(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

hey mummies,

can check any of you have brought our kids to the cinema already? how did they behave in the cinemas? thinking of bringing yz to watch the new show princess & the frog.. heheh
ecookie, kudos to u...dun tink travis will b able to sit thru the whole show. tink u gotta observe YZ on his behaviour when watchin show at home.
yoz ladies!

junnie, xie xie! haha! zann & lance got "worms" ar?? LOL!

ecookie, u dun tink too much too! i m sure everything will turn out fine for #2. we gambate together ya?? =P
hv brought adri to 2 shows b4. one was kungfu panda and the other was money no enough 2.. haha! ok la.. she was interested.. then i tink cos itz dark, she fell asleep halfway through the movies.. hahaha!

maruko, u & ur lame jokes & riddles!! more more more pls! LOL!
maruko: normally at home we dun really let him watch too much tv. at most watch mickey mouse dvd which i limit to half hour only..
think if im really bringin him, will bring him on a weekday morning to minimise disturbances to other pple .ehhehe
thanks. My dad's right eyes totally cannot see liao so he kamwan go n op. It a long wait at sgh fr 7am till 2pm then i reach hm. so tired n sleepy now.

my hp need to bring for repair leh. Have to tahan till Jan then i can change hp liao.

I have upload 180+ photos in my fb although we took 300+ photos.hahaha Happy viewing hor
ecookie, oic...travis is always watchin his thomas & frenz b4 he zzz...now is still the holidays so u might wanna wait till the show has been screened for a while b4 u bring him on a wkday morning... :p
maruko, i'm waiting for the answers leh!

ecookie, counting down soon!
chintz, waitin for ans ah? ok ok...for the 1st qn:
2 大於 5
5 大於 0
0 大於 2?
Ans: 剪刀 石头 布

Who will pick up the "ba zhang(肉粽)" on the floor?
Ans: 降龙 (bcoz 降龙拾"肉ba粽zhang"aka降龙十八掌)
Hi mummies,

Im alway around... reading...

So sian w my work, think will resign after end of the year... hee hee

My hubby is with brig at Botanic Garden now for the Green Sheep Children Show.

maruko.. my IQ cant match your 2nd & 3rd qtn le... 我举白旗!! 请解答 =)

ecookie... 5pm liao!!! can go & eat kinder bueno till 515pm =D

tiffy.. ur dad went for cataract surgery izzit? if so, shd a minor one, dun worry..
maruko.. 我慢三拍! jus saw ur ans =D

chris..ah brig must b enjoying his date w daddy now =) u also go eat some kinder bueno =D
junnie, hahaha...I got another one. Ans to b revealed only tmr.


me will need alot of kinder buenos to hang on till 6pm...
ecookie.. kinder bueno is nice, i luv it too =D everytime aiming for offer @ supermarket where they sell 10pkt for $9.50 (up $11.90)!!

chintz.. mamil gold step3 1.6kg got offer @ ntuc now.. 2 tins $80.45.
maruko.. really ans arh? i anyhow say one! keke.. tmr u gv somemore to let us 'destress'!!.. now i wanna pack up & go home liao.. bye bye =D
hi all

Carissa still cannot eat much ... but i think she is recovering now .. .fever is almost gome ... around 37+ ... but still weak la cos cannot eat + vomit ... and no not food poison its becos of fever so she cannot eat den vomit ...

Carlson vomit till to the reflux not sick .. he just recover too ...

ecookie ... Carlson had been to a cinema since 6mths old if i remember correctly ... the Princess Enchanted ... but this 2 months when he goes to watch the movies ... aiyo ... the ppl there are dame suay to be in the same threater as him man ... kekekke he will go and make ppl's hair ... walk here and there ... and talk abt the show!!!! loudly some more ... he is bend from watching movies liao ... but sometime no choice la ... no one to look after him ... heng here the ppl also almost like tt walk here and there ...

Now Dec is a month that is super no mood to work month ...

tiff hope yr father recover soon ...

hippo & Hapfi take care ok ... rest welll

Junnie ... is Zann happy that she is going to P1 soon? remember to bring her here and there and anywhere she wants to ... her her enjoy her last stressfree holiday
Maruko, I log in just for the answers haha! Lovethem, pls entertain us somemore tomorrow. 马桶 I also guessed it hehe!

Junnie, thanks for the info on mamil gold.

Any of u give progress gold? The free pack is still not taken leh. Pm me if u want

have a good evening mummies
maruko ... i guess is piggy bank ... ;p

dodo ... no i dun have any helper yet ... but i have someone to clean the house la (mop floor ... wash toilet ... change bedsheet)... cos service apartm ...
chintz, wah u login juz for the ans ah? hahaha...at least I let u look forward to comin in each time. Mayb I will only give 1 qn each day...if not my qns will run out very fast...muahahaha...
gooda morning!!! <font size="+2"><font color="119911">TGIF!!!</font></font>

maruko, my preggers brain not functioning well enough to guess the answers.. hahaha!

tiffy, hope ur father recovers from his eye-op soon! my granny going for hers later this month too.. and cos of this, the maid issue has come up in my family again.. haiz.. mum &amp; granny DUN want a maid. but 1 of my aunt has been asking me to hire one.. saying dat my mum shd be more considerate. but thing is, the 2 folks DUN wan.. they will "hiam" even wat the PT helper do leh. how to employ one to face them everyday?? tsk tsk..
hippo, ur preggers brain gotta tink the 欠扁 way den will b able to guess the ans liaoz...kekeke...
ur granny gg for eye-op also ah? tink old folks not as open as us to hire a maid...my fren has been tellin me to get a maid to ease my load but dun tink my mil will wan. Sigh...dats the prob for stayin wif in laws.
叉是凶手。。。 因为叉“杀”包。。。??

hahaha! maruko, i go home ask adri these qns today.. cos she is def the 欠扁 one.. LOL!

haiya.. i agree with u.. but my mum &amp; granny gives me no problem one.. itz my aunt.. aiyo! i m stuck in the middle.. grrr
hippo, WRONG ans...kekeke...but u r very close. :p
tink ur aunt also worried abt ur granny, dats y wan u to get a maid to take care of her. Perhaps u tell her directly dat hiring a maid is not an issue but to convince both ur mum &amp; granny. Ask her to speak to both of them if she wans u to hire a maid lor.
morning all

hippo.. no no... is 豆沙(杀)包!! keke..
if the two old folks at home dun wan any helper tink shd let it be... if not later u got more 'complaints' to her fm them... (like me &amp; my mum..one min she ok, one min she say no??? hiaz..)

maruko.. *wink*

cm... glad ur both kiddo feeling better.. re zann.. i tink she still duno wat is P1 leh.. everyday aft cc, come back still ask to watch cartoon or play w her little ponies, then lance fighting w her for all her stuff.. making me v headache/screaming all nights to settle them... i tink i'm more kancheong than her, everyday must 念经to her.. tell her wat to do in new student care, who'll walk her to schl, who'll accompany her during recession for first few days, will hv many assessment/test to do no time to play/watch tv.. blah blah blah..
junnie, oooh.. ya hor??? hahaha! i was tinking abt char siew bao!! hiaks..
i guess so too. i'd rather i ignore my aunt cos i know the 2 folks sure skin me alive if i employ one.. then imagine EVERYDAY got to take their complain calls?? hurhur..

dun worie too much abt zann dear.. she is not in the environment yet, datz y still dunno wat is P1.. she will adapt easily one la. esp zann is so outgoing.. give her some credit!
junnie, 答对了...kekeke...阿豆杀阿包... :p

here is another one:
7 divide by 2

anyone wanna give a shot? tink this one quite ez.

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">TGIF</font></font>

i understand. sometime old ppl don't like helper to be ard. They rather want to do everything themselve. oh, ur granny also going for eye op later this mth. my dad going for another eye op next thurs. It is v cold there so better bring sweater for ur granny n urself too if u r going.
