(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

CM: cool down. guys are like that one, cant expect them to be as hands on as mummies. as maruko said, talk to him n let him know he can help out w the kids so u can some time off for ueself too..

ecookie and maruko are very fast! so how? got good news??

and the strike? i think it's only a passing phase, not to worry bah!

re: handling 2 kids
it's not that bad actually. just the first few months are more challenging. we're capable mummies, nothing is too difficult for us. so, JIA YOU okie? don't let the thought stop anyone for having #2 hehe

cm, cool down girl. i'm sure they'll be fine soon
chintz, ^5...I like ur phrase "we're capable mummies, nothing is too difficult for us" kekeke...
me & ecookie fast? hahaha...too obvious liao... :p we not like Jas who can "smell" more accurate...
cherie bear, pai seh to miss ur post. Cant help wif ur qn coz I dun express out previously. Always let Travis latch on directly. Perhaps chintz/ariajo/zhen zhen will b able to help u?
maruko.. travis can take curry?? wow.. really a 'spicy' young chap =)

bbwow.. u gotta 'consult' hapififi how to curb food strike?? keke.. jus joking... tink gv watever j wanna eat for time being... including cereal if he dun mind... gotta crack your head & make his food looks interesting. meanwhile, lookout for any new tooth, sore throat or ulcer in his mouth.. may b is painful tat's y affect his appetite..

cm.. glad carissa feeling much better.. dun blame urself la... weather no good & many virus out there unavoidable... re ur hb.. jus bear w it if u alr told him many times & his 'automatic mode' still 'switch-off'... cos the more we nag the more they 'pretend' nvr hear... so must well we keep quiet & do our part (better still, the kids will b much closer to us).. when time comes hb need our help.. we can jus 以牙还牙 tell them 'no time' cos handling the kids ;)

cherie_bear.. i nvr bf b4.. so cant advise much.. but i'm sure if u keep latching & bb no whine & if u pump got bm..shd b ok ba.. mummies bf cud gv u more advice =)
Maruko ... I am having PMS now too kekeke ... so was black faced yesterday ... den while eating late lunch Carlson poo so he when into the toilet cos he wants to wash liao and hb as k me what does that mean when son go to the toilet !!! ... so i tell him the he wants to change & wash now but he just come back and cont'n eating ... den i look at him he said ... funny i am having my lunch ask me to wask his smelly poo .... i stared again ... den he angry ...said why i need him to do everything too ??? F*** man .... "sign" i knew all this will happen la ... cos now he is with some irresponsible guy that only kn ow how to play eat and sleep ... all the F****** men

he was away for last week right ... den on Sunday evening when he came back ... after dinner etc etc ...at abt 9-10 pm ... he wants to sleep liao ... den i said ... U r away for a week ... den now come back only sleep ... ya la he still need to work ... but the kids also wants to play with him mah ... den he said ... he still need to work tomolo not that he is having fun ... he was away for his study trip too last week ... if he knew that he will come here all by himself ... F*** man ... everytime he not happy when ask him to do things only ... will said that he know it he will come here alone ... I HATE IT MAN REALLY FEEL LIKE SAYING OUT THE "D" word everytime he said tis ...dem he get married for what ... be alone and dun get married la ... want a singler life ... carefree and easy !!! SHIT SHIT SHIT
junnie ... ya ya ya ... i dun iron his uniform for him liao hahahahahaha ... and i dun blame myself for passing the vius to them man ... cos i sick i also need to take care of them ... so if i pass to them ... ITS NORMAL ... hahaha so bad right ... RIGHT ALL OF THEM RIGHT MAN
junnie, yes Travis likes to eat the potato we cook in curry. He takes curry puff also. And whenever we eat beehoon wif chilli he will wan also. Spicy little fellow.

CM, wow...keep it comin gal. Rant all u wan here. We r all here to "listen". Dun feel so pessimistic & of coz not to mention the 'D' word. I feel the same way too when my hb hack care abt Travis. He is always either facing the computer or his iPhone more den he looks at me or Travis nowadays. So I will drag him out for outings wif son rather den stay at home. Den he will b able to spend time wif him. Of coz lookin at another way, our kiddos will bond more wif us given dat we r the caregiver. I tot of wat u mentioned b4. Why bother to get married when he wans a carefree life? But tink of it this way. Without him, u wont b blessed wif your darlings right now.
Tink of the laughter & happiness u all shared rather den the incidents dat made u sad.
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">* RED BUTTON *TEHHHHH* </font></font>

all wrong. just asking out of concern for all mummies with 2 kiddos. hehehee. :p

do you feed YZ with infant cereal or adult cereal? Yesterday I brought J to choose the infant cereal he used to love to eat and he can tell me flatly "NO"

don't you think when your kiddo discovered the word "NO" it's like a magical weapon to them? "Do you want to eat?", "Do you want to sleep?", "Do you want to bathe?" - really drives you nuts sometimes! hahaha

it's good to rant it out here. no matter what. don't say the "D" word out of anger. It has detrimental effect to the relationship. hope you managed to find a holiday spot to spend some quality family time. my hb on the other hand is the opposite. he spends all his time on his kid and never pay any attention on me. hahaha guess they can only focus on ONE thing.
hi all thanks i know U all are here to listen to me ...
but when U are sad and angry "sign" will not think of happy thing la ... I also know MEN are like that ... but sometimes just cannot help it to feel unhappy ...

Maruko is Travis feeling better now ???
Carissa also just vomited after lunch
but heng i teach her how to vomit in the toilet bowl if not i will vomit too for clearing for her ...

oh yes last Sunday be4 going to the airport to fetch hb ... i took the kids out to the mall ... but there are performances going on and Carissa wanted to watch ... so lunch was delay till very late and bden Carlson fell asleep liao but the time i buy the food ... so after he wake up i feed him ... and soon after that ... HE VOMITED... this time round i am alone with the kids ...sobsob ... but heng again its not MILK .. its jusr fries &amp; lemon tea ... so the smell still ok ... but he really wet himself all over the stroller and clothing ... "sign""sign""sign" he cannot be hungry at all ... if not this will happen ...
bbwow ... ya will not say the "D" out just like that la ... but YES hahaha man can only do one thing at a time ... they are useless ... kekekeke
bbwow, red button ah? kekeke...
re: the word NO
travis dun use the word "NO"...he uses "MAI" as in dun wan for teochew. Yes he always uses this word nowadays. But last nite when I woke him up for fever med, he actualli said "I dun wan" instead of MAI. Guess the cc has correct him to say dat instead.

CM, not sure if he is feelin better but teacher mentioned he looked very lethargic, so im tinkin of keepin him at home tmr. Hb said observe him for tonite den c how tmr. Tink all mummies hav gotten used to their kiddos vomittin when they not well. I can still remember there was once I gotta change his bedsheet 3 times in the wee hrs.
bbwow: i still buy the kids cereal. yz doesnt really like it but will still eat esp when i add fruits in side.

T2 behaviour: suddenly this week, yz has been putting on his good behaviour! really amazing how they change now n then. just hoping it will last for a long time before he reverts back to him T2's patterns again!

i was telling him a bedtime story about a notti boy who lives at redhill few nights back.. teehee, its actually abt him but i didnt name him. so i told the story abt this boy who always say no no to everything n everyone, in the end no one likes to play with him etc. and then suddenly yz started tearing!! then i was shocked and quickly told him, "why did you cry, baby? this story is not about you because you are good boy right? u always say okok instead of nono right?" . he nodded and stopped crying after that .. haha. so funny. then nowadays whenever he chu pattern, i will quickly say yz is good boy right, yz will say okok to "this" (be it changing clothes/packing toys) right? so far, he is responding well to this tactic haha. more relaxing than me shouting n threatening him!
cm.. if u can 想通 is good lor... no point气死自己 &amp; hb also duno wat u angry abt! &amp; pls hor, dun ever say 'D' la.. got two bundles of joy @ home shd b v contented liao.. watever we do must tink on their behalf 1st... everything must忍忍忍 k =)

jus to share w u tis incident &amp; we really hv to treasure ourselves &amp; family... my ex-colleague in her mid 30s sms me early nov said she was admitted hospital due sudden headache &amp; vomit non-stop, &amp; within 2 days found a 4x4cm tumor in her brain gotta go for immediate ops. i visited her @ icu on 2nd day after her op, she's still unconscious then.. they found water in her brain so gotta do 2nd op to insert a tube to drain water out... aft 2nd op, i visited her as well..tis time she's awake but v weak cant talk &amp; dun really recognise ppl... the last time i visited her was last saturday aft i sent lance for kidney ultrasound/uti review (everything was fine).. she's has gone for 3rd op on 4/12 as the tubing can oni last 10days, they cant possibly keep changing the tubing so fm wat i knw, they insert a tube inside &amp; drain the water thru her body instead.. when i visited her at the ward.. she's still v weak, tis time they shaved her hair (tis bothers her initially when she sms me abt going thru the op, cos she said she feel sad they shaving her hair, but 1st two op they just cut small portion).. i feel so sad seeing her condition on saturday cos she's soooo skinny &amp; the nurse feeding her milk.. i talked to her she's too weak to response.. wat's saddened me was she has got two boys, one going P4 and one going P1 nxt year... both now under her mum's care... both her parents retired &amp; staying w her, she's the sole bread winner of the house.. also she was divorced 2yrs back.. oni ting glad is during the 3x of my visits, her ex-hb was there to accompany her.. can nvr imagine a healthy &amp; active person like her b so sick.. i really pray she'll recuperate fast...
junnie: its really sobering to read abt ur friend's story. sometimes we just take our health &amp; happiness for granted. its really a blessings to be able to wake up everyday and be with our loved ones. one reallly must count our blessings..
junnie, hope ur fren will recover soon too.

I always believe in fate when me &amp; hb got together after 2 yrs of "separation". It's like we go 1 big round before coming back to where the start point is. There r times when I hated him for all his stupid actions but of coz there r more moments when I luv him for showerin unconditional care &amp; concern for me. Luv is about acceptin each other for wat we r.
of coz easier said den done lah coz im still shoutin at him everyday...kekekee :p
junnie ... thanks for sharing ... really hope she will recuperate soon ... hope her boys are ok too and er ex husband is so nice to be with her

ecookie ... hahaha the story U tell YZ is so cute ... hehehehe

my new job ...wake up wash up go down and take breakfast for kids ... ask kids wake up ... feed them yes Carissa also want me to feed her instate of eating by herself ... wash dishes ... think of lunch (sometimes i also pack up the lunch too cos they might have fried mee etc etc) shower them ... change ... waiting for poo ... teach them ... make milk ... ask/beg Carlson to go to take his nap ... will heng he will knock out in 5 mins ... dun understand why last time my maid only let him sleep at 4-5pm ??? den i will con't to teach Carissa ... cook dinner ( must rinse and wash with mineral water too so got to fetch the water again and again for so many times ... on the ... lots of washing of clothing too in between and cups etc ... and need rinse them with hot mineral water too ... hmmm a SAHM = a stay at home maid hahaha not stay at home mum ... kekeke
CM, wow...u got a tight schedule there. Perhaps u can try to slowly guide ur kids to help u out. Travis nowadays like to do things only when I tell him "U help mummy do this, u help mummy do that"...he will ignore me if I tell him to pack things himself and scold him for makin a mess.
sorry mummies, been busy &amp; is still busy, no time to go thru all posts. Read that some kiddos are unwell, hope they recover soon!

i'm bringing cherie for the barney show tomorrow, wanna to join me? paisay for the last minute notice as i only decided today &amp; just apply leave this morning nia. =P
ecookie,maruko,cm..thks.. i also hope she can b strong &amp; hang in there &amp; go home to enjoy xmas soonest =)

bbwow..must bold &amp; in red somemore arh?? kekeke.. 一切随缘 =) &amp; u r rite... NO is their weapon!! mine is '必要' instead of '不要'!!

ecookie..你真会编故事 =) &amp; u shd b v glad, yz can guai guai sit &amp; listen ur story + he 明白故事的道理 =) i feel so bad.. everytime zann ask me read bedtime story... i told her to wait cos i busy with housechores or is too late liao or lance cant sleep w the light on! then she'll say i always 'bluff' her... tink fm tonite onwards i better make a point to read her some storybooks..
cm.. oic.. now i then i realised another short form for SAHM!!! heng i'm not one... but no difference either since i hv no maid at home =D ur day sounds v busy handling two kids.... so shd hv no time 4u to胡思乱想! keke..
chersam, oh...like dat ah? sigh...its realli hard den...

any other mummies wanna join me for Polliwogs next Friday?

Date: 18th Dec (Fri)
Time: TBC
Venue: Polliwogs @ ECP
1. Maruko
junnie hahahaha really no time to胡思乱想!

Reading for Zann is very important ... try to do it for her ...
i know U are super busy with HW too ... Da Jie Jia You
cm..how i wish one day got 48 hours, minus off 6-7hrs of sleep i can keep few hours for myself =( ok, will try to read to her fm tonite =)

thanks for sharing! will try on J over the weekend.

hahaha. yeah. really 'shui yuan'. my prayers are with your friend. it's really saddening to read stories like this. hope she gets well soon.
bbwow.. thks... u also faster go home '骗' j eat his dinner =)

okie mummies.. gotta go home liao.. catch up tmr =)
Gd morning mummies...

wah seh...how com thread so quiet since yest? where is everyone? Bz wif festive season?
I noticed there r less ppl during peak hrs today. Most gone for holiday???
morning ladies!

was working from home yday and had to deal with the little ger at the same time yday.. didnt have a chance to come in much..

CM, biggest hugs.. hope you are feeling better already ya? dun be sad or angry le.. trash it out &amp; move on.. i m sure things will turn out fine for u ya?

quite a number of kiddos are sick? oh my.. biggest hugs to all of them and shoo shoo the virus! recover soon!

ecookie, hahahaha! the story u tell reali scare YZ but he's so sweet to even understand the meaning behind it. means he cares abt wat pple thinks.. awwww... i like!!

bbwow, haha! such a big red stop button!
ger!! i got it le!! just only!!! hohohoho.. MUACKS!! heart u lots lots..
morning mummies!!

cant wait for this long work week to end... this week never take a day off to rest .. but will do so next tue! hehe.
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">CALLING ALL OCT'07 MUMMIES...CALLING ALL OCT'07 MUMMIES...</font></font>

Today too quiet liaoz...let me blah abit den...Travis vomit his dinner last nite, together wif the phlegm so he didnt cough much thru the nite BUT this morning cough slightly &amp; out came the milk he had...hope his appetite will improve.

send me the photo can?? what color did you get? so happy for you!

anyone know which BP is selling those smart formal wear for boys? J is the appointed boy to open the door (dunno what role is that) for a wedding. now need to find clothes!
maruko, oh dear.. travis still coughing badly? hope he recovers soon! so uncomfortable for him esp vomitting! hugs...

bbwow, fumo!!! i can officially post on blog le cos hb gave the go ahead and paid for it.. wakakakaka! meanwhile, i try to find the BP for u..

ecookie, hahahaha! smart bag lady! the bag hag gang.. oops! i got the bow satchel from miu miu.. hiaks!
hippo, wow...ur hb dotes on u alot to give the go ahead to get the bag. Mine will cross his eye brows whenever I told him I wanna get a bag.
hippo: i dun know which design is that leh!! u gonna blog abt it?? pls do so!!! i love miu miu n prada bags though ive yet to own one.. sob!

your nose is so strong! hahahhaha

that's a great bag!! it should be cheaper than coffer right?

I got my coffer in Fumo too but too bad it had slight scratch at the sides. my friend didn't check! Then I exchanged to their latest spring color instead - camel. still loving it!
maruko, he is my atm but then need to go thru approval stages one.. hahaha! i had to "geng" my way thru cos i promised him something when i got another bag last year for my bday.. haha!

ecookie, yes! done dear!! =) pls go eye on one.. have posted in my blog the cheaper alternatives to get it.. hahaha! thanks to bbwow..

bbwow, ya! cheaper than coffer.. keke! i saw slight scratches too on the bow leh but will let my hb check tonite.. see whether he tinks i shd get it changed or not.. i lazy la.. i wana see ur coffer in camel!
hippo, I saw the bag in ur blog. Nice design. I also got a fetish for bags. Can't stop tinkin abt it once I fell in luv wif it. kekeke...so if u wanna get it changed due to the slight scratches den can change in SG or gotta bring back to where it was purchased?
hi all

hippo,bbwow.. wow.. nice bags u ladies hv!!

chintz.. hi*5.. we can droooool 2gether! if i get 1, tink both my ears will b 'deaf' by hb &amp; my mum's naggings =D

ecookie... ur edd in jan or during cny? if so, is aka-datang!! cant imagine gotta do spring cleaning for cny in <2mths+! every wk look fwd to ur on/off leave &amp; enjoy little peanut's every movements in ur tum tum now =)

maruko..sometime the medi is to trigger the cough to let the phlegm comes out which is good in another way.. as long no hissing sound on chest is ok de.. jus keep monitoring travis condition...

cm... hv u do 'homework' for ur holiday? how's carissa le?

yahor.. howcome thread so quiet?? tiffy &amp; petit_gar go holiday liao? jas, gingerleaf &amp; jovial havnt come back? hmmmm...
maruko, hi-5! quite a number of bag hags around.. hahaha! bbwow, ecookie, gingerleaf blah blah blah.. all siao ones.. hahaha!

chintz &amp; junnie, xie xie!!

junnie, quite a number on holiday... gingerleaf is back but very very busy.. sob..

that's the thing about calf leather. the sales lady told me it is very prone to wear &amp; tear. but but.... fumo is such a nice shade! I wanted to change the same color in sg but no stock le.
so in the end get their lamb skin range.

gal, the exchange policy is within 7 days hor. I know they came their latest season colors. Pink looks very nice too! :D oh and if you exchange in sg hor, no need to top up the difference in rate hor. (of course must be same bag la)

opps...isn't this supposed to be a motherhood thread?
hippo: i like ur new bag!! *drool*
i very long no go boutiques to check out latest bags liao.. sigh
so can exchange in sg miu miu shop?

junnie: my EDD is supposed to be end jan, but hope will pop by mid jan! hehe
bbwow, did u have to top up for ur lambskin or not? calfskin prone to wear &amp; tear but lambskin diff to maintain! haiz.. both also "sim tia" la.. haha.. ya.. true hor.. tis is SMH thread wor! LOL

ecookie, acoording to bbwow.. i tink so! keke.. must go check out.. very nice bags out there this season (coco cocoon!!!).. but money damn limited. hahahaha!
hey, like that very 'wu hua' to exchange the bag in sg at no extra cost!

may i know roughly how many percent cheaper to get from hk miu miu?

so fast you're going to deliver le!!! aiyoh...time really flies. blink blink and it's gone.

don't have to top up as miu miu sells the same price unlike Chanel. yeah. both have their pros and cons. the only comforting part is I got their latest season color bah.

they will have to assess the scratch. mine was quite visible even the SA agree. I heard miu miu is very particular about quality so just blow up the matter if the defect is uncomfortable for you. kekeke

bbwow, datz a great deal! keke.. i heart u loads la girl.. u found me the "best-est" deal.. hiaks! but very glad u got the latest season colour! share share pics!
miu miu confirm particular cos they have a lot of quality issues! keep getting complains esp for those they launched initially..

chintz, cos the exchg rate is so damn good now, i saved abt 300+ which is ard 15%.. go go go gal! but of cos if u know of anybody gg to paris or europe, then even better deals la.. =P
