(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

hippo, seems like onli the 2 of us ard today...hahaha...actualli me got "alot" of work dat dun require the server. hiak hiak hiak...juz takin this excuse to laze ard :p kekeke...
hi all

maruko,hippo.. still got me.. but too busy to post earlier, oni read tis page nia, dun even hv time to read archives =(

bbwow.. wow..j is a lucky boy no wonder pampered by grandparents =)

dodo.. so fast u back to bj liao arh? weather is cold year end... happy wearing like 'bao zhong zi' & may be too cold no need to bathe so often too =D

chris.. glad ah brig has recovered... so sweet of his answer to u =)

chintz.. happy back to work =)

sugarnut & ariajo.. both ur turn soon.. enjoy your ML to the v last min ya =)

tiffy,maisymouse.. re cameron.. if got car/bus sick, then better to get some medi standby during the trip.. as for strawberry... dun gv much expectation cos mostly r small & not v sweet.. the farm tours & tea planation & local makan (eg. steamboat & zhu chao v cheap & nice).. worth a try =)
hi all

maruko,hippo.. still got me.. but too busy to post earlier, oni read tis page nia, dun even hv time to read archives =(

bbwow.. wow..j is a lucky boy no wonder pampered by grandparents =)

dodo.. so fast u back to bj liao arh? weather is cold year end... happy wearing like 'bao zhong zi' & may be too cold no need to bathe so often too =D

chris.. glad ah brig has recovered... so sweet of his answer to u =)

chintz.. happy back to work =)

sugarnut & ariajo.. both ur turn soon.. enjoy your ML to the v last min ya =)

tiffy,maisymouse.. re cameron.. if got car/bus sick, then better to get some medi standby during the trip.. as for strawberry... dun gv much expectation cos mostly r small & not v sweet, but it wud b a good experience to pick the fruits yourself la (1 small basket RM16-20.00 for u to pick the strawberry).. the farm tours & tea plantation & local makan (eg. steamboat & zhu chao v cheap & nice).. worth a try =)
aiyo..my office pc siao again.. i click post nothing happened, so i click again bcom double post.. btw, how to cancel or delete post huh? anybody knw?
hello mummies

been busy since morning. finally can come in to say hi!

hippo, glad u are fine now.. maybe from today on, u should start buying toto, 4D, big sweep, all buy la! hehe

bbwow, no we didn't go to catch barney.
hey, what's J's birth time? Hahahaha
junnie, tink u gotta write to administrator to remove...but its ok lah...coz they take a very super duper long time to reply/delete a post.
hello mummies,
indeed the thread v quiet today...

i think u better buy 1 to try first before committing too many just in case it doesn't fit you well..
chintz, yes it is...wanna rant abit liao. Today office server down. Boss need the data inside. End up he say me how com no backup every fri. -_- So now he said "Now u noe why I ask u to backup every fri". Lucky data can b retrieved. If not, im dead meat.
maruko.. izzit? but sometime i saw mummies here posted 'deleted'?? i thot got special shortcut or anything? hmmmm... i hvnt write to moderator b4...

chintz... hi hi.. *wave wave*... so u pump your milk at work too?

oh.. is almost 6pm liao arh.. gotta pack up & go le.. bye mummies =)
maruko... told u my pc siao one.. aft i posted then i can read ur post.. really phiew... heng u able to retrieve data 4 ur boss... okie.. bye..
maruko.. ya ya, tat's wat i mean.. how to edit/del within 10mins? (hehe.. supposed to go liao, but jus finished a phone call)..
junnie, hahaha...I noe...its hard to do it within 10mins when ur pc goes haywire. Yup really heng for me. Gotta go also liao...bye mummies...
hello again!

junnie, u need to click an edit icon on the top right of your post, next to a printer icon. then u can choose to edit the contents within 10 mins

junnie, yah i pump 2x at work. so far everything okay

maruko, that's a close one. phew!! hope it'll be a better tomorrow
hi all ... "sign" ... Carissa is having high fever for 2 days liao ... ... she always fall sick during school holidays ... poor gal

anyone got any place want to intro us in Indonesia ...we are thinking of going away ... but dun no where to go ... bali ... ??? somemore ??? TIA
Gd morning mummies...

Travis kena throat infection again...end up his appetite is really bad. Dun wan milk or his fav bread or rice...even if eat also only ate a few mouths den dun wan liao...brought him to doc & he said got thick phlegm in his throat. Gotta take antibiotics to clear. After seein doc, mil exclaimed how com his body so immune to all these one. Den said shld bring him go c chinese physician to "tiao yang". I said wan also hav to wait till he better wif the western med, cannot mix to eat. Den she said shld hav brought him there long ago when he is not sick. Den I said he has been fallin sick & didnt completely recover since his birthday. How to bring him go? Talkin to her really boils my blood at times...
morning mummies!!

shoo shoo all viruses! hope carissa & travis will recover soon!!
yz sensitive nose acting up again, this morning got slight runny nose, hope it will clear up soon..
ecookie, YZ nose acting up? mmm...guess its the bad weather lately. Suddenly so warm den all of a sudden pouring heavily. Travis also got running nose to add to his sticky cough...

oh ya mummies, I remembered someone mention to me abt a chinese physician in TPY who is quite gd. Can gimme the name & addy again?
morning all

maruko.. still hv to gv travis water/liang cha or soft meal on&off thou he refuses to eat/drink... zann jus recovered fm it, the phlegm is still as thick... her hand skin still peeling & now her feet due to ex-antibiotic.. doc said cannot do anything jus keep apply moisturiser..

chintz.. thks.. shall try it out later editing =) good tat ur office allows u to pump 2x a day.. keep it up =)

cm... wat happened to carissa? too heaty? keep sponging her... re holiday in indo.. tink most popular places r : bali, medan, batam, tg pinang, bintan agro beach resort nia... u may chk it out w local tour agt in jkt? or come back to spore for xmas... so near oni =D
ecookie,maruko.. tink is flu season.. lance also down w r/n! once he 'har-chew'..the mucus so thick & tis greedy boy likes to taste it!! yucks! good ting is he jus learnt how to blow his nose when place tissue on his noise =)
junnie, ya...doc advised me to give travis loads of vitamin C (fruits) to build up his immunity. Of coz excludin orange which will worsen his cough. Den my mil said how can let him eat fruits coz it will accumulate more phelgm to the thick ones in his throat. Den continue to say if u see chinese physician, they will say cannot eat fruits at all. Sigh...of coz different docs say different since their perspective not same lah...why muz she always make my blood boil?
junnie: hahah if the mucus run long enuff to reach yz's mouth, he will tou tou taste it too! yah doc has warned that his sensitive nose will act up at end of year when the weather turns cold. so far his mucus is still colorless, will take note if it changes color to green/yellow which may indicate infection inside..

he just learnt to blow his nose too which is a good thing. can clear out the mucus and minimise them from backflowing.. but must be diligent in getting him to do it lah, he wont auto do it one..
ecookie/junnie, seems like the mucus is tasty to our boys. hahaha...I will scold Travis each time I saw a long mucus den he wanna use his tongue to stick out to taste.
ecookie.. hahaha.. your 'mucus long enuff' makes me LOL =D indeed v cute to see them knw how to blow their nose at such young age... lance will bend all the way down when he blowing his nose like bowing lidat =D

maruko.. not oni orange cannot, grapes also cannot... ya, chinese doc will normally says no fruits, chicken, eggs during cough & r/n... but angmo doc everything also can... but surprisingly.. our GP said no egg & chicken if hv cough & r/n.. so u jus watch out travis's diet for time being.. re ur mil's comments.. jus turn a deaf year.. no point get angry over it... our kids not well we r more kancheong than them... sometimes my mum also lidat.. will scold me for giving them junk food & bringing them out.. but many at times really not within my control (esp we go 'reporting' @ IL plc over the weekend... the kids sure happi cos ah gong, ah mah, gu gu, shu shu, buy or gv junk food... hiaz..)
chintz.. chloe also not well? u try illadin nose block is good... gotta gv abt 5 days as a course.. or apply vicks & massage on her chest & back during her bedtime...
junnie/maruko: yup yup my GP also said no oranges n grapes n most fruits in fact when nursing cough. only apples acceptable. as for chicken, thats what my mum said . she said will induce phlegm..
junnie, u r indeed our "dajie" here...always felt so much better after readin ur advice. Not dat im opposed to seein a chinese physician. I also noe wat shld not b given when our kiddos r sick. Travis likes to eat apple but she said cannot lor. If I give den she sure point arrow at me when he started coughin a few times. I didnt even say her for feedin him rice wif chilli sauce dat caused his throat to get inflamed. To her, she wanna give den its ok to give. If its me, she will keep naggin & naggin. Really BTH.

chintz, chloe nose blocked ah? ya try the nose drop ecookie mentioned. Doc also prescribed for Travis.
maruko, sounds like my MIL. if she do, it's ok. if i do, she will comment. lucky i don't stay with her. so just ren and then vent to my hubby when we leave.
zhen zhen, lucky for u dat u dun hav to face ur MIL everyday like I do. Sigh...at least u still can vent on ur hb. Normally I will juz keep quiet & ignore her comments while she rattle on. Sometimes I wonder how com she dun get the hint dat me oredi buay song liao and still go on blah blah blah...
I didn't even know there's a show at lot 1! Haha
Too bad I can't go as I'm staying over at my mum's place this week cos hb away on biz trip again
chintz.. yes, can get it fm pharmacy, there r other brands too.. u can chk w the pharmist on duty...jus make sure get nose block w children dosage & not adult one..

maruko.. hahaha.. ya ya, i'm 老大姐.. keke.. huh.. ur MIL feed travis rice w chilli? may b not tat spicy la...

maruko,zhenzhen.. yalor, normally tat's the case.. wat IL do they r rite, wat we do they'll comments even tiny winy tings... likewise for us, if ppl we dun like do something.. we'll also buay-song.. if ppl we like do something wrong.. we also can accept =D

maisymouse.. soooo good.. u can bring the gals to shopping mall now... we gotta squeeze w the crowd cos can oni go in the evening or weekend =( enjoy the show @ lot 1 ya =)
junnie, the chilli was considered abit spicy for my hb...so for Travis it shld b quite spicy liao...anyway me juz turn a deaf ear like u said, if not will b "jia wu ning ri" liao...

trav eats chilli sauce?!?!

you can find J's birthtime on my blog. hehehe

how are you handling 2 kids? I really pei fu the mummies who have to handle 2 kids. 1 kid already tires me out. nowadays J on strike! don't even eat his rice / meat / porridge anymore. not even adult food. thinking of feeding him cereal but not sure if he's too old for this now? anyone can advise me?
Hi mummies:
i hv a qn here. Bb suckle 5 mins on 1 breast & I express it out. But only 5ml,is it normal? Before that,sometimes I can express abt 40ml on the same breast though he suckle for 5 mins. Now I total bf him. Pls advise. TIA.
hmmm for TCM apple also induce phlegm

Carissa is much better now after medi and rest ... but i hope the fever will not come back tonight ... i guess i am the one that pass the viuses to them cos i am not feeling well too i am also having fever and flu & COUGH till i want to peng liao ...guess WHAT ... MY F****** HB STILL CAN GO AND PLAY GOLF GOLF GOLF ...... Man ??????????????? unless hb hate him for all those ... when he is sick den what ... cannot get near the kids ... den ME ... sick still need to nurse the kids ... ok la ... pass all to them liao ... F*** F*** F*** S*** S*** S***
bbwow: why u asking abt taking care of 2 kids huh? huh? huh? huh? hehehe
i still feed yz cereal for breakfast during weekends. think his food strike is just a phase. meantime if he s willing to take cereals, just feed him that n add fruits etc to make the meals more wholesome?

bbwow, yes he likes spicy food...especially curry. Hard to believe rite? tink it could b passed on from me. I luv spice & had alot while he still inside me. :p
re: handling 2 kids
u got gd news to share share har? how com suddenly askin this? kekeke...tink its never too old to take cereal but Travis dun like it. He prefers bread most of the time.

CM, cool down...hav a talk wif ur hb to see if he can help to take care of the kids so dat u can hav a gd rest.
