(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

can u girls stop tempting us with great lobangs for bags, clothes etc etc hehee

hippo, my hb like junnie'z hb. i will kena nag nag nag non stop~~ :X

thanks babe for the link! eh...don't 'pollute' chintz la. later the hubby nag until to my hubby then I suffer too! :p I'm so evil.
bbwow, online bp is so addictive. online purchase without the husband's knowledge is even more addictive hehehe

where is everybody?
junnie, ya me also tink the med wanna trigger the phlegm to com out...will observe if there is any hissin sound.

hippo/bbwow, wah...so tempted by both of u leh...my hb can ^5 wif chintz & junnie's hb...will nag non-stop at every opportunity if I get one... :p
hi mummies!

wow. looks like the bag brigade is out in full force today. hmmm... i haven't gotten a new bag since i had hannah. and i haven't gotten anything from my hubby after the birth of deborah. idea....
ecookie, hang on??? den me wanna go get kinder bueno liao...kekeke...

zhen zhen, time to hint ur hb liao... :p

I was tellin my hb I lost over 1Kg over the past wk. Den he said if I managed to lose to my weight b4 preggy, he will gimme $1k cash. muahahaha...wat an idiot! Coz he previously said he will gimme $500 for every kg lost. Now wanna cheat me. So I reminded him of our deal. Which means I got $500 cash now after a wk's tolerance. :p hiak hiak hiaks...its SHOPPING time!!!
maruko, ur hb so nice! will honour this type of bets.. hahaha! shiok leh.. go shop! can't find anything to buy, can tink of me ya?? *winks*
hippo, this kinda "lugi" bets he dun wanna honour initially one. Coz I got a fren's sister who gave birth to 3 kids & yet looked like she didnt give birth b4. So I asked her how she slims down lor. She said her hb gives her incentives for each KG lost, $1k lor. Dats a huge incentive. So I told my hb abt it. He looked at me very seriously den said "$1k I dun hav lah, $500 wan?" muahahaha...so I grab lah...kekeke...den after awhile he realised he said the wrong thing but too late liao. :p shoppin sure got things to buy lah BUT BUT BUT his $ also my $ leh...hahaha...so its like im spendin my own $. Feels abit heartpain also.
I am back. Drizzling at Macau for 2 days but still manage to go out. Sigh... so difficult to let sherry wear more clothings. She hate to wear so many layer of clothing. And she always told us 'Walk'(meaning she wants to come down n walk on her own) but it is drizzling n floor is wet. Then she don't like to wear hats to prevent her hair fr getting wet. She is v happy and co-operative throughout these few days. Go everywhere must have her little bunny with her. Last night i forgot to bring it out n when she ask for it, i was afraid that I drop it cos i search my bag n can't find it at all n i was v nervous liao. Lucky when we go back to the hotel it was on the bed. phew!! will try to upload photos asap in fb.
Then my hp give me prob when i reach macau, unable to type msg, not sure is it during the check-in scanning section that make my hp having prob till now.
When i am back today, get to know my dad need to go for eyes surgery tomolo morning

cannot buy any more bag liao. i just got my blue label bag recently. Exactly the same design as Chersam. hahaha

Whoa wat a fantastic way to earn money!


Still thot you at CCK.Which part of Singapore are you at now? The Nursery rhyme show is a low budget local production. 1/2 hr at the roof top.. not crowded at all, lots of space to run around. Chloe enjoyed herself still cos familiar tunes. Next week they having bubble show.
The water park and playground opened already wa! Smaller than the Sembawang Shopping center one but has an a/c video room, not too bad! Next time can chio you go there to play.

sigh, good and bad to be able to catch the holiday shows at non peak hrs. chloe every day keep telling me: "Go gai gai!!"... very tiring!! each time bring her out 1/2 a day... once I reach home I just want to fall flat on bed. Need to chase, wrestle and carry her when she is out.
... but am really glad there's plenty of free entertainment this holiday season.


My girl on certain food strike, eg meat, fish and egg, for so long, more than 1/2 yr, I am also getting worried... most of the time she just want to eat plain noodles for mains but go crazy with fruit and nuts.

Any mummy got tips to make our kids eat meat and fish?
Wah all the talk about bags make me drool!

my mum's place at bt panjang. Yes, the roof top was ready more than 6 mths ago. Yay let's go there together one day. I usually go lot 1 daily with aidan if we are at home :)

Glad to know u are ok now. Do rest as much as u can. I also have been having slight spotting for past 2 wks. Gynae checked my placenta level (which is normal) & did a v-scan too but couldn't pin point the cause so she didn't prescribe any medicine or give me injection. I just try to rest whenever possible
hi all ... Carissa was better ... fever will go down after medi ... but when its time for medi ... its will rise again ... now ... she will vomit after food too ... hmmm dun really know what to do liao ... cos if i use the medi for the bum need to have fever above 39.5 ... but hers is like 38+ nia ... hmmmm
BAGSSSSSSSSSSSS hahahaha i also want to buy ... but dun no what to buy ... am a brandless person ... but i want to buy a branded one or two kekekekekeke .... hb will let me buy la ... cos i need to but what to buy ??? which one is good and value for $$$ ... I need something not too small too

Aiya, don't think I will go SSC tom, very tired today .. Went on a RC outing without stroller and so carried chloe while she napped. Fri my hb on leave and we will be bringing the girls out the whole day.. So need to take a break tom. Are you going there to catch the carebear show or has it started?


Ha, that shows how long I haven't been to lot 1. Aiyo you take care and have more rest .
mm there are always lots of free entertainment in holiday season i always bring Carissa to watch too ... like U will go anywhere by train or bus ... will free very blessed and happy to see how happy she is after that

hi U & zhen zhen can go and have lunch at Aston steak too its near to the playground
wanted to do there with U gals ... but am too busy for her exam ... next yr end

Ya, aft the sesame show, chloe keep singing elmo song .. Very tickled by her

Hey, loosen up a little it's dec hol! Give yourself n carissa a break exams is next ur end .. Btw she is in international sch rt?
mm ... no her P2 mid yr exam will be on 14 & 15th Jan 2010 ... she will not go to international sch ... she is going to Kinderland in Bandung ...
... i so eng ... hb just went out for a drinks with friends ... and the 2 kids vomited one after another ... shit shit shit .... just use a cloth to cover the thingy and change carlson nia ... dun care ...
Morning mummies! Pumping milk now.

Maruko, that's a great deal! No wonder uhave been eating lots of fish soup during lunch hehe

tiffy, welcome back!! Post photos ya..

Hapififi, do rest more ok? When is ur due date?
morning ladies!!!

maisymouse, that's alot of fun activities for the kiddos! chloe must have enjoyed herself so much! shopping queen in the making.. keke

maruko, haha! u & ur hb so cute la.. =P erm.. maybe tis will help: "ur $ is ur $, his $ is ur extra $..." hahaha!

tiffy, welcome back!! ur hp still not working now? aiyooo.. do upload ur pics soon! cant wait to see them..

CM, heartpain to hear Carissa & Carlson still sick.. hope they recover soon!

hapififi, rest rest rest! hope everything's ok for u too dear.. my placenta is low. i m praying it will go up soon. i have this nagging feeling dat tis time round it will be a c-sect leh. dunno y but i seriously hope datz not the case!
Gd morning mummies...

mm, ur gal dun like meat & fish? perhaps u make it more tasty den she will slowly take it?

chintz, kekeke...of coz gd deal lah...gotta endure few more wks for my "desired" weight & gd $$$...hahaha... :p
perhaps u can "hint hint" to ur hb abt my idea. kekeke...its an evil plan den u can buy BAGS liao...

hippo, wow...dats a gd way to tink...muz hynotise myself liao "my $ is my $, his $ is my EXTRA $$$..." muahahaha...
ur placenta is low ah? so ur last delivery is natural or c-sect?

CM, gosh...1 kid vomit after another? its tiring when both r sick. U take gd care of urself also hor...ensure the kids take their meds on time den they will recover very soon.
hapififi, u spottin ah? rest more & dun tire urself out...dat time I also got spottin & doc cant find anything wrong too so he said better to hav bed rest den give me a wk's MC...but of coz where got guai guai stay in bed. kekeke...den my mil kept naggin at me to lie on the bed instead of sittin in front of pc.
morning mummies!

hope everyone is doing well!
busy sourcing for apt these few days, hope will have an ideal one soon..

pls take good care! everything will be alright.. rest rest rest.. it's good that ur mum is there to help out.. gender of bb revealed?

oh dear! the kids vomitted at this hour? hope it's not something serious.. u hv any helper there? take care!

welcome back! im sure u took tonnes of photos of sherry! upload soon ya! i can access FB now at BJ, so happy! hee

what's ur "evil plot"? must hv miss it out.. share wi me ya.. but i think v difficult for me to loss weight leh, im eating lots!!!
morning mummies!


wahh...your hb so good still encourage you. I'm the other way round. I told my fat hb that if he lose 5kg, I will get him his LV belt. it has been 1 year and no progress. hahahahah

J suddenly changed to infant. think some mummies know that he doesn't drink milk so it was a headache when he started to refuse solids too. but recently he started to request for milk! one day can drink 3-4 times. nowadays, we crack our head on what food to cook. my MIL tried grilling fish and he eats a little. J doesn't even touch a single fruit lor. so really have to trial and error until they eat something
good morning & thanks for concern!
Ya, trying to rest as much as i can though it's practically impossible with an active tyke around haha that's why I moved to my mum's house this week when hb not around so that I can take a breather :)
My detailed scan will be next fri. Looking forward to it :)

my edd is 29 april but I think I'll start getting paranoid after week 30! Wahaha cos v scared will be premature birth again. My gynae said quite likely from week 32 onwards but she'll keep a closer watch on me to look out for signs & hopefully we can delay labour till at least week 35-36! So I must try to beef up my baby as soon as I can to ensure he can be at least 2kg before he arrives! Wonder what I can eat? Any suggestions since Bosco was an almost 4kg baby when born?!

u must rest more too if got low-lying placenta cos this might cause spotting or bleeding.
maruko, keke.. good idea leh? psycho psycho urself.. can one! LOL!
my last delivery was natural. gynae did say placenta might move up in the coming months so crossing my fingers and pray. dunno y but just got this funny feeling abt c-sect tis time round.. *dun tink dun tink*.. ha!

bbwow, wahahahaha! the 2 of u so funny too.. good la. u can save ur $$$. J start drinking milk again? =P
dodo, my evil plot? ask chintz to tell her hb to give her incentives for every kg lost lor...actualli I also eat alot but juz dat u need to cut down on ur carbo...dat is realli weight gaining...

bbwow, perhaps ur LV belt not dat enticing for him to wanna lose weight? kekeke...try using other incentives to motivate him...
J not eatin any solids at all? how abt bread or biscuits or cereal? normally when travis not feelin well, he will take milk only as his throat is unwell for the solids.
yes. Knew baby is boy during week 14 scan! Rem I said no more Nadia? :-(

seems like Jayden & Aidan can be buddies - both like to go on food & milk strikes! Well, I've more or less been trained by him to be 'zen' about this, esp when PD also can't find anything wrong with him. I think it's more of a behaviourial issue. Of cos sometimes really due to acceptable reasons like sick or teething. If J is asking for milk now, try offering him Pediasure cos it has more nutrients & can replace a meal for fussy eaters.

Besides that, give him vitamin C & either cod liver oil or multi-vits daily to build up his immunity. Cos I noticed whenever aidan goes on food strike for more than a week, he will fall sick. Since I started him on vit C & cod liver oil, slightly better :)
Plus if he doesn't like to eat fruit, u can try offering fruit juice. Or if he likes soup, can even add apples or pears to make soup so he still gets the nutrients without eating the fruits :p
same for chloe. If she hates meat & fish, think u can add to soup then let her drink. Though not as good as eating the actual meat, still better than none at all! Or puree the meat & fish till very smooth & mask with other stronger tasting food so she can't taste? Anyway, consolation is she eats other food so not too worrying. Worse is like aidan during food strike - nothing can go into his mouth! Wahaha
morning mummies!!!

hapi fifi: try to rest more ok!

bbwow: maybe LV belt not good enough an incentive for guy.. what does ur hb like?

maruko: wah $500 a kg is a good deal. my hb surely wont agree to such a deal for me one hehehe. cos i think he knows i will try my best to slim down even w/o his incentive.. hehehe

hippo: u deliver adri naturally the last time round right? dun think too much, placenta normally will move up as the pregnancy progesses.
maruko, hippo, ecookie,

the LV belt he choose himself one leh. then now he still negotiate if lose 2kg enough or not. -_-

thanks for the suggestions! This is what we're doing now. Whatever goes into his mouth, we don't care if it's cooked/pureed/hidden. hahaha

have you thought of name for 2nd boy?
ecookie, I luv to eat so its hard for me to slim down after so long of "tryin"...thus he gotta give in to my "deal" to motivate me to slim down...kekeke...

ok...let me give u all a "qian bian wen da ti" to spice up this boring day...

xiao bai n da bai r bros. As xiao bai grows older,he look more n more like his bro. Guess a chinese idiom.
hello again mummies!

hapi fifi, hmmm try eating durian for ur 3rd trimester? hehe
actually both chloe and bosco have the parents' genes, so born big :p

bbwow, ur hb needs to slim down meh??!?!

hippo, don't worry much okie. i was also like u worrying it'd be c-sect but everything went well. stay happy, eat and rest well okie? <font color="0077aa">THIS APPLIES TO ALL PREGGIE MUMMIES OUT THERE</font>
thanks maruko, hapififi, ecookie &amp; chintz!!

ecookie, are u much rested now urself? or still tire out pretty easily?

bbwow, he nego himself huh.. then too bad! he's gotta work towards it le! hahaha
hippo: nowadys feeling better. energy level keeps on yo-yo ing. for this #2, i feel more insecure. keep on worrying will deliver before full term.. sigh. but trying to psycho myself not to think too much and rest while i can..
morning all

ecookie.. 不要乱乱想 everyting will b fine =) mid jan not too long.. look fwd to xmas now =)

maisymouse.. hahaha..so u needa 'charge battery' since ur hb on leave today to handle the gals =)

cm... did the kids eat anything wrong? hmmm... if nt bring them to doc again... jus make sure the vomit not food poison or anything.. poor carissa.. so fast gonna hv exam again?

hippo,hapififi... dun go 'cheong-ing' for time being (esp. shopping for festive seasons)... guai guai rest rest rest ok..

bbwow,hapfifi...aidan &amp; j so cute.. both dun wanna eat? maisymouse.. chloe also got prblm eating?? how i wish mine can stop eating!! both ransacked my fridge &amp; cupboard everyday for snack/junk food non-stop!!! tink their stomache got 'active worms'!!! re meal for fussy kids... ya, gotta try all ways to mince/blend the meat/fish/vege inside their food... like wat hapififi said.. got eat better than dun eat!

maruko,bbwow.. LOL on ur slimming bets!

tiffy.. so fast u r back? glad sherry enjoyed her 1st trip =) hope ur dad's ops is nothing serious... take care..
chintz, u wanna try to attempt the ans? kekeke...lets hav a gd laugh. Let me key in chinese den might b easier to guess.

