(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

wow so happening, too bad we didnt go to that restaurant cos time was reali tied..
Ike is a big boy, he looks v tall

Glad tt ike like the characters! Am sure if Ivan go there, he will be v timid and hug me like coala if the characters go near him...hahaha

Sometimes if I ask Ivan to kiss me, he will purposely go to kiss his daddy instead and smile to me
ya I saw the enchanted garden ads and review accidentally when looking for where to eat in disney, then booked.. then next morning we were too hungry to wait to get to park for brekky so decided to have it there too, didnt know they also have characters (different one except mickey) during brekky..
hahahaah Piglet was laughing when I said sorry (I was malu hahaha)

Ike was like that the 1st moment he saw mickey in the park (different outfit , Mickey was "in hawaii") he was shocked I guess for seeing giant mickey and ran back to me and hugged my legs although he was smiling.. but then Pooh was very gentle and so he was braveing it and he was better minutes after that, he kissed pooh's nose (I have the hardcopy pic for this at home)
Jete, actually wasn't tat bad until my bro scolded him the other day, telling him must friend friend with S. Now the moment he sees or hear S voice he will sure bark non stop. *sigh* These few night S will wake up a few times to scream and yell. My mum says she could be frightened by the dog.

Talking about epi, still best to go w/o it. i still duno how big is the needle... still remember the other time when u and mel told me very big lei.. until now i still refuse to find out..LOL

Nining, IKe must have a wonderful time at disneyland. S will love to take a pic with minnie. The other time we din get to see minnie.
Hiya Sammy,
wah u making it sounds like u collect babies and one of your babies is a mixed one LOL.. hubby is american and I am indonesian. you?

ya but Ike didnt get to find Donald, his fave character.. he actually kept on asking for Donald, he'd say "donald duck?" and look at me with those hopeful eyes ahahaahah.. poor boy!!
wow!! Looks like u had lotsa fun! *envy* Cant wait till the 2nd bday bash!! As for cake..I have no idea..maybe just get a place that does delivery so that noone needs to collect..haha! Last year we had no. 1 cake ..this year? Any suggestions for design?

U shanghainese? Wow..maybe u can teach me shanghainese..haha! COs My late paternal grandfather is from Shanghai...but no one seems to speak Shanghainese cos my granfather spoke to his kids in hokkien and cantonese (cos my grandma doesnt speak shanghainese!hahah!) Even when relatives come from Shanghai we speak Mandarin to each other....

Wah..ur brith experience with L is SCARY...I didnt take epi the first time and I dont plan to take for 2nd one either..hope I survive...

Yah..I saw on a tv programme..the epi needle damn big..ahhhhh!!!!
wah the thread so happening today.

Nining, welcome back. Can see Ike had fun, u should go disneyland in tokyo, different experience and also ppl there are more 'refine' and polite, hee hee.
yeah but 3D2N thing tokyo is a lil too far :D next time if we do go there will take a week trip.. Hey when r u avail for meet up at JP ? ;)

last time we ordered the cake from e-creative, woof helped us to nego the cake for bulk purchase, remember? hehehehe.. wonder if mommies OK with another e-creative cake? they do provide delivery..

nice combo! hahaha..

I used 2 dosage of epi!! I think next one if any, can go without epi, elastic oredi kekekeke

Time: tentatively 9th Aug lunch time 11 am - 12.30pm
Venue: MAc D - King Albert Park
Cost: TBA (cake & Mac D party pack S$9 / kid - 12 kids min)

1. Nining (2)+ 1
2. Jete (2)+ 1 (prefer 9th but ok both day)
3. Mel -- (2)+1 - edd 16 Sept
4. Loh - (2)+1 - edd 27 aug
5. COla (2) + 1
6. Jang (2)+ 1
7. Ivy (2) + 1
8. Chatty (2)+1
9. Muddypie (2)+1
10. Choco (1)+1
kids party pack include :

kiddy meal - can choose on that day
party hat
2 x games
goodie bags for kids
1x gift for the birthday child --> not exchangeable so who can have it huh?
mel, i will sms you to pass the strawberry bags to you asap. choco, if it's ok with you, i will pass your bags/hpt to mel and you can collect from her. she stays in the next blk. my grandma just passed away this afternoon and i will be busy this week as the burial will be in malaysia. thus i may not be able to pass you your things on weekend when you are at your SK home.
saw ur blog, it was nice
wah..itz HOT HOT HOT here....

true, sometimes juz cant resist the temptation of the nice clothes...so u gonna stop at 2?

as long as u take in moderate can liao....

ya lor...so tat the nice clothes wont go to waste...if not the clothes keep too long oso turn colour...

yup, quite tempted to join the spree but den no time to spree now...

will visit ur blog when i have the time..dunno why i m so busy recently.
so the venue & time is confirm at King albert mac?
nice pics taken huh...i went japan and din managed to take pics with mickey nor minnie but saw them crowded with their fans...
seems like richard has slim down huh...
I dont think so.. its S$9 package.. I prolly can ask all chldren to have bday gift at higher price tho.. MacD is a fast food, usually not bargainable.. But you're welcome to try hehehe..

u coming? yes its at King Albert Park, i've made the deposit yesterday..
Rich is slimmer, I am ballooning.. there will be a point in a near future that we will be equally heavy hahahahaahah...
Since no mommies has yet to volunteer for the cake ordering / organizing, here are cake selections from e-creative that I personally think may work for us.. let me know if you all have other preferences ya.. and pls do volunteer for cake ordering as well hehehe..

For the one in #3 shape, we can request them to shape it into #2 instead, but with the same underwater decoration.. Same goes with the round shape cake

Bday Bash Photography:

Anyone is interested in getting professional photographer to capture the moments in the party? We will share the amount equally (divided by number of mommies who agrees) and 1 mommy can burn the dvds so each one can have 1 dvd of soft copies...

Interested in sharing the 2nd bday bash proff photography:

1) Nining

currently Jete is helping to get quotes from various photographers:

1) Tomato : S$550 including 20 pcs of 5R and soft copies - we can share the 20 pcs so each mommy picks her own choice of pics (if all 10 mommies OK that means each mommy got 2 prints + soft copies)

2) Cheersntears: S$399 incl 120 pcs of 4R and soft copies - as above can share 120 divided among mommies who agree

3) Benjamin Loo: S$340 incl soft copies and dvd slide show (no printed copies)

So in summary if all mommies are agree, then each will pay S$55 max for the photography (tomato) or less

Jete has suggestion for Mac D's bday gift, we can do a draw and the winner will take it.. I think this will be the fairest way..

We can also do bday exchange, and Jete has volunteer to organise hahaha..

all bring unisex gift (easier so the one who gets it will get to use it) and price of the gift min is $10.. how bout that? If anyone wanna bring more ex gift will be welcomed

I thk its 1.5kg and we can pay extra to get bigger cake

Your strawberry bags are w me.

Thanks for passing me the bags yesterday and telling me abt GD..I better ask my gynae... I just realised I was so caught up with talking to you that I forgot to invite u into my house to sit!! haha!! How rude of me! We'll catch up again once Mathias is fully recovered..nose still abit runny till today..
Mel & mommies,
on 2nd check on the BP, the guy is booked fully on 9th so cannot do 9th for him... so we have the initial choices:

1) Tomato : S$550 including 20 pcs of 5R and soft copies - we can share the 20 pcs so each mommy picks her own choice of pics (if all 10 mommies OK that means each mommy got 2 prints + soft copies)

2) Cheersntears: S$399 incl 120 pcs of 4R and soft copies - as above can share 120 divided among mommies who agree

3) Benjamin Loo: S$340 incl soft copies and dvd slide show (no printed copies)
Bday Bash Photography:

Anyone is interested in getting professional photographer to capture the moments in the party? We will share the amount equally (divided by number of mommies who agrees) and 1 mommy can burn the dvds so each one can have 1 dvd of soft copies...

Interested in sharing the 2nd bday bash proff photography:

1) Nining
2) jete


i like the idea of having a prof do the job so we can enjoy the party and not worry about taking pix. on top of it i'm sure a prof will take better pix than i can with my P&S camera.

I've used Tomato twice and the quality is fab. they are the most expensive but quality also ensured imo,

cheers n tears i never use before.

ben from foto u took P's photos last year in June. He's nice and all the photos came out decent though we weren't wow by them like we were by tomato's photos.
Thank you for the condolences. We are really sadden by grandma's sudden departure. thankfully she went peacefully at age 98.

hb had actually taken half day leave on wed since the air con people were coming, then we were going to take P swimming. Just before we left the house, my bro called and said grandma wasn't breathing any more. called the ambulance and confirmed she was gone.
Sorry to hear about that....pls take care.

I hope I can deliver my #2 on due date. Everyone not believe that I due in Aug coz tummy already very low. Some comments that I will give birth latest by early Aug....a bit worry, many things not settle yet.....


yr grandma 98, quite blessing hor?recently heard a lot cases that colleagues parents passed away at early 60s or even not 60 yet due to cancer or other disease.


dont care about ppls comment, my tummy also very low but till now no sign of early labor. just relax and let bb choose his own sheng1 chen2 ba1 zi4.
