stop playing when J is around, mine isn't. Mine will carry Jav on his lap watching him playing when Jav pesters him to be carried. I told him I don't wish Jav to be exposed to gaming at this age but no choice cuz hubby refuses to stop gaming even a while. See, how addictive it is.

If you have no choice but to stay with your mil, then I think it's better to either shut your ears on those unpleasant remarks she makes or like Jas, 摊牌with her, else you'll be very very xin ku.
I think your relationship with hubby isn't very healthy. Why not stop sleeping in separate rooms? Get together and sleep together, cuz sleep in separate rooms doesn't help in your relationship at all. Perhaps you can take the initiative and talk to your hubby and most importantly, tell him what's in your mind. Don't keep everything to yourself. Date your hubby out and talk to him. Don't say it at home cuz too many distractions.
maruko.. nvm who u lunch at least u dun tink abt it.. chinese says 'see open abit'... 解铃还须系铃人..whoever makes u unhappy must sit down & talk/sort tings out esp all staying under one roof no way to avoid each other one =)

doobom.. oh.. u really said tat to ur hb arh =D at least he'll 'automatic' when u start to 'chant'. heng mine dun like computer games but he likes to watch movies.. he often get zann to join him whenever he wanna hook on the computer so tat tis gal wont 'disturb' him, she'll logon to her 'lead' (schl programme) then slowly she'll switch to games!! they will lock the door so tat lance wont 'kar-jiao' them.. if not, hb'll pour whole floor of toys keep him entertained. but whenever i'm busy & if hb 'automatic switch-off', i'll eventually talk v loudly while attending to the kids, indirectly he gets the hint & will auto move/help. i tink all couples need 默契.
sanbebe, if I wanna 摊牌 with her den will hav done so when her eldest son was ard dat time. She has made it so obvious dat im the bad DIL who does not appreciate her for all dat she has done & dun show her any respect at home. She dun hav the manners but dat doesn't mean I dun hav. 摊牌 with her will give her the opportunity to accuse my parents of not givin me a proper upbringin. I won't allow dat to happen.

Sleepin in separate rooms has been my mil's decision when we sacked our maid. She said T is still too young to b sleepin alone in his room. Initially she wanna sleep wif him but com on lah, she herself noes her own physical condition den how to take care of him at nite. So of coz bcom me sleep wif T lor. Tink hb oredi got used to sleepin without me also. To him, I guess he will prefer to sleep without.
Yup I noe its unhealthy & I hav tried to sort things out lately but to no avail. I can't even recall the last time we actually "talk" to each other.
When he is so engrossed with his gaming, I will be so pissed off. Will ask him 'so nice meh?' or if not, 'Why you haven change? Change already so that you can go into the computer mah?' Then he will get the hint and shut down his gaming, otherwise the home volcano (which is me) will erupt soon. Then he will have to pick up the pieces which I guess he dun enjoy doing it.
If not, he will be glue to the TV. He can watch 1001 times on the same movie and still laugh as if it's the first time he watched it. I ask him 'Dun noe if you will laugh so happily when u watched me hor?' or I will immediately switch to news and tell him 'I WANT TO WATCH THE NEWS!'. Then he will keep quiet and let me have my way.
Sound unreasonable, but I always try to tell him that it's really not easy to take care of his son when he is in good mood. On and off, I will try to 'run away' on my own (e.g. go on trip with my mum, etc.) and leave him alone with J. So @ least he is improving now.
When I yet have J, HB is like my son. Can you imagine my friends/relative comment this? Can faint rite?

Pardon me for saying this... From what you share, it's better if you get some time to have couple time with HB and tell him everything.
If not, get away with HB on a short trip and get your parents to help take care of Travis when both of you are away.
Talk to your mum/sis and seek their support. U dun keep to yourself ya...
In midst since Travis is growing up, train him to sleep on his own. U have to try no matter what coz you need to get back to your couple life with hb. Cun be like that.
Be firm and set your mind straight about ignoring that irritating monstrous MIL. Do what you deem right for yourself, hb & Travis.
Go slow on things, settle one @ a time. Dun be too harsh on yourself. It won't help you. Take it easy ya?
doobom, frankly I noe wat has to b done. It's juz so tiring both mentally & physically when I keep tryin n no results seen. I did tink of gg on holiday wif Hb alone but if I were to leave T wif my parents, guess there will b another storm from dat monster when we r back. If we leave T wif monster den she will also make noise. Either way, SHE WILL MAKE NOISE. Sigh...
Yup, will take 1 step at a time.
sanbebe, wont tink liao. Juz let nature take its course. Me now onli tink of wat's for lunch on fri. :p com join us too...

So is our lunch date fixed for fri? How abt the rest? Those on maternity leave can join us?

CityHall Lunch Meetup (30Apr, Fri @ 12.15pm)

1. ecookie
2. doobom
3. Tiffany?
4. Maruko
5. CherieBear?
maruko.. ya, jus do wat makes u happy now =) i tink if let ur parent/sis help tk care of travis u r more 'fang xin' rather than ur MIL taking care alone.. i encourage u go for a short trip w hb to patch tings back.. then deals w the rest when time comes.. at least u need a break for time being.. rainy/stormy/sunny days all in a cycle in every family so u r not alone =)

doobom.. hahaha.. our hb can ^5.. i also dun understand howcome the same old movie is so 'interesting' aft watching 1001 times!! LOL at ur family/frds comments.. we must make sure we instill good habits in our child since day1.. so tat in future they wont hv same prblms as we faced =)

me knocking off soon.. hv a good evening mummies =)
hi mummies...

maruko, hope u hv cooled dwn abit mre by nw? i feel v xinku 4 u n reali kudos 2 u 4 trying 2 put up wif it. like wat doobom or sansbebe suggested, go 4 e well-deserved break n ignore dat monster! u cnt always please her at e expense of ur own happiness! as 4 ur hb, go knock his head like junnie said. better still, infect his com wif a deadly virus! crash his system! reali unhealthy if tis goes on. dun let tis pent up anger stay in ur system. y make urself e only 1 xinku? sayang...

dodo, thx 4 sending e list 2 jovialz. i didnt hv a chance 2 switch on my com...

chris, hope brig n urself r ok! take care.. if gynae tinks u shd take tamiflu, tink u shd go ahead cos e adverse reactions of h1n1 on foetus is mre harmful than e drug.. get well soon!
Tiffy and Gingerleaf,
Thanks ! Still tiny bit of spotting but Baby is growing very well. Gynae say it's the position of the placenta which lead to high chance of spotting (something like that).

I agree with what Doobom and Sanbebe suggested. You and Hubby need couple time. Couple sleeping in separate room for too long also not good for relationship.
Gd morning mummies...

Thanks for all advices.
I hav decided to embrace watever wif an open heart.

hippo, infect com wif virus? spare me coz his only strength wif com is games, the rest he dunno always ask me to do for him. hahaha...later end up I gotta clean the virus also. :p

junnie, aiya...I totally forgot to knock his head when he was sittin in front of the pc last nite. kekeke...but I succeeded in draggin him out wif T to walk ard ntuc. Though short but kinda enjoyed it.

Jovialz, I also noe sleepin in separate rooms is not gd. Last nite I slept in my own room wif hb without any promptin, end up T woke me at 2plus for milk den after dat wan me to pat him to sleep. I dozed off while pattin. Haha...so back to sq 1. :p
Mummies, is this confirmed tmr? Anymore joinin us?

CityHall Lunch Meetup (30Apr, Fri @ 12.15pm)

1. ecookie
2. doobom
3. Tiffany?
4. Maruko
5. CherieBear?
morning all

maruko.. nvm.. whenever u feel angry jus 'get ready to knock' =D glad there's some improvements last nite.. keep it up! i tink the 3 of u shd slp together for time being.. tis also let travis hv chance to bond w daddy & since ur MIL not supportive for travis to slp alone..unless u not staying w her.. imo the kids will rcv instruction better as they get older so no problm for them to sleep by themselves jus like they'll b toilet trained when they rch certain age.. is a matter of time/training them.. nxt time u want them to slp w u or spent more time they also dun wan..
Morning mummies

Maruko: hope u r feeling better. Hv a rountine shop trip to ntuc or playground w T n hb,to hv some family time. At least it give u less contact w the monster. Btw,can u add my name? I'm using hp,can't copy n paste.

Mummies: l really dunno wat to do w javen. He keep waking up at nite,juz want me to carry him to sleep? I'm wondering is it bcos i latch him his last feed n he feeling empty? But he's not hungry leh. Cos when i carry n pat him,he will fall back to sleep. I feel so zombie every day
Hello Mummies....

Busy week, so, a quick one here to say HELLO & WAVE WAVE.

Maruko, I will be joining in tomorrow's lunch.

Mummies, is this confirmed tmr? Anymore joinin us?

CityHall Lunch Meetup (30Apr, Fri @ 12.15pm)

1. ecookie
2. doobom
3. Tiffany
4. Maruko
5. CherieBear?

Where to eat? Wah seh, talk about eat.. I have been eating and eating lots of sumptuous meals lately. Just went for another round of Merchant Court buffet yesterday for lunch.... you will see the fat version of me tmr...... haiz...

Saw that you have alot of complaints above.. we will catch up tmr, sorry, dont really have time to post much here.

re: Lunch Meetup
Sorry as I cun make it. I have a last minute on-site visit to do tomorrow during lunch hours.

Can we do it next Fri (07-May)?

Glad that you enjoyed yourself last evening. A good start...

At least a short take for a groceries shopping/stroll in the evening is good, so long it's with T and HB.
In fact, it's good that you put T to dreamland already then sleep in own rm with HB. Since T is old enough already. The most, when he make noise in middle nite (*touchwood), then u attend to him lor.

Recently, when I scolded J (during mild discipline), he will get angry and tell me off. He will frown and said 'Mummy, dun scold me!' If I beat him on his palm, he will do the same thing. Frown and said 'Mummy, dun beat me!'.
Wah, I m trying very hard to control not to laugh but also feeling angry about him talking back. Haiz... Why like that?
CityHall Lunch Meetup (30Apr, Fri @ 12.15pm)

1. ecookie
2. doobom
3. Tiffany?
4. Maruko
5. CherieBear

junnie, wow...talkin abt toilet train, tink me the lazy mum who haven start T on it.

cherie bear, paste liao. perhaps try to put him to bed while pattin? Let him get used to not being carried by u lor.
cherie bear: u are not alone. yr will wake up at night sometimes even twice.. and he needs me to carry him too.

worse, he will cry n scream one. sigh.
i hope this tough period will be over soon!
lunch: in this case, lets postpone to next fri? cos actually i cant really make it tom too cos hb has taken leave off and wanted to lunch w me...
we meet next fri can?
CityHall Lunch Meetup (30Apr, Fri @ 12.15pm)

1. ecookie
2. Tiffany
3. Maruko
4. CherieBear

I guess all of you go ahead. I join some other time. Any more mummies coming along?
he was actually sleeping thru b4 he fell sick last mth. When he was sick & after he recovered,his routine hay-wired; keep waking up at nite

i dun mind to postpone too
thanks for pasting. I can't pat him on the bed. He's very fierce,in fact he's screaming wif his eyes close & scratch his head. So i hv no choice but to carry him
OK. Let's postpone to next fri den

CityHall Lunch Meetup (7 May, Fri @ 12.15pm)

1. ecookie
2. doobom
3. Tiffany
4. Maruko
5. CherieBear

anymore mummies joinin us?
cherie bear: same same: yr will cry n scream one.. so must carry him n feed some water then he will stop screaming n allow me to cradle him to sleep..
this is still happening every night.. i only hope he will wake up not so fierce..
ecookie: hmm...y our life so miserable wif #2 torture us?? Hb ask me to try to bottlefeed him tonite to try if he will still wake or not as i hv bn latching him for his nite feed. Hope it's only a phase & will pass soon. Let's pray & jiayou together.
Correct me if I'm wrong... U brought YZ for movie before ya? How's it? Is it tough? Need to pay for movie tix since exceed height limit of 90cm?
Tot of bringing J for movie this weekend w/ hb.
doobom ... i have taken C to moviessss and nvr buy tickets for him cos they wouldn't want to seat by themself ... always carry him while U r there if not the staff will take note of his height and also perpare to tell them that he is only 2.5 ... and will not want to seat alone etc etc ... C went for movie at te age of 6 mths old
cheriebear: yah #2 really torture us!! how old is J now?? im really hoping yr will grow out of this phase when he is 6/7m!!

doobom: i didnt pay for him even though he's taller than 95cm too. :p
he was quite ok though will get abit restless and start walking along the seats. lucky we sat at 1 corner (so have 4 seats to ourselves against the wall)..
can J last 1 hr+ at home watching shows? if so , maybe he can do better. we seldom let yz watch cartoons for >1hr at home. maybe that explains his restlessness
Maruko ... good to see the change yesterday night
I really dun wish to see me in U ... ask hb and T out more offen at night since U dun stay alone ... we also go out almost everynight for supper or shopping or coffee with friends while staying with IL. but the time is very tired after that cos cannot rest early at night

dd ... U and yr hb got the couple look ... i am jsut looking at the pics in FB
CM, ya very tiring to head out after dinner. Will try to hav more when Bishan park finish upgradin. :p dunno how long its gonna take though. Hahaha...I wanna c ur change also.
lets motivate each other k?
Then I better warn HB coz he is the one who want to take up the challenge. I dun dare to do it coz of the bb bump on me now.
I also dun allow J to watch kiddy TV shows >30mins. Most of the time is max 30mins and not every day thingy, twice a week.
My worry was he may be afraid of those masked up robots and make noise to leave in the midst of the show.

Will see how...

Wah! U're so daring. Brought C to movie @ age of 6mths old. I wun dare to take the challenge man...
doobom: u so daring! brining J to watch iron man2 huh? haha. i dont dare to bring yz cos he abit scared of robots and fighting scenes one.. bringing him to see upcoming shrek though!
Ya lor... Coz I have corporate tix for Iron Man 2. Was worrying if J will be scared off by the robots and the fighting scenes can be kinda loud hor?
I dun think he will dare to watch Shrek. U 4gotten he is scared of The Mask - Jim Carrey. I suppose he will be scared of Shrek too, same colour on the face. Hahahaha...
doobom.. hahaha.. J so cute scared of shrek too? then u better bring something along to soothe him if he cant sit still for the iron man2 movie =) u asking y the kiddo will talk back? pls wait for more to come ok =D lance can tell daddy/nanny's hb off saying 'U.. no scold me!! go stand notti corner!!' whenever they correct his wrong act.. as for zann.. many at times she'll tell me 'not pain at all' & gv me those 'ya ya look' when i cane her...aggrrr...

cherie_bear,ecookie.. if u both cant bear w CIO method.. then really gotta endure.. keep talking to them... on soothing music or apply oil, etc, there must b a position they r comfy w.. some old ppl said dun 'talk' infront of the babies abt their fussiness.. slowly they'll b better.. JIA YOU =)
Dun know how to break this news to you all. Cos I m still in the state of shock. I haven recover from it yet since 3 days ago. I m tested positive again. Haiz!!!
jas... CONGRATULATIONS! dun worry.. by now u shd hv lotsa bbsitting experience le =)
u r the 1st among us to hv 3 kids leh =)
Congrats !!! You'd just started the 3rd round. Hehe.... So Dodo next ?

Junnie and Ecookie,
actually we have Joyce whose Oct 07 boy is her 3rd child. But hardly see her Liao
Thanks but... Really not expecting n prepared at all. In a big dilemma too. Mentally, physically n financially are not prepared. N i am happy just with the two. I know It's god gift I must accept it with gratefulness.


I was shocked to see this!!! You must be in great shock too. Nevertheless, please take care and CONGRATS. Looks like you have to re-consider to hire a new maid liao.....
