(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

oh didi's name is nice. so you will have 2 Js at home :)
hey, his name can be translated to chinese directly too - either 杰乐 or 知乐 (my friend's son is 知乐 Gerard). What's Jerry's chinese name?

no leh. never considered nanny

i reckon it's not worth it to send for servicing. when i called the service centre 2 yrs ago, they said it cost $200+ to change motor! i was like 'duh...can buy another brand of pump leh!' so now i'm keeping my friend's pump as my backup & continue using mine. then hopefully can train myself & K to latch well
is your avent single pump electric or manual? it's good? do u rem how much u paid for it? wondering if i should invest in one if my pump really dies. think it should be cheaper than me bringing the PISA to service
Jerry's chinese name is 杰立. Didi's one will most probably be 杰仁.
Cun take 乐 coz my sis' boy (one week older than Jerry) taken the character already.
Yes, intentional coz both hb and I are Js. So it's 4 Js.

I miss the durian dessert @ Merchant Court. I am going there soon, for hb's birthday treat.

Wow, time flies... Back to work already. Muz have miss the gals so much ya?
morning all

hapififi.. glad to hear u r keeping well =) yes, pls rest more since ur CL still around... nvm, aft tat, jus imagine urself as an 'octopus' sure can cope w both boys de =D if u r at home or got elders at home then maid is not a prblm le.. LOL at the bread=camera..aidan is so cute & he's v vocal too =)

cm.. poor ting... how did both of u get sick? hope u go see doc & not jus popping panadol hor... get well soon so tat u hv 'energy' to run the house/helpers...

zhenzhen.. huh..so fast u go bk to work liao, remembered i jus heard u said 'going back soon' when we @mt A visiting hapififi =) deb is really advance!! i'm sure she can walk in no time!!

chintz.. dun tink chloe is last one to schl.. but v soon she'll b going to one cos she cant wait liao la =D LOL at he 'kuan dian shang xue'!

zhenzhen,cm,hippo.. thks.. all at office also v happi =)
wah, gd that u have fren's pump as standby. think in this way can last u for quite some time. $200 for a motor can buy a new pump but diff brand also ok.
doobom,tiffy.. good la.. then we hv two 杰仁 here =) doobom.. i tink jeryl is good cos kor kor is jerry.. almost the same =)
tiffany... u make us tink of the durian dessert again! i missed the last rnd @ merchant court too...when r we going back there?

Ya!! J's hairy legs!! hahha. I miss those sch days with u!

hb outstaion again! Just left this morning. Im gg to be zombified again.
junnie, doobom,
yah hb actually 99% decided on this name. hahaha

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">when is our next gathering @ Merchant Court</font></font>
ur hb outstation again. Aiyoh this yr alot of outstation trip for him hor. If my hb always outstation, i will tak boleh tahan leh and will be angry.
ya, he travelling alot this year. Somehow Im rather okie, coz with lyn around, she keeps me entertained. However, now am down with a cough, so abit sianz. Cannot take meds in the day at all coz all will make me drowsy and I need to drive to pick her up or buy meals, can only take at night. So I drank alot of TCM for cough, but over zealous liao, so yesterday LS and today stomach still funny. Hahahha. Buey tahan myself.
Wah, what a coincidence.

J only has English name and the chinese characters (from his english name), there is no hanyu pinyin for him. Wanted this coz this is the same for my name. I only have English name and chinese characters.

Yes, I miss those days too! Too bad that my current job doesn't allow that working hrs flexibility, if not I relaly like the teachers @ Little Neuro Tree.
I guess it would be more FUN now as they are no longer babies, tots now. So more comical acts to look forward to.

U take gd care n rest well lah. Dun be stressed up. U can do it!

I think so too! Almost like gor-gor's name.
Oh dear... Poor u! Since with cough, you try to avoid taking chic &amp; egg for cough to let cough recover faster. Rest well and drink more 'liang' tea. Dun take cold stuff for time being.
yeah, i like the teacher at LNT too. I agree it will be more funny to see them in class now.
Today I sent lyn to sch and at the carpark, saw the sch bus with the kids and 2 of them from lyn's class - pair of twins(one boy one gal), saw us and shouted to the other, "Look! Our friend!" Then lyn looked at them, turned back and smiled at me and started her baby talk and said "friend friend"
Heheh, my little gal got friends in sch! Wao, so grown up now.
Tiffany : just looking thru. Merchant court
hotel-Ellenborough Market cafe will give complimentary parking to patrons din there. Tat time I go, they din ask me how much I spend, I told them how many I want :p
Yes, so grown up now. They have friends now. It's even more amazing when the teacher starts telling you that Lyn can remember all her friends' name.
J is starting to ask me where are his friends when he reach school in the morning. 'Mummy, Where is Jayden?'. So ke-ai...

Yess.... I will tell hb too. Heee...

I tot of giving up on this name coz cun think of the chinese name initially though I like the English name so muchie. Till I ask my dad, then he straight away give me the translation. So I manage to keep the name. How lousy I am with the translation. hahaha...
yes, time passes so quickly right. but guess what i forgot to bring to school today? my pump!!! jialat. i think later i need to go toilet and just hand express and throw away. even tho i'm slowly weaning deb off, i don't think i can last the whole day without pumping. scared i explode in class. paiseh man...

doobom, tiffy, so you 2 are going to have boys with the same names.

hapi fifi, mine is the electric pump. think it's just over $200. so you really can buy a new pump for the price that they are quoting you. of course single pump is not so ideal if you're exclusively pumping, cos it will take twice the time to pump.

gingerleaf, take care of yourself. hope you recover quickly.

it really is very cute to see our kids in school now. hannah will happily tell me who was in school and who wasn't. my in laws think that she can be class monitor next time, cos she will always report on her classmates. haha...
gingerleaf.. oops.. u still hvnt recovered? take care ya.. cant tk too much liang cha if u LS hor..

zhenzhen..LOL at ur explode in class!! at most ur students see two patches if it overflow =D but so wasted to throw away, cant u find a container to store?
Hi mummies:
me on MC for the past 2 days,juz came back to work today. Hvg runny nose &amp; headache. Doc said i hv low blood &amp; I oso feel giddy but feel alrite now except for the runny nose &amp; cough

tiffy: congrats on ur "hao" word.

hippo: jia you. Ur confinement will be over soon.

cm: take care. Hope u &amp; carlson recover soon.

gingerleaf: for ur cough,mayb u can take "pi pa gao"? at least to soothe ur throat.

zhenzhen: welcome back to work force,hehe... oh dear..u forget ur pump? Eh..dun think advisable to use mineral water bottle,rite. Cos u nd to put a bit of hot water to sterilise it. How abt ur drinking cup?

Today I oso wasted a pkt of milk (180ml). I took down a pkt of milk frm freezer yday to defrost &amp; tis morn found out that it leak
zhenzhen.. hahaha.. mineral bottle! frankly i also duno leh.. i tink cup or plastic bag can? cos jus find it wasted loh if ur ss is alot.. or u 'cheong' home immediately aft schl to express =)

cherie_bears.. low blood? then u must increase ur iron intake.. tk care..
cherie bear, i just expressed into a cup and threw it away. cos no way i can sterilise a suitable container to transport the milk back. just waste lor... sigh...
zhenzhen: no choice lor since u dun hv suitable container to transport the milk home.Btw,u weaning deb off,u intend to give her FM soon? U wanna let her try mamil gold step 2? I hv sample at home,i can pass it to u if u meeting up on 30 Apr for lunch.
for mums with milk to throw,
What I used to do was to give the ebm(thats not stale but forgot to put in fridge within 15mins/unfinshed) to my dog.
Perhaps can put them in a unwanted shallow container n leave it ard void decks for the stray cats?
cherie bear, i've started deb on s-26. but i think i may switch her to nan 2 when she hits 6 months. reason for not starting her on nan 1 is that my hubby found out it's manufactured in philippines, and he's very particular about country of manufacture/packing. while nan 2 and 3 are still manufactured in switzerland. you don't want to save the mamil for javen?

gingerleaf, not that i have extra milk to throw, but i forgot to bring all my pump stuff to school. so i just hand express into cup and throw away. no time to find a dog/cat to feed leh. i should have used it to water plants tho. heard it's good "fertiliser". haha...
did u managed to hand express alot? Also have to clear the breast rite if not might get block or affect flow?
Maybe next time u can do a quick 5min emb facial as you hand express. Shld u forget to bring pump again. Hhahahahaha =p =p
gingerleaf.. hahah... u &amp; ur ideas! doubt zhenzhen dare to let her students try la.. though feeding the stray cats still workable =D

zhenzhen... u shd make coffee/tea/milo then add in mah =D water the plant is good! i always give my mum those freshmilk bottle/packets whenever we finished drinking, she'll add water &amp; 'bathed' her plant w it..

cherie_bear.. not sure is javen sleeping in 'yao lan'.. i thot it wud helps.. if not, then gotta 'xin ku ni le'... if he keeps waking up middle of nite.. u must try get more rest as when possible.. lack of sleep can lead to many prblms..
junnie: no,javen dun sleep in yaolan cos mil n hb dun wan,so l no objection. I oso dunno y he keep waking up leh. B4 he was sick,he managed to slp thru le.↲

Gingerleaf: l seldom take liver leh. Mayb tis wkend shld ask hb to bring me to eat steak since it's red meat,haha...
cherie bear, must have missed your post abt low blood pressure. take more iron-rich food. a nice piece of steak is a good idea.

gingerleaf, hahahahaha... you sure have a very creative mind leh. although i doubt that i will ever try your suggestions. esp the one about letting my students try! hahaha....

junnie, BM cannot use to make coffee. the taste is very yucky!
cheriebear, drinking milo shd help! do take care ya? get well soon..

tiffany, carpark complimentary tix tactic used last round? b a Bitch! seriously.. else they cnt b bothered man..

doobom n sherry, nice chinese name! jeren is nice. doobom, i like jerrel 2! or jerald? =)
morning all

no posts yet?

zhenzhen.. oic... no bm in coffee arh? i thot can hv some kopi/tea/milo C.. kekeke..

cherie_bears..oic.. probably u apply some ru yi oil/calming lotion on javen see if it helps to let him slp thru.. but if u 'gv in' to him as in carrying/cuddle him once he cried.. then more or less he 'win' liao.. so it wud tk sometime to change his pattern again...

hippo.. LOL at ur b a 'bitch' =D
Morning mummies!!

Yesterday I posted pics n mentioned in fb that lyn got bitten by her frd in class. Today, the markings still there albeit very faint.
So, I went to complain to the teacher n principle n asked to see who bit her. I oso complained that it cannot be just a "teething" bite coz the boy is prob just one yr younger and there was 4 canine marks.
Turns out its a boy n its her good frd!!
Been really busy with work… congrats to Tiffy! Think you might need to get another wardrobe cos I’m sure you’ll buy a lot of clothes for didi as well!! :p

Came back from KL On Sunday. Disastrous trip! Going was ok because Naia slept throughout the flight but coming back, my god, nightmare. She was cranky every now and then and we had to resort to let her licking poky!!! But that can only settle her for a while before she started screaming and wiggling in my arms again. Luckily, the flight is only 45 mins. And not helping aria insisted on holding the mineral water bottle and then toppled it and wet her pants in the middle of the flight. Wah lau, so chaotic… I think a lot of people were looking at us and shaking their head..haha…

The 1st night was nightmarish too because both of them couldn’t sleep well. And hubby made me feel so lousy by nagging me and saying, “see I warn you abt this”.. felt like kicking him in the a**! Seriously speaking, the trip will be more tolerable if he nagged lesser and helped me lor! I swore to myself that no more holidays for them till Aria is 4 and Naia 2. You know what hubby said, he told me we’re going Bali this Oct. I told him, are you sure? You complain so much in this trip and you want to bring them to Bali this Oct??? He said, he will not complain since he’s the one suggesting this trip. Really felt like punching him! Bleh..

Nonetheless, Aria did enjoyed herself during the dinner. She had a great time playing with her cousins. It was heartwarming seeing my niece holding her hands and bringing her around..haha..she’s 1 year older than my girl. Also, my nephew broke the ice by playing hide and seek with her and made her warm up with the environment. So thankful for that. Aria even went up the stage to dance and jump around!

And the biggest regret of this trip is that we didn’t bring stroller!!! Hubby though since we’re only going there for 2 nights and most of the time we will be in hotel room or shopping nearby the hotel. How wrong we were. Though it was just 3-4 hours of shopping, still v v shag man to carry her every now and then. Any mummies bringing your kids for holiday, MUST bring stroller irregardless how short the trip is!

She’s giving me some problem lately. She’s a giant milk monster. I think it’s really not very healthy leh.. Yesterday, she asked for milk at 12 plus (150ml) , 3 plus (200ml) and 7am (60ml +40ml water cos not enough). After finishing 100ml diluted milk, she asked for more!! It’s v headache to have a baby to love milk so much…aiyoh…I hope this is really just a phase.

You are not alone. Aria is not schooling yet. We are panicking now because couldn’t’ find a good suitable school for her. Good one is so far and also no vancancy. Headache!

I guess you have to take a plunge. If lucky you’ll get a good maid and that can really help your mum’s out. My maid is OK but recently standard has been dropping. This weekend I will have to have a heart to heart talk with her again.

Hahah… your ideas so hilarious! Anyway, I had a good laughed abt lyn grabbing your hubby crotch..haha…

Aiyoh, you forgot to bring pump? Next time, must put a note to remind yourself.

I remember having very bad leg cramp when I had Aria. When it’s a big bad attack, my calf can be sore for days! I vaguely remember it could be due to insufficient salt in our system? Have you ask your gynae anything you can eat to reduce that?

Glad to hear your collegue is awake now and recovering.
hi mummies!

aria_jo: gosh it sound like a challenge to bring 2 kids out! we are thinking of going on a cruise with the 2 kids and my mum + in laws in aug. hopefully it will be an ok one since its only 4D3N at most, yr will be bigger at 7m and few more extra hands to help out..
gingerleaf, love bite so early? hahaha.. bite him bk when no1 is watching!!

aria, adri cn hi-5 wif ur milk monster! She cn finish 3 bottles of 150ml each in less than 2 hrs! 7.30pm 1 btl. 8.30pm 1 btl. 8.45pm 1 btl! n she does it on n off thru e day! Ki siao..
Wah! Ur trip sounds so tiring.. bt glad they had fun at e dinner!
Naia is 6 months old already but still v challenging to bring 2 babies. I think your trip should be ok since your mum and in laws are going. So many hands to help out. Moreover you're just in the cruise mah.. Should be ok. Cruise is a v baby friendly..
Aria_jo : wah... wat a adventurous trip. I dun dare to let my boys go on air plane. I ever thought of hiring a coach and all must be occupied by our own relatives etc only. Cannot tahan the noise :p

Milk : no gd to drink too much at 2yrs+ onwards cos will reduce iron intake
gingerleaf..so heartpain to hear lyn kena bitten by her good frd! did the teacher infm tat boy's parent? come to say of tat.. is qite difficult for the schl to do anything except to lecture the notti ones cos they might not be aware when the incident happened... hiaz.. oni ting we can do is tell our kiddo b more alert &amp; defensive.

ariajo.. so u gotta tahan ur hb's nagging during the trip arh? aiyo.. nvm.. is over liao &amp; i'm sure u wont regret going for tis trip esp meeting up w ur family memebers =) as for the bali trip.. since ur hb the one suggested.. jus go! sure can make it one &amp; yes, u reminding me to bring stroller for my june hk trip! my turn to 'busy hand busy leg" like gingerleaf said =D

ecookie.. yeah.. finally u going for a trip w the kids &amp; yz must b v happi =) ur cruise lagi can make it esp u going w ur mum/IL.. no need worry =)

maruko.. so busy arh? is travis better?

Take your KL trip as a good experience for the next one. I dun know what to say about your HB. I understand that. I will be also be super pissed off by his remarks. You are more cool in this manner. I could have just walked off...

Remember our Taiwan trip last dec? with the two kiddos. Wah! Super tired. Just the airplane experience 5hours with Dayan whining non stop, shouting, screaming, crying makes me sooo embarassed. Feel like giving him some alcohol to let him knock off. Danson was still ok. Blur Blur one! hahaha!

Hapi fifi,
I also encourage &amp; hope that you can get a good maid to assist you. If not, send Aidan to full day childcare. Then you can take care of the younger one. Who knows Aidan learns to eat faster in school?
