(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Since some mummies suggest gatherings, let me KPO to start the ball rolling again.

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">OCT MUMMIES MAY GATHERING!!</font></font>
<font size="+1">blue{Date: TBA one of the weekends. Dodo, when are you coming back?</font>}
<font size="+1">Time: Lunch</font>
<font size="+1">Venue: Please throw in your suggestions</font>

e.g: Marina barrage, Merchant Court Hotel, etc..

1) Jas &amp; 2 kids
jas.. hahaha.. i knw u say say nia dun dare to gv dayan alcohol lah =D at least urs whine &amp; scream.. mine besides tat keep want to get out of seat &amp; walk ard disturbing ppl infront/behind... heng the big one now older can 'self-entertained' hereself w the movies/game/snack if not i also 'head big' =D

ariajo.. naia must b v happy got chance to taste the poky =D
jas.. muacks =)

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">OCT MUMMIES MAY 2010 GATHERING!!</font></font>
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Date: TBA one weekends. Dodo, when are you coming back?</font></font>
<font size="+1">Time: Lunch</font>
<font size="+1">Venue: Please throw in your suggestions</font>

e.g: Marina barrage, Merchant Court Hotel, etc..

1) jas &amp; 2 kids
2) junnie &amp; hb &amp; 2 kids
Date: TBA one weekends. Dodo, when are you coming back?
Time: Lunch
Venue: Please throw in your suggestions

e.g: Marina barrage, Merchant Court Hotel, etc..

1) jas &amp; 2 kids
2) junnie &amp; hb &amp; 2 kids
3) ecookie &amp; hb &amp; 1 kid

dont feel like bringing yr out yet incase too busy taking care of him. :p
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">OCT MUMMIES MAY 2010 GATHERING!! </font></font>
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Date: TBA one weekends. Dodo, when are you coming back? </font></font>
Time: Lunch
Venue: Please throw in your suggestions

e.g: Marina barrage, Merchant Court Hotel,Vivo,Singapore Flyer, Zoo etc..

1) jas &amp; 2 kids
2) junnie &amp; hb &amp; 2 kids
3) ecookie &amp; hb &amp; 1 kid
4) Eunice + 2 kids (maid depends)
Date: TBA one weekends. Dodo, when are you coming back?
Time: Lunch
Venue: Please throw in your suggestions

e.g: Marina barrage, Merchant Court Hotel,Vivo,Singapore Flyer, Zoo etc..

1) jas &amp; 2 kids
2) junnie &amp; hb &amp; 2 kids
3) Eunice + 2 kids (maid depends)
4) ecookie + hb + 1 kid
Date: TBA one weekends. Dodo, when are you coming back?
Time: Lunch
Venue: Please throw in your suggestions

e.g: Marina barrage, Merchant Court Hotel,Vivo,Singapore Flyer, Zoo etc..

1) jas &amp; 2 kids
2) junnie &amp; hb &amp; 2 kids
3) Eunice + 2 kids (maid depends)
4) ecookie + hb + 1 kid
5) hippo + hb + ? kid(s) hahaha
Date: TBA one weekends. Dodo, when are you coming back?
Time: Lunch
Venue: Please throw in your suggestions

e.g: Marina barrage, Merchant Court Hotel,Vivo,Singapore Flyer, Zoo etc..

1) jas &amp; 2 kids
2) junnie &amp; hb &amp; 2 kids
3) Eunice + 2 kids (maid depends)
4) ecookie + hb + 1 kid
5) hippo + hb + ? kid(s) hahaha
6) gingerleaf + 1 kid(hb depends)
dun worry abt the cruise trip.
Its super relax one, u dun have to worry so much. Infact, a cruise is the easiest to do with kids.

HK!! The kids are gg to have fun!! Im looking forward to a hk trip too. ;/
aiyoh mauck muack muack.
Will put my name down for the gathering later cos now using hp to read the post on my bed.

Aria Jo,
wahahahaha u know me well leh. I ordered 2 boy boy romper fr spree. haiz but cannot buy wardrobe leh cos hb too smart n hardworking. 2 weeks ago, he tidy up sherry's wardrobe to be ready for bb stuff n clothings. now half the wardrobe empty. Some of sherry's clothing now put at the cupboard below the bedrm window.
Yeah, really wholebody busy lor.. I came back with aching arms and wholebody aching also..

Same same. Naia was screaming on and off and it’s so tiring to entertain her. To stop her from screaming, I have to tickle and play with her. Once I stop, she start squirming and screaming.. alamak.. Next trip, must bring my MIL along to help out ah.. I really wonder how you cope during the Taiwan trip..

I was so afraid the biscuit stick broke and choke her! I felt so guilty letting her eat junk food at such young age. Seriously when it comes to no.2 we’re so relax and let her lick fruits, bread, cereal, etc..

Oh yeah, Deb is really v v fast with her motor skill. I thought Naia was v advance already, Deb lagi advance.
MUACKS!!!! i will back from 15 may to 29 may.. cant wait! ut most of my weekends got programme liao leh.. how ah?

Date: TBA one weekends. Dodo, when are you coming back?
Time: Lunch
Venue: Please throw in your suggestions

e.g: Marina barrage, Merchant Court Hotel,Vivo,Singapore Flyer, Zoo etc..

1) jas &amp; 2 kids
2) junnie &amp; hb &amp; 2 kids
3) Eunice + 2 kids (maid depends)
4) ecookie + hb + 1 kid
5) hippo + hb + ? kid(s) hahaha
6) gingerleaf + 1 kid(hb depends)
aria &amp; jas,
bringing kids on flight sure very challenging! i hope zq &amp; ya will behave themselve for this home-trip.. judging from previous experience, a carseat for zq is a must to be fitted on his seat on plane! and i hope ya will be "cooperate" also coz he's cruising now, worry he wana move ard..
sot sot me.. forgot to add my name:

MUACKS!!!! i will back from 15 may to 29 may.. cant wait! ut most of my weekends got programme liao leh.. how ah?

Date: TBA one weekends. Dodo, when are you coming back?
Time: Lunch
Venue: Please throw in your suggestions

e.g: Marina barrage, Merchant Court Hotel,Vivo,Singapore Flyer, Zoo etc..

1) jas &amp; 2 kids
2) junnie &amp; hb &amp; 2 kids
3) Eunice + 2 kids (maid depends)
4) ecookie + hb + 1 kid
5) hippo + hb + ? kid(s) hahaha
6) gingerleaf + 1 kid(hb depends)
7) dodo + 2 kids + hb
DUN CARE HOR! Must fork out a DATE &amp; TIME TO meet us hor...i dun care i dun care i dun care X100! hahahahaha....
21st May I can't cos tat my wedding anniversary
28th is PH Vesak Day
Hi all ...
not happy la

Gingerleaf so heartpain to see the teeth mark on Lyn ...
i am so scare next time when C goes to school he will be the one giving the marks to others too .. but so far he nvr la remember to rub the marks cos might have blue black

Jas Jas please take good care ok ... hope U recover soon ... go TMC and poke needle ... it help and heal fast

Tiffy ... take care ... eat red meat as much as possible ok

zhen hahahaha let yr students try ... they will be pukingafter that hahahaha can imagine that hahahaha

aria ... haha tell me abt it man trp with 2 kids ...

my trip to china last yr !!! remember its a nightmare too ... Carlson was still sick when we go ... he is having FULL force of fever flu and cough so need to + in all the vomiting too cos he is really SICK ... so china ... Carissa had LS and vomiting soon aftr we reached that ... i m also dwn with LS and tummy ache too In Laws were that wih us but please lor ... NO HANDS TO HELP ME LA ... so think think think 100times be4 and make 100% sure thay will help U ... yr kids is not theirs ... so all the hard ship will be YOURS not theirs ok ... exp in the airplane ... i am having it so many times with just me and the 2 kids ... and Carlson never fail to vomit in the plane too immd after his meal or when i am about to start mine ... and Carissa will need me to help her to open this and that and etc etc lots of requests from her la ... but at time she does help out too
but she can't do anything to clear her brother's vomits ... i will need to change him ... clean the seats and also myself with the super tiny area we have ... ANGRY the very last trip back to SG ... HB was sitting behind us ... and when we board the plane liao i saw him taking his Ipod and earphone out !!! in my heart i waS like what the F... U think U can relax !!! but again I never say anything 1st ... so immd after the kids have their meals ... my dearest son vomited ... and i was asking for help and guess what ... he is ON HIS EARPHONE SO CANNOT HEAR ME RIGHT .!!!
and den i need to rise my voice for him to get me and he give me that look saying i am so loud ... an aunt is it ... give him NO FACE ... WHAT THE F ... give him FACE ??? i am so bloody busy liao and helpless liao calling him is like taking to a die man how to call him softly when he is on the earphone listening to his MUSIC ... see la i told u all i am a WIDOW

and after the cold war with him last week ... last night when i was abt to bath for Carlson ... Carissa came in and wash her hand in the bathroom when there are CARSSSSSSS in the basin and i scolded at her and hb also scolded me and said i am too fiece to her etc etc YES I AM LOUD but what can i do .. .she cannot see that there are CARS in the basin ??? she cannot remove the toys 1st ??? what the F la ... den hb becam e super duper angry with ME !!! and he just drive out to god knows where ... and U know what ... we are expecting some guess coming in just 30 mins time from den ... i am boiling man but still need to keep super cool cos i still need to cook dinner for them ... but anywhere all went well expect that the person that invited the guest were not there la ... >o< den came this morning when i send Carissa to school ... hb was still sleeping ... and he never tell me anything so to me he got no school today la ... after carissa reached school i went ahead to do my marketing ( cos this sat we are expecting some more guests for dinner too)but shortly after i reach have not even got a piece of meat hb SMS my driver saying he need to go to school now !!! so need to rush home ... ha i guess he must be late liao but too bad who ask him not to tell me or driver ... let's see ... what will happen this afternoon ... or evening or night .."sigh" i am really moodless and sad and COLD man wanna cry also no time cos maid at home driver's mouth so big ... and also carlson and myself still having FLU ... just speechless ... right speechless ... and cannot comment on FB too cos cannot let my family know ... tears rolling down ... heart is turing cold too
Pardon me..hahaha! Everyday to me is the same busy day..soo dun know which is the PH? hahah.
So its 28th May ok?? Eunice, can join us for lunch? then you can go celebrate dinner?

hugs hugs! Men are just not good in comforting their wife. I mean some men la. 有些人要等到失去的时候才懂得珍惜。Quickly recovered k? Let's learn to be more zen like zhen zhen!
U take care k??
Jas : kekeke... my typo error mislead u :p I meant if dodo can't make it weekends, then we meet weekday and I take leave :p 28th May 2010 I'm ok subject to location

CM : hahaha... if Zhen Zhen students try, they will behave from now after tasting.

Wah... u really very fierce
cm...*big hug 2u*... u r v strong one.. nothing can defeat u.. w r all here hearing/supporting u =) urm.. ur hb arh?? y he invited guests home &amp; MIA himself? he so cannot take stress meh? he shd jolly knw kids r v noisy esp when they r not bebaving... couples hving fights is like 家常便饭... but cannot keep to heart for too long la... when he's bk to his mood... hv a good talk w him... tk deep breath in out many times... no point hv cold war &amp; u not happi =)

jas.. i'm fine w 28/5..

dodo.. hahaha.. so 'qiao'.. u knw today got post w upcoming gathering in May tat's y u login arh? must squeeze our gathering in ur busy timetable when u r bk arh!

ariajo.. nvm la.. once in awhile gv naia some snack is ok de...really hard to 'control' when outside.. whenever they whine/scream in public.. we 'pek chek' liao..

gingerleaf.. hk arh.. i doubt i can shop &amp; eat 'peacefully' like last time when go w gal frds...tis rnd going w my niece &amp; her 3 gals... altogether we hv 5kids ranging P6, P4, P1 and 2x 2.5yrs &amp; 2xcouples... must really keep an eyes on the kids esp aft hearing those missing cases in disney..

can count me in for the gathering?
2 kids+hb+me

me planning a trip to Taipei in Aug, is our first overseas trip. hope all goes well.:p
Date: TBA one weekends.
Time: Lunch
Venue: Please throw in your suggestions

e.g: Marina barrage, Merchant Court Hotel,Vivo,Singapore Flyer, Zoo etc..

1) jas &amp; 2 kids
2) junnie &amp; hb &amp; 2 kids
3) Eunice + 2 kids (maid depends)
4) ecookie + hb + 1 kid
5) hippo + hb + ? kid(s) hahaha
6) gingerleaf + 1 kid(hb depends)
7) dodo + 2 kids + hb
cm: sayang dear, dun be upset over ur hb. men are like that, cannot depend on them to have initiative one. and they only know how to say say say and dun know at times how tough it is for mummies like us. have a good talk w ur hb, i think u definitely can ask him to help out more w the kids to lessen ur load and also for him to find out how hard it is to manage the kids at time!
Hopefully its on 28th May. I forgotten that i have trainings during weekends. YL, of cos welcome to join us!!
So long we didn't have a 大团圆 except once a year for their birthday.

After this gathering, can we have a ONLY mummies gathering? hahaha...

MUST REALLY KEEP AN EYE ON THE KIDS during the trip k?!! They are really kidnappers or child stealers there. No joke.
ecookie ... den he will send us all back to SG ... so that he can have all the time doing his work. ... talk to hb ... HARD ... cos i know he think the same ... talk to me ... waste time i think we are almost gone case liao ... we r 2 ZEN person man ... that is why we zen till dun need to talk i only hope that i can be more zen to Carissa ... she also poor thing la always make me angry and got scolding/screaming at the top of my voice by me all the time
jas.. thks..ntd.. really scary... i told my niece even go toilet also mustnt let her gals go themselves, my niece's family is going 1 day earlier than us but we coming bk together.. re mummies gathering oni.. i look fwd too!! but must wait till my colleage bk fm ML then i can tk leave =(
cm.. u r not alone.. i also screaming @ zann 'pushing' her do tings (eg. shower/homework, etc).. ytd &amp; tis morning i jus cane her cos really bth she's taking her own sweet time to do tings esp in the morning time is running short for schl/work &amp; she will throw tantrum &amp; talk bk when i scold her...no cane she wont move...hv to keep reminding her watever she do the small one will fllw.. we must REN REN REN..
CM : kekeke... u are not the only one screaming. I also tink Elbib very poor thing. I shout at him (even though I tried to control liao)
Aw..hugz.. I can fully empathize your situation.. I also had cold war with hubby on off over the kids.. super sian lah.. Sometimes I told myself it’s ok, just focus on the kids.. “ren” ..as long as my girls happy can already.. CM, try not to scold carissa lah… Kids makes mistakes. Sometimes I have to take a deep breath when Aria purposely make me angry, ie, I asked her not to scream, she purposely scream! There’s one morning she insist on going up the baby cot at 6 plus in the morning and want to play with Naia??! I told her cannot because mei mei sleeping but she insist and cried so loud! Throw tantrum and in the end wake her up. Very pek cek man..Sometimes don’t even let mei-mei drink milk because she wants to play with her and throw tantrum when I want to feed her.. so headache.. she’s an overzealous big sister!

Why Aug? Do check if Aug is a good time to visit.. Is it raining/typhoon season?
hi aria

aug got national day break lor. i called the hotel, they said typhoon usually late aug, so keeping my fingers crossed.

for moms who travel with kids, might be a gd idea to bring along dvd player. to keep them occupied.

aria, i'm prepared to bury my head throughout the flight. tink my son def will be cranky. and is a 5hr flight
aria_jo: same! yz was throwing a huge tantrum few nights back. yr was fussing so we know its time for him to sleep. so hb carried him into baby;s rm and try to settle him and he closed the door too. then this yz screamed and cried like siao saying didi cannot sleep, he wants to play w him! then yr was crying n screaming away in the rm too due to the din outside. wah, really mad i tell u.
oh dear ... lets pat each other den ... we are all having hard time
"sigh" just den when to fetch Carissa and she make me scream again in her school ... there are so many carsssssss coming to fetch the children ... ( no body walk to school ok .. all go home by car and one car one kid ... unless brother and sister la) and she keep asking me this and that and asking me to do this and that when my car is right in front of us and all the carssssss are waiting behind "SIGH" and ask me still got how many more days till her birthday date!!!??? how i know she is just too lazy to count herself and also cannot remember the date too ok
ecookie &amp; aria,
Hahah! that's sounds so familiar. I had it ever since Danson is born. Its really very frustrating...i am seasoned ald.
cm.. LOL at carissa =D ya man.. they v fond of asking qtns at wrong timing!! to them their qtn/needs is priority they jus dun care abt the situation/environment esp we r so 'kan cheong'.. hpmf...aggrrr... but still we gotta b cooooool =)

jas.. hahaha.. when i saw ur 'seasoned' 1st ting struck my mind = 'marinating'.. hmmm.. wat's for dinner =D
junnie hahahahahaha ... yr post to Jas

am cooking pork leg again this sat already marinate on Tuesday so later will start to cook till sat so that it will be as soft as i want yummy kekekeke
Wah! I like pork leg...teach me how to cook leh? Its not those vinegar trotters right?

Tonight's dinner is Sushi. hahah..but failed in my 1st attempt. Anyhow wrap &amp; cut the sushi. hahaha!
oh man ... hb just sms me ... he is in the darkest mood now man ... "sigh" hope all of us will not step on each others again ... but now my driver is going to get it liao ... cos he nvr go and fetch my hb once we return home and resting at home ... i reply him to go ahead and F him ... the whole house is going to be slient soon "hope so" and not the opp.
Jas ... i cook the normal one not the one for confinememt
would like to learn that too my MIL can cook that and its yummy

its easy as ABC to cook pork leg ... but i always forget to wash the leg with boiling hot water and its still ok cos i use a little vinegar in it to take away the smell.

1.put the leg in a big pot best is thermal pot or clay pot
2.add in 1 or 2 WHOLE garlic, 2 slices of think ginger &amp; "blue" ginger each U can also put in 2 dried chili if kids not eating
3. add in light soy sauce abt 4 tablespoons, salty dark soy sauce abt 3 tablespoons, sweet dark soy sauce abt 2 tablespoons, 5 rock sugar the small one, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 2 tablespoons of brown sugar the super dark brown, 1 teaspoon of vinegar, some pepper,2 tablespoons of hua something wine not the rice wine ok.
den u just boil till cook can liao off cos u got to taste la and den adjust to yr liking
cm.. wow.. thks 4 sharing ur receipe! i like pork leg but hor i dun dare tk the fats one.. always dig for the loin meat..must ask my mum to cook again soon, we oni get to eat when she's praying ancestors or my dad... re ur hb.. since he bad mood then u better dun step his 'tail'... 忍一时风平浪静, 退一步海阔天空 ok =)

jas.. LOL at ur anyhow wrapped.. nvm, it all still goes inside ur tummy =D paisay.. i duno how to eat sushi.. if oni rice &amp; egg i can eat la.. cos i dun like seaweed &amp; raw tings... but i'm sure with ur many attempts.. ur sushi 卖像 no problm de la =D

so sian.. is raining dogs &amp; cats now... but still gotta go schl fetch my notti gal... hv a great evening mummies =)
Sigh... i really lost my cool with Hannah today. She was having her breakfast when she told me that she wants to drink fresh milk, so i went to pour half a cup for her. But after taking 1 sip, she told me she doesn’t want anymore. So i said “just try and take a few more sips ok”. And you know what she did, she just hit the cup off the table. OMG!!! The milk went everywhere!!!!! I was feeding Deborah when this happened, so I suspect Hannah was acting up. Wah! I was so upset with her. I smacked her hand and scolded her. Then i wiped her up first and made her sit on the dining chair while I cleaned up the floor. And then our dear friend decided to pee on the chair. And my dining chair is the type with cushion seat. Argh!! I ended up scolding her again before bundling her into the bathroom. And I made her stand there by herself while I finished cleaning up. Hannah is very affected by the “naughty corner” form of punishment, so she was crying the whole time I left her there.

Then just now, when I went to pick Hannah up from school, her teacher told me that she was not her usual self today, and that she appeared quite down. And when the teacher asked her what’s wrong, her reply was “I’m sad, because mummy scolded me for spilling my milk this morning”. Then when we came back, I had a talk with her and I assured her that I love her, it’s just that I was upset with what she did. Then she reached over to hug me and kept saying “I’m sorry mummy. I love you mummy.”. I know that my girl is quite sensitive, but I didn’t realise just how sensitive she is until today. I felt so terrible I just cried together with her. Sigh... I can’t believe that I’m already having such episodes with my 2.5YO girl. What is going to happen when she hits her teenage years?????

Gingerleaf, heart pain to hear about the bite that lyn received. Hopefully it’s just a one off thing.

Ariajo, I feel so upset for you. But i must say you are really patient. I would have killed my hubby if he said such things to me.

Ecookie, don’t worry. Cruise is very kid friendly. Plus you will have a lot of extra hands to help out.

CM, sayang sayang. and thanks for the recipe. it looks easy. should try it one day.
